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Posts posted by webyogi


    Hi everyone,


    Can you please suggest remedies for guru chandala yoga? i have ascendant conjunct jupiter in pisces lagna(both jupiter and lagna in uttarabhadrapada nakshatra) and rahu also in first house. I am experiencing bad effects of this yoga in the form of physical problems(low immunity, low vitality), interpersonal problems(with friends, family) and depression related problems...


    Can i wear gomedh to solve this problem? Should i wear yellow sapphire with gomedh or citrine with gomedh?


    Thank you.




    Jupiter is in Lagna as a lagna lord and 10 th lord is a good place to have it. The combination with Rahu as you mentioned gives foggy mind etc. Where is Moon placed? I my humble opinion and experience that wearing a good size yellow topaz (Pukhraj), not a yellow sapphire ( that many may sell as Pukhraj, topaz) that is unheated in silver ring may be very important for you. I do not mind even if you wear two such rings. Worshiping of lord Vishnu (that you are doing) helps a lot. I would not suggest for Gomedh even Rahu dasa is going (I do not know in your case which dasa?) or citrine, rather do a simple remedy in practice, recycle the waste amterial actively or do the measures to help such activities. At present, Jupiter is in Capricorn and thus is not good for you till it transists to Kumbha rasi, when it comes to Lagna, you will experience its good effects.




    Thank you for your insight webyogiji. I think the fruits for worshipping Narayana is different for different people. If Bhaktas worship Narayana for removing suffering, it perhaps, maybe of no use; only if what you say sir, that Narayana tests his bhaktas, is correct. People shouldn't expect anything while praying to Vishnu and the only reason why they should worship Him is for pure bhakti and no expectations.


    Sir, i have also noticed that praying Lakshmi goddess along with vishnu somehow decreases the misery and "voidness"(the best description of the effect of praying to Vishnu, a voiding energy created in all aspects of physical and emotional auras, creating great thirst and difficulty coping with the "vacuum" created in the mind's field). Thank you sir for this important advice.


    To ppena: yes, even i strongly feel that in long term, worship of Narayana exhausts all karma related to sun and mercury(both are very similar, only that sun gives of hot, energetic vibrations while mercury is subtle and cool AND they control the motive of expression(i.e ego) and the expression itself, respectively ). I am glad that there is someone who feels similar effects that i feel, i was feeling very disconnected and delusional because of all of this. I think its all because of this worship of Vishnu. Foggy head, migraines, loss of emotive power, delusions,intense and extreme hopelessness, are all what i have already experienced with this worship.



    Worshiping Narayan is not a coincidence and getting results are also not a coincidence it is part of our own decision that we have made. I may add very important point, many times Narayan comes and walks in front of you/ with you or even talk with you, only thing is that one has to recognize him at that point in time. Also, do not think that he does not help his Bhakta, he is impartial and he has several ways to help his bhakta whether we like it or not as per our choice but what is in the best interest of Bhakta, he helps that way. Several life times are taken in to consideration and that knowledge as a normal human being not every one has it. I can tell you my opinion from your experience rather than sharing in details that one point in time (in some of the previous life times) you must have requested him to free from bondage of Karma and he is very much pleased with your bhakhti and request you to go through several tests and pass them without accumulating much so that he can grant your wishes/ request. Worshiping Mata Laxmi along lord Vishnu is thus important so that there is always a balance to walk through the journey of this life and this you might have noticed in my several posts that I suggested so. Also, be vegetarian if some one is Narayan bhakta and do not use flowers in his worship if some one is trying not to accumulate Karma much (Please see my response to flowers in of the post) otherwise whole purpose to be free from misery and sorrow may be defeated that some one has requested him.








    I am currently wearing gemstone diamond in my middle finger but been advised by few astrologers to wear it in ring finger. Please suggest which is the right finger to wear gemstone diamond.


    I am also wearing Panna in the little finger of right hand.


    POB: Ghaziabad


    Time :01:45 AM


    Am I wearing right stones as per my chart or do I need to change anything.






    I am curious why you would like to wear diamond? As posted before, Venus as a 6th lord in happiness house (although lagna lord too) and may not give you happiness as you are already havind it. Panna may be OK but Kashmiri sapphire of good quality that is not heated will be required for you to overcome some of the problems.




