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Everything posted by sambya

  1. why sri ganesh of course
  2. why sri maheswar of course .
  3. why sri devi of course .
  4. once again ranjeet comes to field with his theory of 'perfect absoluteness of all material things' . im saying this once more that there is nothing absolute in this world except god . what is punishable in your eyes might be perfectly okay to someone else's . a hindu marrying two wives is punishable in law whereas an muslim might marry upto 4 individuals as per indian law . things such as these vary with place time , situation ,etc . a wronged individual might commit an murder as an act of revenge with the full belief that he is guitless . but law would not spare him . this is because although he is merely taking a revenge in form of a murder his act would set a bad precedent for others to follow . therefore only such things are to be held punishable which affects the collective interest of the society as a whole and in your case even a child can see that your orthodoxy , fanaticism , ignorance and narrow mindedness towards other religions have the full potential to affect the collective interest of other's here in this forum . ultimately , going by this noble principle it you who should be punished without delay .
  5. I think the problem is with those scientists who take an adamant and stubborn stand in disbelieving god . true scientists are always open minded and never rejects anything . he always takes into consideration the case of god . and finally even if he disbelieves in god he would say that 'as of now there is nothing to conclusively prove the existence of god' rather than saying 'there is no god' . but the stubborn ones reject his existence right at the begining which itself is highly unscientific . for true science follows the path of experiment , observation and inference . rejecting any phenomenon or hypothesis without undergoing these three is wrong and unscientific . i guess it is this group that many people find irritating . infact there are many scientists who are strong believers in existence of god . many directly practice religion . but yes , one thing is for sure , most of them are inclined to accept god as put forward by modern neo-vedanta or the traditional orthodox advaitic vedanta .
  6. accept the fact that you have never ever tried to read any scriptures other than what have been instructed to you by your illstrious acharyas . you dont have the minimal knowledge of hindu texts . you have no understanding of hindu history and indian civilization apart from the hotchpotch what you see in the hare krishna clowns ... devi bhagwatam is an upapurana written in late periods . but if 16th century chaintanya charitammrita can pass of as authentic vedic scriptures whats the fault with devi bhagwatam . either accept none or accept all . but then again we all know the expertise of a particular institution in selective interpretaion of selected slokas ...... .....along with narayan , vishnu , brahmaa , indra , rudra , kartikeya , varahadeva , nrisimhadeva etc etc . there are authentic and innumerable forms of devi as braahmi , vaishnavi , vaaraahi and naarasimghi since later vedic periods . should you doubt this ,conduct a tour to khajuraho temples which were constructed 1000 years ago and see their sculptures yourselves . if you are a westerner , the only advice that i would give is to know india and its scriptures and tradition in a better detail before coming to argue with people born and brought up in india . according to your scriptures ( bhagavatam) taking bith in brahatavarsha is result of untold merits from previous brith . birth in other lands is useless and inauspicious . going by this , it is already extablished that indians are a superior lot and greter blessed . so stop pretending to have the exclusive understanding of an indian god through western brain . i relly hate to say such things , but this can only stop people like you . and if you are an indian then shame on you . you have let go of your own heritage and have blindly gulped down whatever was spoon fed by some western acharyas in an institution established in foriegn soil . your cultural education has been so shallow that you didnt even apply your own logics and blindly accepted whatever was instructed to you . that too from such gurus who are rumoured to have poisoned while some sit in prison for homosexual and pedophilistic acts leaving aside the countless truly spiritual gurus who pass their entire life away from spotlight in silent contemplation of truth . you are undoubetedly the foremost worthless sons of mother india . accept it !!! but the only comforting point is that your previous post shows that you are cornered . the psycology behind the post is clearly visible . a person attacks when cornered . people like you would never follow your own path properly and neither allow other people to follow thei paths in peace . sadly no amount of discussions can ever turn you respectfull towards other faiths . this is why i had to resort to such writings . from next time learn to qoute some books to proove how devi bhagavat is not valid and charitamrita is . really bad ........... i wont be there the next few days . i 'll come back to see what you are up at ............
