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Jahnava Nitai Das

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Everything posted by Jahnava Nitai Das

  1. What I was amazed at was the fact that I couldn't even find this page, no matter how hard I tried, by going through various links and pages. I tried my best to figure out how to get there, and I still don't know. I tried a reverse process as well, starting with the article and working backwards; but no luck. That means that such an obscure link in brings 3,000 viewers an hour. is really a giant.
  2. Hi Mary, Thanks for posting. What exactly was my judgment? And what did I say that was racist. I think you are a little confused. Thanks for the double standard. See, the funny part about the letter was that others were not given a right to believe in their own faiths. The letter was very judgmental; it judged everyone as having been deceived, as following a false god, as not possessing truth, and as situated in bondage. Serious and respectful people will not refer to others holy deities as "Mr. Krishna", as I am sure you would agree. But thats just part of your double standard. Thanks for your tolerance and broad mindedness. I wish Mr. Ron was similarly open minded as you. It would have been nice if he chose not to ridicule Hindus simply because they don't follow his chosen path of Christianity. Unfortunately this is the truth in most cases throughout the world. Religion is followed not because of the spiritual truths it provides, but because of allegience to a family clan or custom. Religion in society has been brought down to the level of bodily identification; when the actual purpose of religion is to transcend the body. And I would add that Hinduism also believes in preserving all life, and loving all living entities as parts and parcels of God. Good point. I think I will pass this on to Mr. Ron. Thanks for your views.
  3. I probably should have posted this in the joke forum, but I thought I would put it here anyway. This is an email I just received from the "Why save the cows?" article through . I couldn't stop laughing for awhile. But I do appreciate the response. ---------------- Howdy, I read your web site. You have been deceived. Jesus Christ is Lord of all, including Mr. Krishna. Here's what the true God says regarding cows: Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the LIVESTOCK, over all the earth, and over ALL the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over EVERY living creature that moves on the ground." This is God's truth and the truth will set you free. If you are not a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ then you are in bondage. Most Sincerely, Ron S.
  4. I just saw that Health News has used an article from our site on their page about McDonalds using beef in their french fries. You can see the page below, our article is the one "Why save the cows?" just under McDonalds answer. I just checked our stats and around 3,000 people are reading the article every hour. Just when I thought our new server could handle the traffic, something else comes up! http://dailynews./fc/Health/Diet_and_Nutrition
  5. Does anyone here believe in homeopathic medicines? It seems to have become popular in India, and a lot of people here seem to believe it works. Personally I don't believe it at all. Perhaps the system may be authentic, but what I see practiced here is not all that believable. Just another easy way to make money by selling water and sugar tablets. Could some people give their own opinions and experiences. I have taken homeopathic medicines many times (certain people here offer them to me and I don't refuse when they do). But I haven't seen any results at all.
  6. Sorry for being late with a reply. I will post the story in a day or two.
  7. Redirection of the name "indiadivine.com" to the new server has been done, but it takes between 24 and 72 hours to propagate throughout the internet. As a result some people will still be going to the old server for the next day or so, and others will be coming to the new server. If you see this message, it means you are already being sent to the new server. There is a small chance a couple messages may get lost if you happened to post to the old server just before the redirection. I am trying to manually transfer any messages that are still being posted there. Also I just noticed that a few people who registered here very recently didn't get their user data transfered yet. As a result they may have not been able to post messages today. I just transfered their user accounts now, so there shouldn't be any more problem. Sorry for any inconvienences. If you have any trouble reading or posting, please send me an email.
  8. The Bhavishya Purana says Mohammad was a bhuta from Kailasha. He was a servant of Lord Shiva, and had been sent to establish mleccha dharma.
  9. I have heard references from the Tamil writings that one should be breast fed until the age of 7. But I don't know much about this topic.
  10. If there is an Ayurvedic preventative pill I would recommend it. But the shots? It would depend on one's own preferences for medicine. Personally I wouldn't take them.
  11. We will be changing servers for IndiaDivine.com (and these forums) sometime today or tomorrow. The reason for the change is that our present server couldn't handle the amount of traffic we have been getting, so we have switched to a server that can. Hopefully there won't be any problems, but there is a chance that some minor errors may occur in the .cgi programs (like these forums). If for some reason you notice a problem, don't worry, we should be able to fix it quickly. I have double checked everything, and there should be no problems, but wierd things sometimes happen.
