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Everything posted by M.R.Moorthi

  1. Are you sure that you older than the boy by nearly six months?Check and confirm
  2. Dear Smt.Anusha, I am very glad that you are posting very informative thereads,while.I think,trying to acquire some reasonable knowledge on astrology by extending your help to the needy through this forum.Yes,it is true there is unfounded belief with regard to the stars you mentioned.Only time has to change this. As I am now not well,I am unable to attend and give my view to your another thread on a person for astro opinion.I just saw astro_tech's right remedial measures.Please inform the genleman to do it.Mean while I am sure others also give their chart observations. Best wishes
  3. As per the birth data given following is the observation. Both in general have a good chart. Male spouse's is comparatively better and is very positive in respect of progeny.His star: Uttarabadra 4, Rasi:Meena, Lagna:Mituna(Navamsa also)Vargottama He is now running Sukra dasa from 16/04/2001 to 16/04/2020, Ragu bukthi up to 17/07/2011.Also Ragu antar dasa up to 25/11/08. Female Spouse's Star:Punarvasu 2, Rasi:Mituna, Lagna:Kumbha. She is currently running Buda dasa from 2-11-2003 to 2-11-2020, sukra bhukthi from 28/03/07 to 26-01-2010,guru antar up to 19/01/09. The swapping of 5th & 3rd lords,Buda and Angaraka respectively,also Buda & Guru being aspected by Sani,a malefic and the presence of 6th lord,Moon in the 5th in association with another malefic,Angaraka are not quite encouraging for being blessed with earliest progeny. Be assured that progeny is not denied at all but only delayed by the reasons stated and they are definitely blessed to be proud parents of a cheerful baby,most propably a male. It is only a question of time to become conceived and surely they could have their baby by the end of 2009 or in the earlier part 2010.All these give them a +ve attitude and their utter devotion to the all Supreme is an additional strength. 1.They should chant Shri Hanuman chalisa 11 times in the morning and evening with utter devotion after worshiping their family deity first or any deity or Guru in whom they believe the most. 2. Navagraha pradashina once every day in a temple nearby,especially on Wed,Thur,Fri and Sat days will do the best. May the lord Dakshinamurthy bless them with the best.
  4. Due to the failure of my pc I could not do anything further.As it has just been brought to normal,I will convey my opinion soon.Meanwhile give the time of Muhurtham on the marrige day.
  5. Good.I will come back soon after reading the charts.
  6. You please repeat the correct birth data for the both once again for confirmation.
  7. Are you sure of the birth data furnished?Is the husband younger than the wife?Confirm
  8. If your son was born before 6-55am on 12/28/2003 at boston,his birth star is Sathayam.After 6-55 Am,it is poorattadhi
  9. Rahu & Ketu are the two nodes and understanding them is too difficult.Their natures are so deceptive that only who have very good knowledge of their characters can give a clear view on their effects. The story of Rahu& Ketu in short goes like this. Sage Sukracharya(Venus),the Asuraguru,with his knowledge of "Sanjivani Mantra" could revive all the dead people.With such a knowledge of their Guru Asuras used to attack Devas and while Devas were getting killed,the killed asuras would be revived by Sukra. This deterred the devas and while Indra was losing his kingdom to the Asuras,he approached Lord Vishnu for his advice,help and protection. The lord,assuring his protection,advised Devas to churn the ocean with the help of "Mandara Mountain and Vasuki,the serpent bed of Lord Vishnu,when the Lord Himself as Kurma(Avatar) would support the base of the mountain under the ocean.The consumption of the Amrit thus produced from the churning would make one immortal. During churning when a pot of the Amrit was obtained,Devas and Asuras fought for their due share.Sensing the danger of Asuras consuming the amrit and becoming immortal Vishnu took the form of Mohini(Avatar) ,an attractive damsel,and enticed the Asuras to accept her decision on the distribution of Amrit. Swarbhanu,a cunning assistant of Sukracharya assumed the form of a deva and mingled freely with real Devas and got a cup of the Amrit and also cosumed it. Surya noticing the cunning act of Swarbhanu informed Chandra who in turn brought it to the knowledge of Lord Vishnu who,angered by this act Swarbhanu severed his head with His Sudarsana Chakra.(Thus became Surya & Chandra enemies of Rahu & Ketu) Because of the immortality obtained by the consumption of the Amrit the Head and Body of swarbhanu eventually came to be known as Rahu & Ketu respectively. While Rahu longs for the physical body,Ketu(the headless) longs for the head,where DHI SHAKTI(Supreme Inteligence) is present. For this reason it is generally believed that the node Rahu attains EXALTATION in MITUNA(Gemini),the natural 3rd house that rules the physical desires and the other node Ketu in DHANUR(Sagittarious), the natural 9th house ruled by Jupiter who is symbolic of DHI SHAKTI and Moksha.Because of this reason Ketu is also known as Naisarika Moksha karaka.He hence associated with Lord Ganesa who is also a Moksha karaka. It is also believed that while Ketu(the headless) has no aspects of its own, Rahu(The head) has its own 5th,7th,9th &12 aspects. There is also a belief that Rahu exalted in Rishaba(Taurus) and Ketu in Virchika(Scorpio). Let the learned ones give their exact understanding of the nodes. M.R.Moorthi