  7. all puranas wer historically written in later hindu periods and additions were made onto it for another thousand years till 18th century . and most puranas ahow a particular tilt towards some particular sects . therefore it is better to refer back to upanishads which is the core of hindu shastras for spiritual guidance. if you start veiwing devi and krishna as two different manifestations or understandings of the same reality then it would not cause any problem .
  8. isnt asking directly an infinitely better way than to open a derogatory thread ???? god bless you yes i understand your critical position . many indians face much the same way after visiting iskcon youth forum or such things . you are not alone !! but i guess the best way to understand these matters would be to start reading extensively and browse through previous posts here in this forums where such things have already been discussed in spectacular details , than posting such threads and making people have a bad impression on you . ask directly . sorry for being rude , your activities suggested otherwise .....
  9. thats obvious . you cannot ignore others here on this forum all of whom are more intelligent and spiritual than you .............
  10. i hate to post here because you are nothing more than an attention seeker . barely a minute ago you were on the other thread (religions with no meaning ) talking on behalf of vaishnavas , and now you are posting such things as these . either you are unable to express urself or you are a desperate idiotic attention seeker . such threads do not command any attention whatsoever . its a spiritual discussion forum and try to discuss something spiritual rather than copy pasting some silly ' proofs ' of undermining some particular god or its followers . really bad ....
  11. oh , never mind what he means !! just be carefull enough to skip over his posts if you dont wish to turn mad . all in this forum have realised this and refrain from answering back to him . the new members are the ones who reply to him and unknowingly give him a confidance boost that helps him to continue posting till a new member comes in .
  12. thats wrong . they dont do it for material benediction . although brahman is one without a second it is simply not possible for a limited human with limited sensory capabilities to comprehend brahman as it is in his initial stages of sadhana . this is where the concept of saguna brahman comes in . our mind has a naturall inclination to hold on to a form . we cannot think of infinite formless . thats why we choose the 'with form' aspect of that same brahman . and that form is not exclusively krishna but might as well be any one else like durga or shiva ... never , infact just the opposite . like kali is brahma swarupini or brahmamayi etc. wonder where you got your ideas about 'shakta texts' from ?!!!!
  13. whats the point if all men look the same ? male female all !!! can human race continue ? no!! same can be said of animals plants and nature . it is this inherent diversity that sustains creation . and as with evrything religion also has its diversity which is the sustaining strentgh of religion as a whole . each religion manifests in itself a particular bhava or way of reaching god . advaita is the intellectual way to reach god krishna bahkti shows the highest manifestation of ahaituki prema bhakti. shakta bhakti shows the highest manifestation of motherhood of god etc etc . each thought has something unique in itself , something to convey in this big world , something inherently its own . the day that bhava or thought disaapears the need of that religion extinguishes too . try and realize this inherent truth and beuty of all faiths ....... if you try to drag all beliefs into one single cast , you can be rest assured that you've begun your journey with failure . just like the numeorus prophets , sons of gods and avatars all through the pages of history . there cant be one single religion !! thats it !! either accept it and try to see the beauty in them or hate all others and be hated yourself . unfortunely , these are the only two paths available my friend ...............
  14. although an advaitin believes that everything is god in its true state he does not strive to become god , as preached by some vaishnav gurus . his concern remains self realization . and 'everthing god' is at the last stage . one shouldnt go on shouting it as a sadhak . as regards to shakta and shaivas they do believe in advaita .but they do not normally care to strive for nirvana or brahmagyan . most shaiva or shakta devotees remain deep rooted in songs , archana , kirtan , japa all their lives without caring for brahmagyan . however unlike vaishnavas they do not disbelieve or disrespect brahmangyan . it something like -- " i'll do my bhakti , i'll play with my mother(devi) and try to love her even more . i dont care whether i get nirvana in the process or not . to have a clear understanding of shakta bhakti refer to my thread on 'shaaymaa sangeet-devotional songs to kali ' . same can be said of shaiva bhaktas also .
