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Dear Dr.Atul Ji, Pranams. I just saw your posting due to some problem in PC in the last few days.I will come back to you for further guidance as soon the PC gets settled. I will also try to get the information you asked for. With so much of unfavorable advance information in the chart with regard to matrimony I wish the worried parents are helped to get a a good D-in-law with a chart that counters all that in the boy's to the extent possible,as we see dosha balance in the charts, to lead reasonable normal life without BREAK at least. Regards, Anusha
Respected Sandhu Ji, Pranams. Thank you. I just saw your response due to some problem in PC in last few days. I will come back for your further guidance shortly,once my PC gets settled. Regards, Anusha
Respected learned members, As I am not able to arrive at a definite conclusion to guide the parents,can members suggest as to the selection of appropriate partner astrologically to the boy in question? Regards, Anusha
Respected learned members, Your analysis please. The parents of this boy born on 19th September,1976/ 10-50 AM/Bangalore are a worried lot as they are given to understand that there could some problem for the boy to lead a happy & harmonious life,if gets married. There can be some indications in his chart,leading to such a conclusion but does this really prevents the parents from doing their duty for their ward for the fear of suffering post marriage? Wish this chart is analysed so that the worried parents can be helped as to how to choose their D-in-law with the remedial measures,if the boy's chart demands such measures. Regards, Anusha
Kindly Analyse My Kundali - Please Help
Anusha replied to need_baby's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Dear Baby, It will be nice & helpful, if you can give the birth details of you both,like date of birth,time of birth & the place of birth for proper analysis. Always give such details only instead of providing planet placements in the chart which may not help to have reasonable analysis. Best wishes, Anusha -
Need a suitable muhurtham for marriage
Anusha replied to M.R.Moorthi's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Respected Sasisekaran Ji, Pranams.The candid narration as viewed on TV of the launch of GSLV/PSLV & its failure/expected longevity with an astrlogical analysis for such an end result is quite interesting and a learning experience to persons like me.Success or otherwise of an activity is the net result of various effects,one of which involves planetary positions/Muhurtha during the activity that could have tremondous impact whatever be the strength of other effects.Astrology is one science while the other goes in to the design,development & launching of the space vehicle and if these two come & work together and make an integrated approach to achieve the intended goal with the right people,the end result,I am sure,could be mostly the one that earns laurals to the nation in general & to the people involved in particular.As rightly said,the task of finding a right Muhurtha for a specific activity is as tough as the one that goes to perfecting a space vehicle to make it achieve its intended purpose and no doubt a relevant software to aid the task will do wonders. Sir,one doubt for clarification.Yes, Fire & water are opposite tatwas but can Prithvi with lives on it exist without Vayu which is indispensable for the lives to sustain? Deep regards, Anusha -
Need a suitable muhurtham for marriage
Anusha replied to M.R.Moorthi's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Respected experts on Electional Astrology & learned members, Here below is a copy of the view posted by Sreenadh Ji in a different site,sent to me by a friend, on the Marriage Muhurththa Lagna with planets in the 7th. Kindly elighten the members with your valuable comments. Kind regards, Anusha Planets in 7th of Marriage Muhurta Lagna Marriage Muhurta Lagna – here after denoted as MML Base Thoughts Today I was reading Muhurta Chintamani of Rama Daivajna; a text written in Kashmir around AD 1600. This text on Muhurta is blessed with an excellent Sanskrit commentry with the name