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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. pUrvaM pitta-gatiM prabha~jana gatiM zleSmANamAvibhratIm | svasthAnAd gamanaM muhur vidadhatiM cakrAdhiruDheva yA ||16|| bhISmatvaM dadhatiM kalApi gatikAM sUxmatvamAtanvatIM | no'sadhyAM dhamanIM vadanti munayo nADI gati-jnAninaH ||17|| If pulse first bears pitta symptoms, next vAyu, after kapha; if pulse shifts from its place frequently, moves like wheel, if it beats fiercefully, beats after pauses, if it's thready, then, according to experts, patient will not recover.
  2. 4.4.2 muktaH pratijnAnAt liberated one, due to promise Mukta's condition is manifestation in its owm form. It's mentioned in Chh Up (8.12.3) In Chh Up (8.7.1) Prajapati BrahmA promised to teach "mukta" condition to Indradev. 539 4.4.3 AtmA prakaraNAt soul, due to subject matter Atman/soul is that Highest Light; due to context. 540
  3. rAgAnuga bhakti = attachment for street chanting. Not being able to live without HarinAm-sankIrtan. All the rest is decor, detail, downloadable.
  4. Anyone who thinks a passenger filled plane can be hijacked by 4 boxcutters knows absolutely nothing about aeronautics nor politics. Go hide under your bed & make believe you're alive.
  5. Don Juanji: a few thoughts What is anti-semitism? If both Palestinians & Israelis are Semitic, who's really anti-semitic? Semitic languages include Arabic, Aramaic, Ethiopian, Hebrew. Last night I chanted Hare KRSNa at Timessquare with whom? 2 Jews, 1 Gujarati, 1 Greek, 1 WASP Moreover, so many Jews wearing Yamalkahs passed by dancing. According to this thread title, I thought it beneficial we expose & examine statements by someone who openly declares what Julius declared above. Why hide someone's genuinely felt expression, however wrong? Our gurudev used the term "nonsense" quite often. Then once he said: "Even in nonsense there's some sense." Have you contacted Julius yet? There's even Jews that hate Jews? I've met a few. Have you? Why? How so? I'm not trying to draw any vicious conclusion herein. Nonetheless, Donji, they do have their reasons, however unreasonable they may seem to you. So far blame & hate are concerned, we're being programmed to blame & hate Bin Laden, Taliban, Hussain... We're supposed to think: If Bushmaster captures Usama, we're successful. Then we can busy ourselves blaming & hating someone else. Such low-blow, low-class knee-jerk conditioning. Do you buy into it? Or flush it where it belongs? So far Scapegoating Blame & Hate, anyone who lived through the 60s & early 70s passed up/transcended Ashcan, Bushman & Rumpfelt so long ago. Yet those who know nothing should continue to follow all 3. Till Kingdom come. Or King Dumb comes. He'll save us. You betcha.
  6. Don Juanji: a few thoughts What is anti-semitism? If both Palestinians & Israelis are Semitic, who's really anti-semitic? Semitic languages include Arabic, Aramaic, Ethiopian, Hebrew. Last night I chanted Hare KRSNa at Timessquare with whom? 2 Jews, 1 Gujarati, 1 Greek, 1 WASP Moreover, so many Jews wearing Yamalkahs passed by dancing. According to this thread title, I thought it beneficial we expose & examine statements by someone who openly declares what Julius declared above. Why hide someone's genuinely felt expression, however wrong? Our gurudev used the term "nonsense" quite often. Then once he said: "Even in nonsense there's some sense." Have you contacted Julius yet? There's even Jews that hate Jews? I've met a few. Have you? Why? How so? I'm not trying to draw any vicious conclusion herein. Nonetheless, Donji, they do have their reasons, however unreasonable they may seem to you. So far blame & hate are concerned, we're being programmed to blame & hate Bin Laden, Taliban, Hussain... We're supposed to think: If Bushmaster captures Usama, we're successful. Then we can busy ourselves blaming & hating someone else. Such low-blow, low-class knee-jerk conditioning. Do you buy into it? Or flush it where it belongs? So far Scapegoating Blame & Hate, anyone who lived through the 60s & early 70s passed up/transcended Ashcan, Bushman & Rumpfelt so long ago. Yet those who know nothing should continue to follow all 3. Till Kingdom come. Or King Dumb comes. He'll save us. You betcha.
