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Everything posted by Haridasdasdas

  1. Yea, but now we have internet forums. It's easier like this.
  2. My friend is a disciple of Sivananda, and he said he'd washed his hair with urine before, that it was good for the hair. He might have been joking.
  3. Interestingly Prabhupada himself said that the translations were not very important, since they varied little despite the different views of the translators. The importance of Prabhupada's Gita is in the purports. Scriptures are supposed to be read under the guidance of a Guru, and in the form of the purports, Prabupada provides this guidance to everyone. I think it's a good idea, and I would reccomend any Sampradaya that doesn't like Prabhupada's purports to write their own, and publish their own gita in the same fashion, it will be educating for everyone.
  4. Krishna is responsible for the death of everyone. The people/demons he kills attain perfection. Please substantiate how the Puranas are illogical, I'm interested. I can't help feeling your constant attacks, which is what you have done saying 'stupid, fool' etc, put you into the fanatic category somewhat. I think you're attached to your impersonal conception to the point of craziness. Maybe in a similar way to the crazy Christians I'm sure you've come across. Maybe it's ego, wanting everyone else to be stupid compared to you? At any rate, I hope you aren't really like this in real life. People behave differently on the internet.
  5. I'm simply asking him for some basis. Opinions are nothing without justification.
  6. You are a cretin. Seek professional help.
  7. Ultimately there are a number of conclusions a person can come to from the scriptures, but I don't see anything to suggest Ganesha as being the supreme lord. If this man can explain his posiition, what it is based on, and answer why there are so many verses contrary to his position, I will accept it as legitimate, even if i don't agree with it. He has done none of these, therefore I conclude it is concoction/trolling. It is, as you say, down to our subjective experiences. We cannot know for certain by empirical knowledge what is truth and what isn't, and I think that is divine arrangement. However, to a small degree we can rule out some possiblities. It is in this spirit that I questioned his statement. Om Purnam Adah Purnam Idam Purnat Purnam Udacyate Purnasya Purnam Adayah Purnam Evavasisyate
  8. So you do accept the scriptures or you don't? If you accept the experience of Sanatana Dharma, but reject Vedic literature, then are you not drinking the milk but hating the cow? Ganesh is the son of Siva. Siva expands from Visnu. So Ganesh = god? Kinda. Ganesha = supreme lord? Not really.
  9. The puranas make perfect sense to those who know them properly. There is no scripture that says Ganesha is the supreme. If you don't accept the Vedic literatures how can you ascribe yourself to the religion, deities and practises that coem from them? It's sillyness. The Vedas are the work of Vyasadeva. I recognise the validity of all religious experience, but where does the idea that Ganesha is the supreme lord come from? It's concoction. I'm not devalueing his religious experience, I'm questioning the conclusions he came to as a result of it. Maybe Ganesha has visited this man and told him to beleive that, for some higher purpose maybe. Maybe, I don't know. Maybe he's just trolling. There is nothing tamasic about the killing of the demons. You're continually making things up. I don't really understand this part of your post. Your post is confusing. Om Ganeshaya Namah
  10. Yes, he's a Christian with Siva as his picture is he? With the name: soma juice. You are the supidest person on these forums.
  11. Or in other words you lost the argument.
  12. Yes, this is nice why can't you just stick to posts about Devas?
  13. What is the Agama Purana? The word is no doubt of foreign origin. Agama is not a deity, but just a word referring to scripture. I've never heard of this purana. you have made this up, or got it off another of your silly websites. This is a made up scripture. Until you provide some (i mean pretty much any) evidence to show it predates the mughal invasion, I'll consider you an idiot. Sort yourself out. EDIT: http://www.bharatadesam.com/scriptures/agamas.php
  14. Good point. Still, I have no idea where they got that from. Also 'Om Tat SAt' has nothing to do with Hanuman.
  15. Hindustan is derived from the Persian word Hindu, which is itself is derived from Sindhu, Sanskrit for the Indus River <sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">[2]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-Hindu_2-0" class="reference">[3]</sup>. This together with a popular suffix -ostān, which is also derived from Persian (ostan), meaning land<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference">[4]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference">[5]</sup> gave birth to the word 'Hindustan', which was rendered as Hindusthan <sup id="cite_ref-brit_5-0" class="reference">[6]</sup>. Literally, the word means land of the Hindus. From Wikipedia.
  16. :rofl::D:D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What the hell was that article? He 'agrees with it'? What does he know? Someone thinks for themselves and now they're demonicly possessed? Why doesn't he just go back to the middle ages already. That has to be the stupidest piece of hillbilly excretion I have ever read. America is doomed. I'm not going to refute it, because there is nothing to refute, its just silly childishness(unlike my long laughter and collection of smileys above). Edit: I've never actually heard of people using mantras to ask Devas to enter their body. I think that's made up.
  17. Oh no, I know everything. I never presume.
  18. Wow, someone wrote a whole review of a joke article? They felt compelled enough to write that, about an article that took maybe 5 minutes to write? I felt compelled to read it and make a post about what sillyness it is? Urgh.
  19. If you beleive that why are you on this board? Maybe you should try reading them? Somehow I doubt you have.
  20. You can make up as much nonsense as you like, in as bad english as you like, but it will still just be a creation of your imperfect mind. Your disrespect for Scripture shows your own childish dislike of the authority of Veda Vyasa, preferring instead to make things up yourself. Maybe you lack the intelligence to perform proper study so you pretend you don't need sastra. You can pretend as much as you like but the reality is that without following a proper spiritual path, you will inevitably fall down to whatever vices take your fancy, meat eating, intoxication, sex with unmarried women, men, even children maybe. Just like all the other nondevotees out there. Maybe there were some so called devotees who fell down to these things, but that was only because they were not following their guru, Shrila Prabhupada, but instead wanted to lord it over material nature. Even lord Indra forgets who Krishna is sometimes. Anyone who sincerely follows an authorised guru, in a bonafide sampradaya, will not go wrong. This business of making things up as you fancy has got you nowhere.
  21. What's your basis for saying that? It sounds like another concoction of your imperfect mind, or of some silly website.
  22. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - 'Vasudevaya' - the supreme lord. Often a name of Krishna, since his father was named Vasudev, and 'ya' often means 'the son of'.
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