Piyushadhara written by Sri Govinda Jyotirvid. Muhurta Chintamani with Piyushadhara commentry is an excellent treasure on which a seeker of astrological knowledge can meditate upon for years. [The same is true for Brihat Daivajna Ranjana written by Rama Daivajna as well. Other two texts of the same class are Jyotir Nibanddha and Jaganmohana by Mukunda Daivajna Unfortunately I am yet to have a copy of these two ancient excellent texts; But I know that they are available.] The quote I went through today reads – Jamitram dwividham proktam garga galava gautamaiH Tasmallagnacha chandracha Jamitram parivarjayet. Meaning, The ancient scholars Garga, Galava and Gautama say that 7th house is of 2 type – one, 7th from Lagna & 2nd, 7th house from Moon. Because of this, planets in 7th (of MML) from both Lagna and Moon should be avoided. First I thought a bit well about this quote due to the following facts - · The quote refer to the name of some great sages viz. Garga, Galava and Gautama · It provides us with a guideline such as ‘Any planet in 7th from Muhurta Lagna should be avoided. But then on re-thought it revealed to me that it could be one of those misguiding quotes due to the following facts – · Even though the above quote mentions the names of 3 ancient sages, none of the available quotes by the above sages (E.g. Garga) mention anything similar. · The quote it self is a father-less/auther-less quote; a quote presented with the words ‘uktam cha’ (it is told that); who tells this? Which sage? There is no info! · Too much importance to Muhurta is a Vedic and Medieval concept rather than an Ancient Non-Vedic concept. (Astrology as we know is an ancient non-vedic branch of knowledge) · Malefic in 7th from Muhurta Lagna providing bad results is an understandable possibility; well supported by the standard result derivation concepts. But why Benefic in 7th from Muhurta Lagna should provide bad results?! What is the logic behind? It seems totally absurd. I felt that I have encountered a misguiding quote, which pretends to be authentic. If this is true, then certainly there is something to study and discuss in this quote. With these basic thoughts, I decided to spend some time to analyze this concept of ‘Bad results attributed to ALL the planets from 7th of Muhurta Lagna’. Analyze The word ‘Jamitra’ indicate one who is ‘friend from birth’ or the ‘soul mate’; the compliment/soul mate to body (Lagna) and mind (Moon). This concept of ‘soul mate’ (The friend, pre-destined from birth itself) must have been pretty ancient concept as clear from the reference to the ancient sages. Garga - Author of Garga Hora, Garga Samhita etc Galava - Not much is known about the astrological contribution of this ancient sage Gautama - Not much is known about the astrological contribution of this sage as well. Some believe that the name of Sage Kasyapa was Gautama. This quote is curious not only because it refers to these ancient sages, but also because it tell us that ‘Even as per the ancient sages the presence of ANY planet (both benefic and malefic), in 7th from Lagna or Moon is inauspicious (for a Marriage Muhurta)’! Malefic in 7th considered as inauspicious is OK, but why benefic in 7th?! Is it a mistake or an intentional misinterpretation? Is there a solid logic behind or as illogical as attributing too much importance to Muhurtas? To answer this, we would have to go through the ancient classic quotes available on this and clarify what they say. I started my search - In Support Of As per Madhaveeya – If malefic is present in 7th from Muhurta Lagna then death of husband results; If benefic is present in 7th from Muhurta Lagna then separation results. As per Maheswara Acharya (from Muhurta Chintamani) - Lagnat seetakarat graha dyunagata neshta vivahe smrita (Maheswara Acharya) Planets in 7th house from MML is NOT good. As per Vasishta Samhita - Sarve Jamitra Samsta Vidadhati Maranam (Vasishta Samhita) Any planet placed in 7th of Muhurta Lagna indicate untimely death. Please note that, available Vasishta Samhita is NOT an ancient text, and follows Tropical Zodiac. As per Mihira(?) - Mihira in Vivaha patala of Brihat Samhita elaborates the bad results attributed to planets