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Posts posted by webyogi


    Thanks a lot for all your support and guidance.


    Today will be my last day at my job. upset a bit as the market is too bad, but still keeping all my worries to God and will put all my efforts to get a job soon.







    When worshiping, make sure that you have no leather item near by that includes watch belt, phone case, wallet/purse, beg or any such item. These items will try to consume whatever positive energy you develop. In our house we have no leather items at all whether it is clothes or shoes etc.


    Keep continue building +ive energy, the time is very tough but at the same time it is good to pay our dues when we know it and in this way we atleast try to accumulate little less so that this situation does not come again.


    Take care.




    DOB : 14th March 1973

    Time : 7:06 AM

    Place : Palghat, Kerala (Near coimbatore , Tamilnadu)


    1. Looking for a job change for the past 6 months. Have attended numerous interviews but unable to get it. Kindly let me know as to if and when I will be able to find a new job.



    2. I am currently outside India. Do you forsee me going back to India for good in the current month or next couple of months.







    Answer to yr questions:


    1. Looking for a job change for the past 6 months. Have attended numerous interviews but unable to get it. Kindly let me know as to if and when I will be able to find a new job.


    It may take some more time as profession lord is Jupiter and is neecha at present. till, he moves to kumbha rasi, you might have problems. Jupiter will be moving to Kumbha rasi for a short time and the becomes vakri, that time may also be good for you for the job.


    2. I am currently outside India. Do you forsee me going back to India for good in the current month or next couple of months.


    The 4th house lord is in his own house and thus it gives me an idea that happiness will only be at birth place or India, but it is your choice to decide. Currently Budh rahu period may give you change of place as Rahu is placed in profession house.


    You may like to do the following:


    1. Worshiping lord Vishnu and lord shiva may be helpful (no flowers).

    2. Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    3. Wear good quality of yellow Topaz 9not yellow sapphire as many amy sell you) in gold ring.



    Dear WebYogiji,


    Thanks a lot for the reply. I agree with your views. She started the skin disease when she was not even 10 years of age. She has gone through all sorts of medicines be it ayurvedic, allopathic or homeopathic. currently she is taking hmoeopathic medicines from a trust. I was told that she has a bit of kalsarp yoga but that will not bother her much. What is your opinion on this? I was also told that she has good dharma-karmadhipati yoga in the 1st house. How will that affect her? Her parents are worried about her regarding marriage and I would like to request that please let me know the time of her marriage if at all possible, thanks a lot sir...






    Even she has gone through several treatments, I would not give up hope, keep trying to our best. PM me, I may tell you contact number of some one who researched a lot and has a formulation to cure vitiligo, in case you are interested. I do not know how much the cost involve? It is Ayurvedic based and he has sucess rate very high as he mentioned to me long back.


    She does have Kalsarpa yoga, for that you can do the remidial measures atleast for peace of mind and do not worry much about it. She has good dharma-karmadhipati yoga and that is helping her but the effects are reduced by sarpa Yoga (when malefics are in 3 kendras).


    For marriage: Try after Dec 2010 when sani subperiod comes in Budh Mahadasa. I may suggest some remedy for this (PM me), it might work, but it is worth trying.




    Dear Webyogi ji,

    Thank you for your view.

    I just give below a portion of the thread above posted by M.R.Moorthi Ji for which may we have your considered view?

    "If offering flowers to god is like a sacrifice of a life,even plucking of vegetables,fruits,leaves etc which are god given to sustain lives is also a wicked act.

    Probably I could be wrong in such a comparison.Let us have your valuable comment.




    Deep regards,








    Thanks a lot in partially answering the question yourself. Yes, to sustain lives, vegetables have use. Let us consider following groups for simplicity to understand the concept little bit more in deeper sense:

    Group 1 : Wheat, and other grains (not taking plant life, no torture or stress to plant)

    Group 2: Underground crops-A: Peanuts, turmeric etc (not taking plant life, no torture or stress to plant)

    Group 3: Vegetables and Fruits (not taking plant life, but torture or stress to plant).

    Group 4: Underground crops-B: Potatoes, Onions etc (life form still persists)

    Group 5: Animal products (killing of an animal that has all the senses compare to plant life)

    We harvest the grains when the crop is matured and so also other grains; no killing of the plant is involved. Since no killing of the plants involved, no accumulation of the negative Karma involved. Peanuts etc if harvested immaturely, it is not good for the oil production. For oil production, peanuts have to be matured and when you take it out, again no killing of the plant is involved and thus no accumulation of the negative karma involved. If you put onion etc on the shelves without dirt or fertilizer they will start to germinate as the life still persists. Thus, in this group one can see why accumulation of negative karma may involve. Thus, many people eat some of the crops grown underground but not all (even they know it is good for the health). The concept of non-violence is involved and this is related to accumulation of Karma. How one can imagine that Karma involved in eating above group of products to “sustain lives” will be the same?

