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Everything posted by Pankaja_Dasa

  1. 895kb http://www.geocities.com/theholynameofkrishna/Jaiva-dharma.pdf Added see also: Signature for downloads
  2. Before you said he gave mantra to everybody. Far as I know only Guru does this. So are you saying He is hidden Incarnation. Also sometimes God empowers living entities i.e Lord Buddha to preach. So I think maybe this could be the case. What do you say? Also you can't compare Lord Swaminarayana to Krishna. In the sense that Krishna is orginal personality of godhead. Lord Brahma whom you mentioned before I think says this. Also we can trace back our Sampradaya to Lord Krishna 5000 years ago. I would like to see same for you. regards Pankaja
  3. I didn't understand it. Now that I read prabhupada glorious Purport I can see I am nowhere nearer to understanding this complex Theism as Thiest Put it. Sorry again. I think after reading all 10 cantos I will be near. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. Yeah but what I got was Krishna is manifested from Internal Potency. Thats whay Impersonalists say.. Crudly that the Impersonl Aspect of God is greater. Now I can't understand this, and I am going to go read 'higher' books mMmmm
  5. Maybe becuase I associated with Mayavadi I can see some things. This is what made me think it: Shiva: So we have Radha and Krsna, Both are manifested from the Internal Potency, and are identical to it. Ps I said Tinges of Mayavadi I wasn't expecting such an over reaction.
  6. Well it did to see. You also provided your own quotes. I wasn't talking about others. Maybe its my Mind. Sorry/
  7. Still doesn't explain why you say Swami Narayana is God. From the above it say Sahajanand Swami introduced the 'Swaminarayan' mantra.
  8. Krishna is within each atom so how can anything be IMPURE. Isn't it only our perception/vision/sight whatever you may call it.
  9. I heard fox hunters in Uk went on a march about 10,000 of them. Uk is trying to ban it, saying it inhumane. Mind boggling. Ban fox hunting but leave rest of animals to die. What did a fox ever do for anybody that its getting so much mercy./images/graemlins/confused.gif
  10. Swami--Guru Narayana--God That is why you chant Swami Narayana right? So if I go to somebody called Govinda {a guru} and he says to me chant Swami Govinda Swami Govinda, then what will I do? I want to know where this Mantra is mentioned in Vedas or Upanishad/Purana etc etc. Is it not? I know in London they have a very big temple of Radha-Krishna. So I don't see why you don't specifically chant Hare Krishna. Isn't it in Vaishnava Sampradaya they invoke both. In this age situation is so bad, I don't see how not calling upon Sri Radha you will get anywhere fast. I heard once my own Auntie say Swami-Narayana is 1000 times better that Krishna. I wasn't really hearing what she was saying but I did laugh {natural reaction to hearing something funny}. I think maybe you have mixed up devotees with God worship devotees is 1000 times better than worship God, becuase that pleases God. I respect Pramukh Swami Maharaja also. You should follow what he says not make things up.
  11. But the way in which you presented the above seems you have tinges of Mayavadi in you.
  12. Just by that you WANT to read. Thiest ji said you need to look within yourself. Did you do that? Hum Prabhupada said many times that devotees always try to see Rasa-lila etc, {which is in Krishna I knows:)}, but ignore other pastimes. Now I would ask your mind are you ignoring these? Even Gopis praise killing of Denakasura. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
  13. You mean like a Family chart.? MMm now theres an undertaking for Lord Sesha. haha Simple way is we are His parts and parcels. But we all are decended from Lord Brahma the 1st Living entity within this Universe. And from Him there was all people. Bodies. And before this was Lord Vishnu. Before Lord Vishnu was nobody. He is the cause.
  14. some songs http://www.geocities.com/theholynameofkrishna/SongBolonatha.pdf I called it Bolonatha as service to Vaishnava in case anybody wonders.
  15. Is western and Vedic reading the same, anybody know any sites would be cool.
  16. The Monkeys (SP Lil.V, p.42) "Neither be their friends nor their enemies, if you make friends with them, they will simply be nuisance. If you become their enemies, they will become very vindictive. Just maintain a neutral position."
  17. Pankaja_Dasa


    hare krishna Balaram Caran {feet} /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  18. By The Holy name one can understand the devotees. What could be more clear Jaya Sri Bolonatha! Lord Siva ki jai!
  19. Also we believe in achintya bheda bheda tattva. Mahaprabhu said this Himself. But devotees are always one with Krishna they are never apart from Him. Lord Siva whom is difficult to understand just as our own Prabhupada is, or any Acharya or Vaishnava is. We would never dare to say Prabhupada is different from Krishna we don't say this. We say he is devotee of Krishna. Servant of Servant to be more precise. Look above even Lord Siva says this, same thing, over years people have twisted meanings to say Lord Siva is greatest even great than Vishnu. But Gaudiya Vaishnava's don't dis-believe this they pray to Lord Siva and Lord Krishna both. They know this secret that they are always without each other thats why they are the same. But I still don't understand names part.
  20. But all this confuces me when I read.. offences to the Holy Name, please somebody recify my stupid mind.. 2. In this material world the holy name of Vishnu is all-auspicious. Vishnu's name, form, qualities, and pastimes are all transcendental, absolute knowledge. Therefore, if one tries to separate the Absolute Personality of Godhead from His holy name or His transcendental form, qualities, and pastimes, thinking them material, that is offensive. Similarly, to think that the names of demigods such as Lord Siva are as good as the name of Lord Vishnu is also blasphemous.