  7. gHariji & Donji, I'm no Aryan... except for my slight connection to PrabhupAd & ZrIdhardev. If u disagree with Julius, let him know. His website is posted there. Some of what Donji wrote is conditioned emotion, insubstantial. One thing for sure: We're in Kaliyuga. BhAgavatam 1.1.10 describes Kaliyuga jIvas' predominant qualities. We're not at all hard to fool. A cinch. So many so-called 'unsolved' easy to solve assassinations: JFK, X, MLK, RFK, ACBSP, Lennon... So many 'unsolved' terrorist acts. So many witnesses not allowed to testify. Some know what really happened 9/11. You don't. They do.
  8. gHariji & Donji, I'm no Aryan... except for my slight connection to PrabhupAd & ZrIdhardev. If u disagree with Julius, let him know. His website is posted there. Some of what Donji wrote is conditioned emotion, insubstantial. One thing for sure: We're in Kaliyuga. BhAgavatam 1.1.10 describes Kaliyuga jIvas' predominant qualities. We're not at all hard to fool. A cinch. So many so-called 'unsolved' easy to solve assassinations: JFK, X, MLK, RFK, ACBSP, Lennon... So many 'unsolved' terrorist acts. So many witnesses not allowed to testify. Some know what really happened 9/11. You don't. They do.
  9. I ride NYC Buses & Subways to & from HarinAm sankIrtan 2x/week with dhoti, kurta, chadar, tilak, beadbag... I stretch out my arm now & then to slightly show off beadbag. As Bushman stated: "You're either with us or against us." Why hide your beadbag? The most glorious pouch you've/you'll ever worn/wear! Gaudiya Math devotees including sannyAsis use white beadbags. I began chanting japa with clicker/counter while driving in 1981. I don't do it anymore. If I drove a Greyhound Bus, I'd get back into it at once. I must admit one thing: I never 'lost count' back then. One devotee stuck a tulasi bead on his clicker's clicker (no, you're not seeing double) for further purification, id est, to avoid "HEAVY METAL" contact. Every jIva is literally dying to know y u wear that pouch... And why your lips are moving. And what's that humming noise?
  10. I ride NYC Buses & Subways to & from HarinAm sankIrtan 2x/week with dhoti, kurta, chadar, tilak, beadbag... I stretch out my arm now & then to slightly show off beadbag. As Bushman stated: "You're either with us or against us." Why hide your beadbag? The most glorious pouch you've/you'll ever worn/wear! Gaudiya Math devotees including sannyAsis use white beadbags. I began chanting japa with clicker/counter while driving in 1981. I don't do it anymore. If I drove a Greyhound Bus, I'd get back into it at once. I must admit one thing: I never 'lost count' back then. One devotee stuck a tulasi bead on his clicker's clicker (no, you're not seeing double) for further purification, id est, to avoid "HEAVY METAL" contact. Every jIva is literally dying to know y u wear that pouch... And why your lips are moving. And what's that humming noise?
  11. vRddha-hArItaH = According to HArIta spandate caika mAnena, triMza-dvAraM yadA dharA | svasthAnena tadA nUnaM, rogI jIvati nAnyathA ||13|| If pulse pulsates in same manner in its own place at least 30x, then patient survives. Otherwise, not. sthitvA sthitvA vahati yA, sA jneyA prANadhAtinI | If pulse pulsates after pauses, this indicates impending death. jihmaM jihmaM zithilaM zithilaM vyAkulaM vyAkulaM vA ||14|| sthitvA sthitvA vahati dhamanI yAti nAzaM ca sUxmA | If pulsation is curved, sluggish, irregular after pauses... and if pulsation is very thin, then person succumbs to death. pArzve skandhe sphurati punarapy anguliM sanspRzedvA | bhAvair evaM bahu vidhataraiH sanipAtAda sAdhyA ||15|| If pulse is felt/happens in shoulder sides, next in fingers... and if similar other features are observed, patient is sannipAta. sannipAta = collapse, death, descent, destruction, falldown Person having such pulse is incurable.