    Coming back to flowers, they are still the part of the plant like vegetables (like group 3 above). Are they required to “sustain lives”? Or, they are used for decoration, beauty, scent and thrown away and plant does not feel any stress when take it? (Please refer to my previous post with the example of Sanjivini Butti). Unless flowers have a medicinal or eating purpose, I can not think of comparing acts of plucking flowers with that of plucking vegetables have the same purpose. Which act is “wicked” or not is not up to me to decide, as on this Earth almost all can justify their doing. In my opinion, one has to weigh one act over the other, the intention and the purpose involved to reduce the accumulation of karma to free from the cycle of birth and death, the ultimate goal of every life form.




    Then Which Carrier Line And Gemstone is Best for ME ....?




    Carrier: as mentioned before, related to Mars. If you do not feel comfortable, leave this for a while as I do not want you to put negative energy to what you are going through. In my opinion, blue sapphire may do good but if are concern about it, then the next option for the job related problems is wearing good Ruby (unheated) in gold ring on Sunday.




    This might be bit difficult as I may need to travel on a weekend . Any other options with more flexibility


    Please let me know how long will the period continue.




    I know it is simple but difficult and in your case it may be more due to travelling. I do not have any other option that is known to me to give quick effects. Then you can try sapphire (un-heated). But at least you can start worshiping Sani dev, after all he is lord of Justice and lord of your Bhagya and profession place too, in addition to what I suggested before. venus subperiod in saturn will end by Jan 2012.




    Thank you Webyogiji for your reply. I got your point.

    In one thing I couldn't get it.(Some efforts are required as mentioned before)

    Means put my complete effort for what I'm doing or Can I do any pooja or some ritual things. I'm doing meditation regularly.What you said true. Some times I can't concentrate.Because of thinking of other things.(Not to related to me).

    Any suggesions for me. my regular work or something special care I should take. I have 2 children,one girl and one boy.Both are studying. Once again thanks .

    Will you please guide me.




    Good to know that you are already involved in meditation, now focus your thoughts more then before. Efforts: More than normally some one do it. You can start fasting on Poornima or amavsaya days and do not take any important decisions on such days.


    Hope it helps.




    Waiting for a response




    Yes, your lagna changes from Gemini to Cancer, your events also fit to some extent in both thus you might be getting results from both. I would consider more on cancer Lagna. From both sani is 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord (death,---).

    1. Based on physical structure as you mentioned, highly sensitive etc and height.

    2. With cancer lagna, period is bad as Saturn is in the second house (one may say sade sati effect of Lagna rather than from rasi).

    Lagna lord Moon is in 8<SUP>th</SUP> with Venus and kethu, thus making lagna as well as Moon weak. Bhagya house is aspected by 6<SUP>th</SUP> (enemies, diseases---) lord Jupiter (also lord of bhgya) thus partially good.

    The period of Sani has started irrespective of lagna for 19 yrs. Being 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord, I expect time to be tough. To get some relief from the present problems, do the following:

    1. Worship Sani Dev and lord Shiva (without flowers).

    2. Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    3 Donation on Saturdays and Tuesdays to needy people (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).

    4. wear a coral in gold, see if it helps, for Cancer lagna I expect good results.


    Hope it helps.



    namaste webyogi ji,

    Legal problems are related to my stay in a foreign country. My employer filed some work related forms for me. These forms were not upto-date at that time. The government is doing inquiry on my forms and also on the employer records. All this happened without my knowledge and was careless on my employer's part.

    If they find anything wrong with paper-work, I might have to face consequence. The inquiry is going on, and we have submitted proof to the best of our ability.


    Is mars subperiod favorable? I actually do not want change of place, as leaving the country now could have other negative consequences.


    I will do hanuman chalisa and shiv puja as recommended by you. Any other suggestions?






    Nothing else more to do it. Mars is in his own house aspecting lagna where Saturn is placed. This is not a comfortable situation as Mars is also 12 th house lord (expenses, change of place etc.). I am expecting Mars to give mixed results. Neelam was thus suggested to overcome partially this problem. Put under pilow for a day or few and see what you feel during those days.




    Thanks once again,


    I am doing "OM NAMO BHAGVATE VASU DEVAYA NAMAHA" almost like whole day whenever I am free or travelling to office. But I will also remember the one gave by you and receite it.




    It is excellent that you are already building positive energy against your problems. Do it whichever you feel relaxed and comfortable.






    I am sure you can find several that you like and feel comfortable. But, I prefer the simplest one that is with lord Vishnu, "OM NAMO LAXMI NARAYANA", in this both are there. You can do as many times as you feel relaxed and comfortable. It is good to know that you are vegetarian and this helps a lot.






