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Posts posted by webyogi


    My details are as follows :


    TIME OF BIRTH : 6pm

    DATE OF BIRTH : 01 april-1976(thursday)

    PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY : Nellore,Andhra pradesh,India.

    SEX : male


    Your current status : jobless,staying in sydney for the past 26 months(more than 2 yrs)

    Educational background : BA(hist,eco,politics),Diploma in Fashion designing,Diploma in hairdressing

    Work Industry and current salary.: unemployed at present


    Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember : 21-6-1996(I got a job in canara bank),15-11-2002(I quit the bank job and joined fashion designing which is my passion.29-11-2006(I got study visa to australia.

    Family background

    Father : retired,doing voluntary service in bhagawan satya sai baba ashram.

    Mother : house wive ,doing voluntary service in bhagawan sri sathya sai baba ashram

    Brothers : none

    Sisters : 1 elder ,dob: 14-11-1974,born in nellore andhrapradesh india,presently in sydney working as a nurse.


    (here i have to tell you that since sep 2006,I have been doing chandi path/durga saptha sathi on every ashtami and chaturdasi days.but after coming to sydney,due to certain restrictions,I did the elaborate pooja only when time and the divine mother permitted me,but daily i recite ganapathi atharvasirsham,lalitha sahasranamam,lalitha panchadasakshari,lalitha trisathi,khadgamala,durga kavacha,sidha kunjikastothra,aparatha stothra,maha mruthyunja mantra and aditya hridayam..... apart from doing these myself,i got poojas done by some astrologers,but my condition has only worsenedwith these people not doing any good to me.?


    My questions are :

    1.I have been jobless for more than 8 months till now and i am undergoing a lot of mental trauma.when will i get a joband when will the happiness come inmy life?

    2.when will I marry and will it be love or arranged?

    3.when will my parents and my sis be happy because of me?

    4.is there any chance that i will win a lottery or something like that?

    5.I am interested in mantras,spiritualism and occultism.Is there a possibility that i will aquire a guru who can initiate me,can i get mantra sidhdhi?


    please answer me and help me .....krishna


    <!-- / message -->




    You are running Moon Mahadasa and Jupiter anterdasa who are in 8th (death, misfortune...) along with Kethu till May 2009. It will then be followed by Sani subperiod who is also 6th lord (enemies...). This Sani is aspecting Monn and Jupiter. The situation may little bit improve but will require good amount of efforts to get a good job. This time period may be OK for marriage purpose but may give you unhappiness. For your chart, arranged marriage may be important to consider.


    You may do the following to get some results but it all depends on your previous Karma also:


    Worshiping lord Vishnu and Laxmi Mata and Lord Shiva (without flowers).

    Worshiping dakshniavarat Shankh that has been activated may reduce your efforts to fight with current problems.

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays to needy people (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).

    Wear yellow topaz (not yellow sapphire) and good quality emerald in silver ring. Topaz will help a lot for spiritual activity, and emerald may focus to differentiate between right and wrong an important factor for spiritual gaigs as you mentioned.

    Actively involve in recycling of waste materials.




    Respected Sir/Madam,


    Following are the details of mine:


    I would be really grateful if you could provide some insights/ predictions about my career prospects.


    Date of birth - 1st June 1982

    Time of birth - 11.20 pm

    Place of birth - Bhilai

    Sex - Female

    Present Place of living - Cambridge, UK


    Sir, my queries are:


    a) How are my career prospects in near future. Will i be able to clear further finance exams which could enhance my career.

    i am MBA(Finance), was working in Mumbai before i got married in April 2008 and then came to UK. Inspite of having a decent work experience of 2 years, i havent been able to secure a job in UK.

    Moreover, i gave an exam of my field which was related to my field(Finance) and flunked it. As these exams involve huge amount of money, should i proceed further in taking the exams.


    (b) When i will be able to get a job in near future..is it good staying in UK or going back to India


    b) We have a baby due in mid march 2009. how the baby would be like.


    Thanks a lot for sparing time for advice/predictions.


    Thanks & Regards,





    You are running period of Jupiter and Jupiter subperiod will end by May 2010. Jupiter is also 12 th house lord (travel...) is in 10th profession and aspecting education indicating good but some efforts.


    In 5th house (house of learning) Budha and Sun are there and are associated with 6th (enemies, disease, ---) and 8th houses (death----). Budha also signifies finance etc. Thus requires lot of efforts in the field you are interested in.