    My MIL just got the kundlis done and the guy said that I have to get ashwini nakshtra & kal sarp shanti.. I never knew I had kal sarp problem.. could someone please tell me if I have that or not.. Its really scary as I am manglik and hubby is not..



    21 january 1975

    5:28am, fazilka



    13 april 1971

    7:10am, pune






    In my opinion either you or your husband has any Kalsarp yoga.


    Yes, you are manglik and he is not.




    Hi My details are as follows

    DOB : July 9, 1985


    Place : New Delhi


    I am very sad these days. The things which I expected are not going in the right direction. I proposed a gal but she is not talking to me, I want to go abroad and I am unable to and Also I want to change my job that too I am unable to. I am very depressed these days Please predict something.


    Currently I am reading Hanuman chalisa daily, Doing aditya hridyam on sundays and reading Shiv aarti on monday and wearing a pukhraj.




    I just sent you the E mail response to your questions, please go through it.




    astrologer ji I am really tensed please help. It is regarding my son.

    His dob is march, 29,1989

    time 12:23Am night.

    pob Ludhian punjab india.


    He doesn't stay home always running out. He goes out of the house for weeks and months and don't come back. I am really very upset don't feel like eating doing anything. My house seems like a mess. I feel at this point of life i lost everythig i had. I currently reside in new york. I don't know what is going on. My mother in law thinks it's black magic i don't know. I am afraid that he might get into drugs and do illegal stuff out there. for some reason it is always a thursday that he steps out of the house. This time it has been a week already he stepped out last thursday and still has not come back. Anything he starts never finishes off the way we would like it. Please help me, I cry each day and night and pray for things to get better but it just seems to get worse and worse. When will that day come when everything will go back to normal in our life. I am tired of my life. please please please help me.


    I would really appreciate your help

    thankyou for your time.




    Mahadasa of Venus is running who is 7th (spouse) as well as 12th lord (expenses, out of house/ travel...) in 5th house with 8th lord (death) Budh. Venus is exalted. Moon is in lagna and is neecha. Mars is aspecting lagna as lagna lord (also 6th lord).


    Wear a good quality pearl in silver as well as pearl necklace to give some stability of mind. Also, yellow topaz in silver (not yellow sapphire) may be helpful. Worship Sri Ram and Hanuman Ji to get divine help. Be vegetarian if already not so. He has Rahu in 4h house (mother, education...) and this is aspected by Saturn. It appears that you did not pay much attention to him the way it should be as per his dictionary and that leads this time. This is causing you now to worry (aspect of Saturn). I understand he does not listen to you but may be one of these days when he is at home try to talk nicely and do not force your views on him to do things the way you would like to. In the start you have to open chnnel to talk to him like a friend. May be it might be helpful. As you know we have to try our best all good ways available and rest leave on Karma to play its own terms. You may donate items to needy people on Saturdays and Fridays (umbrella, clothes, shoes that are not of leather in any way, perfumes without any animal products etc...). Hope it helps.






    Date of Birth: 26-12-1982

    Time of Birth:00.04 a.m ( 25 night

    Place of Birth:pune(maharashtra india) mesh rashi virgo ascendent star- ashwini charan-2





    Whether my career is bright

    Any chance of promotion this year in coming months???


    Any abroad chance for job?? when??? will i travel frequently abroad??

    Will i be strong financially??

    will my rahu mahadasha good??



    When can i get married also about my wife, her looks, her career etc.Whether she will be modern or will have blend of traditional values as well??





    Answers to your questions:


    1. Whether my career is bright

    Any chance of promotion this year in coming months???


    12th lord Sun is aspecting profession house whose dasa is up to 2012. profession lord Budh is aspected by exalted by Saturn who is also lord of 6th (enemies...) in addition to 5th lord. Thus in profession you may have a good progress but lot of enemies will be there to come after you many times. With some efforts and remedies promotion is possible.


    2. Any abroad chance for job?? when??? will i travel frequently abroad??

    Good possibility as 12th lord is aspecting profession. Anytime in Sun Dasa, at present Jupiter subperiod and then saturn subperiod starts aroung June 2009, try during such period of time.


    Will i be strong financially??


    Not that bad really. 11th lord of gains in 8th (death...) not so great but saturn is exalted in finance house but it is also lord of 6th (enemies...).


    will my rahu mahadasha good??


    Better than Moon and Sun and Mars periods.


    When can i get married also about my wife, her looks, her career etc.Whether she will be modern or will have blend of traditional values as well??


