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Posts posted by Guruvani



    Also, if he wanted to remove all vestiges of that little boy, why is he AC Bhaktivedanta Swami.



    Don't get embarassed Mahak, but the reason is that when he took diksha from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur he was given the name Abhay Charanaravinda DASA.


    The A.C. didn't stand for Abhaya Charan De.

    It was for his initiated name of Abhaya Charanaravinda DASA.

  2. But, you guys keep forgetting that for us the dream is real.

    It is only unreal to the liberated souls.


    For all us souls in the dream it is as good real because we take it all very seriously.


    It is NOT a dream for one who is in the illusion.

    For him, the dream might as well be real because that is the only reality he knows or relates with.


    The dream is only a dream for those who are not dreaming.

    For all US dreamers, the dream might as well be real because it is the only thing we understand.


    Everybody says "it is all just a dream", but then they live only for the dream and have no connection with reality.


    So, for all those who say it is just a dream that just makes them all the more stupid looking because the dream is STILL reality for them as far as their actual situation goes.


    "it's a dream prabhu"..... but they still are chasing after the dream.... so what good does it do for them to say it is a dream?


    When you quit chasing the dream, then come back and tell me it is just a dream.:D


    <table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0">Student: If in the marginal position (tatastha) the soul has exposure to both reality and illusion, why doesn't he have enough discrimination to come to the right path?

    Sridhara Maharaja: He has no real depth of discrimination; only a little discrimination. But it is there. However small it may be, it is there.

    </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->


    There is some reference in the Jaiva Dharma where Babaji explains that the jivas do not have sufficient amount of samvit and hladini shakti in their souls to go from the marginal Viraja plane to Vaikuntha.

    The jivas must attain sufficient blessing of samvit and hladini shakti in order to have eligibility to enter Vaikuntha.


    As the jivas as manifested in the Viraja by Lord Vishnu they do not have sufficient development of samvit and hladini shakti.

    The Jaiva Dharma says they are incomplete entities at the marginal stage of existence.


    Srila Prabhupada explains something similar in this purport:


    Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Madhya 6.160 purport,


    When the potencies of spiritual pleasure and knowledge are both bestowed upon the conditioned souls, the conditioned souls can escape the clutches of the external potency, māyā, which acts as a cover obscuring one's spiritual identity.

    This says the same thing.

    The jiva must be blessed with samvit and hladini shakti to have proper eligibility for entering Goloka or Vaikuntha.

    As tatastha shakti the jiva does not have that in sufficient quantity.


    That only comes when the seed of devotion is planted in the heart by the spiritual master and nourished by hearing and chanting etc.


    No matter how many times you tell Guruvani this, his little brain cannot understand


    No one says ones svarupa body is sleeping in Goloka!!


    Please understand that once and for all. It is only because of the absence of the time factor that there is no disappearance of ones 'svarupa' in Goloka, therefore it is always there serving Krishna regardless.



    Lord Caitanya taught Srila Rupa Goswami that the "svarupa" of the jiva is a spirit spark 1/10,000th the size the tip of a hair.



    Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Madhya 19.139


    keśāgra-śateka-bhāga punaḥ śatāḿśa kari

    tāra sama sūkṣma jīvera 'svarūpa' vicāri



    keśa-agra — from the tip of a hair; śata-eka — one hundred; bhāga — divisions; punaḥ — again; śata-aḿśa — one hundred divisions; kari — making; tāra sama — equal to that; sūkṣma — very fine; jīvera — of the living entity; svarūpa — the actual form; vicāriI consider.




    "The length and breadth of the living entity is described as one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair. This is the original subtle nature of the living entity.



    Here is the offical ISKCON BBT understanding on this subject and that we ALL came from Goloka http://www.jswami.info/jiva




    Jayadvaita Swami is a career guru in ISKCON who supports the GBC party line to keep his position as a career guru in ISKCON secure.


    You can't trust these career ISKCON gurus.

    They all have a good reason for not telling the truth or standing up for what is right.

    They are sold out to the GBC committee and don't want to do anything to jeapardize their cushy position as a career ISKCON guru who couldn't possibly survive on their own merits outside of ISKCON.


    Gee I could have sworn it was you two who were mocking others about being "dream-vadis" and "sleeper-vadis" ad nauseum.


    Must have been a bad dream on my part.


    But, we don't believe that liberated souls in Goloka are dreaming that they are in the material world.

    Only an idiot with no shastric knowledge would ever believe such an asinine proposal.


    We are in the material world dreaming.

    Not in Goloka dreaming.

    There is no dreaming in Goloka.

    Dreaming happens in dreamland - the material world.



    I heard of srila prabhupadas soccer long before saqtswarupa wrote his book. But I never thought that if I played soccer, then me and him were bros. This is the problem.


    That is my point.

    You say "Srila Prabhupada's soccer".

    Srila Prabhupada was a Gaudiya sannayasi.

    He never played soccer.

    Some little boy in Calcutta named Abhaya Charan De might have played soccer, but the Gaudiya sannyasi we call "Srila Prabhupada" never played soccer.

    I think it is just goofy to say that Srila Prabhupada played soccer.

    He didn't.