in 7th of MML as – Sourara jeeva budha rahu raveendu sukraH kuryuH prasahya khalu saptama rasi samsthaH vaidhavya bandhana vadha kheya vittanasa- vyadhi pravasa maranani yadha kremena (from Vivaha patala of Brihat Samhita) Meaning, the following results can be attributed to planets placed in 7th house of MML – Saturn in 7th - Divorce/Death Mars in 7th - Imprisonment Jupiter in 7th - Murder/Death Rahu in 7th - Loss of money Sun in 7th - Disease Moon in 7th - Life abroad (away from wife) Venus in 7th - Death Many scholars think that Vivaha patala was added to Brihat Samhita later and is NOT written by Mihira. In the above quote, apart from general though “ANY planet in 7th house from MML indicate bad results”, the above quote seems to over-state the results. Definitely the simple Muhurta CANNOT has this much important influence on future results. If the native’s chart indicates longevity, then simply because at the time of marriage the 7th house from lagna was occupied by Venus or so, predicting that he will have an untimely death is simply illogical. Attributing deadly strong results such as death to Muhurtas selected for simple events is nothing but an insult to true and sincere astrology. This nasty emphasis on strong results from simple general combinations and events is what makes astrology a trash mount with rare gems only. In general the texts and acharyas who support this ‘Extra importance to Muhurta’ seems to be of Medieval or Vedic origin. The same seems to be true for the concept ‘All planets gives bad results in 7th of MML’ as well. The people who support this theory are Madhavacharya, Chandeswara, Mihira(?),Vasista Samhita author etc. The texts Madhaveeya, Prashna Chandeswara, Vivaha Patala, Vasishta Samhita etc are all of medieval origin. This may not be the opinion of real ancient sages; this may not be the opinion of even the Garga, Galava and Gautama our original quote was referring. But how to prove this? How to prove that original logical opinion was that “Malefics in 7th of MML is Bad; and Benefics in 7th of MML is GOOD”? Of course we would have to provide some evidence – some sage quotes that mention exactly the same. Are such quotes available? Did the true ancient astrology able to survive the thunderstorm caused by the FAKE Muhurta theorists and specialist (most of whom are of vedic and tropical astrological followers and Brahmins)? Yes! In the next section, I will try provide some such quotes. Against Let us start from a quote of ancient scholar Bhujabala, provided in Muhurta Chintamani. Chandrat Saptama Rasige dinakare tyekta dhanaiH kanyaka Bhoume cha pramada prayati vilayam saurena vandhya saruk JeevaH sukra sasankajau subhakaraH kechidvadanti kramat- Bhartrir prepsita deekshitastabhavane nityam pravasanvita. (BujabalaH, Muhurta Chintamani) Meaning, if the 7th house from Moon sign at the time of marriage Muhurta is occupied by planets then the following results can be predicted – Sun – loss of money to wife Mars – death/loss of wife Saturn – impotency to wife/disease Jupiter, Venus, Moon – gives good results. But as per others opinion, any of these planets (Ju, Ve, Mo) are present in 7th then, bound in sadness waiting for the husband in distant land could be the result. The above quote and meaning seems to be unique as Acharya Bhujabala tells us that ascribing bad results to Benefics in 7th from MML is NOT his opinion but of others. Bhujabala is of the opinion that benefics like Ju, Ve, Mo in 7th of MML will give beneficial results. Good that we have found at least one acharya who speaks logically. Actually Bhugabala is NOT alone – it is the opinion of ALL the ancient sages! For example Brihat Daivajna Ranjana provides us the following quote of Sage Atri – Yamitrago yadi bhavedusana budho va geervana natha sachivaH sitapaksha chandraH Kanya vivaha samaye subhamamananti Manv-atri-narada-vasishta-parasaradyaH (Sage Atri, Brihat Daivajna Ranjana) Meaning, if the 7th house from MML is occupied by any benefic planet such as Venus, Mercury, Jupiter or Waning Moon then great ancient sages like Manu, Atri, Narada, Vasishta and Parasara attributes good results for the same (and NOT bad results). To emphasis this