    Spouse lord is Guru and is in 3rd aspecting own house. She will be good by nature, religious as long as you do not force your views of materlistic life.




    Look life with spiritual attitude. Think carefully before any decisions you take.


    Worship lord Vishnu with Mata Laxmi (no flowers).


    Wear diamond (professional gains) in silver.


    Wear emerald in silver.





    Hi Webyogiji,

    have seen lots of ur posts mentioning to worship wid out flowers

    will be greatful, to know the reason and importance behind.

    just curious


    thanks a lot!




    Thanks for asking this question. First of all, the purpose behind offering the flowers is important. Most people when doing pooja like to decorate with flowers and others like to offer the flower itself to bhagwan because the flower is pretty and the sent is pleasing. Now I know what I am about to say may seem a little extreme to some, but another way of looking at offering the flowers is like sacrificing the flowers so now the distinction is between violence and non-violence. It is the offering of a part of a plant to please another. And the question comes, what right do we have to offer something that does not belong to us in order to please another? The plant is also a living being, and we are naturally doing harm to it by plucking the flower. Now if our intent was different and maybe using the plant for medicine then we are more justified as our purpose is greater than decoration or to please someone. But even then we are creating some negative (bad) karma just not as to the same degree. So my advice is that first of all don’t use the flowers unless you have a justified reason and even then ask the plant for the flower first and then take the flower and in return give the plant water or fertilizer in exchange. So if we really think about it our intent here is to seek Divine help, and the Divine will naturally not appreciate such acts as we are harming another in order to help ourselves.


    I hope I have answered your question, but if you need any further clarification or have more questions I would be more than happy to answer them if I can.



    Respected WebYogiji,

    As per my understanding, I have vrishick lagna and not tula lagna as you are saying (although a time difference of few minute will change lagna). so I am always confused which lagna should be taken. plz guide on this.

    Regarding mis-understanding with mother is concerned, it's true that my relation with my parents were never good and my mothers health is always an issue specially her mental health. she has many phobias and this causes lots of tension. although i have learned to live with this.

    Regarding marriage I want to know will I marry with the girl of my choice or i will have to accept parents or other relatives choice? If possible can u tell which kind of girl i should look for (her age, caste,education etc). I need adivce on this.

    Thanks in advance




    I have few coordinates for <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:City w:st=<st1:place w:st="on">Akola</st1:place></st1:City>. I searched for <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Akola</st1:place></st1:City> maharashtra the coordinates are different and and lagna changed as you said. With Scorpio lagna:

    Lagna lord is in 6<SUP>th</SUP> house in his own house. Mars is active planet and thus requires efforts on your part.

    Profession lord Sun is in 11<SUP>th</SUP> and being aspected by debilited Jupiter.

    Mothers lord is Saturn and is in 8<SUP>th</SUP> (death…) with Kethu (this lagna also explains about your mother as you mentioned).

    Jupiter Dasa was from 81 and ended in Nov 97. Now Sani dasa for 19 yrs. Sani is 3<SUP>rd</SUP> (brothers and sisters) and 4th lord (mother) in 8th is (death) indicates not a good dasa as far as happiness, mother or brothers or sisters is concern.

    Marriage: Regarding marriage I want to know will I marry with the girl of my choice or i will have to accept parents or other relatives choice? If possible can u tell which kind of girl i should look for (her age, caste,education etc). I need adivce on this.

    The girl of your choice is most likely as venus being 7<SUP>th</SUP> lord is with Moon although in 12<SUP>th</SUP> indicates that she may be not from the same city or your place of birth. By nature overall she may be of good nature but some times of dominating nature as Mars is aspecting this Venus. Currently, Moon subperiod is running and Moon is associated with 7<SUP>th</SUP> lord so marriage is possible by May 2010 and then followed by Mars subperiod and that also suggests that time period.

    Most likely, the time of marriage may be when Jupiter is transiting from Aquarius to Pisces (Around May 2010). Jupiter is aspecting your marriage house neecha status and thus do remedies to take care.

    1. Worshiping lord Vishnu and Laxmi Mata may be helpful (for marriage).

    2. Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    3. Donation on Saturdays to needy people may also be very helpful (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…), this is extremely important.

    4. Wearing a ring of Ruby in gold.





    My Date of Birth is 29/09/1973. Time of Birth - 9:50 AM. Place - Akola (maharashtra)India I have all sorts of problems in life. I fail in whatever i tried to do in last 15-20 years (I know that i have very little self confidence). so plz guide me on following 2 qusetions.

