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Everything posted by sambya

  1. it should have begun as -- mythology shows...... or legend shows etc putana , samadhi etc are not topics of history .
  2. thats highly natural . its extremely difficult to do away with bhakti . bhakti is the yugadharma . it is definitely the easiest path to self realization. bhakti is the dharma of kaliyuga . moreover most gurus agree that bhakti is the path for the western world also . its not merely a desire to be detached or an aversion to samsara . it the highest perfectional stage . when you are very close to that stage you might remain in samsara physically but you remain unaffected by its happenings. for ex-- you remain unmoved even in extreme grief and extreme happiness . read gita . everythings explained there . but dont read the as it is version of iskcon right at the begining . it is quite sectarian . well , it depends on what sect you are folowing . to the advaitins it is the salt doll thing . but one thing is true -- a jiva after attaining moksha doesnt come back to material plane to educate people . so its not possible to be known unless felt for yourself . infact almost all of hinduism is about feeling . you have to practice and attain that stage to understand that . never !! rebirth is only beacuse you have your karma left . it might be good karma or bad . for ex- you were a very charitable person last bith . no matter how much spiritually uplifted you are you shall have to take rebith just to enjoy the good fruits of your past good deeds . similarly one has to be reborn to recieve the punishments of his bad deeds . this balance sheet is going on and on . on reaching moksha both your accumulated fruits of good and bad deeds become zero . naturally there arise no reason for you to take another birth -- you have done away with both of them . as per my knowledge tibetan lamas are alo seeking souls much like indian sadhus or sadhaks . their heads like dalai lama or rinpoche lama are avataars . bodhisattvas are expansions of god himself . they are avatars and rules applicable to jivas doesnt apply to them . i guess it is finally liberation from ignorance . it might as well be the only liberation . prema bhakti of dualists automatically entitles an individual to be situated on the level of moksha . altough a dualist seekrs would never hanker for moksha !!
  3. the last part of the word krishna has a short ' A ' . its not pronounced as krishnAA as many in india and abroad do . krishnAA is another name of durga and also a name of draupadi because she was dark in colour .
  4. honestly im trying to read through the remaining upanishads , chaitanya charitamrita and a few other highly important books . do you really believe that yours is even superior that ive to waste my precious time in reading that ? i think by now you have understood what response your book would get from readers . make merry and be happy . good luck ....
  5. on a serious note dont drag in parents here . its not keeping with the desired etiquettes .
  6. ha ha ha !! oh ! so you were upto this ?? they dont ? i didnt know that .....
  7. better know about them and return back to comment
  8. chandu , what if i falsely swear by god ? of course i wouldnt be doing such a thing out of my own morals . but just consider the situatuion if i lie ? do you think that is a good way of judging me ? what proof can you get whether im being truthfull while swearing or not ? if im really a muslim who intends to spread hate ( as you claim me to be) then isnt it obvious that i would be adept at lying . would i be scared of god ? secondly vaishnava doctrine maintains that swearing by the name of your ishtadevata is not good . because he is our most loved one . how can someone swear by him whom he loves the most . i try to follow this rule and refrain from swearing . lastly im not under compulsion to proove that im a hindu or a muslim to anyone . im not a muslim . youre free to believe it or not !!!!
  9. its true that the failures of iskcon as an organization is evident and its faults many . but inspite of my criticisms and sarcasm i have to give them the credit of introducing hindu thoughts( though distorted at times) on a large scale in the western lands .
  10. tamo gun ? what variety is it ? is is the same like shot gun , colts revolvers , or georgian muskets ?
  11. ha ha ha ! im a male brahmin vaishnav bengali and currently a student .
  12. not to my knowledge ! even if it is , thats the corruption of tantra , not tantra itself . it would be wrong to call it tantra just as it would be wrong to label sahjiya and kartabhajas as true vaishnavas .....
  13. if you feel satisfied with it , so be it !! but it doesnt make a difference , you see !!
  14. it cant !! simple .......see it ? upanishads are vedanta or the anta(end) of vedas . they are shrutis and date from early vedic age . puranas have nothing to do with vedas except accepting their authority and date from as late as 17th century . they are smritis . very simple really ..........no matter how much you cry and shout shrutis will remain as shrutis and smritis as smritis . enjoy !!!
  15. too poor a guess !! most are puranic i dont respond to references drawn in from some completely out of the topic threads !!! i can respond to them in their respective places , not here .
  16. puranaas are not vedas !! didnt you know that ? whats there to argue about it ? i feel you have been out in sun for long !! indian summer temperatures can be really high --carefull !!!!
  17. im not saying against tantra .neither am i speaking about tantra . im speaking against occult practises and witchcraft ! are tantra and witchcraft synonymous terms for you ???!!!
  18. oh god !!! is it something to do with spirituality ? this karnapishachini vidya of yours ?? go post it eleswhere . and let me give a word of caution to those practising such occult practises and wicthcraft -- the wheels of karmic law are ever in motion and universally applicable on anyone . why waste a valuable human birth on learning karnapisachini when you have a real chance to seeing god face to face ?? any occult powers or shiddhis hinders the spiritual progress of the individual . ramakrishna used to say -- such magics and hocus pocus'ses should be avoided by a true aspirant as though it were the fecaes of an old prostitute .
  19. where did i criticise the shrutis ? how do you know i follow tantra ? is it merely because i have a pic of kali as my avatar ? hi hi hi !!!!!!
  20. ha ha ha !!! the u shaped symbol with a dot inside it constitutes for merely a small part of the total symbol . what about the rest of it ?? was that interpolation ??!! archeological evidence ?? ha ha ha ........ ever visited ASI office ? youre a loser !!! but i pity you and have full support and compassion . i understand that you were probably a high school dropout and have to do something to eat and survive . full support and appreciation to your book , lest you die of hunger . best of luck:P
  21. i read through the thread and found the entire thing very laughable . i can continue aguing with you for hours on end but do not have the slightest inclination to do so right now . because such things have already been discussed repeteadly in this forum and im begining to have have serious doubts about your genuinity as a resercher . what you are writting in the posts show nothing of research but of hapazard joining of historical puzzles as per your own beliefs and understandings. i think you would agree that the psycology of the writer shines through his writings . reading your posts it is evident that you are actually a practising vaishnava who wishes to glorify your belief over the rest . and in the process you have chosen this so-called 'historical approach' . incidentaly all your posts shows a striking absence of citations . as a reasearch book i must say its rather bad , or useless . im sorry for using harsh words , but i guess it will make you adapted to what shall be coming in as reviews after publishing it.
  22. oh yes !! thats correct . what can be impossible for god himself ? its 'unlikely' but not 'impossible ' . but if he (god) gives liberation to someone without his striving for it , it might amount to partiality . because numerous souls crying for liberation are not getting it . i guess thats what keeps him from giving unasked liberation . he he ...... ultimately who knows the way of god ?? none .............
  23. while its true that indian brahmins have lost their ancient position of glory and have done away with cultivation of spiritual values and disciplines , it cannot be denied that absolute credit goes to them and them alone for preservance of most of our treasured scriptures . it is that orthodoxy and rigidity of them , that actually helped preserve the ancient texts and manuscripts from the hands of tyrannical foriegn rulers who dominated over the subcontinent over a millenium . that is how we still have those invaluable wisdom still with us . and there are numerous brahmin families still living in the country who posesses brahminical qualities . it is through these families that religious organizations come to know of the manners and customs of brahmins whicch they implement in their own institutionalized process of brahmin initiation .
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