    Also running first phase of Sade sati and this may also require efforts more than usual on your part to achieve something.


    For this you may like to do the following:


    Worship lord Vishnu along with Mata Laxmi (without flowers).

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Wear yellow topaz (not yellow sapphire) may be helpful.

    Donation on Saturdays and Tuesdays to needy people (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).


    Residing outside is good for you as 4th lord is in bhagya house along with 7th lord (husband and travel..).


    Hope it helps.




    Wait till 2010 when saturn subperiod comes.









    Namaste Guruji,

    I have showed my kundali to local astrologer. He told presently Ketu+Rahu dasha is running.

    For this he told to pray Lord Shiva and to do Swayam raksha Pooja.

    What is swayam raksha pooja. How to do this? Is it correct?

    I need your help guruj.


    Name: Jayashree

    D.O.B: 24 December 1982

    Time: 5.08 AM

    Place: Mangalore



    This is very urgent guruji pls help me.




    Yes, lord Shiv pooja may be very helpful.

    The period of Rahu in Kethu will be over by June/2009 and it will be followed by Jupiter subperiod and this may be better than the present.



    Worship lord Vishnu (without flowers).

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Wear yellow topaz (not yellow sapphire) may be helpful




    Hello everyone,

    I want to know if moti is giving me problem in my profession.

    My date of birth is 28th may 1988, time 16:22, place hissar.


    I weared moti in november last year, i'm getting a feeling that it is not suiting me coz since november i'm getting hurdles in my profession.


    Can somebody advice me whtr it is due to moti or some other planetary positions.


    Thanking You,

    Rakesh Arora




    No, it is not moti that is giving problem in profession. It may be due to Dasa of Jupiter who is also 6th lord (diseases, enemies...) and aspecting Moon who is profession lord in Lagna. I would rather suggest to even wear a good quality pearl necklace to get some relief in profession.



    Worship lord Vishnu (without flowers).

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.


    may be helpful.




    Respected gurus,

    I had very good health all my life till end of 2007. I have been having some health problem or other since then.

    My Venus dasha started at that time.


    My birth details - 04 Sept 1974, 2:00 am Bangalore, India.


    Venus is my 5th & 12th lord placed in the 3rd house(Leo) with the 3rd Lord Sun. It is receiving aspects from 8th & 9th lord Saturn from Ascendent and

    from 7th & 10th lord Jupiter from the 9th house.


    There is no connection to the 6th house.


    In Navamsa, Venus is in 2nd house(Aries) with debilated Saturn whose debilation has been cancelled.


    Can any of the learned members please help me with my query?






    It does not have to be a connection with 6th house to get disease. The 8th house is also very powerful to cause problems, it is hidden house too (unexpected gains and loss and death-----).


    Venus has started about Nov 2007 and it is for 20 yrs. It is lord of 12 th too and aspected by Saturn lord of 8th. Venus is aspected by Jupiter too from 9th house.


    Do the following:


    Worshiping Laxmi Mata (without flowers).

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays and Tuesdays to needy people (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).

    Hope it helps.



    Hi to all,


    Please look in to my query and answer me.I would be vry thankful if u can guide me over dis.


    Looking out for ur answers and guidance.







    First person (9/1/1977): Match points are 27 out of 36 with Nov Pancham Dosha but it is taken care by other factors, so it is good. After marriage, his spouse may be worried from time to time. He is manglik also like you are.


    Secon person (9/18/1980): Match points are only 15.5 out of 36 and with two dosha. Thus it is not suitable for each other.




    Thanks WebYogi.


    I consulted some astrolger earlier but he suggested that this period (Nov08-Oct12) is very good period for me as its dasha of Shukra and I have Shukra in my chart that is going to give me good benefits.


    How to improve the decision making ability...




    In my opinion, Venus is not going to give excellent results as you mentioned, you might be knowing better than me from several different angles from day to day life. The unhappiness may be caused by female member (Venus) as a friend or a family member and you might make wrong decisions too, it just to let you know.


    Wear a peral ring and Shiv Bhagvan pooja may be helpful too for decision making.




    Om Namo Laxminaryana !!


    November 2008, i wore a Copper Ring in both Big Toes [Angutha of Leg :-) ] to avoid stomach pains populary known as "Dharan" .. The guy who tied is an expert and many ppl have had benefits.