  12. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks these consultants are loons, I mean really loony loons. First of all the questions are not linked at all. For example: 2) How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator? No where does it say you did it, or you will do it. It just asks how. So when you come to the third question, the expected "answer" is pretty stupid. The simplicity of putting an elephant into a fridge may impress some consultants, but to me it is a sign they are just stupid. For example, I can ask you "How do you go to the moon." A real simple answer is, "You walk to the moon." Yes, a pretty simple answer; but completely wrong. To think that executives are actually measured based on the wrong answers they are supposed to give is kind of sad. But anyway, the executive world is completely insecure. Everyone is constantly looking for the secret key to success, always doubting them selves. It's almost as if someone moved their cheese! Anyway, better not to get into that topic. We don't want to expose the stupidity and shallowness of corporate America. Better to just keep saying that everything is "super-excellent", or what ever the catch word is now.
  13. Without getting into whether the theories are right or wrong, I would have to admit that India is at least 20 or 30 years behind in what they teach in schools. They are not teaching the same things as being taught in the west.
  14. Without getting into whether the theories are right or wrong, I would have to admit that India is at least 20 or 30 years behind in what they teach in schools. They are not teaching the same things as being taught in the west.
  15. yajna-dana-tapah-karma na tyajyam karyam eva tat yajno danam tapas caiva pavanani manisinam Acts of sacrifice, charity and penance are not to be given up; they must be performed. Indeed, sacrifice, charity and penance purify even the great souls. Bhagavad Gita 18:5
  16. I would agree that this conversation is being taken somewhat out of context; as though Prabhupada just goes around telling everyone they are fools. But the content is not much different from the message of the Upanishads. Those who take shelter in the external, thinking it to bring happiness, are foolish. They are situated in avidya. Vidya is to understand the source of happiness, which is not a product of material interaction. Happiness comes from within, as it is the inherent nature of the soul. Thus nothing external can bring happiness. The process to realize the qualities of the soul - sat, chit and ananda - is meditation or yoga; a linking process betweent he self and the Supreme. In simple terms this is the system of Krishna consciousness; to link with the Supreme Lord through complete absorption on Him.
  17. Usually these steps at identifying an ethnic minority are for the purpose of making later persecution easy. Lets hope it doesn't degrade to that.
  18. I should probably spend some time reading the Quran.
  19. A stranger asked a brahmana, "Tell me, who in this city is great?" The brahmana replied, "The cluster of thorny palmyra trees are great." The traveller then asked, "Who is the most charitable person?" The brahmana answered, "The washerman who takes the clothes in the morning and gives them back in the evening is the most charitable." He then asked, "Who is the ablest man?" The brahmana answered, "Everyone is expert in robbing others of their wives and wealth." The man then asked the brahmana, "How do you manage to live in such a city?" The brahmana replied, "As a worm survives while even in a filthy place so do I survive here!" [ Canakya Pandit - Niti Sastra Chapter 12, Text 9 ]
  20. [This was just posted on another list today, and since the topic came up here, I thought I'd pass it along.] A Review Of Dennis Bonnette's "Origin of the Human Species" by Michael A. Cremo Over a year ago, Dr. Dennis Bonnette, head of the philosophy department at Niagra University, began corresponding with me about a book he was writing on human evolution. Bonnette, a Catholic, had somehow encountered the book Forbidden Archeology, and it had a profound influence on him and the book he was writing. For some years, the standard Catholic position has been that God created humans but He did it by evolution. In his book, Bonnette confronts the possibility that evolution may not be a fact, and considers the implications this has for mainstream Christian theology. He proposes that although it may be possible to interpret the Bible in such a way as to accommodate Darwinian evolution, the Darwinian theory of evolution may not be true, thus giving support to those who wish to maintain a more traditionally creationist view of human origins and the Bible. In his book, Bonnette devotes an entire chapter to Forbidden Archeology. Please find below an announcement for the book, which is published as a volume in the series Studies in the History of Western Philosophy, as part of the Value Inquiry Book Series of Rodopi, an academic publishing company with headquarters in Amsterdam. The book is available on www.Amazon.com. If any of you do wind up getting the book and reading it, please post a reader's review to www.Amazon.com. Also find below an excerpt from the chapter dealing with Forbidden Archeology. Michael A. Cremo Dennis Bonnette. Origin of the Human Species. Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA: Editions Rodopi, 2001. Value Inquiry Book Series, No. 106. Studies in the History of Western Philosophy. Peter A. Redpath, Editor. 