  10. Jai Shri Ram You may provide your spouse's birth details also to check the relative progeny factor.
  11. Jai Shri Ram Furnish your birth details:1.date of birth 2.Time of birth 3.Place of birth. This will only help
  12. Dear Smt.Malar, To make you conceive is the act of the Almighty.Your chart shows that you will become a mother,your cherished wish. It is not in your hand to fix the time to conceive or not.However much you try conception takes place only at the right time fixed by the Lord Supreme,not by mortal beings. So there is nothing or no need to restrict your cojugal relationship and the emotions which are natural.So go ahead with your normal activities,leaving all the worries and only concentrating on the prayers suggested.You will be great to be blessed with the best. Best wishes, MRM
  13. madhurao ji, you have posted your quiery in a wrong thread and this will make others get confused and also yourself in locating your own quiery.You may please open a new thread and post questions for everybody's convenience. good luck
  14. Dear smt Malar, According to your birth data- Your Lagna is Kumbha and Chandra Lagna(RasI)is Simha. Star:Utraphalguni-1st. Putra stana(Mithuna) karaka Mercury in retrograde with Venus aspected by Saturn from the 8th and putra karaka Jupiter Himself in the 8th with Sat cause putra dosham which has resulted in your stated problem,either deying progeny or troublesome. But you still have a chance to bear and deliver a lively baby,propably a son,next near by strictly observing the remedy already suggested by the learned ones.I also suggest a simple remedy which will surely add strength.Lord Shree Hanuman,Chiranjeevi, has tremendous control over the grahas and the one who worships Him is protected from all the malefic effects of the planets.So every morning and evening you chant Shree Hanuman Chalisa with utter devotion and no distractions.His blissful grace will surely make you a happy mother.Under any circumstances if you happen to face any problem,continuously call"Jai Shee Hanuman" It is also very important to worship Jupiter on Thursdays and Saturn on Saturdays by doing pradashina to Navagrahas in a temple with utter devotion with lighting a lamp. Subsequently you have changed your husband's birth data as dob:11/12/76 time:08-45 pm place:dharmapuri According to your husband's(Changed) birth data:his Both Lagna & Chandra Lagna(Rasi):Kataka. Star:Aslesha-2 nd His Lagna/Rasi has Cojunct Moon (Lagna Lord) with Retrograde Saturn and in his 5th has conjuct Mars with Sun. Madam,your husbands star,Aslesha is not a matching one to your star,Utraphalguni.All these are not helpful. However you need no worry.Think only the good and do the remedy without fail that will take care of you all. If your husband also joins you in the worship, it is the best and this adds further strenth Best wishes, MRM
  15. Deepaji, Thank you very much for making me understand the way you analyse. Regards, MRM
  16. Deepaji,Will you please help me with your your valuable clarification?Just out of academic interest.The native's moon,though in debility in virchika,the lord of the house mars is located in a kendra to moon with his own 7th aspect and though the Jupiter in 4th and moon 7th,there seems some jupiter's aspect over moon,going by the degree of aspect,can we not take it as neecha banga? Secondly,it is my knowledge that for rishaba lagna natives mercury and saturn are considered to be benefics and dasas of planets located in the stars of mercury and saturn are expected to be favourable,depending on the bhukthis running along. Now The native is running main dasa Moon & bhukthi Sat,both being in Jeyshta & Revathy respectively(both of Mercury).Can this be a good time for him? Regards, MRM
  17. Ek aadmi tha -----uski shadi ho gayi---wo bee ho gaya
  18. Please give your response to the following.Hope,he is not from your relative circle. How long did you know the man before marriage?Was he your close colleague in your work place or anywhere else?
