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Everything posted by Haridham

  1. Well once PRabhupad was giving a lecture somewhere in India and he mentioned about the fact that we shoudnt talk about the intimate pastimes of Krsna, Radha and the gopis. Afterwards he and some of his disciples were in his room when an Indian couple came into his room and took his darshan. They immidiatly wanted to know about the intimate pastimes of the gopis but Prabhupad said that these pastimes are very confidential and people in Kaliyuga arent qualified to hear them. THey said We are qualified, we want to know. Prabhupad just humbely said You might be qaulified to hear them but I am not qualified to tell you them. We should take the example of Prabhupad and realise that people who hear this pastimes will compare them to their mundane life and act them out. Many people are lusty and they mistake that for love. We should just serve krsna rather then want to or demand to know or understand He, Radharani and the gopis intimate pastimes. THere is no need. What if I went up to someone and asked them or inquired about their relationship with their wife when they go to bed or how many times they get intimate and whats involved and such. Its just none of our bussiness. Ofcourse I am just speaking from my point of view on this and no sastric evidance and such. Just my mundane jibber jabber. Hare Krsna
  2. Hare krsna everyone Happy Diwal and Jay Giri Govardhan. Hope you all are doing well. I hope you had a very good and prosperous diwali. Finally Ram came home to Ayodhya after his exile. As well as Krsna lifting a hill on his pinky for 7 days. I hope you all celebrated very nicely. We in Vancouve Celebrated with Grand Style with not just Diwali and Govardhan puja but we also had a nice play. Bhakti Marg Swami was in Vancouver, he enjoyed the play. The Play was good except I forgot my lines but nobody noticed. It was great. I also Turned 25....wow five years away from 30. Jai Sri Ram Please share your stories if you like. Hare Krsna
  3. When people see that they are being exposed they will do anything and everything to stop that. wow I am everywhere today.
  4. I am not saying its irrelivant, I am just saying it brings up blood presures of people who might not agree or understand your point. Its more important to tell them about Lord Krsna and his glories and make them understand they arent these bodies then continue bickering. I am not trying to offend you. I hope you get that. Hare Krsna
  5. I was watching this Episode of the tv show "The Family Guy" A cartoon that is quite funny. It has an Idiot Dad, a talking baby that tries to kill his mother, a talking and most intelligent member of the family which happens to be a dog, a son with low self asteem and a daughter who is self conscious. Now what was funny was that in last nights episode(a rerun) the idiot dad was talking to his wifes father who said he was glad he married his daugther. To which the idiot dad replied "oh thank you Jesus" The next scene is Jesus in the sky saying "wait I didnt do anything" All of a sudden a blue, fourarmed God appears and says "dont worry, its ok. It happens all the time" I thought it was a funny way to dipict Visnu. Hare Krsna
  6. We are spirit soul and ultimatly go to krsna and there is no hindu, muslim, chritian or aryan limitations. Lets just chant. Hare Krsna
  7. Yes it does make sense but why not just worship Sri Krsna. He is the cause of all causes. If you worship him then all other demigods and goddess are pleased. Just like watering a tree. If you water the root of the tree(krsna) then the whole tree, branches, leaves, the animals on the leaves and birds benefit, but if you water the branch or the leaves nothing gets benefit. I love Lord Sri Krsna but I respect all the other Demigods and goddesses, however I feel the highest spiritual understanding when I chant and think of krsna. Hare Krsna
  8. I am also concerned about her ideas relating to sex and mine. I mean I understand and told her that sex according to our Sampradaya was to beget Krsna Consciouss children and only once a month, to which she had a look of "is he crazy" hahahaha. Its true though and how should I explain this to her without getting too preachy as some people would say because I dont want her to be turned off from Krsna Consciousness. I mean she might think I dont love her or something like that when I actually do love her. Oh boy....I am thinking to much again. hare Krsna
  9. Priitha ji, I am always willing to learn from senior devotees the best method in which I can be a good husband. From what I understand in the Srimad Bagavatam it is stated that one shoudnt be a husband, wife, father, mother, guru or a worshipable demigod unless he can liberate his dependants. Ofcourse I will encourage her to chant and as well as show her that I love her and such but there are times when I say to myself what if she doesnt chant, what if she doesnt like the movement or I am in it. We would have issues. BUt I cant worry about that now I guess. hare Krsna
  10. thank you for your encouregment, I never planned to be a captian. I want to give her the best example by showing her love and affection and lead by the best example. The thing is my nature is to preach and I know that maybe I shoudnt preach to my wife because....well....family and reletives dont like it as I know and have experianced with my parents, sister and brother. I just will bring her to the temple, let her experiance it herself, have her eat some prasadam, associate with the girls and hopefully things will be ok. Only Krsna knows. THanks Hare Krsna
  11. Yeah, sometimes I think all the doors are closing for me. Something will come up. I will apply at chapters and they are hiring so hopefully I will get it. Krsna's mercy and my endevour will prove true. It gets hard somethings though. I will be ok though. This weekend I will be relaxing because its Diwali, I am in a play and its My birthday at the same time. I dont celebrate my birthday because it brings me one day closer to death. This year especially because its the one year anniversary of the nonsense my parents and sister pulled. I am going to avoid them tomorrow or else I might get angry and say some word that might shoudnt come out of vaisnavas. I am turning the big 25....wow and I feel like a looser, not siddhartha. Yes, I am not sure if I will go to see these guys and spend a whole day there just to find out they do commision. I will have to figure out that by monday. If I knew why you called me Siddharta then I woudnt have asked prabhu. Please tell me.
