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Everything posted by Haridham

  1. You are correct sir. Your parents have seen you as a child in your nappies and when you tell them something their mentality is that what is this young buck going to tell me that I already dont know. Yeah, my sister once said it was a phase, funny how that was 6 years ago and I am still chanting and such. I just told her that spirituality isnt a phase, its eternel. Material things are a phase, life after life after life after life.
  2. Whats up with all these vaisnava divisions. From galva to this. Vaisnavas are vaisnavas. There is no need for bodily designations. Soon there will be a black vaisnava group, to a chinese vaisnava group, then a russian vaisnava group, jewish vaisnava group. So on and so on. We dont need all these bodily designations which only divide us.
  3. Now, I am taking History 12 and GED. Usually now there isnt much talk of religion but sometimes it gets into the air and things are discussed. I try to be diplomatic and stay out of it as I would rather focus on school A couple of interesting notes though, In my GED class there is A black bodied lady who wears a barqa(sp) and happens to be a muslim. Now she asked me once about Hinduism and I told her a few things and she seemed satisfied. Now I am wondering though what is the best way I should talk to her about Krsna if it comes up. Anyone have any suggestions. Also In my History 12 class yesterday there were talking about Hilter and how he taught that being in a congragation made the persons beliefs stronger and such. Some how my teacher said just like the Jahova's Witnesses(not comparing or saying that they are the same thing) and how they like traveling in pairs so they dont loose their faith. Someone said well Religion is a Sham and such, how do I reply to some of these things that are said.
  4. Yeah, I hear they have a thing for goats. Anyways, I have also heard that before the kill the goat they recite a mantra in the goats ear which says that in the goats next life it will lets just say return the favor.
  5. Now we know the vedas state that meating is no good. Even some quotes from the bible state no meat eating. How about the Quran? I know they dont eat pork but does it state anywhere not to eat meat period? I am curious
  6. Now are you talking about the actual ramayana or the hindi movie version of the Ramayana. I ask this because these movies are directed by people who have a thing for Ganesh ji or other demigods so they add a little here and there. Although if you do worship ganesh, you should worship ganesh to clear the path in your devotional service. Ofcourse you should just pray to krsna for that. Ganesh also helped compiled the Srimad Bagavatam, I think it was written with one of his tusks or something. I am not sure though.
  7. Yeah I have met many who say Jesus talks to me and he has given me visions but thats to fool an uneducated crowd. I mean if he did talk to them then they would be far more into their spiritual lives, more humble and such. I doubt he is talking to them, rather they are trying to prove to other christians that they are the chosen one by Jesus.
  8. Dear guestji Hare Krsna, I think you said something that is very accurate and true. Yes, we cant force anyone to have bhakti. Yes and Bhakti does come from within, however there is nothing wrong with telling people you love the wonders of krsna conscioussness. Nothing wrong with telling people about krsna. Yes it comes from within but unless its given a push it wont come out. I am sure you and I both had/have bhakti within but with me I had devotees come and bring it out. It wasnt through fanatical preaching but rather loving exchanges. I dont feel its wrong or fanatical to tell people about Krsna. The reason I made this thread was to express and share to people who have gone through similar experiances. I mean chanting, feasting, reading prabhupads books, book distribution, getting initiated, association with devotees is the sweetest thing someone can experiance. I mean you can go to the temple everyday if you like but if you dont learn anything and stick to your materialistic ways or just after you come outside from the temple you do your nonsense again whats the point. I just think I have found a gold and I want to share it with someone who has no concept of gold and is rather playing with dirt. Thats what family life is about, its for progressing towards krsna conscioussness. I dont force anything on anyone.
  9. In Genesis it is said that "I have given you plenty of herbs and seads, you need not devour the flesh of the dead" Also in the bible it is said that God said when jesus comes he will only eat milk and honey. Later on, someone offered him fish and honey and he chose one. NOw we can assume since God told Jesus to only eat milk and honey he chose honey instead of fish. Thats my two cents
  10. Well all of you have probably gone through this at one point or another but isnt it the most difficult set of people to talk to Krsna about? I mean we realise the nector and bliss that is associated with Krsna, Prabhupad, devotees, and our pastimes with such personalities and experiances. We want to share our experiances and realisations with the people closest to us because we know they are the ones who deserve it most but unfortunatly it doesnt work both ways. When we preach to other people outside our family, its much easier and people are much more receptive. Its easier to talk to others about Lord Krsna and telling them about the difference between body and soul etc, etc etc. However it just frustrates me when I try to tell someone in my family to try chanting or read prabhupads books or try to have a discussion. Even My family which is basically "Hindu" family would rather watch tv then discuss all this. When I do talk or say something it is met by "whoa, how did he know that" or "ahh thats just head games" I know that when I tell my sister something about krsna consciouss philosophy which defeats her materialistic outlook all I get is "yeah yeah' or "Sure whatever" or even "thats not true" and sometimes even "oh everything Krsna says has two meanings" The last one really bugs me but it shows when people dont want to surrender they will interpret krsna's words to not disturb their desires. I was told by a devotee not to preach to family as Familarity(sp) breeds comptemt. Its better to lead by example then talk because they think you are younger then them and dont know much and it also might cause blasphamy or something. Well, I just guess leave it to krsna as when you try to tell someone about krsna who is not ready it just brings disturbances. Sometimes its just frustrating. I mean something so wonderful and easy is right there but people cant understand it. Share some of your experiances. Hare Krsna
  11. well I think all your points were good. Although I do wish to clarify something that I said. When I stated that in the Srimad Bagavatam it is said that one shoudnt be a father, mother, husband, a guru or a worshipable demigod, I wasnt saying that since I am a husband I am automaticaly qualified to liberate anyone. I meant that many people are getting married(especially people in Indian culture who dont know why to get married but just get married) without knowing the proper things. A husband/wife should understand that he/she is not the controller and krsna is the centre of their relationship. Anyways, thats my view Hare Krsna
  12. Yeah, with me personaly if I am going to leave for a second I usually dont bow down but that could be because I am lazy. I mean I pay respects with my heart but I dont bow down. When I enter the temple I always bow down to Prabhupad first.