    Priya Ji, are you still waiting response from me or some one else, as I see on the post??? If so, Qn?




    Namaskar WebYogi Ji,


    I am currently in India. Please suggest what can I do for Sani. I have recently started wearing "iron ring" in my right hand middle finger. I will also try what you have suggested for Sapphire. I am thinking to buy the initial quality Sapphire - not to invest huge sum that I may not use. Also want to know, is Saturn bad for me or good for me...bec I think if its bad it might increase the negative influence ...


    Also, pls let me know when do u think it will get better.






    Every Saturday, make a laddu out of wheat flour, ghee and jaggary (about 1.25 kg) and offer to a black cow, vizulize that Sani Dev is in front of you, do namaskar respectfully, request to ease on your current problem. Do it for 7 weeks straight (every Saturday only) without any break. If you miss any of 7 Saturdays, you may have to do it again. Warning: Be prepared for any type of problem (even life threatening) during this time specially after 3<SUP>rd</SUP> or 4<SUP>th</SUP> week otherwise do not start it. If you still able to continue, it will help a lot. It helped many that followed this and they achieved their goal within a short time, who knows it may be helpful to you too. Also, there were some who had severe problems and they discontinued it. It is your choice, think carefully before start it.



    Namaskar WebYogi Ji,

    It appears that the period since 2002 has not been going in any direction. The period from 1998-2002 has been exceptional with my growth exemplary. Since 2002, any decision that I took appears to be wrong/foolish - irrespective of how much thought have gone into it. People who were so much lagging behind are are now ahead or atleast at par and people who were at par are way ahead.


    Now I realize this period is when my Saturn mahadasha started - this causes me big worry as the this dasha will continue is till 2021 and this being prime period of my life. Is this just coincidence ? What should I do to bring it on track ? If its because of Saturn, looking at my chart, what puja etc can I do to help it. Can you see some betterment in future.


    I have already started worshipping Lakshmi mata and feel quite satisfied without that. I am also looking at blue Sapphire - challenge been there is such wide range available from Rs 2000 to Rs 50000 - not sure which one is right or genuine.

    Also since its considered risky stone - bit scared.


    Thanks for your help and guidance




    yes, you have Sani dasa and sani is in 3rd house with Sun and Sukra. Sukra being 6th lord is aspecting profession and that might be the cause of recent problems.


    Continue worshiping Mata Laxmi. For Sani you may do pooja and donation on saturdays. Are you in India or somewhere now a days because I may suggest you to do something that can be done in India. Let me know so that I may suggest you.


    Yes, sapphire is risky, I came across people who have results within minutes to days depending on their Karma. In my opinion, put sapphire on your palm concentrate and feel it, some times you may get the answer right away, you may be benefited by this if it has not a bad piece.




    Thanks again. Now I'm taking MCAD exam,this month end. Can I get success into that? Because of taking care of my children I need few months time also.Yes I'm doing volunteering in hospital and school.

    Please tell me about my spiritual side. How far I'm successful. Why I'm in double mind. I could't gave up job trails. and at the same time I couldn't follow completely spiritual path.

    Is that true, I had Kalasrpayoga. Suppose it is there, people said we couldn't get success in our life.

    your advice is the only hope for me. I'm fit for nothing then,I have the only path, that is spiritual. Otherwise I can try for job.





    Responses are:


    Now I'm taking MCAD exam,this month end. Can I get success into that? Because of taking care of my children I need few months time also.Yes I'm doing volunteering in hospital and school.


    Some efforts are required as mentioned before.


    Please tell me about my spiritual side. How far I'm successful. Why I'm in double mind. I could't gave up job trails. and at the same time I couldn't follow completely spiritual path.


    It depends on the balance of Karma and when fruits are riped. This does not mean that every thing is lost. try to make positive flow of enrgy first otherwise there is no point in discussing, be practicle. For this, you need to think positive aspects of life, because, even by thinking and your negative thoughts towards any one may leach out positive flow of energy. To stop this or reduce this, meditation is required. I am sure one can have balance between job and spiritual life. I do not see any problem with this.


    Is that true, I had Kalasrpayoga. Suppose it is there, people said we couldn't get success in our life.


    Even it is there, you do not have to worry about this at this time. I came across several charts where people were highly successful with this yoga present. Thus, focus on the thoughts do not waste your energy. try this, it will help you a lot and then decide what you are looking for.


    your advice is the only hope for me. I'm fit for nothing then,I have the only path, that is spiritual. Otherwise I can try for job.


    Who said that you fit for nothing? Take these type of thoughts out it is draingae to your positive Karma and only you have the ability to stop it as mentioned above. One can always have a balance between two as said above.




