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  1. Dear learned friends, My daughter,not married yet, has recently bought a flat Hyderabad.To perform Grahaprevesam a Pundit has suggested Muhurtha before Sun rise on 21st April,2011/Thursday/ Between 5-00 & 6-00AM/Utrabhadra Star/Chaturthi thithi. Her birth Star is Poorvabhadara-3(Kumbha Rasi)/ Sima Lagna- DOB:30-8-1977/ 7-04 AM/Chennai,Tamilnad. As per the time given the day goes to Wednesday,Chaturthi thithi.I understand Wednesday & Chaturthi thithi are not recommended for Grahapprevesam function. I request learned ones on this forum to kindly check this & give your valuable guidance. Is this a Godhukuli Time? Please help. Regards, M.R.Moorthi
  2. Dear learned friends, My daughter,not married yet, has recently bought a flat Hyderabad.To perform Grahaprevesam a Pundit has suggested Muhurtha before Sun rise on 21st April,2011/Thursday/ Between 5-00 & 6-00AM/Utrabhadra Star/Chaturthi thithi. Her birth Star is Poorvabhadara-3(Kumbha Rasi)/ Sima Lagna- DOB:30-8-1977/ 7-04 AM/Chennai,Tamilnad. As per the time given the day goes to Wednesday,Chaturthi thithi.I understand Wednesday & Chaturthi thithi are not recommended for Grahapprevesam function. I request learned ones on this forum to kindly check this & give your valuable guidance. Is this a Godhukuli Time? Please help. Regards, M.R.Moorthi
  3. Respected USR Ji, Pranams, Excuse me for the delay.As I was otherwise busy,I could check your advice just now.Thank you very much.I will look for other suitable dates,as suggested. Another view is that on the given day(16.2.2011) and time(7-11 to 7-31 AM) while Jupiter in 2L(Pisces) takes care of Moon in 6L & Lagna lord in 8L with saptama sudhdhi,Navamsa takes care to check the L & Venus 8 navamsa and also suggests Ganapthi Homa & Navagraha Shanthi Homa before the muhurththa. However I will check whether any other suitable day is available. Kind regards, M.R.Moorthi
  4. Dear USR Ji, Pranams My sincere thanks to your analysis & suggestions.I have take note of all. In addition to 24-1-2011 another alternative suggested is 16-2-2011/Kumbha lagna/Punarvasu star-4th/Sukla thriyodasi/Wednesday. Will you please kindly check this also can be taken as an alternative for the convenience of the bride? My kind regards, M.R.Moorthi
  5. Respected USR Ji, Pranams. In my second post it was a typographical error.Excuse me for the mistake.I meant the date 24-1-2011 only.Any suitable date between 15-1-2011 and 14-3-2011 for the couple will be quite satisfactory. I could view your posting only today,as there was delay in the site itself due to the reason posted by the moderator. Best regards, M.R.Moorthi
  6. Namaskaram with due respect to Shri Sasisekaran & Sow.Anusha. My heartfelt thanks to you both for taking my posting on the need of a marriage muhurtham.It is indeed heartening that Anushaji is trying to find a suitable one with so much of consultations with expert astrologers like Sasisekaranji. One Pandit here is also of the view that both 16/2/11 or 16/3/11 are fine for this prospective couple but he suggests 16/2/11 could be better than 16/3,as this day falls on Ekadasi which is a fasting day for elders. He is also of the opinion that on 16/2 Debilitated Venus in 8 th Kumbha navamsa need not be serious,as Jupiter 9 navamsa will take care of any ill effect. This only an information. I learn from a friend that good murthams are very limited this year. However your discussions are really very interesting & I am sure to have one nearly ok. Regards, M.R.Moorthi
  7. Respected astrologers & muhurtha experts, Can any one throw some light on this muhurtha date? I do not know whether respected V.K.Shridhar Ji,an expert on electional astrology, is part of this forum. Regards, M.R.Moorthi
  8. Dear respected astrologers, Pursuant to my posting on the 30th I state for information Vakya panchang gives only one Muhurtha day on the 24th january 2010 as below. Monday/Tamil month "Thai 10"/Krishna Panchami/utraphalguni/Siddha yogam/Muhurtha Lagna-kumbha(9to10-25 AM) Blue Vastra dhanam. Sun rise on 24th is at 6-39AM at Chennai. I hence find that either the Muhurtha Lagna or the TIme duration given could be wrong. Invite well considered views on this Muhurtha day for the said couples. Also invite suggestions on alternate muhurtha day during the period,if available. Regards, M.R.Moorthi
  9. Respected learned members, Namaskaram. Please suggest suitable muhurtha day & time for marriage at Chennai for the following couple (Birth data given) during the Tamil Month "Thai"(Between 15th January,2011 and 12th February,2011). Here the bride is little older than the groom. BRIDE: 7th October,1978 /11-13 PM(23-13 hrs)/Chennai,Tamilnad GROOM:18th May,1979 /2-48 AM/ Chennai Look forward to the valuable guidance. Regards, M.R.Moorthi
  10. Dear webyogi ji, Pooja with flowers is practiced from time immemorial.Even lord Rama,as a human being used flowers for poojas.Even lord krishana adorns one always.No temple niyamanas go devoid of flowers.Even mata Andal wore one daily before offering the same to the lord.If offering flowers to god is like a sacrifice of a life,even plucking of vegetables,fruits,leaves etc which are god given to sustain lives is also a wicked act. Probably I could be wrong in such a comparison.Let us have your valuable comment. Regards. M.R.Moorthi
  11. Dear Anusha ji, From your postings I understand you have analytical skill but you hesitate to express your view.Does not matter,express.Some one will surely help, in case your analysis needs some amendments. Best wishes
  12. It is true that Gajakesari is formed,when Jupiter is in kendra from Moon but the yoga is effective only when Jupiter and Moon are free from malefic aspects & associations,both in D1 & D9.Otherwise the yoga does not exist. M.R.Moorthi
  13. Dear Raman ji, I was indisposed for a week and could not check your post and reply& hence this delay.Excuse me. I genarally go by the views given by SandhuJi and the one presented by me is not mine but what was observed in some Almanacs and in some language astro magazines.It is for comments only. M.R.Moorthi
  14. Dear Sandhu Ji, Some have the following view on Ragu/Ketu relation/ownership Aries,Cancer,Leo,Aquarius :Enemy for both Gemini,Virgo,Libra,Sagit,Capri.Pisces:Friend for both Taurus:Both debilitated/ also while Ketu debilitated,Rahu exalted Scorpio:Both exalted / also while Ketu exalted,Rahu debilitared Seems not convincing.Such ones appear in panchangs and some local astro magazines. Regards, M.R.Moorthi
  15. Dear learned ones, Pranams There is a view that a malefic owning a kendra but not occupied by it while being a friend to Asc lord is considered a benefic and in line with this for the Leo Asc natives the lord of 4th & 9th is the same natural malefic,Mars but becomes functional benefic to the natives and hence the Bhadak title is confered on the 3rd & its lord which is 7th from the 9th. J.S.Sandhu Ji has also said so with a lot of clarity for better understanding.Hope coolgimmy can take a cue. Regards M.R.Moorthi
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