  13. Here in Vancouver at our giftshop there are some small deities I think of Ganesh ji. I have to look into that ofcourse.
  14. Hare Krsna Trupti ji and guest ji. You two are quite an intelligent pair. Was the course hard? How many years did it take? I dont even know what I want to do with my life. Krsna will give me the right intelligence to do something, I just have to keep endevouring. Hare Krsna
  15. I dont know if I will ever find anything. Sometimes I get really frustrated. THank you all for being there for me (Ghari, Priita) Hare KRsna
  16. Hare Krsna Trupti ji. That is such a nice name. Kem Cho? Majama cho? lol. Well nice to hear from you. You know a lot of people are facing daily pressure from every corner. I think you will do well. Yes you dont have a job but you seem very intelligent so keep endevouring and you will find something. As for marriage, just wait until Krsna finds you the right person, nothing you should would worry about, wether its a husband or boyfriend. Just hope that whoever you are going to be with is a devotee of krsna. Your mom's Karma and your karma are different. Kali Yuga has advanced and your life is much more difficult then your mothers. You have a degree(EE, what is that?) I dont even have a degree, I am just working on my GED and my grade 12. ITs always good to do school. Top it all off I am married(arranged by my parents and now they want me to get a divorce which I wont.)and me and my wife are in a difficult position. SHe is in Madagascar and I am trying to get her over here. I know ultimatly krsna is the controller so we must depend on him. You are not a waste of space. Keep endevouring to serve Sri Krsna. Hare Krsna
  17. Thank you for your reply. I guess as long as we keep endevouring krsna will help things work out at the end. I just have to remember that this is the material world and the more we want to gratify our senses the harder and more intense the world gets. I have to remember krsna at every moment.
  18. I dont know if this is due to my situation at this moment in life or not but there are times I feel frustrated with myself. No matter how much I chant or how sincere I am trying to be I dont think I am doing enough. When I chant Krsna's name it seems like it doesnt even come out properly. Instead of saying Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare it seems to come out Hare ksna Hare Ksna. I dont feel I am chanting properly nor am I serving my Guru and Prabhupad properly. I dont even do Guru Puja, I just chant. I try to concentrate but I dont know how to do so. Ofcourse I havent read any of Prabhupads books in a while either. I follow the four regs, but I dont seem to be developing more faith. How do I develop more faith, I have read some of the posts people have put on here how chanting or reading the gita has made people cry and such. I look at myself and I cant understand that nor do I feel I can reach that much of a level of devotion. I sometimes think people are making this up but I dont know. Maybe thats my envious mind talking. Geez, I dont even know if the wording came out properly in this. I dont know exactly what I feel. I mean I just turned 25 and what do I have to show for it. I am married, dont have a job. Even If I get a job who knows when I will be fired. I dont feel I have served society, krsna, Prabhupad or anyone and I feel like a failure. Anyways, some thoughts and comments would be appriciated. Hare Krsna
  19. Hare Krsna, Thanks very much for your job postings and such. I am continuing to search for a job, hopefully something will come up. I just have to endevour and krsna will provide the results. I just think that if Krsna doesnt want me to have a job at this point and right now is a time for me to get tested then thats what will happen. I hope you are having some luck. I wish I could be of service like you have been to me but I am a fool and a failure. I am 25 and nothing much to show for it. I will be ok though. If you have any other postings let me know. Thanks. Hare Krsna
  20. I never saw that Episode. What was Krsna's role in the southpark episode anyway?
  21. THank you for the link I cant seem to find it though, any chance you can give it to me again? Thanks
  22. Hare Krsna Pritaa ji, how are you doing? I hope your weekend which was full of diwali and goverdhan puja festivities. That was a long and wondeful reply. Basically you telling me to realise that marriage is about accepting and not expecting right? Atleast I hope thats what you meant. Hare Krsna
  23. by the way, the singer to those songs is Krsna das. He is an impersonalist and doesnt like the devotees much but krsna has given him good singing talents. Shiva is lord Visnu's greatest devotee. hare Krsna
  24. Jndas that outta do it. That was a very nice explanation along with sastric evidence. You have cleared up my illusions thats for sure. I wish you were around with other discussions that i was going through. Hare Krsna.
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