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Everything posted by gHari

  1. I found some better words that explain the points raised above, oddly enough in the Bhagavatam verse about krsnas tu bhagavan svayam: <font color="#f7f7f7"> [This message has been edited by gHari (edited 03-29-2002).]
  2. Yes, one must watch their pronouns nowadays. Looks like our Jagat will get some tangible compensation for his selfless service to us here. The funny thing I found about some of Harinama Cintamani as I had typed it into the fellowshipwas that in some sentences people would turn from male to female right in the same sentence; starting out a 'him' and then bam, suddenly a "her". It will be interesting to see how a big male chauvinist pig like Jagadandana Prabhu (chuckle - hope you're laughing, Jagat) will handle such confusing texts.
  3. Referenced above is Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila 23.14-15: Srila Prabhupada speaks often of these verses:
  4. Beemasane Prabhu, you ask a tough question, and I think it is too important for anyone but oneself to answer. And certainly not me for my path has been unorthodox, living in the jungle alone for so long. I will however try to present any quotes I can find. Prabhupada seems to indicate that siddha-praNAlI, siddha-deha are to be of concern only after the realization of svarUpa: It just happens? This is my take anyway:
  5. Thank you, Jagadananda Prabhu. Your further translation comments will be most welcomed; as will that new book from Mandala. Exact translations will be much more powerful and meaningful for all in this age of great debates. Now more than ever, I appreciate Srila Prabhupada's faith in presenting his master's masterpieces exactly as written. gHari
  6. <img src=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/gaura3.jpg width=434 height=480><font color="#f7f7f7"> [This message has been edited by gHari (edited 03-28-2002).]
  7. I'm happy to see you back, Bhaktavasya. You had some input for the tantra/Vedic discussion? Perry
  8. DON'T YOU GO AWAY! I gave you that night of japa bonanza. You owe me.
  9. SRI HARINAMA CINTAMANI, "The Beautiful Wish-fulfilling Gem of the Holy Name", by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was translated from Bengali by Sarvabhavana das Adhikari, and reviewed for approval by the GBC by Srila Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami in 1989. The Acknowledgements include this paragraph: "His Holiness Narayana Maharaja guided me; His Holiness Satsvarupa Maharaja was very prompt and kind in reviewing my work; His Holiness Tamal Krsna Maharaja advised me; His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami encouraged me and patiently heard my translations. His Holiness Suhotra Maharaja had kindly consented to edit my book, which he has done very swiftly and efficiently. His Grace Dasanudas Prabhu did a great job on the spell-checking, layout and typography, and created the glossary - a very comprehensive one. I thank every one of these Vaisnavas for their help, and I pray to all the Vaisnavas who read this book for their blessings in continuing my humble endeavors." I would like to first present the Summary: The following are the special parts that came into mind while enjoying the mood of this thread: I would have presented more, but I'm afraid this is not simply cut and paste, ready-to-serve nectar. In my heart I expect Srila Prabhupada in his eternal personality to continue to assist his disciples when they reach this platform. Why not? gHari ------------------ Gary Stevason Seeking the Kingdom of God
  10. Eighty-six-year-old Ramanandi Vaishnav Saint Akshay Brahmchari is one person who can turn the tables on the Vishwa Hindu Parishad by debunking the very basis of its claim on the Rama Janma Bhoomi complex in the court of law. He has closely witnessed Ayodhya developments since 1936. More here: http://www.hindustantimes.com/nonfram/arcscript/htarchive.asp
  11. Suka-Beem, This is only a rumor via the internet; I have been unable to find it from any other source. And we all know how we tend to blow these rumors completely out of proportion. But I heard that once when someone asked about Prabhupada's eternal identity, he said "If I told you, you wouldn't believe it." I also have seen it on the internet that he said that many of his disciples did not know that he was their master. gHari [This message has been edited by gHari (edited 03-27-2002).]
  12. Yes, They are all Krsna. The Teachings of Lord Caitanya describes His various expansions and plenary portions of Godhead below:
  13. Krsna. From Him all else comes. As He says to Arjuna, He is the original cause of all causes and all that is. He is the cause of Visnu, all of them, Karanodakashayi Visnu, Garbodakashayi Visnu, and Ksirodakashayi Visnu. The Upanishads speak of all candles being lit by one primary candle. Krsna is that one primal candle. He's the One you want. krsnas tu bhagavan svayam - Krsna is God, the possessor of all opulences completely.<font color="#f7f7f7"> [This message has been edited by gHari (edited 03-25-2002).]