point, Rama Daivajna, the author of the great text called Brihat Daivajna Ranjana quotes the following sloka as well – Manu-Sandhilya-Mandhavya-Bharadvaj-Atri-GautamaH Yamitre tu prasamsantiH budhajeevosanaH subhaH (Brihat Daivajna Ranjana) Meaning, Sages like Manu, Sandhilya, Mandhavaya, Bharadvaja, Atri, Gautama are all of the opinion that ‘If benefic planets are present in 7th house from MML then benefic results should be predicted (and NOT bad results)”. Earlier in the quote given at the beginning of this article we saw that, some unauthentic quotes by FAKE scholars tried to attribute the owner ship of the wrong argument “Benefic in 7th from MML gives bad results” to ancient and revered sages like Gautama, Garga etc. But the authentic quote of Atri and the quotes provided by Brihat Daivajna Ranjana reveal that it is not so; they clarify that almost all the sages such as Atri, Manu, Mandhavya, Parasara etc including Gautama is of the opinion that “Benefic in 7th from MML gives GOOD results”. The available quotes of Garga too prompts us to think that he too supports this opinion itself and not the first. I feel that the 2nd opinion is better, logical, and supported by sages. The 1st opinion seems to be medieval origin and seems to depend on some fake quotes. End Note · The hardest task in astrology learning is to differentiate the worthy knowledge from the trash mount present. · The hardest task at our hand is to save this beautiful knowledge branch astrology from the fake scholars; scholars who make instant theories in an effort to earn name, fame and money. To save astrology from the irresponsible fake masters who theorize without sincerity as if astrology is like instant coffee – a use and throw subject! · The hardest task for us is to unlearn the trash learned and start again from the basics! Since I have already provided you with the seed of a controversy, I stop here, expecting you all to take over. -
Need a suitable muhurtham for marriage
Anusha replied to M.R.Moorthi's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Respected electional astrology experts, The following is a copy of the view by Srinadh Ji in Ancient Astrology site on the 7th house from Marriage Muhurtha Lagna(Posted there some time in 2009),sent to me by a friend for information. Please enlighten the interested members with your valuable comments. Planets in 7th of Marriage Muhurta Lagna Marriage Muhurta Lagna – here after denoted as MML Base Thoughts Today I was reading Muhurta Chintamani of Rama Daivajna; a text written in Kashmir around AD 1600. This text on Muhurta is blessed with an excellent Sanskrit commentry with the name Piyushadhara written by Sri Govinda Jyotirvid. Muhurta Chintamani with Piyushadhara commentry is an excellent treasure on which a seeker of astrological knowledge can meditate upon for years. [The same is true for Brihat Daivajna Ranjana written by Rama Daivajna as well. Other two texts of the same class are Jyotir Nibanddha and Jaganmohana by Mukunda Daivajna Unfortunately I am yet to have a copy of these two ancient excellent texts; But I know that they are available.] The quote I went through today reads – Jamitram dwividham proktam garga galava gautamaiH Tasmallagnacha chandracha Jamitram parivarjayet. Meaning, The ancient scholars Garga, Galava and Gautama say that 7th house is of 2 type – one, 7th from Lagna & 2nd, 7th house from Moon. Because of this, planets in 7th (of MML) from both Lagna and Moon should be avoided. First I thought a bit well about this quote due to the following facts - · The quote refer to the name of some great sages viz. Garga, Galava and Gautama · It provides us with a guideline such as ‘Any planet in 7th from Muhurta Lagna should be avoided. But then on re-thought it revealed to me that it could be one of those misguiding quotes due to the following facts – · Even though the above quote mentions the names of 3 ancient sages, none of the available quotes by the above sages (E.g. Garga) mention anything similar. · The quote it self is a father-less/auther-less quote; a quote presented with the words ‘uktam cha’ (it is told that); who tells this? Which sage? There is no info! · Too much importance to