  12. You are right my friend but remember you can only tell these things to people who can understand. I know many people who claim to be Brahmans but eat meat and do other nonsense. Hare Krsna
  13. Thank you for telling me what that meant. Happy Diwali to you too, its my birthday on Diwali. Jai Sri Ram. I am also in a play and my role is Hanuman. The story of Rama and Sita is quite where I am right now. Although Ram and Sita is Divine and where mine is not.
  14. The Wishywashy refers to everything they do. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I am glad you know what I mean. I mean I am from an Indian(gujurati, "hindu") background and I live with these things everyday and GOD(Krsna) its so annoying.
  15. Vanamali, thats such a nice name. I know this young devotee named vanamali. Such a beautiful name that is.
  16. the material world is like a bathroom. Do your bussiness and get out. No need to stay and look at te nice way the bathroom is decorated. Chant Hare Krsna.
  17. Well I think that any vow is nice but you must do it willingly and not out of regret. Marriage is a big step now, I just got married last march. I didnt shave my head or anything like that but my vow was already taken to serve krsna and my guru maharaj eternely when I got Diksa. If you feel that you will become more devoted then do it, but if its just a one time thing just for the marriage then....anyways.... Thats just how I feel. Devotion is eternel servitude not just something done once in a life time because something auspicious is happening. I recommend you ask Paramatma in your heart and he will guide you. I personally think if you take a vow of chanting Hare Krsna all your life then all other vows are automaticaly included. Ofcourse one should always keep krsna in the centre of the marriage as marriage is for a spiritual purpose and not because society or cast wants you to do it. Boy I hope I havent said to much. Hare Krsna.
  18. I must be a moron because I can never figure the hand thing out. Oh I am a moron. I guess I will stick to my beads. God Forbid I ever loose my beads.
  19. Hare Krsna Vanamali ji. That was an interesting picture. I was wondering what the mantra meant? Hare Krsna
  20. Hare Krsna My question is..... what exactly does the symbol mean? and also why the "hindu's" give watered down and wishywashy answers about everything. Also i would like to thank you for sending me the invitation, I registered and will go on from time to time. I have to figure out how to use it Thanks
  21. So why then hindus call it the symbol of peace? Ofcourse they say "Hinduism" is about unity but then there is a cast system. Do they say these things because they have no clue and it just sounds nice to everyone else????????? I hope this doesnt get heated. lol Hare Krsna
  22. well its an independent distritibution company. Not even sure what they distribute. No name either. I am serious, they didnt even tell me nor did they tell me how much you get paid per hour. They just told me to come monday morning and impress the managers and they will either hire you on the spot or tell you no thanks on the spot. Thing is its from 9am to 6pm on monday and I have school in the evening. So I am not sure If I want to go. I think its a job by commision basis thats why when i asked how much you get paid they avoided the question. Now I am thinking what I need to do before monday, I rather not miss school but time will tell what I need to do. I cant handle commision right now, even though I am good at it. Why do you call me Siddhartha prabhu. Wow Bugs bunny adopted me. I am huntin wabbit...ahahhahaahhaha
  23. Hare krsna everyone. This is Haridham Now I was wondering something, I plan to post up the story of what happened when I and my wife met for the first time soon. If someone thinks its better not to then I wont but I have a question. How do I direct my wife to Krsna Consciousness. Its hard for me over the net because she wont feel the complete essense if I email her stuff. Its hard over the phone because I am not there and there isnt much time on the phone. When I met my wife(an amazing story followed) I told her from the beggining that I was in the Hare Krsna movement and I didnt want her to find any surprises after. I wanted to be honest. She ofcourse loved the fact that I was with Iskcon. Since then ofcourse we havent spent much time together. So my question is what can I do? Any of the regular devotees have any suggestions. I think the best thing I can do is lead by example. BUt thats when she comes here, what about when she is over there in Madagascar? She tells me that she chants. I dont want to overdo anything and force her or else she will rebel. Do I send her any quotes? If so, which do u think are the best. KRsna consciousness is the most wonderful thing I have ever experianced and once she is here she can experiance that also. I have been on bus trips, book distribution, car washes, countless great devotee association and other things. Her world is going to feel, express and experiance something that she has never before experianced....atleast thats what I think Anyone with any ideas? Hare Krsna
  24. hey guys, how you all doing. I went for a job interview today and it seemed promising but they told me to come back monday. Hare KRsna
  25. I also checked out Chapters. They are hiring as well, I also went to Virgin Megastore. Krsna will provide something. I just have to keep endevouring.
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