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Everything posted by Pankaja_Dasa

  1. KRSNAibasev4 It is up, Please be aware that you may have to try later. As the site allows limited downloads. Here's the link: http://www.geocities.com/theholynameofkrishna/INFOBASEv3.html Right-click to download { I wouldn't recommended opening it as its 5MB!!} Be aware nothing has been changed in the books. As Is. Presentation wise lines {blank} have been added. Also in the Other section I moved the verse reffs to render to PDF. Vaishnava Etiquette where is says Quotes from Prabhupada, for obvious reasons sometimes I moved the reffs above the quote to marker it in the right section box. Also this symbol '&' when rendered to PDF appears ok but doesn't add any space. So & --becomes and. Sorry heh. Please be sure to see Ljubljana, Slovenia 7.6.2000. morning {Lectures}. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare All Glories to Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja! ki jai! Ps. I request devotees to not give out the link to this on their site but upload instead. If not then feel free to give it anyway! But please try to upload own site! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
  2. http://www.geocities.com/theholynameofkrishna/INFOBASEv3.html If not work try later
  3. KRSNAibasev4 It is up, Please be aware that you may have to try later. As the site allows limited downloads. Here's the link: http://www.geocities.com/theholynameofkrishna/INFOBASEv3.html Right-click to download { I wouldn't recommended opening it as its 5MB!!} Be aware nothing has been changed in the books. As Is. Presentation wise lines {blank} have been added. Also in the Other section I moved the verse reffs to render to PDF. Vaishnava Etiquette where is says Quotes from Prabhupada, for obvious reasons sometimes I moved the reffs above the quote to marker it in the right section box. Also this symbol '&' when rendered to PDF appears ok but doesn't add any space. So & --becomes and. Sorry heh. Please be sure to see Ljubljana, Slovenia 7.6.2000. morning {Lectures}. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare All Glories to Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja! ki jai! Ps. I request devotees to not give out the link to this on their site but upload instead. If not then feel free to give it anyway! But please try to upload own site! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. I asked my mum ages ago to offer food, I said offer food to Lord Chaitanya. Before she didn't used to. NOW I don't even have to ask her she just does it! I feel like Mum how can I serve you! You now a Vaishnava lol
  5. I need to upload PDF I tried keeps saying that try later or something. I haven't completed it yet. But anybody have some space let me know. Or any other way. Anyway Krishna will help me!
  6. I'm leaving it as is from your site. I think http://www.mandala.com.au has the same version you have. I checked a little. I also did Jaiva-dharma and Brihad Bhagavataram onto PDF. But just checking presentation. I am calling to Infobase Krishna or something. So far about urm...14. Anything else I can squeez in be sure I will. Looking good so far, gimme your blessings. By the way your Html on Bhagavata made it almost easy to put onto pdf {almost heh}
  7. Hope you find them, I am nearly finished looking for any more, seems whatever diety pics are get are related with everything else. Everybody at one time or another worshipped them. See the potency. Find those pics soon please.!
  8. Satya Sai baba is a Mayavadi Sanyasi. So he cannot be God {heh}
  9. www.vedabase.net Look for Gita.... {look}
  10. I must thank you for Chaitaya Bhagatava. Narada muni and Druva Maharaja!
  11. I know I'm lazy: I need these Pictures needed {don't have to be exaact could be similar to do with matter, use your head God gave you didn't he? LOL > {too much comp time frys my brain so sorry} 1. Samadhi of goswamis {should be 6 pictures} 6 goswamis 2. Narada Muni 3. Lord Jaganatha (jagannatha/baladeva/subadra} 4. Rai Ramananda {sri vishaka--Gopi} 5. Vrindavana Dasa Thakura author of Chaitanya Bhagavata 6. Sukadeva Goswami giving lecture on Vyasana {seat} to the assembled Vaishnavas GTG Rest
  12. Just had them sent to me, 30 CDs! Free can't believe it! Its amazing when you see how humble and funny Srila Prabhupada is. Its mesmorizing to see all the interviews. 29 Cds more to go, I am going to relish.
  13. This is already in my signature, but it new navigation. Must easy to find sections: http://www.geocities.com/theholynameofkrishna/Namamrta_.pdf
  14. ____________ http://www.geocities.com/theholynameofkrishna/Namamrta_.pdf ____ _ _______
  15. This is Trancendenal subject matter to me. I look at it 'why did Krishna steal the better if He knew Mother Yahosha would be angry?' Nobody knows the answer. If they do then again its transcendental. Endless answers and questions. Unlimited!
  16. Who's there? Brahman, Brahman who? Krishna Param Brahman,!
  17. I can't believe how stupid I used to be. For anyone wondering Govindaram was my previous incarnation!
  18. I read this a long time ago by Pritta Mata and it almost convinced me to not go look for Guruji anywhere except in Iskcon: http://www.geocities.com/priitaa/gaudiya_math.htm Notice it doesn't include 'certain conversations' Also I respect Priita Mata views but I don't agree with them. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif - SRIDHARA MAHARAJA AS SIKSA TO PRABHUPADA? Often the following has been quoted to show that Srila Prabhupada approved and supported Sridhara Swami, even the acceptance of him as Prabhupada's siksa guru. Lets take a look at it: "I can refer you to one who is most highly competent of all my god-brothers. This is B.R. Sridhara Maharaja, whom I consider to be even my siksa guru, so what to speak of the benefit that you can have from his association." ~ SP to Hrsikesa January 9, 1969, This is only a partial quote. It also does not reveal the specific situation at hand. We really don't know what was going on. So here it is. Hrisikesa and Acutyananda had run off to Bon Maharaja's place to learn from him. They wanted to permanently camp there and be his (siksa) disciples. At this point they all ready had decided they were not going to follow Prabhupada's instructions (go to Germany). Instead they wanted to take a Siksa Guru from the Gaudiya Matha in India. *<font color="brown"> Prabhupada's letter was specific to this situation and not blanket approval. </font color> It was more along the lines of "damage control" for the soul of these two disciple. Bon Maharaja had even been rejected by Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja, so Prabhupada was trying to save them by drawing them away from him. ------ Should I laugh or cry? Now if the above doesn't make you see unlterior motive, then well..maybe its just me! * /images/graemlins/laugh.gifROFL
  19. Sorry lost your e-mail. Could you send me at pankaja_dasa@ Need you to check something. {If u could}
  20. Nearly done {I think}. Need to get 2nd Opinion. Going to ask senior devotee. Hey this could be prelude {?} to Prabhupada Folio Infobase. PDF Potential is amazing. Wait till you see it Prabhu!
  21. And Bhaktidedanta Prabhupada Here
  22. You'll have to wait Prabhuji. I have just done Chaitanya Bhagavata which looks nice. I want to present it all good. So will take some time. It will all be on 1 PDF. Just have Prabhupada Gita {that should take up lot of space}. Makes 3 Gita including BV Puri Maharaja/BR Sridhara Maharaja. Choice is yours.
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