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Ravindran Kesavan

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Everything posted by Ravindran Kesavan

  1. Dear Serchingeye Let me clarify on the onset That I am not a siddha guru of the kamarupa sadana - that is I have not practiced and attained siddhi of this mantra. Hence I cannot be your guru on this. I replied to your quiry from my knowlegge of mantras. And I dont know any guru attained this siddhi. It is said in himalian region as well as in tibetan monastries such masters exist. But this is rumour I dont know any body like that persollaly. If you are interested in intllectual knowledge I can help. There is a tantric text Called Tantra Raja Tantra. It is awailable nowadays in publised form by Arthar Avalon. You need some one with sanscrit knowledge to understand it. Get a copy of it. and get it transalated the sadana of a goddess called Nila padaka. Do that sadana till you attain siddhi. Once you attain siddhi on this then there are varouos powers that can be obtained by this. Kadka, Paduka, Ajjana, Pichasa, Vedala, Vijaya, Kamarupa, Yakshni and chedaka are the different siddhies. Each of these will give different powers . Of these Kamarupa siddhi Will give one the power of taking any form at will. Once you succeed in the nilapataka sadana, then chant this mantra for kamarupasiddhi: Madha kamarupam me dhehi dhrave nidhya This mantra when made siddhi by huge number of repitition gives the power to take any form at will. This mantra will work only for one who has made siddhi of Nilapadhaka. I cannot give the long details of this sadana in this forum Tantra raja tantra gives the detail of this worship. It is tedious and long practice . You need to do pooja and recite the mantra of the goddess for many years and rigorously. If you are ready for all these then you can attempt this. You will not succeed in this if your interest is short lived. If you dont have a guru god can be your guru, provided you have a favorate god and are devoted to that god. I donot know any beeds, tolishman and that kinds of objects to give this siddhi. You need to take up the sadana of the goddess Nilapadaka and sustain it for manymany years. Regards, K.Ravindran
  2. Dear Sepiroth As to the scriptual evidence for my thesis is concerned any class tantric texts ( original tantras declared by Siva)will do . They all include a chapter on tatvas and esotericic signification. For example take Tantra Raja Tantra this tantra like many other tantra contain a chapter on tatva of Panjamakara (Five M of tantra worship). - Madu , Malshia, Mamsa, mudra and Miduna ( wine fish meet frid grain and intercourse used in lefthand tantra) All this is given an internal meaning clearly and advised not to be confused by the physicasl and literal meaning which will only bring a downfall. For example intercourse is stated as the union of kundalinisakti with Siva in Sahasrara, Wine is the spiritual liquir - amrita that flows from saharara as a result of that union and the resultant Spiritual bliss and so on. Some left hand tantric of course deny and vehimently oppose this interpretation in spite of it being clearly stated in most of the tantric texts. Every thatra has a section on Sadkarma: The six magical rights - all intented in warfare. Vasikarana - to completely control and dominate the enemy, Mohana -to confuse and make the enemy faint, Stambana to Immobilise the enemy army, Marana to kill the enemy , Uchadana to cause the enemy to flee. Vidvesana to create quarrel and internal fight amoung the enemys. After all this is declared , the tantric texts declare who are the real enemies are really - Our own kama, krodha, moha ect. this is also explicit. You can reffer any tantra ( Full original verson) for this evidence. Thy Maha Nirvana Tantra for specic example. Now comming to specific Wepens, The thesis I put forth that - the ancient magical wepens we come accross in mythology are spiritual tools and not warfare gadgets -is a part of traditional wisdom on tantric worship of Goddess. It is told that the goddess fighting demons has an inner meening . Bandasura and his various manifestations ( various Asursa ) fought and killed by the gioddess are actually the unenlightened souls(our own Soul) Tripura Sundari is our innermost enlightened consciousness. The war is between this true inner self and the self immersed in ignorance. I am told, (Though I dont have firsthand knowlegde on this as i have not read the original purana in their original version) that