  21. Part One, Chapter Three: Prapancatita Nama (Beyond the Material World) 1-3 Seeing Lord Shiva who, rapt in love for Krishna, was singing and dancing as He worshipped Lord Sankarsana, and who was also praising his followers, headed by Nandisvara, as they were singing, playing musical instruments, and joyfully calling out, "Jaya! Jaya!", and who was also praising Goddess Uma as she was expertly playing the karatalas, the sage Narada became happy, sounded his vina and bowed down to offer respect. 4 Again and again Narada sand, "You are the great object of Lord Krishna's mercy!" Repeating his father's words, Narada glorified Shiva in a melodious voice. 5-6 When, eager to touch the dust of Sri Shiva's lotus feet, the sage dear to Krishna approached him, the demigod, intoxicated by the flooding nectar stream of love for Sri Krishna, pulled the sage to him, embraced him, and respectfully said, "O son of Brahma, what are you saying?" 7-9 When, by conversing with Narada, the best of Vaishnavas, Shiva, who is the lord of Parvati's life, became plunged in the nectar of transcendental bliss, stopped his ecstatic dancing, retired with a few intimate associates, and sat in the virasana yoga-posture on a kusa-grass seat, with great devotion Narada bowed down to offer respect to him and recited many prayers describing his glory as the master of the universe. Then he sang of Lord Krishna's great mercy to Shiva. 10 Covering his ears, Shiva, the best of all Vaishnavas, the preacher of devotion for Lord Vishnu, very angrily said: 11 I have never been the master of the universe, and I am not the object of Lord Krishna's mercy. I always yearn for the mercy of the servants of the servants of Lord Krishna. 12 Sri Pariksit said: Bewildered, Narada stopped his prayer of Shiva's identity with Krishna. Thinking himself an offender, he slowly said: 13 Sri Narada said: Lord, in truth you both understand and preach the great mystery of the glories of Lord Vishnu and His devotees. 14 For this reason the best of Vaishnavas yearn for your mercy and Lord Krishna Himself is pleased with you and wholeheartedly chants your glories. 15 How many times did Lord Krishna, assuming many different forms, worship you with devotion? How many benedictions did He take from you? 16 Sri Pariksit said: Unable to remain peaceful while hearing these words, the embarrassed Shiva suddenly rose from his seat and with both hands covered Narada's mouth. "Don't speak this reckless nonsense about me," he said. 17 Struck with wonder, Shiva loudly said: O sage, you should see the inconceivable power and opulence of the Supreme Lord's transcendental pastimes! 18 Ah! My Lord is a wonderful deep ocean of transcendental glory. Even though I have many times offended Him, He does not become averse to me. 19 Sri Pariksit said: Filled with bliss, Narada touched Shiva's feet, made him sit down, and continued his glorification of Shiva, who is always plunged in the nectar of devotion to Lord Krishna. 20 Sri Narada said: You are very dear to the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead. You have never offended Him. In the eyes of the common people you may seem to have sometimes offended Him but He does not see any offense in you. 21-3 When a demon named Bana, who was your devotee, who was very proud of the strength of his arms, and who brought many troubles to the saintly devotees, captured and bound Aniruddha with his mystic power, he fought with Lord Krishna, the holder of the cakra. Losing the fight with the Lord, Bana was almost dead, but he was saved by you, who prayed that his life be spared. Lord Krishna at once stopped from killing him, became pleased with him, and gave him a form like His own. Then He made him your personal associate, a state even the demigods cannot attain. 24 When Gargya and other enemies of the Vaishnavas worshipped you with severe austerities, you granted them a clever benediction that proved to be no benediction at all. 25 Even though Citraketu and many others had offended you, because they took shelter of Lord Krishna you were not angry with them. 26 You desire only the satisfaction of Lord Krishna. You eloquently pray only to remain a pure devotee of Lord Krishna. 27 For this reason the Supreme Personality of Godhead gave to you and goddess Durga the power to grant the liberation prayed for by Brahma and the demigods. 28 Living as an ascetic, you have a low opinion of all the happiness found in your power and opulence, which is greater than that of Brahma and all the demigods. 29 Who else, filled with ecstatic love for Lord Vishnu and clothed in only the ten directions, would dance as a madman with his wife and friends? 30 Today I have seen the wonderful glory of your intense desire to attain pure devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This desire has made you eternally very dear to Lord Krishna. 31 What more can I say? You are very dear to Lord Krishna, and by your mercy many others have also become dear to Him. 32 By Parvati's mercy also many have become dear to Lord Krishna. She knows very perfectly the truth about you both (Shiva and Krishna). Lord Krishna loves her as if she were His own sister. For this reason, even though you are very renounced and advanced in spiritual life, you have great respect for her. By the way click Signature link to download this book: /images/graemlins/frown.gif
  22. The temple is managed by Srimati Radharani, Laksmiji; so why should there be want? Our philosophy is, if anyone comes, let him take prasad, chant Hare Krsna, and be happy. Everything is being supplied by Krsna. Krsna is not poor, so why should we deny them? This should be done at any cost. There is no difficulty. It simply requires nice management. At the end of the day you may sell or give away. If we believe that Krsna is providing for and maintaining everyone, then why should we be misers? This means losing faith in Krsna and thinking that we are the doers and suppliers. We are confident that Krsna will supply! Let the whole world come. We can feed them. So please do this nicely. Begin at once." (SP Lilamrta VI, pg 232; letter, Jan. 1977)
  23. Godbrother of Prabhupada. Prabhupada once said this about him.. Perhaps you are my only Godbrother who has appreciated my humble service to the cause of Guru Gauranga. Thx for asking. PDF had enough Info look in it
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