    Thank you guruji

    Navamsa chart I have swagrahi Moon/Chandra and Mars/Mangal. Moon/Chandra is in my 7th house, the house of marriage/wife. Why did you recommend Pearl ? Any troubles in marriage since since Mars, Venus and Sun are all in the same house of spirituality and foreign lands (12th house)

    I've been recommended to wear panna (emerald ) with blue sapphire.

    Blue saphire because saturn is showing Saturn is showing the combinations of 5, 6, 10. Some are recommending to wear only Ruby. since my 12th house lord the Sun is placed in 12 along with ascendant lord

    Mercury and Venus would bring beneficial results with RUBY gem

    So very curious as to why did u recommend pearl ?

    Thanking you in anticipation




    Thnks for your suggestions. It is not necessay related to marriage problems. I try to see several several factors and take that is the best for you. It is just based on my several yrs of experience. However, you may like to wear that you mentioned several gems as above, it is your choice. My intention was to suggest that I think is the best for you in long term fix rather then get mixed results, in my opinion.




    It is said in certain old classic text books on the subject, but please do not read too much into it as it is not 2+2 =4 kind of math. based on a particular horoscope the best period can be decided by analysing dashas and antardasha. it take a lot of analysis though and experience. Thanks a lot...






    In my opinion, I learned long back from those who knew this art, what I understood is that: For Ex, when Moon matures at 24 years or say Jupiter matures at 16, it means that if they are key planets with respect to that house it will produce results by that age. Say the relation is with 7th house (they may be in Lagna or aspecting Lagna) the person may get marry at an early age provided it has no other planets to modify (such as Rahu, then it will delay that age). Same applies to othe places, Rahu's relation to 9th house (I am not taking other cosiderations) may give results for bhagya after it matures that is after age 42, or in others words, the effects of Rahu may not be much felt after that period. This may be one of the reason when it comes to Mangal dosha, that marriage after 28-31 is better as ill effects of Mars are reduced to much extent.


    It may give you some idea but in practice lot of screening is required to understand fully about the planets and their effects.




    Thanx Webyogi Ji For Replyin ...Plz tell guide me wheater i can could gain suess in HR field ? I joined MBA and Makin my mined To do HR as Selplization ...Will it Fine ? rIGHT Now i am In Sales and i am very sick about it ....Business i dont want to do ..plz guide .....Some told me to Wear Blue Saphire For Sucess In Carrier ....Should I wear it ?




    To me as I mentioned before, Mars and Sun are good indicators for your profession. HR field may be OK but not that great either. Blue sapphire you may try but I expect to get mixed results and thus I suggested others.




    Thanks once again,


    I am doing "OM NAMO BHAGVATE VASU DEVAYA NAMAHA" almost like whole day whenever I am free or travelling to office. But I will also remember the one gave by you and receite it.




    It is good to know that you are doing this and it is a matter of time when you get a divine help.




    Namste webyogi ji,

    Thank you for your valuable time and advice.


    you are very accurate. I was having family tension since september 2008, but from december 2008 till now it is legal and job related problems. I will follow your remedial advice.

    If convinient to answer, could you tell me if you see a change of place during this time. Would i have to leave my current place? Would my legal issues settle in my favor? When will the stress be over?






    Changing place will help a lot to you as Mars subperiod is coming next after April 09. In my opinion, till Kethu period you will have from time to time stress. Remedial measures might help you in getting job and on legal issues.

    What type of legal issues, you did not mention?




    Dear Web Yogi,


    very Thankful for ur kind reply,

    Im from kerala,Here the nadi dosha is not considered while matching the horoscope, so i guess it wont be a problem.


    I want to know whether there is any chances of our marriage to happen.

    Such as whether there is anything indicated in our birth chart. Time is the bad concern seen now.


    waiting for ur reply,






    When match points are below 18 it is not good at all, I would not suggest this as later on I have seen that married life involves lot of problems in day to day life. For timing of marriage, yes there is a good possibility. If with the same person, a person with siddhis might answer this qn and not me.




    Thank you very much for your reply. Will you please guide me about my carrier. I already mentioned I got a chance to take up 2 jobs, but I couldn't.

    1st one was gejetted rank position( some one said because of Elinasani, when I'm mid 20s). 2nd one was teacher position, some abstruction. Now I'm preparing for IT job. I went for 3 interviews. I lost hope. But after I saw your reply, my hopes boost up. Shall I continue my studies? Is IT job suits to me.

    Please give me reply.

    Thank you.




    You can do several things, first of all do not loose hope as it is our part of Karma and nothing is wasted, it is a matter of time when to get fruits good/bad. teacher job is also good for you, social work too. You may also continue your studies (Jupiter is also good for this), IT job it will take few months and then you can hope for it.



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