all puranas state this innermeening in the philosophic section of the purana. And actually Veda Vyasa wrote all the eighteen puranas wrote them in the form of fantacy storys to communicate the vedic philosophy. They are not to be taken litrally. For example it is not correct to hold that Actually God foght the demon with wepens taking so many days with episodes of twist and turns and climax . To me personnally it looks silly. God who is omnipotent need not fight demons like ordinary mortals. God created the universe by mere will If god choose to destroy anything God can do that by mear will. God need not struggle like we creatures with wepen and stragic war. That kind of stuff can only be silply creative story involving the name of god. Siva sidhanta declares that the Demon on which Lord siva dances _ Musalaka - in non otherthan the ignorant soul with three impurities: Anava , karma amd Maya - that is you and me . Now comming to the actual wepens reffered in purana. the ancient sanscrit work called Runa Siksha, (Warfare education). describes the art and science of warfare of ancient india in detail. Apartfrom other topics and ordinary mundane wepens like arrow, mase, spear and the like it deals with magical wepens in a separate chapter. In it it gives the details of most of the wepen we come accross in puranas: Bramastra, Brama danda astra, Brama sira astra Narayanasatra Pasupoata, Vayavastra, Agniastra, etc. In this manuscript, which is really detailed and specific with all the topic it deals with , nowhere the technological details of how they look like phically or how to to make them phisically is to be found. Insted the mantras of each is given and the details of sadana is stated. One way to interpret this is to assume that they have hidden the technological Know how. But this is not likely, as there is no indication any where in this book as well as any ancient literarure that they knew the advanced phycical technology. If at all they knew it they would not hide it and reveal the reveal the mantra associated with it. . It is usually the mantra that is kept as closely guarded secret by our ancient people - other details are freely revealed. This book which crearly declares the mantras of the astras can not be assumed to hide mere material detaiils, if there is any material details to it. It is clear that they are mantras and mantras only. Thus the entire thing is of spiritual technology. However I dont mean that these spiritual technologies cannot be used in a real material way to produce material effects. The ultimate truth is that everything is spirit. Mater exist in consciousness as a form of consciousness. this is the Vedic truth: Sarvam Kalvidam Bhrama ( All this manifestation is Brahman) Prakgnanam Bhrama ( Bramnan is consciousness) Hence the conclusion : Everything is consciousness. If everything is consciousness then to influence any thing - create , modify or destroy - we need to only use consciousness - mind - will. You dont need material means to influnce anything. Then, it follows whe spiritual wepens which are mere mantras can do anything even physically. After all everything in the universe are mantras. Hence I am not saying Mantric wepens has no effect in the world otherthan in one's own mind. It can have effect in the universal mind which is the world. Having said that there are substantial evidance that puranic warfares are not real historic facts but srories to convey higher truths. To think otherwise is to be childishly innocent and ignorant. To think of God was like us, married with wifes had sex and procreated , faced problems fought wars and so on - the entire puranic stories are something that any serious minded people cannot buy as real. They can only be understood as symbolic. (Krishna marrying so many gopika women is to be interpreted not literally but spiritually: all jeevatmas are women (Gopiksa) Only the Paramatma (Krishna ) is a male. All jeevatmas are Paramatma's wifes(partners) Doesnt this way of looking make sense? Regards, K.Ravindran