    1) I am already 35 years old and unmarried. Reason is my 2 sisters marriage was delayed and I don't want to do arrange marriage. Now my both sisters are married. so is there any chance of my marriage now? and more importantly will i marry with girl of my choice? (because my parents will accept any girl which i bring before them). any chance of intercaste marrige? plz guide me about which kind of girl is suited for me.

    2) I am currently doing shares trading and broking business. although i am earning but income is not consistent and enough. so Which business should i do ? can i become full time trader (trading in f&o, commodities and forex trading etc.). plz guide on this.

    Thanks in advance




    Venus is a lagna lord is in its own house is good but also is 8th lord (death....). This is with 12 th lord Budh (loss) and profession lord Moon.


    Jupier occupies neecha position and is in the house of happiness and causing problems in happiness and mis-understanding with mother or may be her health is affected!!!.


    Jupiter Dasa was from 81 and ended in 97. Now Sani dasa for 19 yrs. Sani is 4 th and 5th lord in 9th is good but with Kethu effects are reduced a little bit.


    In my opinion, following may be helpful:


    1. Worshiping lord Vishnu and Laxmi Mata may be helpful.

    2. Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    3. Donation on Saturdays to needy people may also be very helpful (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).

    4. Wearing a ring of Pearl in silver.


    Trading business is just fine for you.

    Marriage: Subperiod of Moon and or Mars are good for marriage. If some problems, let me know.





    I would like to know from the esteemed astrologers that if two people are engaged but later its realised that their charts do not match what needs to be done. Should they not get married or do some remedies before getting married.


    I hope someone would respond.






    There may be some remedies that some one may suggest but based on my experience it may not work out later on. For some time it may be OK but later on there is always misunderstanding and unhappiness in married life if the points are not appropriately matched. Not marrying may atleast provide the possibility of happiness for both parties.




    || Om Namo Laxminarayanay ||


    Namaste Webyogiji,




    ya absolutely, i mean i can just try, well, left it on to Almighty Sir :-)




    jotting down problems i had since 2005-till date for your knowledge, may be it helps for better chart analysis..


    mid may 2005- 5 June 2005 , Duisburg, Germany : Detected a big sized Kidney stone, was operated for it


    02.05.2007, Munich, Germany : detected a infection in stomach which increased Acids and created severe Stool problems


    06.2008 - till date , Bremen, Germany : having indigestion problems, back pain in mornings.. I suspect piles problem for the moment, will get it checked in coming days.

    lifting something in morning wih empty stomach creates me a problem(Dharan, English: Abdomen pain) which lasts for a day or two, leading to Indigestion

    (The reason i wore the copper rings in my Big Toe was Dharan)


    Since 2002, Skin problems are persisting. (No more acnes but the Blemishes, Scars, etc are persisting)


    Let me tell you, i have excellent diet but still my weight seems to be the same since last 6 years (52 kgs)..have no idea, why



    Please let me know your reply/ remedies..Best wishes and all Good , that is all what i can wish and pray for you.Thanks a lot !!


    ||Om Namo Laxminarayanay||





    Try these if it helps, these are simple but it worked for many people.

    1. In the morning, take 1/4 glass of milk and add about 2 glasses of water, mix in the churner (mixer) for 5 min and drink first thing without any thing else. Try for a 1-2 weeks.

    2. In the night time before going to bed, take a glass of milk warm it (hot if possible) add 1-2 tea spoon of ghee (not the vegetable ghee) (if you do not have any cholesterol problem etc.). Try for a 1-2 weeks.

    3. Then get some Triphala powder, take 1 tea spoon with warm water before bed. Triphala is well known for many diseases including diabetes, cancer (recent studies) but it has to be taken for few months.



    Hope it helps.




    Dear WebYogi,


    Thank you for your kind response, but according to the rules of manglik cancellation,


    When Mars is in its own sign (Aries, Scorpio), exalted

    > (Capricorn) or in the houses owned by PLANETS SUPPOSED to be his

    > friends (Sun, Jupiter, Moon) manglik dosha gets cancelled.


    In this case it is vrishchik lagna, and mars is in the second house - dhanu - whose lord is jupiter.


