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Posts posted by Subala
Moscow - pronounced MOSKVA=Moksha
Russia=Rossiya=Rishiya (land of rishis)
Sveta=girl's name=Sweta
Svarog=Old russian god=brahma
Soma= Old russian god= soma
Varuna=Old russian god of water= varuna
etc... many words which closely correspond to sanskrit root words
nice passage from CC.
anatma concept of no soul.
Sankaracharya refuted this concept - but he said - let me tell you what this atma means - atma means brahman....
Trancendental humour - buddha and Shankara.... like mother and daughter in law and a beggar.
You not supposed to chant gayatri mantra aloud. And you supposed to chant Hare Krishna mantra aloud.
Gets little bit confusing.
Answer is we follow your tradition - guru sadhu and sastra. Sastra prescribe to chant gayatri in your mind and Hare Krishna mantra aloud, and sadhu and guru confirm it.
you should read Srimad Bhagavatam.
In now days people feel separations from computer and TV more than they feel for Krishna.
PS. There is always great disturbance after Acarya leaves...
PSS. reg back-up idea - I agree there is no back up system in our sampradaya. it is like this - What if Krishna is not God?! No problem we have back up - we make someone else.... doesn't make sense. What is process of devotional service is not perfect - Oh np we have back up. back up philosophy is bogus.
I don't know why so much noise out of this issue,
Look in a root of the system
1. Defenition of guru is he has disciple/disciples
2. Every acarya/guru in our sampradaya has/had disciples
3. Every acarya/guru has told us - amara ajnaya.. becomes Guru and liberate people.
4. Devotees who not ready to surrender were/will always question this. It is a matter of faith and every underline question they ask has one root question - Do I want to surrender.
If you cannot submit your ego to anotehr man - you can never surrender to God. (as christians say - this is statement for our christian friends)
4. What is ISKCON guru system - to protect SP teachings from people who will come later and tell us - Let me tell you how ISKCOn should be run.... thats simple.
Prabhupada wanted to protect the message he brought. What the best way to do it? I see only 1 - create a system which unites all guru's in one Governing Body. This Entity will keep SP teachings intact even if it not perfectly organized it will become perfect in course of time.
The only force which can destroy ISKCON is ISKCON itself with all this far out ideas how it should be and not how SP wanted it to be.
Anyway this is is way too much. Everyone has it's own idea how ISKCON should be run.
My personal solution is - chant, read, preach, become pure devotee, teach other to do the same, never leave ISKCON doesn't matter how bad people think it is. You become example how it should be and people will follow your example.
Why is the Sky Blue?
Here's an exchange that took place in Los Angeles on January 8, 1968, after
Srila Prabhupada's lecture on Caitanya Caritamrta:
Guest: I have a question. I was wondering why Krsna is always portrayed as being
Prabhupada: Why the sky is blue? Can you explain?
Guest: Because the sky is blue?
Prabhupada: Yes, why the sky is blue? First of all, you try to explain this.
This you are seeing every day. Can you explain? You don't? You cannot? Sky is
blue! That's all! Therefore it is blue. Krsa is blue! Therefore He's blue.
Guest: But His consort, His consort is not blue.
Prabhupada: Sky is the reflection of Krsna's bodily effulgence; therefore it is
Once we get there we will figure out...
>>sudama: It's amazing, especially in some ISKCON communities how much pressure is put on new bhaktas to take initiation from the local guru/GBC. The official party line is that the zonal acharya days are over, but practical experience shows otherwise. >>>
I had this experince in Moscow temple - if you really want to be a good book distributor you have to be disciple of XYZ. All upper Temple managment was XYZ disciples and there were subtle push and favoritism for XYZ disciples.
Outcome was sad.
Taking initiation is like a marriage, you do it once in life.
Good thing is - krishna protects this movement - if somebody doing somehting wrong - Krishna won't let it go on long time. He will make some arrangements.
reg new bhaktas, it is deeply personal thing disciple guru relationship - there should not be 3rd party really.
>>sudama: It's amazing, especially in some ISKCON communities how much pressure is put on new bhaktas to take initiation from the local guru/GBC. The official party line is that the zonal acharya days are over, but practical experience shows otherwise. >>>
I had this experince in Moscow temple - if you really want to be a good book distributor you have to be disciple of XYZ. All upper Temple managment was XYZ disciples and there were subtle push and favoritism for XYZ disciples.
Outcome was sad.
Taking initiation is like a marriage, you do it once in life.
Good thing is - krishna protects this movement - if somebody doing somehting wrong - Krishna won't let it go on long time. He will make some arrangements.
reg new bhaktas, it is deeply personal thing disciple guru relationship - there should not be 3rd party really.
very nice post
- Bhaktivinode Thakur - "I see whole world united under the umbrella of Lord Chaitanya's movement around the world".
- Hare Krishna is a common word in every household by 1975
- Ratha yatra fesival in most major cities in a world by 1980
- Hare Krishna Russian devotees have maha-kirtan on a Red Square in 1991
- 2005 1st Judge to wear tilaka on his forehead in USA
- 2010 US News Report headlines: IKSCON opens larges temple in a world in city of Mayapur, West Bengal India. 1,500,000 people chant Hare Krishna
- 2011 CNN News: ISKCON Food For Life is the biggest charity food distribution in a world outserving MCdonalds 100x times - By Rupa Raghunath das Vrindavana
- 2011 US News Reports: ISKCON Gurukula system accepted in US as most effective form of teaching.