    I remember Webyogiji pointing me out, my Sun is weak, so also nothing is working out for me in regards to job.. I removed this copper rings today,

    What do i do with these rings now ?

    ..I am expecting something to happen..Fingers Crossed :-)


    Can something worn in Toes show its effects ?


    Om Namo Laxminarayana !!




    If you would like to do for Sun, Surya Namaskar and offering water to Surya Dev is much better than many other remedies.


    Jupiter is still in neecha position who is your not only lagna lord but profession lord, thus as suggested previously, nothing better than worshiping lord Vishnu and that you are already doing. Sometimes it is a matter of balance between our own Karma and the remedies we do and the final results depends on that to realize the effects.


    Hope it helps.




    Pranam webyogiji

    Native's Dob: 13-04-1986

    Tob: 15:25 hrs

    place: calcutta

    I wanted to ask you something which you predicted to vivek bansalji...The chart is a bit confusing but seems to be a strong one.Over here in his chart, three planets that is sun, saturn and moon are vargottam and moon is exalted too. so saturn and moon although being the lord of 6th and 12 houses arent malefic. Also i would like to mention that saturn in this chart is retrograde that is its moving towards its exaltation sign libra in both rasi and navamsa chart..So Saturn should provide good effects to the native.what do u say??

    Jupiter although being the lord of 8th house, is also the lord of 5th house is placed in 7th house but in Meena rahi in navamsa. so Jupiter's condition also improves hence it isnt much of a malefic.

    Mercury is neecha in the rasi chart and gets neechabhanga twice as jupiter is kendra to lagna and to the moon also.The native also has a strong gaj kaseri yoga with an exalted moon.

    A benefic venus is placed in the ninth house of luck..Rahu associating with venus would increase the qualities of venus.The native should be good in arts i suppose.

    In jupiters mahadasa, the native should get good success.and i feel the chart is strong enough to give the native good success in life.

    Hope to have your views on my analysis and please correct me where i am wrong.





    Following is my opinion in response to your questions:


    "I wanted to ask you something which you predicted to vivek bansalji...The chart is a bit confusing but seems to be a strong one.Over here in his chart, three planets that is sun, saturn and moon are vargottam and moon is exalted too. so saturn and moon although being the lord of 6th and 12 houses arent malefic. Also i would like to mention that saturn in this chart is retrograde that is its moving towards its exaltation sign libra in both rasi and navamsa chart..So Saturn should provide good effects to the native.what do u say?? "

    You are right as per texts but in my experience of examining several charts containing some of these situations I found results otherwise. Person may be for a short term gain a lot but in long turn back to square one. That’s why considering the overall out come I mentioned the following “In my humble opinion, joining business with father will be more beneficial to you in a long run.”.


    "Jupiter although being the lord of 8th house, is also the lord of 5th house is placed in 7th house but in Meena rahi in navamsa. so Jupiter's condition also improves hence it isnt much of a malefic."

    "Mercury is neecha in the rasi chart and gets neechabhanga twice as jupiter is kendra to lagna and to the moon also.The native also has a strong gaj kaseri yoga with an exalted moon."

    Again you are right but when it comes to planet that signifies business, it comes to Budha, thus if native does his own business in addition to gains, losses may be more (Budha as a lord of finance and gains in 8<SUP>th</SUP> plus neecha). Now note that Sun is with Mercury. Sun as a lagna lord in 8<SUP>th</SUP> requires lot of efforts but Sun also signifies Father, so take advantage of this situation I myself would prefer to work with father if I have such combination.

    Also, I am not ignoring the importance of exalted Moon but as a lord of 12<SUP>th</SUP> its effects will not be realized as 100% and thus I mentioned “You have an exalted Moon in 10<SUP>th</SUP> but is 12 th lord. Any business that has import export may be helpful” so that one can try to make best use of such situation.

    No doubt native has a strong Gajkesari yoga but when it comes to effects it will not be 100% as you might come across in texts. I came to know charts where there were planets highly exalted and some of them were even in their own house but the native could not even pass high school and failed several times (native also have Gajkesari yoga). Gajkesari yoga has its own powerful merits but some times person even struggle a lot for job or business, thus it depends on several factors including house relationship. In this case in my opinion, person may get unexpected gain as well as loss due to 8<SUP>th</SUP> house relationship.


    "A benefic venus is placed in the ninth house of luck..Rahu associating with venus would increase the qualities of venus.The native should be good in arts i suppose.