  15. the kind of shila that you are reffering to was already known by the ancient sages and are called baddha chakra shilas . it means that the chakra is there but trapped inside . and most shastras instructs not to worship such shilas . although there are a few isolated texts where we do find instructions to worship any kind of shila . in fact a shila without a brahmarandhra or mukha (opening on its surface to veiw the chakras ) were not taken in the old days . infact having a darshan of this chakra is said to destroy the bad karma of one full year . many families in bengal start their bengali new year with a special puja and a darshan of this chakra through the hole . now however the things have changed . indiscriminate collection of shalagrams have made them a very rare object . and a shila with a opening inside is even more rarer . naturally modern men tend to favour that isolated text instead of the more mainstream ones and worship all kinds of shila .....
  16. couldnt get you properly !!! anyways , what the problem there ? its perfectly true . just as i said saakaar and niraakaar are just two different sides of the same brahman . so why cant the niraakaar brahman be a part of saakar brahman(brahman part of krishna) ? there is absolutely no contradiction !!
  17. oh really ? how do you explain the four set of jagannath deities sitting there inside the hot kitchen and consecrating tonnes of rice and other foodstuffs two times daily in the four main dinner halls of mayapur dham iskcon headquarters ???????????? isnt this transcendental kitchen duty ??!!
  18. the answer would be -- i dont know yet . if only i could !!!!!! but yes !! i can give you an idea from as much as i have read in the books and scriptures and essentially as per my understanding . obviously there can be no two gods , for such a concept would instantly render the entire concept of god as bogus . now who is this true god ? well , not going into other faiths if we concentrate on sanatana dharma , or hinduism as we put it today , we shall see that this position is allotted to a phenomeneon named brahman which can never be described in totality . he is everything , simply everything . then what about all these dieties ? ans-- if god cannot be two then all of them must be the same brahman also . but then why is this difference ? ans--thats because one perieves brahman as he wants to percieve . to a devotee of krishna brahman is none other than krishna . and so on with other dieties . so is brahman nirakaar nirguna or saakar saguna ? ans--as per my readings he is both as any point of time . he is as much nirakaar as much he is saakar . and to call him only saakar or only niraakaar would limit him . this in turn would make the infinite finite and hence not god . so brahman must be both simultaneously . the problem arises when the advaitists try to proclaim that brahman is only niraakaar or vaishnavs try to proclaim that brahman is only saakaar or hare krishnas try to proclaim that brahmaan is but a kind bodily effulgence of krishna !! but then are we suppose to pray to all these deities ? ans-- no !!! we dedicate our lives only to that deity towards whom we find our natural attraction since childhood . and if we dont have any amount of natural acttraction for any deity whatsoever then i guess its not time to turn spiritual !! this is called ones ishta or chosen deity .
  19. leading "the cause of spiritual culture" is perhaps not that easy . im just thinking of a very practical proverb in bengal which means that in order to teach religion to others one must practice it himself . i dont mean to suggest that you dont !! i only wish to mention that preaching religion is possible only by uchha adhikari's who have had god realization . not having reached that stage and still preaching and instructing people would not fall short of hypocrisy .......think rationally !!! this is what ramakrishna said of such incidents . " there was a village pond where all villagers would gather to fetch water and take a bath etc . now it so happened that certain individuals were commiting nuisance near its bank everyday early in the morning hours . later when people gathered for bath they used to protest and shout . but no avail .... things continued as before . finally one day a police came there and stuck a notice -- commit no nuisance on the banks . from the next day everything stopped . one must have the authority to preach if he wants people to follow it . " and you can see the results of ineffective preaching all over the globe . crumbling religions , decaying religious organisations , lack to followers etc etc .
  20. great analyzation ............ correct
  21. the vast majority of shakta texts like kalika purana etc and tantras call this meat mahaprasad which should be dealt with utmost reverence . this is not the case both in practice and shakta scriptures and tantra . this is very true !!! in calcutta you do run a chance to come across a meat shop with a deity of kali inside to give the customers a false impression that this meat is prasadi meat . in any case , im not concerned with such cases . here i was speaking of genuine puja offerings ...... but all this didnt provide an explanation to my doubt --- if the karma dosha of killing vegetables and plants are eradicated by simply offering it to supreme purusha as krishna , why cant the karma dosha of killing animals be eradicated by offering it to the supreme prakriti as devi ? ultimately the thought behind the two is the same !!
  22. humble request to bhaktajan to keep his veiws to himself in the middle of a serious discussion and engage his time in eating , sleeping , mating , defending .............
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