  14. Old royal map shows Ram Temple: http://www.hindustantimes.com/nonfram/250302/detfro01.asp
  15. Well I was about to start. Then realized I could never stop. He is beyond words, beyond tears. He is our Prabhupada. Beemasane Prabhu, I think you may single-handedly reunite Lord Caitanya's tree of life. Let us drown in His compassion for us all, every species, in every corner of the globe. He is our master, and our master's master.
  16. Beemasane Prabhu, We may have another jpon us here who was there that day. "Stonehearted" who I have renamed "Braveheart" is actually Badhru das (please forgive me if I have mispelled thy name). gHari
  17. Beemasane Prabhu, We may have another jpon us here who was there that day. "Stonehearted" who I have renamed "Braveheart" is actually Badhru das (please forgive me if I have mispelled thy name). gHari
  18. Left? For sooth, good brother braveheart, thou hast cut the airs above my head.
  19. Left? For sooth, good brother braveheart, thou hast cut the airs above my head.
  20. Moon Beem, I loved that incredibly good renunciation imagery and preaching by Srila Prabhupada. I could feel eons of nonsense desires fly away each time I reread it. I now see the material world as that big forty foot wave behind the surfer, that is, sufferer. There's definitely no percentage in surfing this material manifestation. Thank you for setting it up. I wondered if it really was the lecture from later that day you had described. I just had to get to the bottom of that "sufferer" thing. He made it so very memorable for us both. Haribol. gHari
  21. Moon Beem, I loved that incredibly good renunciation imagery and preaching by Srila Prabhupada. I could feel eons of nonsense desires fly away each time I reread it. I now see the material world as that big forty foot wave behind the surfer, that is, sufferer. There's definitely no percentage in surfing this material manifestation. Thank you for setting it up. I wondered if it really was the lecture from later that day you had described. I just had to get to the bottom of that "sufferer" thing. He made it so very memorable for us both. Haribol. gHari
  22. My eyes read "Science of Humility". Maybe it's more or less the same thing.
  23. It seems that geocities no longer allows downloaded images from their sites. I uploaded those pictures to my ISP web space, and here they are in full beauty: <center><image src=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/krishna.jpg> <image src=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/krishnabag.jpg> <image src=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/krsna.jpg></center><font color="#f7f7f7"> [This message has been edited by gHari (edited 03-24-2002).]
  24. <CENTER><IMG SRC=http://www-ee.eng.hawaii.edu/~cca99/surfer.gif WIDTH=556 HEIGHT=333> <H3> <FONT COLOR=BLUE>EVERYBODY'S GONE SURFIN' - SUFFERIN' U.S.A.</CENTER></FONT></H3> Possibly that very afternoon on May 8th '76 in Honolulu in a SB 6.1.7 lecture, Srila Prabhupada uses the suffering surferers to preach: Three weeks later on May 29 '76 in Honolulu: It seems Prabhupada has summed up our Western culture that morning at the ocean, as a month later in a Garden Conversation in L.A. June 8 '76: And then in Vrindavan July 17 '77: <font color="#f7f7f7"> [This message has been edited by gHari (edited 03-24-2002).]
  25. <CENTER><IMG SRC=http://www-ee.eng.hawaii.edu/~cca99/surfer.gif WIDTH=556 HEIGHT=333> <H3> <FONT COLOR=BLUE>EVERYBODY'S GONE SURFIN' - SUFFERIN' U.S.A.</CENTER></FONT></H3> Possibly that very afternoon on May 8th '76 in Honolulu in a SB 6.1.7 lecture, Srila Prabhupada uses the suffering surferers to preach: Three weeks later on May 29 '76 in Honolulu: It seems Prabhupada has summed up our Western culture that morning at the ocean, as a month later in a Garden Conversation in L.A. June 8 '76: And then in Vrindavan July 17 '77: <font color="#f7f7f7"> [This message has been edited by gHari (edited 03-24-2002).]
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