    So mars being in the house of his friend Jupiter as specified above should surely lead to a cancellation of the debilitation? If you do not agree, may I please request why this is so?



    Yes, you right it is said so.

    Let me share one actual incidence, during someones wedding party, there were many friends asked local person to read their future and he did, so also he did for a person (Mr X) who was also there and was in top 1% in his/her class. When Mr X asked about his education, the guy predicted that Mr X will not have any education or failure in education. Mr X responded that I need some thing so that atleast I can pass the exams. The guy replied that after so many yrs you may not even pass high school and if do so with third class. Guess what?, all other friends who knew very well Mr X were all class mates enrolled in the Master's program in a reputed University where admission was purily on the merit basis. Friends asked Mr X (who was not only reading palm but charts too, and every one knew about Mr X's predictions etc), why the person was so wrong in prediction? Mr X simply said, he was right as per knowledge from the Texts and depends what he read but in actual reality not always but some times it is different and requires Yrs of work and analysis and closely examining people and follow up later on to find the effects. Later on Mr X has education level and qualifications from international Universities that one can hardly imagine!!!! One has to question, What was then wrong??? Was it an isolated example or several examples are like that??? For this one has to spend yrs to analyze such charts and have experience.

    It is just my opinion and I may be wrong and some one may come up with charts where manglik dosha is "supposed" to be cancelled). Many people marry to manglik who are not manglik and as suggested, they performed all poojas etc but I found their married life with several problems later on.

    Also, even matching charts gives us an excellent guide line but not necessary always happen the good way later on and one has to take that factor in account too. For me, it is a matter of choice to be aware of some factors to take in to consideration.

    I conclude that Manglik dosha is manglik dosha just for caution for a person who has it, however its effects after 28 yrs are minimized but will still require understanding between partners involved and its effects may be reduced as texts says but not completely cancelled in my humble opinion.




    My DOB 2 Oct 1983

    Place of Birth Lakhimpur kheri, Uttar predesh

    time no exatly but around 9 PM


    I want to know about my career growth


    help me out




    Without exact time of birth it is not easy to determine what dasa is running and it is not good to do guess work.




    My DOB is 3rd July 1982 and birth time is 2:40 am and birthplace is vadodara(gujarat). since 2005 i m not able to find decent job or settle myself. right now i m having my second masters in engineering in US. Ill be graduating in august 09. Right now i m very very tensed. Pls guide me when I ll be getting proper job so i can give the money spended back and I ll be setteled. Right now i m facing too many difficulties.


    Pls help.




    At present you are having Budh Dasa with Sani Anterdasa. Sani as a lord of profession is in 6<SUP>th</SUP> (enemies, diseases…..) till May 2009. Sani is with 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord Mangal (death, loss, unexpected gains or losses…) although Mangal is your lagna lord too and thus will require lot of efforts to get a job. Also, Moon as a lord of happiness is in 8<SUP>th</SUP> and is thus weak being aspected by Sani.

    The Kethu dasa is going to start about May 2009 for 7 yrs and it may be better than this time period but still it will require efforts to make.

    Besides this your Bhagya lord Jupiter is in profession at present and is occupied neecha position to add more to your problems in the profession.

    Following remedies may be helpful:

    Worshiping lord Vishnu and lord Shiva (without flowers) may be helpful.

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

    Donation on Saturdays and Tuesdays to needy people may also be very helpful (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).


    Wearing a ring of yellow topaz (not yellow sapphire) in silver may reduce your efforts for getting success.

    Wearing Cats eye in silver may be required later on (Kethu Mahadasa).



    Namaskar Web yogiji,


    I would like to know an auspicious day for scheduling c section for me for birth of a baby girl. Could you please suggest me a good day from May 1st to May 8 th 2009 and few timing slots on that days.

    Not sure if you would require the following details

    My DOB . Its Sept 13 1976 time 2:00 PM Nalgonda.

    My husband DOB is May 13 1977, time 2:45 AM Gudur, nellore dt.

    The Place of hospital would be Des moines, IOWA.USA.


    Really appreciate your help.


    Thank You.




    I am sorry I would not be able to help on this. Although I used to help on this matter and years after I realized that I was interfearing the timing of events. May be some one post the answer for you.




    namaskar webyogi ji.


    Saturn should indeed by pleased by the native as it has a confusing dual nature being the lord of 6th and 7th both..


    what i feel is jupiter's dasa which will start around 2017 should do really good to the native.