    In jupiters mahadasa, the native should get good success.and i feel the chart is strong enough to give the native good success in life."

    Native may have an interest in Art or perfumes or luxury items and association with Rahu may increase its effects but Rahu is in the house of Mars and in 9<SUP>th</SUP> (Bhagya), thus in my opinion, from time to time native may experience “hidden” problems in bhagya and that will be overcome by divine help.


    Above is just my opinion.



    Namaskar webyogi ji...

    Thank you for taking out time for me and analysing my birth chart...


    Does ur analysis mean that most of the planets are ill in my birth chart??



    It does not mean that most of planets are ill. Even they are not well placed but how we can utilised in our favour is important for me. I am trying to help based on my experience from yrs. Some times planets are placed extraordinary good places and attained exalted positions but without any significant results, so how we can get the best from that? Some times simple remedies may unlock the little problems in such situations may help a lot. Rest as you might be knowing depends on Karma.



    had a failed marriage..

    astrologers claim its the 8th house venus that acts maleficly


    Guess venus is lord for love,money etc!

    And remedies????


    MY DOB:18-8-81 time:7..08 pm

    Longitude :75.52 East

    Latitude :14.31 North

    Place :Harihar,karnataka

    Thanks a lot in advance




    It is mainly due to 8th lord (death) Budha in 7th house for marriage problems. As I mentioned earlier you are running Saturn subperiod in Budh mahadasa and Saturn is the 12 th lord also in addition to lagna lord.


    Worship lord Vishnu (no flowers).


    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays to needy people may be very helpful (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).


    Also, recycle the material as much as you can may also help you.

    Hope it helps.





    Can you please help me in getting a better understanding of parivarthan yoga?


    For Sagittarious ascendant, if 8th lord (moon) and 12 th lord (mars) are exchanged and are in debilitation, will parivarthana gets created?


    Thanks in advance





    Yes there is a parvartan yoga and results will be mixed depending on the positions and dasa of these planets at that time.




    My Name: Gouri Shanker Chandel

    DOB: 21-08-1982

    Time: 11:06PM

    Place: Bassi (Jaipur), Rajasthan


    Study, MBA (UK).


    Want to know:

    1. Can I wear, Pukhraj (I already have on my index finger), Coral (have in Pendant), Neelam (want to wear) OR Amethyst (want to wear) along with Cat's Eye alltogether.

    OR which one I should wear and which one not.


    2. Can I have your email id to ask some more questions?


    Email: gschandel@googlemail.com


    Kind Regards


    Gouri Shanker




    I am curious, why you want to wear so many gems? Sometimes it is not necessary to wear at all. For example, in your case , in my opinion, there is no need for Coral, amythyst, or Cats eye. Pukhraj may be helpful and Neelam may be neutral to you (may not be very effective, it is just an experience). You may like to get over enemies in job where I suppose you have hidden ones!!!! Is it likely?


    Rahu dasa is running with Budh as subperiod, worshiping lord shiva along with lord Vishnu may be more beneficial for you.


    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.


    Donation on Saturdays to needy people may be very helpful (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).


    Hope it helps.




    Hello AstroGurus


    Here are my details:

    DOB: Dec/22/1972

    Place of Birth: Chennai, IN

    Time: 21.45

    Sex: Male


    I am in Venus Dasa. Hopefully this is supposed to be a best of Dasa for everyone but doesn't look like that for me. Could you predict why this might be causing issues related to Career for me.


    When will things get better. I am running last phase of Sade Sathi. So From September things should get better. But what about the job front. I have never been out of job, what is causing this bad spell ?


    Thanks for your kind insight and suggestions




    It is not necessary that Venus dasa is supposed to be great for every one. It depends on sevral factors. For example house relationship etc in addition to aspects from other planets.


    In your case, Venus is aspecting its own house of profession and thus is good but it is with Mars who is in his own house along with Mercury thus reducing the effects of venus.


    In addition, what you are experencing is due to sade sati of Saturn.


    Also, saturn happens to be in lagna at present in your chart aspecting 10th (profession).


    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays to needy people may be very helpful (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…). and your efforts for job may be then less.






    Would really appreciate any help. This is the first time I am setting off on a larger scale venture and a lot of people depend on me. I want to ensure I cover all angles - especially astrological angles and do whatever remedies I can to ensure success of my venture. But most importantly, does my horoscope show any success in a big business venture?