Muhurta is a Vedic and Medieval concept rather than an Ancient Non-Vedic concept. (Astrology as we know is an ancient non-vedic branch of knowledge) · Malefic in 7th from Muhurta Lagna providing bad results is an understandable possibility; well supported by the standard result derivation concepts. But why Benefic in 7th from Muhurta Lagna should provide bad results?! What is the logic behind? It seems totally absurd. I felt that I have encountered a misguiding quote, which pretends to be authentic. If this is true, then certainly there is something to study and discuss in this quote. With these basic thoughts, I decided to spend some time to analyze this concept of ‘Bad results attributed to ALL the planets from 7th of Muhurta Lagna’. Analyze The word ‘Jamitra’ indicate one who is ‘friend from birth’ or the ‘soul mate’; the compliment/soul mate to body (Lagna) and mind (Moon). This concept of ‘soul mate’ (The friend, pre-destined from birth itself) must have been pretty ancient concept as clear from the reference to the ancient sages. Garga - Author of Garga Hora, Garga Samhita etc Galava - Not much is known about the astrological contribution of this ancient sage Gautama - Not much is known about the astrological contribution of this sage as well. Some believe that the name of Sage Kasyapa was Gautama. This quote is curious not only because it refers to these ancient sages, but also because it tell us that ‘Even as per the ancient sages the presence of ANY planet (both benefic and malefic), in 7th from Lagna or Moon is inauspicious (for a Marriage Muhurta)’! Malefic in 7th considered as inauspicious is OK, but why benefic in 7th?! Is it a mistake or an intentional misinterpretation? Is there a solid logic behind or as illogical as attributing too much importance to Muhurtas? To answer this, we would have to go through the ancient classic quotes available on this and clarify what they say. I started my search - In Support Of As per Madhaveeya – If malefic is present in 7th from Muhurta Lagna then death of husband results; If benefic is present in 7th from Muhurta Lagna then separation results. As per Maheswara Acharya (from Muhurta Chintamani) - Lagnat seetakarat graha dyunagata neshta vivahe smrita (Maheswara Acharya) Planets in 7th house from MML is NOT good. As per Vasishta Samhita - Sarve Jamitra Samsta Vidadhati Maranam (Vasishta Samhita) Any planet placed in 7th of Muhurta Lagna indicate untimely death. Please note that, available Vasishta Samhita is NOT an ancient text, and follows Tropical Zodiac. As per Mihira(?) - Mihira in Vivaha patala of Brihat Samhita elaborates the bad results attributed to planets in 7th of MML as – Sourara jeeva budha rahu raveendu sukraH kuryuH prasahya khalu saptama rasi samsthaH vaidhavya bandhana vadha kheya vittanasa- vyadhi pravasa maranani yadha kremena (from Vivaha patala of Brihat Samhita) Meaning, the following results can be attributed to planets placed in 7th house of MML – Saturn in 7th - Divorce/Death Mars in 7th - Imprisonment Jupiter in 7th - Murder/Death Rahu in 7th - Loss of money Sun in 7th - Disease Moon in 7th - Life abroad (away from wife) Venus in 7th - Death Many scholars think that Vivaha patala was added to Brihat Samhita later and is NOT written by Mihira. In the above quote, apart from general though “ANY planet in 7th house from MML indicate bad results”, the above quote seems to over-state the results. Definitely the simple Muhurta CANNOT has this much important influence on future results. If the native’s chart indicates longevity, then simply because at the time of marriage the 7th house from lagna was occupied by Venus or so, predicting that he will have an untimely death is simply illogical. Attributing deadly strong results such as death to Muhurtas selected for simple events is nothing but an insult to true and sincere astrology. This nasty emphasis on strong results from simple general combinations and events is what makes astrology a trash mount with rare gems only. In general the texts and acharyas who support this ‘Extra importance to Muhurta’ seems to be of Medieval or Vedic origin. The same seems to be true for the concept ‘All planets gives bad results in 7th