  12. 4th pAda (final 21 sUtras) akaitave bhaktisave'nurajyan, svamevayaH sevakamAt karoti | tato'timodaM muditaH sa devaH, sadA cidAnanda tanur dhinotu || Let that God, Whose Body consists of Cognizant Bliss, always afford us contentment. He is always pleased with His devotee's guideless/guileless love. In return, He offers Himself as His devotee's servant. Being thus satisfied by their devotion, He in turn satisfies them. 4.4.1 sampadyAvirbhAvaH svena-zabdAt of person who's reached Brahman, manifestation, by one's own, inferred from word Phrase "accomplishing one's own form" means manifestation in one's own form. Word svena (in its own) indicates that. 538
  13. Gaurji: Azhkenasi is one name for Eastern European Jews. Spelling for Ashkenazi may be a little different. Sephardik Jews are from Morocco through Spain, Portugal. I received this article over 5 months ago. Somewhat bias. Still it contains some interesting facts. Keep in mind: some Jews not all. JNdAsji: before you delete this one consider it's relevance to this particular thread topic. Let us discuss and/or dispute what is written below. Just as we would any other philosophy. Give it a try. Good exercise. >"Streiker" > >Globalization - a Jewish Scam >Sat, 9 Jun 2001 11:18:18 +0200 > >Globalization - a Jewish Scam > >The New Stürmer >Volume 3 > >Visit my website at: http://www.propatria.org /julius_streiker > >Dear kindred and fellow Aryans > >I am sure most of you know who stands behind the current blight which is >striking our countries. The evil forces and their lemmings, the >politicians, call it globalization or free movement of money and products. > >Who are these people? Well most of them are freemasons, and some are known >as members of the Bilderberg Group. Are they Jews? Unfortunately no, most >of those whom we meet/see are not Jews. The real satans, however, are >behind the screen; as always, there are some Jews among them. > > >Let us look at the Bilderberg Group > >Here you can read a brief characterization of the Bilderberg Group, the >shadowy cabal dedicated to one-world government. > >The Bilderberg Group: Took its name from the hotel in Holland where the >group first met in 1954. The group meets every year at various locations in >US and Europe, always in extreme secrecy, often at resorts controlled by >either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families. The Rothschild family is the >leading European force within the Bilderberg Group, sharing its power with >the American-based Rockefeller empire. > >The internationalist group has a revolving membership of several hundred >perticipants composed of banking, political and media elites from US and >Western Europe, almost exclusively from NATO countries (representatives >from former Soviet Union and East Bloc countries attended the 1992 >gathering, however). > >The Bilderberg Group maintains an extremely low profile and never publishes >reports or studies under its own official aegis. > >Bilderberg participants and all newspaper editors in the US denied the >group's very existence until it was forced to admit its existence by The >Spotlight. > >Who opposes the Bilderberg Group? > >During the recent demonstrations against globalization, we have had the >opportunity to study the opponents. Who they are? > >They call themselves anarchists, members of Troski's group, communists, >feminists and other professional demonstrators. > >Anarchism has always been a profession of Jewish activists. > >Troski was a leading communist during the Jewish Revolution in Soviet. >Troski was a Jew. The group with his name is headed by Jews. > >The feminists are also headed by Jews; this we have seen in the US, where >the feminists have been in the forefront when it comes to pushing for >abortions not among Asians or Africans, but among Whites. In Europe too, >the abortionists have been headed by Jews. Just look at the article written >by Philip Weiss in the New York Observer on January 1, 2001 where he tells >who are behind all proposals regarding social demands like abortion, free >immigration, etc: Jews. "In all phases of the American society Jews are the >leading people. The Jews have been those demanding privileges for all >citizens." > >Double safety > >In this the Jews have secured all possible outcomes; they are at both >sides. They have decided that they will not lose the battle of the people. >They will, after the battle of globalization, be on the winning side. If >the freemasons/Bilderberg Group misses, they want to be among the winners >as activists. > >If the politicians loses, the Jews will point to the Bilderberg Group and >say, "They wanted globalization; we the Jews did not want it. We fought >with the people!". > >Where did the Rockefellers and Rothschilds make their money? > >Both of these Jewish