  3. Dear Seglare, when you refer to each fingers you pass that finger with thump of the same hand. thump is to be passed with index finger . That when you refer to thump in your mantra touch the tip of the thump with index tip and draw the index finger tip down to the base of thump. (Do this simultaniously on both of your hands) . When you refer to index finger touch tht tip of index with the tip of thump and draw your thump down to the base of index . For midile finger stroke it with the thump as you did for the index and so an for all the fingers. when you reach the sixth mantra corresponging to palm and back of palm rub - or whipe - your right back of palm with the left palm and lefr back of palm with the right palm lehgth wise ie the hand should slide on the other along the diraction of the fingers. this complets the Hand Nyasa. Comming to the six parts of the body Called Anga nyasa (which you dont seem to employ - however iam including this so that in future if you need them you can use) : Employ your right hand to touch initial four parts. For the last two you need to employ both hands simultaniously. When you chant the mantra for the heart touch the center of your chest with right hand when you refer to head touch forehead when you refer to the croun (Cika) touch the portion of your head where traditional hindu bhramin priest wear a truf - (slightly bach of the crown of head) When you refer to the three eye touch the right and left eyes woth your thump and little fingers and the third eye at the eyebrow centre with your middle finger( simultaniously).When you refer to the armor(Kavacha) with the palm of your both hands touch the opposit shoulders(simultaniously) . When you refer to wepen (astra) with the right index and middle finger strike the left palm so as to make a 'pat' or 'tup' sound . All this are to be coordinated with the corresponding mantra chanting. The best way to learn these hand gestures is to whach some traditional preast performing them once. However no harm if you doit wrongly as what matters is the mental association. If you think of those parts mentally that is enough. The hand gestures are mearly an aid for this mental act. Regards, K.Ravindran
  4. The distinction between kundali and yoga in astrology and in yoga sastra by sri Sivaduta is technically valied as kundali in astrology means horoscopical chart and yoga means planetory combination while in Yoga Sastra Kundalini refers to the coiled power in muladhara and yoga means the procedure of awakening the kundalini and leading her to saharara where she unites with Siva (Yoga, alternatively, also means the the union of jeevatma with paramatma). However the the same word kundali(ni) employed in the two different discipline may not be a mear accident. There is an esoteric aspect to astrology.While astrology deals with the mundane material aspects of life, it also has a spiritual side to it. While the twelth house in a horoscope represents loss, impresenment and the like in mundane aspect, it also represent the final moksha - the union of kundalini shakti with siva or the union of jeevatma with paramatma. Thus, while the first house represent the jeevatma, the last house represents the paramatma. thus the entire kundali, the coiled chart of houses from first to twelth of the astrology has an association with the total journey of the jeevatma to paramatma. This interpretation could be further strengthened by the association of the seven regular plannets with trhe seven yogic centers in certain esoteric traditions. Jewish kabala employs such an association. In India, too certain tantric and Siddha traditions have such association. For example the following system of association between planets and chakra in siddha tradition may be noated: Muladhara: Sani Swadistana: Guru Manipuraka: Angaraka Anahata: Ravi Vishuti : Sukra Agna : Budha Sahasrara : Chandra I donot know the basis odf this assignment and the assignment itself can differ from system to system . However that there is an association of thius sort exists. Hence astrology and yoga sastra are intimately linked nd Kundali and Kundalini are closly linked. It is just a speculation of mine. i dont have a well researched evidence for this thesis. K.Ravindran
  5. Dear Fleischmanmike Twitching and shaking of body when you chant a mantra are sure sign of Kundalini awakening. Yogic scriprures report this sign as one of the many possible signs of kundalini awakening.. So nothing to worry and continue your practice. When your nadies gets used to the power the shaking will stop and you will progress to new hights Kundalini can be awakened by Mantra upasana ( Patanjali yoga sutra) and that is what happened to you. No need to change your mantra. You have accomplished kundalini activation by this mantra and hence this is the correct and powerful mantra for you. By the by even if you change the mantra you might still experience the shaking as your kundalini is already active and any meditation practice involving cooncentration