of MML’ as well. The people who support this theory are Madhavacharya, Chandeswara, Mihira(?),Vasista Samhita author etc. The texts Madhaveeya, Prashna Chandeswara, Vivaha Patala, Vasishta Samhita etc are all of medieval origin. This may not be the opinion of real ancient sages; this may not be the opinion of even the Garga, Galava and Gautama our original quote was referring. But how to prove this? How to prove that original logical opinion was that “Malefics in 7th of MML is Bad; and Benefics in 7th of MML is GOOD”? Of course we would have to provide some evidence – some sage quotes that mention exactly the same. Are such quotes available? Did the true ancient astrology able to survive the thunderstorm caused by the FAKE Muhurta theorists and specialist (most of whom are of vedic and tropical astrological followers and Brahmins)? Yes! In the next section, I will try provide some such quotes. Against Let us start from a quote of ancient scholar Bhujabala, provided in Muhurta Chintamani. Chandrat Saptama Rasige dinakare tyekta dhanaiH kanyaka Bhoume cha pramada prayati vilayam saurena vandhya saruk JeevaH sukra sasankajau subhakaraH kechidvadanti kramat- Bhartrir prepsita deekshitastabhavane nityam pravasanvita. (BujabalaH, Muhurta Chintamani) Meaning, if the 7th house from Moon sign at the time of marriage Muhurta is occupied by planets then the following results can be predicted – Sun – loss of money to wife Mars – death/loss of wife Saturn – impotency to wife/disease Jupiter, Venus, Moon – gives good results. But as per others opinion, any of these planets (Ju, Ve, Mo) are present in 7th then, bound in sadness waiting for the husband in distant land could be the result. The above quote and meaning seems to be unique as Acharya Bhujabala tells us that ascribing bad results to Benefics in 7th from MML is NOT his opinion but of others. Bhujabala is of the opinion that benefics like Ju, Ve, Mo in 7th of MML will give beneficial results. Good that we have found at least one acharya who speaks logically. Actually Bhugabala is NOT alone – it is the opinion of ALL the ancient sages! For example Brihat Daivajna Ranjana provides us the following quote of Sage Atri – Yamitrago yadi bhavedusana budho va geervana natha sachivaH sitapaksha chandraH Kanya vivaha samaye subhamamananti Manv-atri-narada-vasishta-parasaradyaH (Sage Atri, Brihat Daivajna Ranjana) Meaning, if the 7th house from MML is occupied by any benefic planet such as Venus, Mercury, Jupiter or Waning Moon then great ancient sages like Manu, Atri, Narada, Vasishta and Parasara attributes good results for the same (and NOT bad results). To emphasis this point, Rama Daivajna, the author of the great text called Brihat Daivajna Ranjana quotes the following sloka as well – Manu-Sandhilya-Mandhavya-Bharadvaj-Atri-GautamaH Yamitre tu prasamsantiH budhajeevosanaH subhaH (Brihat Daivajna Ranjana) Meaning, Sages like Manu, Sandhilya, Mandhavaya, Bharadvaja, Atri, Gautama are all of the opinion that ‘If benefic planets are present in 7th house from MML then benefic results should be predicted (and NOT bad results)”. Earlier in the quote given at the beginning of this article we saw that, some unauthentic quotes by FAKE scholars tried to attribute the owner ship of the wrong argument “Benefic in 7th from MML gives bad results” to ancient and revered sages like Gautama, Garga etc. But the authentic quote of Atri and the quotes provided by Brihat Daivajna Ranjana reveal that it is not so; they clarify that almost all the sages such as Atri, Manu, Mandhavya, Parasara etc including Gautama is of the opinion that “Benefic in 7th from MML gives GOOD results”. The available quotes of Garga too prompts us to think that he too supports this opinion itself and not the first. I feel that the 2nd opinion is better, logical, and supported by sages. The 1st opinion seems to be medieval origin and seems to depend on some fake quotes. End Note · The hardest task in astrology learning is to differentiate the worthy knowledge from the trash mount present. · The hardest task at our hand is to save this beautiful knowledge branch astrology from the fake scholars; scholars who make instant theories in an effort to earn name, fame and money. To save astrology from the irresponsible fake masters who theorize without sincerity as if astrology is like instant coffee – a use and throw subject! · The hardest task for us is to unlearn the trash learned and start again from the basics! Since I have already provided you with the seed of a controversy, I stop here, expecting you all to take over. Regards, Anusha -