    Could you be more specific, what type or what you have in mind to manufacture?




    Namaste webyogiji and other members....


    My DOB IS 13-04-1986, TIME- 15:25 HRS, PLACE- CALCUTTA..


    I have the following questions


    1) I have completed my engineering and want to do business now. should i join my father's business or start something of my own? what sectors of business would suit me? and when will i be successful?


    2) When would i get married and what will my wife be like?


    3) Are there any gemstones i should wear or mantras which i should do?




    Your lagna lord is in 8<SUP>th</SUP> (death, loss…) and is aspected by Saturn as a 6<SUP>th</SUP> lord (enemies…) makes your lagna weak and will require efforts on your part. Also, lagna is aspected by 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord Jupiter will add more to above results.

    Your 10<SUP>th</SUP> house lord (profession) is Venus and is in 9<SUP>th</SUP> house (Bhagya…) with Rahu . You have an exalted Moon in 10<SUP>th</SUP> but is 12 th lord. Any businees that has import export may be helpful.

    At present period of Rahu is running with subperiod of Budh till Nov 2009. Budh is placed in 8<SUP>th</SUP> .

    In my humble opinion, joining business with father will be more beneficial to you in a long run.

    Wearing coral in gold may be helpful in your bhagya and delings with father but you may have to take care of your criticisms and anger to things work out in friendly way (Moon is good in reducing it).


    Marriage: She will be caring and wait till end of this yr for marriage till Jupiter Transists to Kumbha rasi.

    Worshiping lord Vishnu and Laxmi Mata (without flowers).

    Worshiping dakshniavarat Shankh that has been activated may reduce your efforts to fight with “hidden enemies”.

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays to needy people (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).



    Date of Birth: 27/09/1976

    Time of Birth:9.20 AM

    Place of Birth:Calcutta/Kolkata



    I need some advice, I am wearing yellow sapphire on my right hand index finger, pearl on my right hand small finger and Neelam on my left hand middle finger. I am very concerned about my career and marriage. Please advice.





    Your profession lord is Sun and is with 8<SUP>th</SUP> (death…) lord Budh along with Mars as a 6<SUP>th</SUP> (enemies…) lord although placed in 11<SUP>th</SUP> may still not give you good or expected results in response to profession. (Aspect of Saturn to profession lord Sun).

    Wearing yellow sapphire is not suggested but rather yellow topaz may be more better for you along with pearl ring.

    Also, Neelam is not suggested. Rather, if you wear Ruby in gold may be more favourable to you for profession.

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays and Tuesdays to needy people (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).

    From July 2009 you might see good change in response to profession as subperiod of Sun will be coming in Major period of Budh.



    My date of birth is 05 Aug 1975

    Time 01:45 AM

    Place Ghaziabad (U.P.)


    I am facing lot of issues in career, would like to know when it would get better... When will I get into good job


    Also, for general well-being in life, what are the recommendations ....any stone, puja, vrat to improve the quality of life and betterment. when is bhaguday expected to happen in my life.


    What are the chances of settling abroad or going for long term..


    I have observerd lot of my decisions go wrong.. how can that be corrected.




    You have Mars in Lagna along with kethu. Mars is 12<SUP>th</SUP> lord also (loss etc..) is in lagna.

    Moon is in dual sign of Gemini thus the decions you make may not be rational or taken in hurry and usually may be wrong.

    At present period of Sani is running with subperiod of Sukra (6<SUP>th</SUP> lord, enemies, diseases,….) till Oct 2012. It started in Nov 2008. Till this period you mighr experience problems in profession. The probability of visiting abroad may increase during this period but will require lot of efforts.

    Following remedies may be helpful:

    Worshiping Laxmi Mata (without flowers).

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays and Tuesdays to needy people (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).

    Wearing a ring of Kashmiri sapphire in silver.



    Dear All Guru's


    Please Kindly Help Me With my problem




    Lagna lord Sani is in 12<SUP>th</SUP> makes it weak lagna who is with 6<SUP>th</SUP> lord Moon.

    Profession lord is Mars and is in the house of enemies (6<SUP>th</SUP> house). The 7<SUP>th</SUP> house lord (partner) is Sun and is exalted but with 8<SUP>th</SUP> (death, loss ….) house lord Budh (also significator for business) may explain what you are experiencing.

