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Everything posted by Haridham

  1. are you sure you arent going to hell now Visit Vancouver on the way there though k thanks....super lol, I say that cause I once told a fellow christian how there are some ex christians who still respect Jesus Christ but are devotees now and the respond was like a broken Christian record they are going to hell..vrrp(a record sounding like a screech, to tired to figure out how it actually goes) they are going to hell...vrp....they are going to hell..vrp hey wow its 3:18am here in vancouver. Time for mangal arti soon. Bed Time...hahahhaha
  2. Thats a no then isnt it? lol, I shoudnt say that but I just did so oh well. arent scorpio's the coolest...hahahah
  3. I think being a scorpio is enough what post was it that made you make that comment anyway I am a horse in the Chinese horoscope so I am a A Chinese horse who is a scorpio
  4. I know what a circumcision is man!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering why God considerd them impure?
  5. Radharani ki Jai, Maharani ki Jai bolo barsanevali ki jai jai jai Jai Jai Sri Radheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. ...the circumcised people thing. If the christians read that part they will now say you are going to hell because you are not christian and you are not christian because you are not circumcised or something sheesh
  7. If you cant afford to go to the ganga...... .....try fedex maybe???? lol I dont know, someone out there must know hare krsna
  8. apparently father(god) and son(Jesus) dont see eye to eye. Can you say family feud!!!!!!!!
  9. what about other people who say they are christians???? and its usually fanatical christians that are attracted to me. .....I cant blame them hahahahah
  10. I cant seem to figure out how to reply properly.
  11. LOL You must be a blast out on skp! ha Yes Priita ji I do have a good time doing books. I have fun with people which attracts them, and some like the fact that young people are serious about something other then raves or partying.
  12. I wanted to know something, before Ghari Prabhu posted the Pro meat part of the bible I was planning to print that part out and talk to some of the fanatical Christians about these quotes. Is this still a good idea, I mean not necceceraly to fanatical christians but other people who are christian and it just gives some evidence to what I say.
  13. but in russian. How is the government treating the Hare Krsna devotee's there anyway? Is it better then 20 years ago when they arrested the devotees and such?
  14. I am confused as well, I mean there were replies of the bible supporting vegatarianism and now it suppots people eating meat. Is the bible full of contradictions or something else is happening I am just curious
  15. You have misunderstood vedic culture. Please do a little bit more research before you make any comments. I wasnt saying anything nor do i think anyone here was trying to critize Lord Jesus Christ and his teachings but rather the people who claim to be christians. The Word Christian means Christ-like. When you are yelling, screaming, telling people you are going to hell that is not Christ like. Neither is opening thousands of Slaughter houses.\ Jesus was humble, tolorant, compassionate and loving. I think the last great Christian was tortured and crucified on a cross. Hopefully we can understand and realise he died for our sins so we should stop sinning.
  16. yes iskcon tends to follow vedic injunctions. WHen mother Krsna kanta passed away here in vancouver her family took her ashes to the ganga
  17. You are going to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha No No your guru will anhance your attachment to the holy name
  18. Just wondering what a moaner is? Are you a moaner? Is it from moaning? If so how can you tell if I am moaning? Hare Krsna
  19. Krsna is another name for God. He is considered the Supreme in Vedic Culture. To understand a little about him Read the book Bagavat Gita As It Is. Hope that answered something. Hare Krsna(Praise God or Praise Krsna or even Oh Lord Krsna) Your Friend Haridham
  20. Prabhuji, it seems I am being distuptive or something. I dont know I think I have a thing for indians or something. Maybe I should quit coming here because If I am causing a disturbance then thats no good. Hare Krsna
  21. Trupti is right. Krsna is with you at everystep. He will guide you.
  22. Whats a moaner? There is a word I have never have been insulted with...I think that was an insult...hmmmm Anyways, Yeah spending time with family is good. I never mentioned anything that has anythign to do with anything. I was just saying you shoudnt just come to the temple once a week thinking you are doing krsna a favor. And thinking coming to the temple once a week is enough is what I was talking about. DOnt most hindu families cook at home everyday and not just sundays??? hmmmm Hare krsna
  23. Just chant Hare Krsna and lets become sincere and in our dealings with people. As far as clothes go....Prabhupad did say first dress then adress. However everything nowadays is time, place and circumstance.
  24. Thank you for correcting me. I wasnt trying to confuse anyone. I paraphrased those verses because I didnt remember the verses nor do I carry the bible around. All in all what I said was accurate wasnt it? Atleast from what I read there it seemed like it. All glories to all the assembled devotees which includes Jesus. Hare Krsna
  25. You are right we should know better. But again, not all of the vaisnavas are like this. I know the temple girls and boys for example are very devotional. They do wear sari and tilak and such. Ofcourse they get harrased by Indian people who say they are trying to be "hindu" etc but they dont care. Hey I watch tv too. I know i shoudnt but I could be doing a lot worse....or maybe a lot better. I know what you mean We should know better.
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