is likely to trigger it. Do not discuss with people who dont have practical experience of kundalini yoga , even if they appear to be pious and yogis. Once I was sitting in a asram temple and chanting my mantra. And i started shaking violantly as you have said. I was used to it and I knew what it was. But the monk of that asram who was wearing a saffron cloth was frightened and when my meditation was over and i opened my eyes he started enquiring about it with fear and concern . He started advising that something is wrong with my method and that in meditation one should actually experience peace. I knew instantly that this monk does not know anything about kundalini awakening (he didnot experienced kundalini awakening is certain) I am sharring this so that you dont get discouraged or distracted . People who do not know will discourage you and frighten you. You are not unhelthy or possed by some spirit( of course you know that you are not possessed). Nor your method is wrong. You are lucky to have this experience and you should continue the practice. Kundalini is a terrific power and when it awaken it shakes the body. Ramakrishna paramahamsa gives the anology of a whild eliphant entering a hut for kundalini awakening experience -the elephant makes a big ruckers and shakes up the hut. If you continue with your upasana you will fall in to a myistical experience and in due course gain wonderful siddhies. But be patient and regular and rigorous in practice. Best luck K.Ravindran
  6. Dear Nitin, Treities on rajayoga will give you the techniques of activating kundalini. There are many books nowadays in the market. Try some of the books from Bihar School of Yoga. they are good and authentic. First: Before you attempt awakening Kundalini, As suggested by some of the forum memberrs , Follow celibacy and conserve semen. Kundalini, in Yogic science, is produced from semen. Semen transmuted become Kundalini Sakti. Semen is the fuel. Second: Do nadi suddhi before attempting Kundalini awakining . There are many techiniques in yoga for nadi suddhi. The main one is Pranayama. Simple nadisuddhi pranayama is inhaling from one nostle and exhaling from the other and reversing the sequence - without holding the breath (Kumbaka). Do this intencely regorously, eating satvic vegitarian food. Nadi suddhi is achived with in fifteen days at the earliest to three monts at the lattest , provided your practice is regorous intence and if you spend your time exclusively for it. The Signs of Nadi suddhi are, Both nostles are equally and completely open when breating A sence of calmness of mind is noticed Sparks of light, fragrent smells, subtle sounds and body awareness are experienced. Once you notice these things you can proceed to awaken Kundalini There are many techniques to awaken Kundalini. Padanjali Yoga sutra mantions the following. By Intense Iswara upasana (Worship of god) By gurus, grace ( Guru must be an awakened siddha guru) By yogic exercises, By Medicine. By Mantra If you find a siddha guru well and good. that is the safest path. Or else if you are a sort of person cabable of strong bhakti towards a god you can take up iswara upasana. If you are too rational to have faith in a god ( Simple faith wont do You need to have a strong Blind faith for this),then you can try yogic exercise or medicine. Pranayama and Dharana /Dhyanaana) are the main yogic techniques. A combined technique is given below: While inhalling think of the prana flowing through your left or right channel (Nadi) and reaches your Muladhara. There it resides for a while and kindles the fire there then the prana passes through the other channel and gets out. Now repeat this in the alternate sequence. Here Pranayama and Dharana are combined. You must vividly visualise muladhara,the fire there the left and righe channels , the pranic flow through them for success. If you do it long enough, Kundalini will awaken. If you want to try a siddha medicine to awaken kundalini try this one: Allovira jelly to be eaten with ghee, milk and sugar for 48 days. (But along with this medicine pranayama and dharana must also be performed.) Allovira is safe from medical perspective (dont worry). It is good for general health too. However Sudden kundalini awakenuing has its own hazards. It is better to awaken it slowly by long regular practiice then suddenly by medicine. You maynot be able to handle the power be it awakened by medicine or any other method if it is sudden. Regards, K.Ravindran