    You are running major dasa of Guru (in own house) who is aspecting Mars is a relief. Subperiod of Mars is up to March 2009 and then it will be followed by subperiod of Rahu who is also in 6<SUP>th</SUP> with profession house lord Mars. In addition, Mars is deblited.

    Following remedies may be helpful:

    Worshiping lord Vishnu and Laxmi Mata (without flowers).

    Worshiping dakshniavarat Shankh that has been activated may reduce your efforts to fight with “hidden enemies”.

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays and Tuesdays to needy people (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).

    Wearing a ring of yellow topaz (not yellow sapphire) in silver.



    Hello Everyone,


    I have been looking for a suitable life partner for quite a long time( around 3yrs), finally got a boy comapatible with my profile

    and nature. I got my kundali matched with one pandit ji, he told us that 27 guns are matching, also all of the softwares show

    27/29 points. This is the first time we found evryhting positive, kundali matches, profile and nature matches. But someother

    pandit ji told us that althogh it matches with 27 point , but, because of some 'mahadosh' its dropping down to zero. Now it has

    become really very frustrating. Please tell me if I should get married to this by. Please help me. I have given details here:



    DOB: Jan 15, 1977

    TOB: 17:05

    POB: Aligarh (UP)




    DOB: Feb 26, 1981

    TOB: 04: 40 AM

    POB: Delhi




    <!-- / message -->




    Yes, match points are 27 out of 36 and also, it has a dosha. The nakshtra of each other is next to each other and thus it is not suggested a match for marriage purpose. This may cause disharmony in married life later on.



    thanks astrouncle123.


    webyogiji, Much appreciated if you can you tell your vision regarding this?




    Your 7th lord Sani is exalted and is in 4th house aspecting Lagna. At present running period of Guru (6<SUP>th</SUP> lord, enemies, diseases….) for 16 yrs and subperiod of kethu till Sept 2009 and this will follow by subperiod of Sukra till May 2012. Sukra is aspecting 7<SUP>th</SUP> house and during this period possibility is more for marriage. Sani happens to be 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord (death,….). Also, you are manglik. Thus, efforts will be required for marriage.

    Worshiping lord Vishnu and Laxmi Mata may be helpful.

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays and Tuesdays to needy people may also be very helpful (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).


    Wearing a ring of Diamond may reduce your efforts for marriage.



    My details are

    dob:9th july,1985


    Place of birth: New Delhi


    I am very sad these days. The things which I expected are not going in the right direction. I proposed a gal but she is not talking to me, I want to go abroad and I am unable to and Also I want to change my job that too I am unable to. I am very depressed these days Please predict something.


    Currently I am reading Hanuman chalisa daily, Doing aditya hridyam on sundays and reading Shiv aarti on monday and wearing a pukhraj.




    Your lagna lord is Mars and is in 8<SUP>th</SUP> house along with 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord (death, loss, hard work….). Recently you have started period of Venus for 20 yrs (from Jan 2009). Venus is in its own house is good but also being a lord of 12<SUP>th</SUP> <SUP> </SUP>in (loss, expenses…) in 7<SUP>th</SUP> and aspecting lagna requires lot of hard efforts on your part to achieve something.

    You are wearing pukhraj that is good.

    Following remedies may be helpful:

    Worshiping lord Vishnu and Laxmi Mata (without flowers).

    Worshiping dakshniavarat Shankh that has been activated may reduce your efforts to fight with “hidden enemies”.

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Wearing a ring of pearl in silver.






    Write here to get answer of all your astrological questions..........




    In my calculations, I obtain Scorpio lagna with Sani Mahadasa going on. The subperiod of Kethu is running till Aprol 2009. The 7th house has Sani in it. It is likely that this is is cause of the delay. Besides this, 8th lord Mercury is in 9th (bhagya, travel etc) is also not favourable along with Kethu.


    But my main concern is not of Sani but 7th lord who is placed in 8th house (loss, death......). After kethu subperiod, Venus subperiod will follow and you will hear about this matter in your favour (if there is at all) or against (since 8th house is occupied by Venus). This is because I read above that it is 8yrs that you are away from your "spouse" is this is true then it is the factor due to Venus as I explained above.


    Donation on Saturdays to needy people may be helpful. (food that is vegetarian, clothes, umbrella shoes that are not of leather etc).


    Worship Mata Laxmi on Fridays (or every day) along with lord Vishnu (no flowers) might be helpful to you.


    Hope it helps.


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