families were among the dealers of opium in Hong Kong >back in 1700 and early 1800. Both families lost opium when the Chinees >Emperor decided to burn all opium stored in Cantong in 1847.. > >The Rockefellers got their opium from Turkey; the Rothschilds got theirs >from Bengal. It was the Rothschilds, however, who got the British Navy to >go to war with China over the loss of opium. > >Those of you wanting to learn the background of both these families must >read the story of the Opium War written before 1940. Here you will find >names and records of profit from the traffic. > >Do they still deal in drugs? > >I have never heard of a Jew who gave up a good business. > >Yes, I think they are behind the traffic of drugs even today. > >I do not think they are dealers or buyers anymore, but they are the owners >of the traffic as they are the ones who, for a big part of the profit, >allow dealers to sell drugs in their territories. > >Why can small European countries not prevent the illegal entrance of drugs? >Because the police are instructed not to. Even in a country as large as the >US, the drug traffickers could be stopped if the police were allowed to act >aagainst them. But someone is preventing the police from working >effectively. > >Hurry up - get rid of the Jews > >The more I learn about the Jews and their wheeling, dealing and crimes, the >more I want to participate as they are brought to justice. I therefore urge >the youth to start up not only defending their countries - but bringing the >Jews to the courts of justice. Not to their courts but to ours, where we >are the judges, prosecutors and executors. I would like to be one of the >prosecuters. I think I qualify for such a job. My credentials are: > >- belonging to the Nordic race >- willing to do the job >- loving my race >- loving all White people >- not feeling sorry for a dead Jew > >Hate > >Please remember to keep a part of your heart free for the hatred of Jews. >They hate us, and their Elie Wiesel has asked all world Jews to hate >Germans. You are all Germans in the eye of the Jews; therefore you MUST >hate. If you do not hate, you are not prepared for the final battle for the >survival of your race. > >Heil og sael (Norwegian)
  14. Gaurji: Azhkenasi is one name for Eastern European Jews. Spelling for Ashkenazi may be a little different. Sephardik Jews are from Morocco through Spain, Portugal. I received this article over 5 months ago. Somewhat bias. Still it contains some interesting facts. Keep in mind: some Jews not all. JNdAsji: before you delete this one consider it's relevance to this particular thread topic. Let us discuss and/or dispute what is written below. Just as we would any other philosophy. Give it a try. Good exercise. >"Streiker" > >Globalization - a Jewish Scam >Sat, 9 Jun 2001 11:18:18 +0200 > >Globalization - a Jewish Scam > >The New Stürmer >Volume 3 > >Visit my website at: http://www.propatria.org /julius_streiker > >Dear kindred and fellow Aryans > >I am sure most of you know who stands behind the current blight which is >striking our countries. The evil forces and their lemmings, the >politicians, call it globalization or free movement of money and products. > >Who are these people? Well most of them are freemasons, and some are known >as members of the Bilderberg Group. Are they Jews? Unfortunately no, most >of those whom we meet/see are not Jews. The real satans, however, are >behind the screen; as always, there are some Jews among them. > > >Let us look at the Bilderberg Group > >Here you can read a brief characterization of the Bilderberg Group, the >shadowy cabal dedicated to one-world government. > >The Bilderberg Group: Took its name from the hotel in Holland where the >group first met in 1954. The group meets every year at various locations in >US and Europe, always in extreme secrecy, often at resorts controlled by >either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families. The Rothschild family is the >leading European force within the Bilderberg Group, sharing its power with >the American-based Rockefeller empire. > >The internationalist group has a revolving membership of several hundred >perticipants composed of banking, political and media elites from US and >Western Europe, almost exclusively from NATO countries (representatives >from former Soviet Union and East Bloc countries attended the 1992 >gathering, however). > >The Bilderberg Group maintains an extremely low profile and never publishes >reports or studies under its own official aegis. > >Bilderberg participants and all newspaper editors in the US denied the >group's very existence until it was forced to admit its existence by The >Spotlight. > >Who opposes the Bilderberg Group? > >During the recent demonstrations against globalization, we have had the >opportunity to study the opponents. Who they are? > >They call themselves anarchists, members of Troski's group, communists, >feminists and other professional demonstrators. > >Anarchism has always been a profession of Jewish activists. > >Troski was a leading communist during the Jewish Revolution in Soviet. >Troski was a Jew. The group with his name is headed by Jews. > >The feminists are also headed by Jews; this we have seen in the US, where >the feminists have been in the forefront when it comes to pushing for >abortions not among Asians or Africans, but among Whites. In Europe too, >the abortionists have been headed by Jews. Just look at the article written >by Philip Weiss in the New York Observer on January 1, 2001 where he tells >who are behind all proposals regarding social demands like abortion, free >immigration, etc: Jews. "In all phases of the American society Jews are the >leading people. The Jews have been those demanding privileges for all >citizens." > >Double safety > >In this the Jews have secured all possible outcomes; they are at both >sides. They have decided that they will not lose the battle of the people. >They will, after the battle of globalization, be on the winning side. If >the freemasons/Bilderberg Group misses, they want to be among the winners >as activists. > >If the politicians loses, the Jews will point to the Bilderberg Group and >say, "They wanted globalization; we the Jews did not want it. We fought >with the people!". > >Where did the Rockefellers and Rothschilds make their money? > >Both of these Jewish families were among the dealers of opium in Hong Kong >back in 1700 and early 1800. Both families lost opium when the Chinees >Emperor decided to burn all opium stored in Cantong in 1847.. > >The Rockefellers got their opium from Turkey; the Rothschilds got theirs >from Bengal. It was the Rothschilds, however, who got the British Navy to >go to war with China over the loss of opium. > >Those of you wanting to learn the background of both these families must >read the story of the Opium War written before 1940. Here you will find >names and records of profit from the traffic. > >Do they still deal in drugs? > >I have never heard of a Jew who gave up a good business. > >Yes, I think they are behind the traffic of drugs even today. > >I do not think they are dealers or buyers anymore, but they are the owners >of the traffic as they are the ones who, for a big part of the profit, >allow dealers to sell drugs in their territories. > >Why can small European countries not prevent the illegal entrance of drugs? >Because the police are instructed not to. Even in a country as large as the >US, the drug traffickers could be stopped if the police were allowed to act >aagainst them. But someone is preventing the police from working >effectively. > >Hurry up - get rid of the Jews > >The more I learn about the Jews and their wheeling, dealing and crimes, the >more I want to participate as they are brought to justice. I therefore urge >the youth to start up not only defending their countries - but bringing the >Jews to the courts of justice. Not to their courts but to ours, where we >are the judges, prosecutors and executors. I would like to be one of the >prosecuters. I think I qualify for such a job. My credentials are: > >- belonging to the Nordic race >- willing to do the job >- loving my race >- loving all White people >- not feeling sorry for a dead Jew > >Hate > >Please remember to keep a part of your heart free for the hatred of Jews. >They hate us, and their Elie Wiesel has asked all world Jews to hate >Germans. You are all Germans in the eye of the Jews; therefore you MUST >hate. If you do not hate, you are not prepared for the final battle for the >survival of your race. > >Heil og sael (Norwegian)
  15. So far 'descendants' are concerned: If u visit Holland, you'll meet descendants, remnants of...? Vikings? Very tall. Supposedly the tallest ethnik group worldwide. They now how to take back land from Atlantik Ocean. Very skillful. One guy at Schiphol airport was so wide & so tall... When we got on their airport shuttle bus, he had to duck his head during entire ride. That bus ceiling was at least 7'6". They've never shown so much interest in Basketball. They prefer Futbol. They beat Brazil for Soccer World Cup about 5 yrs ago. If they did practice Hoops... they'd slam dunk our entire Olympik Dream Team players, ball & all! And think nothing of it. Italians like to work wih their hands. According to Jackie Mason, a rabbi's son, Jews were not allowed to work with their hands due to discrimination. They just didn't fit in. Ergo, they worked with their heads. Go betweens. Like everyone else, they're blessed, they're cursed. Kaliyuga takes no prisoners. janma mRtyu jarA vyAdhi duHkha doSanu darzanam...