  7. The Wepens of Purana (Mythology) are not physical devices(made up of Iron or some such material) at the first place. They are potent mantras. That is, Bhramastra, Narayanastra, Pasupadastra, agniastra, vayayatra, mohastra, ect are actually Mantras. - not some physical arrows and missiles. They are called Astras as they have energy and can destroy the target at which they are aimed at. Purunas have a spiritual meaning. The puranic wars were symbolic of the spiritual development and distruction of its enemies - asuras. Asuras are Anava Karma Maya , Kama, Krodha, Loba, Moha, Madha Macharya and the like which prevent the soul to reach its final perfection and make it immersed in material existence. The war is against them with spiritual wepens - mantras. This is not my "opinion" This has been stated in scriptures. the spiritual texts contain the Wepen mantras also. K.Ravindran
  8. The Eight Nagini Mantras are: Om Puuh Anantamukhii Swaahaa Om Puuh Karkodamukhii Swaahaa Om Puuh Padminii Swaahaa (Padmavati) Om KaalaJiihvaa Puuh Swaahaa Om Mahaapadminii Swaahaa Om Vaasukiimukhii Swaahaa Om Hum Hum Puurvabhuupamukhii Swaahaa Om Shankhni Vaayumukhii Hum Hum Note Hum is pronunced as in english 'who' but short. Every 'aa' ' ii ' and 'uu' is is prounced long. Source Buudadaamara Tantra. Regards, K.Ravindran
  9. Dear Serchingeye, In my last mail I promissed to get back with Solomon's Goetia spirit to make you fair. I checked Goetia . There is no spirit specifically endoved with the power to make the collor change though there are a few spirits that can change your form much like Kamarupa Siddhi of Indian Tantrs. Regards, K.Ravindran
  10. Dear Chinu According to Jaimini sutra, If the twelth from Karakamsa contains sun along with ketu then the Ishta dewvata is Siva. Jaimini is silent about Sun alone occupying that position or if it is empty. In your case Since your twelth house from admakaraga is empty, it is better not to consider sun as the signifier of Ishta Devada ( that would be a simplistic interpretation) What you can do is to see where Sun is located in the Vimsamas (D-20) chart. Each of the 20 Vimsamsas is assigned a goddess in Parasara hora sastra.That would be your ista devada, as Vimsamsa is used in vedic astrology to find religiosity and worship. Alternatively, you can check the 5th house and twelth house in your rasi chart. If there are any planet in these houses that planet indicates your devada as 5th and 12th houses represent mantra and tandra. ( By Tantra is ment worship in order to awaken Kundalini) If there are no planets in these houses too refer to their lords in Vimsamsa . Of course consider the aspects on these houses too as per Deepa Ji advise. More import ; Do not get confused if you get more number of deities from different analysis and different interpretations for the same planet in question. Astrological authoroties differ as to the form of Devata. If you are getting confused as to which deity you should worship, ignore all the confusing advise and worship a form that you intuitively attracted to and are in love. Afterall worship is all about love - Bhakti - there is no point in mechanically chanting a mantra or performing a ritual if you dont feel for the god or goddess. Choose one you like the best . God will grace you even if your choice is not according to astrological predispositions as god is above the planets. If you want to be technically correct , than take up a mahavidya for your upasana. All the the Mahavidyas, are supposed to be free of astrological consideration, i.e., you need not consider planetory auspeciousness to take up mahavidya upasana. ( This is scriptually sanctioned). All that you need is a genune guru in that tradition .You can find a guru and get duely initiated in to any one of them without austrological calculations. Regards, K.Ravindran
  11. Hello Delete, There is a mantra for nagini worship which is a common one for all snake deities and hence can be used for naga (Male) too . The source is Boodha Damara Tantra. The Mantra is: Om Puuh Swaahaa "Puuh" is the beeja for Naga and Nagini in general. Specific Names of naga or nagini could be added to this beeja to make specific mantra . For example One of the 8 naginis is Padmavati, Her mantra then is: Om Puuh Padmaavati Swaahaa . Regards, K.Ravindran