  19. How it helps you,knowing the birth star alone?You should have your complete birth chart for any analysis.Try to have one
  20. Born on Sunday,Ammavasya-Star-Utrashada-1pada-Danur Rasi,as per the birth data given
  21. I have posted my opinion in response to your earlier thread.please check
  22. From the birth details you have given your star Chitra-pada1.Your Moon is associated with two malefics,very closely with retrograde Saturn(your lagna lord) and also with retrograde Mars aspected by Venus in exaltation.This causes some kind instability in your mind-always- and the present Jupiter mahasa till the end of mercury bhukthi(you call it Antra dasha) adds to it.This said combination of planets also makes you fall in wavering love with opposite sex and you will never feel comfortable even for trivial things .There is no indication in your chart that you will take to sanyas. you are also now running seven and half year sade sathi for the past one year and it will run for another six and half years. Daily chanting of Vishnu sahasranama every morning and Navagraha pradashina everyday,especially on Thursdays and Saturdays with utter devotion will surely help mitigate your mental tension to a very great extent.Wherever you are and find mentally uncomfortable simply chat a Shri Hanumanchalisa to ward off the evils that distrub your mind, As per the girl's chart her star is Poorvabadrapad-2nd and now running Saturn main dasa and Rahu bhukthi.This not good for her. You say you love the girl.But if you go by the chart for matrimonial match,I am not able to say "go ahead".Your moons are also not favourably placed to have mental compatibility.Let her also perform similar prayers suggested to you to lead a stressless and calm life. Best wishes to you both
  23. Dear Madam Sakthi, As rightly observed by Sasisekaran Sir,the chart given by you is quite contradictary to the date of birth & the star,uthiradam 3 which were also given by you. If the birth star is really uthiraadam 3,he must have been born after 8-15pm but before 12 midnight on the birth date 19/04/1979.Thus your loved husband's Rasi chart should have been Mesha-SUN, Kataka-JUPITER, Simha-SAT & RAHU, Makara-MOON, Kumbha-Ketu, Meena- mercury,venus & Mars. Lagna could be either Virchika or Danur depending on the exact time of birth-which you are not aware. In case you know the counting of houses from Mesha to know the exact placement of planets on the day of birth,given above,you can yourself realise the fact that the chart with you is quite absurd.Sasi sir has aptly said that the chart is from the road side. Now dear madam, don't worry about all that has happened.You are very young and have to look to the future which must appear bright & flowery.Do what has already been suggested by sasi sir with full dedication and devotion.Whatever remedy pooja you do,if done without any distraction even for some mts will have telling +ve impact than doing for hours with much of distraction.If you know your family deity,it is important to worship Him/Her also.With your strong will surely you will achieve your cherished goal of getting back your beloved one early. MRM
  24. Dear Shri Ramachandran, Thank you for your indepth study of both the charts and valuable opinion.The information you required: She has two brothers and three sisters.Both the brothers have no strains between them.Elder one married,now 70 years,and settled in a far off place and the second is 60 years,not married but spritually inclined with some hot temperment.This lady lives with her 88 years old mother and the second brother.Except this lady her sisters and brothers are doing well.Except the second brother others are generally good towards her to some extent with occassional monetary help.She has studied up to ssc.She says for the past little more than 10 yers now she has been doing purchasing sarees and all woman requirements from some whole sale traders and selling them in retail,visiting houses and offices and even dolls some times but only after completing all the household chores everyday except Sundays.Further she says this business is giving her some good results in the recent times.When I showed the horoscopes recently to one learned lady who I by chance came accross,she said the matching in respect of ragu/ketu dosha was ok but both the stars belong to Rakshasa gana and fall in shashttaka positions which is not good,though the position considered anukoola.She was of the opinion that Ragu being located in Mar's star(Dhanishta),that too in Makara, which is a benefic for Kataka lagna natives,Ragu dasa will only do some good in respect of her earnings and didn't comment anything on her husband joining back etc etc.All these for your kind information and valuable comments.I take interest because the lady is almost 56 years and worried of her future with the advancing age.Somewhere in the future she may have to stop doing this and take care of herself with what she is going to save now. Thank you sir. <!-- / message -->
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