Need a suitable muhurtham for marriage
Anusha replied to M.R.Moorthi's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Respected Sasisekaran Ji, Pranams Yes,you have immensely enlightened me with your very impressive view.It will be really wonderful,if a software is produced based on the extensive work on muhurtha by Shri. V.K.Shridhar for the benefit of the society.I wish some expert on software comes forward to take up this great task & service.God willing,I wish I find one to do the job. Thank you very much. With regard to debilitation of Venus in the 8 navamsa is there a Neechabhanga by Jupiter,the lord of the 7th to the debilitation house,being in Kendra to Moon in Cancer? Yes,choosing a Muhurtha is truely a tough task & for the muhurtha to confer its best it is indeed necessary to strictly adhere to the rules. I think in this whole year,Vikruthi,particularly during the period asked by Shri.Moorthi ji the planetary positions are not very conducive for a perfect Muhurtha.Propably for this reason Ganitha panchagams have very very few muhurtha for the whole year. I am of the view that every muhurtha has its own glitches(visible & invisible),despite the best one selected.In dire and desperate need of one I think some compromise has to be struck,leaving the rest in the hands of the Almighty with full faith that He always protects Deep regards, Anusha -
Need a suitable muhurtham for marriage
Anusha replied to M.R.Moorthi's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Respected Sasisekaran Ji, Pranams Yes,you have immensely enlightened me with your very impressive view.It will be really wonderful,if a software is produced based on the extensive work on muhurtha by Shri. V.K.Shridhar for the benefit of the society.I wish some expert on software comes forward to take up this great task & service.God willing,I wish I find one to do the job. Thank you very much. With regard to debilitation of Venus in the 8 navamsa is there a Neechabhanga by Jupiter,the lord of the 7th to the debilitation house,being in Kendra to Moon in Cancer? Yes,choosing a Muhurtha is truely a tough task & for the muhurtha to confer its best it is indeed necessary to strictly adhere to the rules. I think in this whole year,Vikruthi,particularly during the period asked by Shri.Moorthi ji the planetary positions are not very conducive for a perfect Muhurtha.Propably for this reason Ganitha panchagams have very very few muhurtha for the whole year. I am of the view that every muhurtha has its own glitches(visible & invisible),despite the best one selected.In dire and desperate need of one I think some compromise has to be struck,leaving the rest in the hands of the Almighty with full faith that He always protects Deep regards, Anusha -
Need a suitable muhurtham for marriage
Anusha replied to M.R.Moorthi's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Respected saisisekaran Ji, Pranams. I am greatly happy to hear from one whom I always regard with high esteem. There is no reason to feel sorry.Welcome to criticise and correct me,a learner. I greatly need support & encouragement from persons of your stature to learn more & more,though not to a great extent but to some extent at least.I am sure to have this benefit from you. Thank you very much. Yes sir, I am aware that particularly 7L & 8 L should be vacant for marriage Muhurtham. In this case I find the star of the day,Utraphalguni falls in a rasi that is 11th & 9th from the girl's Star(Jeshta) and boy's star(Sravana) respectively but it is in the 8th from L with Sat(Lag lord) aspected by Jupiter in 2L and I hence was of the opinion that this saves the Moon & Lag lord.Here Venus in 10th also has the aspect of Jupiter. Also Kumbha Navamsa has Venus in it with aspect of Jupiter from 7th Navamsa. Now you have pointed out that Moon is not at all safe in 8L despite being aspected by Jupiter.Further there is a view that the 22 star from the girl's is also not suitable. Interestingly the said Day with Star Utraphalguni & Kumbha L is given in Panchangams as Muhurtha day as stated by me in my last post. As you have rightly guided me ,the said muhurtha is not suitable for the couple. Alternatively can you please guide me on the other one below. 