  12. Dear Serchingeye, For male use there is a Mantra to get a good wife ( or desired women as wife) called Gandharva Raja mantra. It runes as: "Om Gandharvaraaja visvaavase Mamabilashida Kanyaam Prayacha Swaahaa" The meening: O Gandarva King Visvavasu let me get my desired girl. You just have to chant it more than 320 at a time regularly till the goal is achieved. Note: Double vovals 'aa' indicate long sound and singla voval short. As to changing your complexion there are three methods stated in occult litrature 1) Obtain Kamaruba siddhi - a magical power by which you can take any form you desire. It is a long tedious sadana of certain tantric deity. If you are up to it you can try . ( If you are ready let me know I will write to you the method as founfd in tantric treaties) 2) Obtain Kaya sidhi By yogic practice - you will get eternal youth , moltan golden complexion 1000 elephants strength and indefenet life span by this method. This is also long and tedious path. You can refer to Patanjali's yoga sutra for detail. 3) There is a shotcut to become lovely and fair. This is invoking a spirit of King solomon. I shall get back to this latter as I need to refer to King Solomon's book 'Goetia' for this. ( I will get back to you on this soon) K.Ravindran
  13. Dear Saurabhanshuman, I am aware of two publishers of this work: 1) Sarada Tilaka Tantra By Arthur Avalon , Published by Motilal Banarsidas Publisher Pvt.Ltd. 2001 2) Sarada Tilaka Tantra By Bord opf Scholars , published by Sadguru Delhi 2002. If you enter the key word Sarada Tilaka ( And note the spelling as given by me and not as sharada tilak) , on goggle search ,you will get details of this in internet. On line ordering is possible. Regards, K.Ravindran
  14. Dear HST, If admakaraka is with ketu then ketu is not in 12th house from nadmakarakamsa but in 1st. (Where the admakaraka is located in navamsa is considered to be an assendant called Admakarakamsa). The first house is not the house of moksha.Twelth is - Ketu has to be there for moksha. This does not eleminite the possibility of moksha if other combinations for moksha prevail. I dont know of them in detail One combination is parijata yoga. Other learned astrologers might enlighten on other combinations of moksha. Having stated that, my own personal opinion is that Moksha and astrology are not compatiable. Let me explain. For one who got moksha or jeevan mukthi, astrology will not work as they are freed from the grip of karma. That is what liberation means - they are not bound by karma and hence planets do not predict their life, as planets are mearly instruments of the laws of karma. To put this argument in another way, if you are intented to get moksha, you will get it inspite of the planetory conditions. Planets will have no power to prevent it. There is no need to check the yoga for moksha. All that is required is upasana. To argue in another way, God is above planets and can grace any creature and grand moksha. God is not subjected to the laws of planet or karma as god is a free being above karma. After all god created those planets and hence beyond their power. Hence it is a mistake to assume one cannot get moksha as there is no combination for it in the horoscope and waste one's life in other persuits. sincere attempt for mokaha will be richly rewarded in spite of the adverse planetory combinations. What can planet do when God decides to free from their grips? And to assume god will not do it is to assume God does not have free will and God is not omnipotent - that is God is powerless in the grip of planets.. That is a mistake. Isnt it? Regards, K.Ravindran
  15. Hello , Can any one help me to find the mantra or preyer of the Vadic godess Sita ( not the goddess Seeta - Rama's wife but the vedic goddess Sita , 'Si' pronounced short) - One of the twenty deities assigned to the twenty divisions of D-20 chart (Vimshamsa) refered to in Brahat Parasara hora sastra? This devada is assigned to the vimsamsa division of degrees 15-00 to 16-30 belonging to an even sign. Wikipedia reports that her hymes to be to be found in Rig Veda No exact reference beyond this. Some sourse reports her to be the wife of Indra Some to be that of Parjanya (Rain) I need her mantra Regards, K.Ravindran
  16. But how do uyou post a new message - not a reply - at the first place? Can some one tell me how to post in any of these forums? K.Ravindran
  17. Hello HST In Jaimini sutra, the condition for kaivalya (Liberation or enlightment) is stated as below: From admakarakamsa, ( namvamsa sign that houses the planet that has maximum degrees) if the 12th contains Ketu, Kaivalya results -especially if this 12th house is mesha or dhanus. Generally 12th house is house of final liberation and ketu the liberator.Hence if the 12th house contains ketu that is an indication of liberation and enlightment. Regards, K.Ravindran (Ravindran Kesavan)