    Thanks a lot and I would also like some one to have good and better dasa but it is a game of Karma and my liking or disliking does not matter. I am also a part of this game.


    In a similar lagna but Jupiter in neecha position in 6<SUP>th</SUP> as a 8<SUP>th</SUP> lord, being thus aspected by 6<SUP>th</SUP> lord Saturn from 4<SUP>th</SUP> house resulted in several health problems through out the Jupiter Dasa. I came across with several such examples. In my humble opinion, in Jupiter dasa may be good for spiritually but the native or the spouse may experience health problems from time to time or even misunderstanding that can cause mental distress. Jupiter is a divine planet and thus divine help is an important factor and thus I suggested for the following (although it look simple but it helps in reducing the ill effects over all in the chart):


    “Worshiping lord Vishnu and Laxmi Mata (without flowers).

    Worshiping dakshniavarat Shankh that has been activated.

    Be vegetarian if you are already not so.’’


    I will add one more suggestion to above remedies:

    Involve actively in recycling of the waste material.




    Thanks webyogiji,


    So with the first match i wont have any problems,lke separation or such thngs.I would be gr8ful if u could tel me any remedy if at all my match gets fixed wid second one.

    I knw its unfair on my part to be vry biased towards this(2nd) match but i am a human so no exception.


    Thanks a lot,







    The second match I would not suggest as points are extremely less to match and with two dosha. I do not any any remedy for this if you are only interested in this match. If there is any remedy if some one may suggest, in my opinion, it may not help much as I have seen such matches falling apart or have mental distress through out married life. It is your choice to choose.

    The first match is much better than the second one. The person is very accommodative and understanding besides match points even you do not know the person. But Saturn in lagna in his chart indicates that after marriage he may not keep good health (mentally or physically) or also same applies to his spouse (that is you in case you decide to marry him). Also, please confirm that with first match, the person was engaged with some one before or not, if so then chances of separation are unlikely.






    Namaskar WebYogi ji,


    Dasa of Jupiter is running since 2006 and will continue till 2022.. It means there will be hurdles in prof till 2022?


    Warm Regards,

    Rakesh Arora




    Yes, dasa of Jupiter till 2022. Not at all the time but from time to time you might be experiencing problems and wearing moti or neclace as suggested may be of help. Also, as far as finance is concern, from time to time you will get help from somewhere and somehow.




    || Om Namo Laxminarayana ||




    Believe, it is Killing me..Anyways, thanks a lot again for your helping advice.


    ||Om Laxmi Narayana||




    I understand your problem, but as I mentioned it is our Karma that is major player. I have seen people who did not have a decent job not for 1 or 2 yrs but entire Rahu period, 18 yrs and no remedies was done too. I would say, have faith and do your best that is what is in our hands, rest leave on Laxmi Narayan Ji.


    Could you tell me what type of stomach problem you are having? I might suggest simple remedy in case it helps you with stomach problems as well as acne too. Note that stomach problems may be related to neeca Jupiter at this time who is your lagna lord and 10th lord.




    Respected webyogi ji,


    Thanks a lot for the chart reading and advice.


    It helped a lot in charting out future career plans.


    It would be of immense help if you could tell the period by which i would be able to get a job..


    Thanks & Regards,






    It is tough period atleast till May 2010 when Saturn subperiod will start in jupiter Mahadasa. It is possible to get job in this period with lot of efforts but it may not be satisfactory. The remedies I mentioned may add to help you out.




    namaskar webyogi ji. it was extremely grateful on your part to reply to my query.


    i got your point there very well.


    so do u feel that the native will have a good success in life along with time to time problems and struggles?


    and if yes then in which time period wil he be successful?


    i also feel that after his marriage, his luck would shine according to his chart.


    Hope to have ur response soon sir






    In my opinion, Marriage may give happiness as Saturn being the 7<SUP>th</SUP> lord ( house of marriage) is in 4<SUP>th</SUP> house (happiness), but note that this happiness may be checked as Saturn is also lord of 6<SUP>th</SUP> (enemies…). Exalted Moon helps a lot but in exchange energy of Moon is reduced too. I have seen Saturn in a same place with same lagna, where person has several “hidden” enemies and lot of efforts required to come up in Saturn period (note that Saturn is aspecting lagna and thus requires efforts). Thus, pleasing Saturn is an essential part in the chart and that was my intention without going much in detail.



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