16th Feb,2011/ Wednesday/ Sukla Thriyodasi/Punarvasu-4 pada/ Time:7-11 to 7-21/ Kumbha Lagna-Kumbha Navamsa/ Sun Rise:Chennai-6-35 AM. Here Vargothama Moon in 6L & Sat (L lord) in 8L aspected by Jupiter from 2L,Ketu in 5L Venus&rahu in 10L, Sun/Mars in L & Mercury in 12L Kumbha navamsa aspected by jupiter & Mercury but Ve in 8th. Will Kunbha L/ Makara Navamsa do any better? Your view please. Is Full Moon day(Pournami Thithi) good for Marriage or Upanayanam? Deep regards, Anusha -
Need a suitable muhurtham for marriage
Anusha replied to M.R.Moorthi's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Respected Shri.V.K.Shridhar ji,Shri J.P.Sandhu Ji & Astrologers, Panamas. In my curiosity I was trying to locate a suitable Muhurtha day & time from the ones given in the Panchangs for the prospective couple posted by Shri.M.R.Moorthi ji. I find that most of the panchangs have given only a few muhurtha days during the period from 15th January,2011 to 13th April,2011 as required by the party all with Lagna located in Kumbha rasi and non else.. The girl and the boy were born in the stars Jeshta-4 and Sravan-3 respectively. With the limited option I have chosen a nearly suitable on 20/2/2011/ Sunday/ Star-Utraphalguni/ Krishna thrithiya/Amrutha yoga/Kumbha lagna-Kumbha Navamsa/ Time-6-55 to 7-05 AM/ Hora lord Sun/ Sun rise at Chennai- 6-33 Am. There is view that the chosen Star Utraphalguni, 22 from the girl's birth star Jeshta is not auspicious one for the muhurtha purpose. Will you please check and correct me on this selection? Mr.Moorthi Ji I am just trying.Please wait till the stalwarts help find a suitable one. Warm regards, Anusha -
Need a suitable muhurtham for marriage
Anusha replied to M.R.Moorthi's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Respected Shri.V.K.Shridhar ji,Shri J.P.Sandhu Ji & Astrologers, Panamas. In my curiosity I was trying to locate a suitable Muhurtha day & time from the ones given in the Panchangs for the prospective couple posted by Shri.M.R.Moorthi ji. I find that most of the panchangs have given only a few muhurtha days during the period from 15th January,2011 to 13th April,2011 as required by the party all with Lagna located in Kumbha rasi and non else.. The girl and the boy were born in the stars Jeshta-4 and Sravan-3 respectively. With the limited option I have chosen a nearly suitable on 20/2/2011/ Sunday/ Star-Utraphalguni/ Krishna thrithiya/Amrutha yoga/Kumbha lagna-Kumbha Navamsa/ Time-6-55 to 7-05 AM/ Hora lord Sun/ Sun rise at Chennai- 6-33 Am. There is view that the chosen Star Utraphalguni, 22 from the girl's birth star Jeshta is not auspicious one for the muhurtha purpose. Will you please check and correct me on this selection? Mr.Moorthi Ji I am just trying.Please wait till the stalwarts help find a suitable one. Warm regards, Anusha -
Good things and services always touch our heart.
Anusha replied to sandhu.jp's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Respected Sandhu ji, Thank you very much.I will do as advised Regards, Anusha -
Good things and services always touch our heart.
Anusha replied to sandhu.jp's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Dear respected Sandhu ji, Pranams. I agree with you & USR ji.True,Administrators may have their own reasons but many will feel the absense of interesting new threads & valuable responses & intelectual new informations.However there is cosolation as you & USR Ji said it is not dead but is available as a storehouse of intelectual knowledge in the READ ONLY form. Thank you for all that you have given to the benefit of this forum members & I wish to be in touch with you for any future assistance/guidance.You are gracious enough to give your mail id. May the Almighty be ever with you. Regards, Anusha