    That was some little boy from Calcutta you are talking about, not "Srila Prabhupada".

    If we took that way of speaking to the extreme we would end up saying that Srila Prabhupada had sex with a woman - his wife Radharani.


    Well, he didn't have sex with a woman either.

    That was a householder named Abhay Charan De, not "Srila Prabhupada".


    This message I received today from a Vaishnava astrologer,


    "The estimated time of arrival for the nukes is July 28, 2011. We devotees have a lot to learn in the meantime."


    Then that is not quite what Nostradamas and the Mayan calendar predicts?

    What about December of 2012?


    My position is that we are in a dreaming condition. That could be from Goloka or Vaikuntha or the Brahman effulgence. .

    From what I gather, you are a dreamervadi from the Bay area of San Francisco?

    You have my sympathy.

    Happy Holiday from North Florida and the largest settlement of Hare Krishna devotees in the western hemisphere.:namaskar:


    God bless the Turkeys and give them a higher birth in their next life.

    Maybe, if they are lucky they can take birth as a dreamervadi from Australia in their next life?






    Srila Prabhupada played football (soccer). He was a goalie he said because he didn't like to run around so much.:)



    It appears you have unfortunately been subjected to the unauthorized biography of Srila Prabhupada written by a fallen sannyasi Satsvarupa das Goswami.


    This is the kind of foolishness that he has published about Srila Prabhupada who was NEVER a soccer player.

    Srila Prabhupada was a transcendental sannyasi.

    Some little boy from Calcutta named Abhaya Charan De might have been a soccer player, but I wouldn't know because I don't read Satsvarupa's unauthorized biography of Srila Prabhupada that should be banned in all Vaishnava communities as Vaishnava aparadha.


    Love them home-grown kirtanas.


    I'm trying to avoid the other home-grown for a while (perhaps for the rest of this life). It's been 56 hours so far. Hopefully, I won't get *too* irritable during the adjustment period.

    When Guru Maharaja is gone it will be time to burn a fat one.

    You know you can't resist.



    Um, since that's a soccer ball (or football to non-Americans), it looks as though the good doctor is committing a foul (we hope not an offense).


    Very perceptive.....

    I noticed that myself.

    I wonder what is up with the soccerball?;)


    Maybe there just wasn't a volleyball available?

  13. Projecting volleyball?




    Danavir Goswami (Dr. Dane Holtzman) was born in Los Angeles in 1949. He studied sociology and economics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). While there he excelled in athletics and was selected the Most Valuable Player of 1970 (indoor volleyball) by the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) and won the international 2-man beach volleyball tournament at Santa Cruz.



    So, you are saying that we are in Golok. We feel we are on Earth because we dream of being on Earth. What about those living in Vaikunth? Are they really in Vaikunth or are they in Golok and dreaming of being in Vaikunth?


    That is a good question.

    The fall-from-goloka advocates that are known popularly as "spleepervadis" and or "dreamervadis" have manufactured a theory that the fallen jivas all have a spiritual form in Goloka that they have presently become unconscious of. They presume that somehow, someway their spiritual body is there in the presence of Krishna but they the soul have somehow become victim of maya and cannot realize that they are in Goloka looking Lord Krishna in the face.


    Anyway, this is just a theory that some fringe devotees are advocating.

    Senior ISKCON devotees and the BBT scholars reject such a theory as totally bogus speculation.


    On an official BBT website that dreamervadi theory is defeated and the proper understanding of the fall of the jiva is properly explained.




    Yes the material world does not exist in fact. It only appears to exist that is why it is called maya.

    That's hogwwash.

    The material world exists for real and that is where you are right now.

    It is called illusion only because it is temporary.

    Otherwise, you are definitely in the material world, it is real and you are thinking that the material energy is for your enjoyment.


    That is the only maya.

    Maya means that which is not.

    The material energy is real.

    That which is not is that you are not the Lord of all you survey.

    The material world is real.

    You are here.

    Your dream that you are the enjoyer of the senses is the only illusion you have to overcome.


    The material energy is simply what the spiritual energy becomes when you try to exploit it.

    It is real.

    Your ego is not.


    Whoa. What an asisine statement. Projection is an extremely well know phenomena in pyschology. One can debate the proper application of it but deny it's existence is rather foolish.


    You are projecting a lot of faith in academic theories.:D


    Myself, I don't have much faith in them.

    These guys come up with these theories over a Big Mac at McDonalds.

    I have no use for their theories or terminology.


    Give us a break, Guruvani.


    Big deal, so his disciples cite his pre-ISKCON accomplisments.


    Didn't Krishna tell Arjuna "I am the ability in man"? I take that to mean all abilities.


    I've had the privelige of meeting Danavir Maharaja on several occasions. Notably, an older SP disciple/mutual friend introduced us at a feast, and I sat with him and we had very a nice conversation. He's a truly exceptional person.


    Your use of the terms karmi and non-devotee sense enjoyer in illusion, especially in reference to the previous life of an elevated Vaisnava, don't speak well for your state of consciousness.


    What we are ourselves, we see in others.



    You are projecting anger upon the forum members.:D


    Calm down.... breath deeply and project humbleness and kindness,

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