217 pages. ISBN: 90-420-1374-5 "Using the tools of philosophy Professor Bonnette investigates the origin of true humanity. Along the way he considers the questions of animal intelligence, the philosophical meaning of the species concept, Adam and Eve, and more. His demonstration that the standard human evolution story is compatible with Christianity makes his conclusion that the story itself may be shaky all the more impressive." Dr. Michael J. Behe Professor of Biology Lehigh University Author, Darwins Black Box "Origin of the Human Species is an explanation of how the human race came into existence. It is a clear exposition of what every Christian believes that humanity began with Adam and Eve, created by God as the parents of the human race." Fr. John A Hardon, S.J. Theologian Synopsis of the book: This book lays claim to its intriguing title, so closely reflecting Charles Darwin's original, by clearly addressing central controversies begotten by the Origin of Species itself. It tests evolutionary theory's credibility, particularly regarding human origins. It evaluates the claims of scientific creationism versus materialistic evolution, while examining other possible scenarios. While consistently philosophical in methodology and perspective, the book is radically interdisciplinary in content, examining data and arguments drawn from natural science, philosophy, and theology. It critically evaluates the best arguments supporting and opposing biological evolution, while extensively analyzing the philosophical possibility of inter-specific evolution. Speculative and sometimes-original solutions are proposed for major disputed questions. These include: (1) detailed refutation of claims made on behalf of language-trained apes against human beings qualitative superiority, (2) critical analysis of claims made for extraterrestrial life, (3) detailed reconciliation of human evolutions standard theory with the Scriptural Adam and Eve, (4) detailed reconciliation of old-Earth chronologies with Genesis genealogies, and (5) critical examination of human evolutions current theory in terms of the radical thesis that true human beings may predate our alleged hominid ancestors. In every arena, careful scholarship presents classical philosophical analysis, reputable natural scientific judgments, and theologically accurate Scriptural interpretation. This book challenges the limits of human knowledge regarding every major question touching on human origins. It includes notes, bibliography, and an extensive index. Excerpts from Chapter Fourteen: In 1993, a thoroughly scholarly, 900-page work appeared. Co-authored by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, Forbidden Archeology offers detailed analysis of all significant paleoanthropological research done in the last two centuries. This work examines relevant literature pertaining to every major hominid claim or find and materials on other fossils and human remains that the evolutionary establishment has long overlooked or suppressed. Although this work has vigorous critics, Cremo and Thompson's methodical thoroughness and often good logic make many of their analyses and central inferences hard to trump and unscholarly to ignore. Forbidden Archeology, praised by Phillip E. Johnson, but condemned by Richard Leakey as "pure humbug," was bound to stir controversy. In a twenty-two page Social Studies of Science review, Jo Wodak and David Oldroyd offer at least guarded acknowledgment that Cremo and Thompson have contributed to paleoanthropological literature because (1) "much of the historical material they resurrect has not been scrutinized in such detail before" and (2) they "do raise a central problematic regarding the lack of certainty in scientific truth claims." Wodak and Oldroyd maintain that "lack of certainty" arises "because the status of all knowledge is inherently a matter of degrees of probability and emerges as the result of social negotiation in concert with observation and inference." They suggest that "those scientists who insist that evolution is a fact might be better advised to recast this as highly probable theory." . . . . . Cremo and Thompson are not evolutionary materialists or Biblical creationists. They openly state Hindu affiliation as Bhaktivedanta Institute members. Following Vedic literature, they hold that the human race is of great antiquity, hundreds of millions of years old. For this reason, many critics attack Forbidden Archeology, claiming its authors' belief system precludes unbiased handling of subject matter. Such personal attacks are unjust and ill founded. Every author has a philosophical stance which might, but need not, negate objectivity. Forbidden Archeology's historical evidence and argumentation stand on their own merits as sociological and epistemological critiques of contemporary paleoanthropology. Earlier I discussed current human evolutionary theory's compatibility with divine revelation. My primary concern with Forbidden Archeology lies in analyzing the epistemological challenge it poses to present human evolutionary theory. (pp. 129-130) Cremo and Thompson offer many cases to show that, no matter how far back we go in paleontological time, evidence of true human beings presence appears. This evidence deserves a hearing. A single valid piece of skeletal evidence indicating anatomically modern humans existing prior to the Late Pleistocene Period invalidates human evolution's current theory. Among Forbidden Archeology's extensive case documentation, I have presented evidence supporting anomalous anatomically modern human beings . . . appearing before the expected standard theory time-line. If such cases were few, their enumeration might invite dismissal. Forbidden Archeology presents many dozens. Cremo and Thompson claim that the best proof for their thesis is a body of scientifically-reported evidence, accumulated during the last 150 years, that contradicts the current orthodox Darwinian accounts of human origins. To test that claim, nothing substitutes for careful investigation of Forbidden Archeology's extensive documentation. Cremo and Thompson's deeper purpose, one which I conclude they have achieved, is to shake the epistemological foundations of current human evolutionary theory. Serious, rational doubt about human evolution's standard theory is legitimate. (p. 136)
  21. Doesn't that belong in the jokes forum?
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