  18. Uchishta Ganapathy is another sadana that granda Tri kala Gyan (Knowledge of present past and future) Regards, K.Ravindran
  19. Hallo HST There is one specific sadana that develops the heeling powers. This is the Tibetan Medicine Buddha Sadana. There is good documents on this in the internet Just go to goggle search and enter the key word "Medicine buddha" You will get enough material on it Search for the mantra of medicine buddha. There is a document called Medicine buddha sutra in internet that will give the complete detail of this sadana. Regards, K.Ravindran
  20. Hi Raghu, I am Ravindran Kesavan and I am writting this out of real experience along with Scriptual authority. If you have no human guru - or cannot find a genune one - dont worry. The esoteric secret teaching about guru is that guru is really internal - guru is with in you .Guru - or rather Guru's feets - is situated in the hesd just above the agna chakra (Eye brow centre).You need to just invoke this centre to learn anything. This is the technique that Dakshinamurthy - the silent guru - teaches to his desiples, withourt words or instructions. The deciples of this Grand Silent Guru, in his presence gets all doughts cleared from within, and learns everything from their own mind within. If you dont have a guru and want to get initiated in to a mantra, go to a Dakshinamurthy sannidi and prey to dakshinamurthty to be your guru and chant the choosen mantra. This is the scriptually sancened method of deeksha (though I dont remember the scripture to quote here) You can also , yogically invoke the guru within you by activating the guru center above the agna chakra. Think of this centre mentally and intensely chant the Guru Paadukaa mantra ( mantra of guru's feets). The essential Guru Paduka mantra is: Om H-S-Kh-Phrem - Ha-Sa- Ksha-Ma-La-Va- Ra-Yum- Sa-Ha- Ksha- Ma- La-Va -Ra-Yim- Hsouh Shouh Sree Guru Naada Sree Paadukaam Puujayaami Dharpayaami Namah. ( Double vovewla, aa, uu and ee are to be pronunced long and single vovals short) Do learn the pronunciation from some one who knows how to pronunce these Sanscrit letters. (Anybody who is initiated in to Sri Vidya would know this mantra, along with certain extra letters on the begining, that is specific to the the deity of Srividya The extra letters are not to be added if you are not intending to take up srividya as your mantra. These extra letter differs from deity to deity. Only the essential gurumantra to be chanted as given above.) If you have a guru in mind - Living dead, or faraway - insert that gurus name in the place of Sree 'Guru" in the mantra. This guru could be a god also. Example : Om .......... Sree Hayagreeva nada Sree padukam poojayi.... Om ...........Sree Siva nada Sree padukam............... Om ...........Sree Gorakha nada sree padukam......... Once your inner guru is awakened by this meditiation that guru from inside will teach you all sort of thiungs that you want to learn. Regards, K.Ravindran ote=serchingeye]Respected Members, This Is Raghu From India I Have Requested Some Mantras Here, People Are Very Selfish Cruel... They dont know for what purpose this website(forum) has started.. so i have decided to help this forum members! i am not going to give advanced information.. but basic important informations are provided here..that must know by a mantric or tantric.. i have exam now, so as much i can give information day by day 1. for anything we need guru.. without guru we cant become saloon too..(proverb) so here maily guru is the problem to do all sadhana's most of the people wont get gurus to acehive anything here. if you wont get guru,.. some mantra wont give results not become siddi.. I Got A Simple Method To Solve This problem... 1. say 108 times ganapti mantra "gham ganeshaya namah" 2. say 108 times guru mantra "Om GuruDevaya Namah" When You Saying This Mantra, Remember Your "Istaguru", If You Dont Have Any Like That, remember Shankara Acharya.. Or Lord Shiva.. 3. say 108 times matra of your "istadev" or pray lord shiva... 3.write your mantra(which you want to make siddi) 11times on a paper and read it loudly 11 times.., it should here all who aroud you.. then keep that near god... This Method Is Equal To Matra Taken From A Guru I Will Give Some More Intresting Information , Which Must Know By A Spirtual Person.. To Do That, Please Reply Here,Share Your Comments Here..
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