  16. If I thought we needed more oil & drugs, I'd support Bushwick blindly. Ashcan too. Turns out I don't need either one. Neither do you. Gas Stations are so outdated. Pathetically archaic. gHariji referred to "Divide & Rule". Valayaji: know the karmik rxn for "Divide & Rule" policy? Want a share of Bushala's vikarma-phalam? Et tu, Gaurji?
  17. Smack Crack-le Pot Rice Krispies. Now with CIA-created & fostered Taliban dispersed by ... we wonder who'll take over? Any need to wonder? No, not quite. We know who'll be taking over Smack portion of their operation. Hmm. Usual Suspects.
  18. 4.3.13 darzanAc ca from vision/philosophy/realization, too And it is so seen in Scripture too. 534 4.3.14 na ca kArye pratipatty abhisandhiH not, and, in effected (Brahman), of knowledge/aim, desire And Sage does NOT intentionally desire to reach effected Brahman (and not Highest, Lord Himself). 535 4.3.15 apratIkAlambanAn nayatIti bAdarAyaNa ubhayathA ca doSAt tat kratuz ca not, upon symbols, depend, leads, so, VyAsadev holds, both ways, and from defects, about that, thought (he whose thought is about that) according to Tat-kratuH maxim, too Subtle being leads Supreme worshippers' souls sans any symbol. This is BAdarAyaN's opinion for there is defect in both other views & because "Tat kratuH" maxim ("as is one's thoughts, so is his goal) requires it to be so. 536 * * * (palatal n = ~) * * * 4.3.16 vizaSa~ca darzayati difference, and, scripture declares And Scripture itself shows special case w.r.t. some Nirapexas (desireless). 537 End of 3rd pAda, 3rd adhyAya.
  19. Talasigaji: Yes? kASThakuTTo yathA kAsThaM, kuTTato cAti vegataH | sthitvA sthitvA tathA nADI, sannipAtAd bhaved dhruvam ||12|| kASThakuTTa (woodpecker) pecks wood very quickly, maintaining pauses. Pulse aggravated by all 3 doSas a la fois moves similarly.
  20. Excellent match. Symbiotic congruence.
  21. A young man was encouraged to marry. He brought home one local girl to show his parents. His Dad took one look at her, pulled the boy aside and said: "You can't marry that girl; she's your sister!" Feeling somewhat discouraged, the boy took her home. A few weeks later, he found another prospect. Like the first, he brought her home to meet his parents. Again, his Dad took one look, pulled him aside & said: "Son, you can't marry this girl either; she's also your sister!" Now very discouraged, the boy escorted her home. Next day, his mother inquired: "What happen to those 2 nice girls you brought here?" With head bowed, her son revealed: "Dad said I can't marry either one 'cos they're both my sisters." His mother thought for a moment, then assured him: "Don't worry. If you want, you can marry either one." "How's that?" he asked. Mom: "Easy: 'Cos he's not your father."
  22. These 9/11 boxcutter knives must've had very SHORT blades. Shorter still? American recall. These 9/11 boxcutter knives must've had very LONG blades. Longer still? Pinocchio schnozzles.
  23. These 9/11 boxcutter knives must've had very SHORT blades. Shorter still? American memories. These 9/11 boxcutter knives must've had very LONG blades. Longer still? Pinocchio schnozzles.
  24. I see, hmm. Clear as mud. Opaque guru. Through thick & thin. Paint thinner.
  25. guru-zAstra-sAdhu: I mentioned this elsewhere. First time I met PrabhupAd he mentioned: "You're all coming from Xatriya stock. After Kuruxetra war, some soldiers escaped to European side ..." Including YayAti lines (Greece & Turkey), there's at least 3 Vedik European derivations. If we include Jew/Yadu, that makes 4. Diksa is much more important than seminal birth. No comparison. Jesus was crucified because he preached "You Must Be Born Again". Born Again? Diksa, of course. Jesus gave his Apostles many mantras to chant. We don't know those mantras because their paramparA was lost. Or these Popes & Cardinals are not telling us. Jews that follow Lord Caitanya... they are the REAL Yadu-Jews. As for the rest? We can politely express: Misguided We can go so far as to say: Masquerade
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