- 2015 ISKCON GBC representatives in US senate
- 2016 US News Reports renamed - Hare Krishna World Report
- 2017 HKWR news: New city founded called Goloka Vrindavana, built in US exclusivly for ISKCON followers
- 2018 CNN Evening News: Cooking with Kurma das Jr.
- 2018 CNN afternoon News: Drutakarma and Dr. Thomson book (Forbidden Arhelogy & Human Devaluation) to be taught in all major US and UK colleges
- 2020 Hare Krishna becomes common word in White House.
- 2021 ISKCON members speacial ID card replaces needs for Passport and Visa for any country they go
- 2022 CNN News: Old smithsonian Air and Space Musium is replaced with Prabupada Musium. ("They never went on a moon" iMAX movie show Mon-Fri)
- 2023 All Legal Forms now requre to put name of your Guru along with SS Number
- 2024 CNN News renamed to AGTSP News.
- 2025 AGTSP News: This year ZERO crimes commited in USA
- 2025 VNN.com is getting zero hits for last 10 years and shuts down
- 2026 AGTSP News: From Police reports - Deity of Sakshi Gopal is missing from New Remuna, investigation continues
- 2027 AGTSP News: From Police reports - Deity of Sakshi Gopal which was missing from New Remuna walked to New Hastinapura Washington DC - Trikalajna das says: I requested Gopalji to come to bless my son's marriage. Investigators confused - Krishna das Kaviraji Adhikari reports.
- 2028 AGTSP Morning News: from 7:00am to 9am SB Canto 5 2.12
- 2028 AGTSP Evenign News: From 8pm-9pm BG 2.14
- 2028 AGTSP Late Night Movies: Hollywood: Mahabharata 1004 series with Arnold Swartznegger as Maharaja Bhishma
- 2029 AGTSP News: President of US wears Tilaka on every major conference
- 2030 AGTSP News: What is democracy according Prabhupada?
- 2040 last slaghterhouse is demolished.
- 2045 AGTSP News: Too many cows on D.C. streets
- 2050 Varnasrama is legally established in US , other countores follow.
- 2060 AGTSP News: Gurukula studets 5th grader invent "magic carpet" machine moved by mantra
- 2070 AGTSP News: Ashvamedhs yajna on a News tonight
- 2080 AGTSP News: Is it Golden age?
- 2100 AGTSP live Coverage: 5 Billion Christians, Muslims and Hare Krishna from around a world perform 24 hour sankirtana yajna chanting named of God!
- 2100 AGTSP news: Bhaktivinode Thakur - "I see whole world united under the umbrella of Lord Chaitanya's movement around the world".
Hello Dayal, all you need is not guess or hear anything from 3rd hands.. But buy Bhagavad Gita As It Is (from stores or from ISKCON temple) and read it carefully.
It will answer all your question and who is Prabhupada. Unless anyone reads it they still will be confused about many things.
hari bol!
And always has been.
It is no wonder even in bible humans always compared with sheeps. Because sheep is most dumb animals who eat the grass with their roots and starve to death.
All it takes is a soul with a dream and vision to laudly speak out his goals and vision and people will follow him. Be it blind men following another blind men or be it Prabhupada and ISKCON.
Point is become a leader. Not just for your family but in your community. How many people you lead?
Best leaders are the best followers also. Best guru is a best disciple. Same principles.
And I have a news for you. You won't become a leader by reading this or reading anything else on Internet
but at least give some idea that Prabhupada wanted us to do. Become a Guru, amara ajnana tara... lead.
If you walking and look back and nobody walking behind you - you are not a leader - you just went for a walk.
same people who complainign abotu elephant died I bet most of them meat eaters.....
well may be not - but this is a biggest hypocrasy (if i spell it right)
one of my collegues at work was proud to announce he saved and sheltered 4 kittens who would surely die - he saved them from parking lot. How wonderful...
meanwhile he eats meat and killign hundreds of cows...
save the kittens and kill 100s of cows.
no words.... to describe stupidity
Indradyumna maharaja ki jay!
at least he was humble enough to admit that he cannot understand God's creation and He is there...
If you read Chaitanya charitamrita there is a story of astrologer visiting Nimai in His house.
There is a vedic system jotish sastra which astrologers get trained by their guru astrologer.
Is it possible, answer is Yes.
Can you become one. answer is Yes
Can you go consult astrologer. answer is why not if you have money. (especially if you getting married starting travel or business enterprise)
Can you consult astrologer to find out then you go back to Krishna? Anster is; CAPITAL LETTERS NO.
If he real astrologer he will tell you upfront this things is out of his leak.
The bugus bhrigu will tell you, yah yah you can go back to Goadhead in 7 lifetimes because in this lifetime you ate a buffolo and for 7 more lifetimes you will be born and in each life time come back to pay some more paisa to me.
In any case it is bona fide system and as everything bonafide in this world it is very rarely seen.
PS. Reg forefather in Pitriloka. This is 1st time I hear about this that they have influence on your going back to godhead or not. I guess if your forefather was pure devotee (like prahlada maharaja) whom nrsimhadeva promissed you and <so many> generations before and after you will be liberated because you were born in this family. I think Nrisimhadeva answered on Prahlada's request to liberate his father from hell /images/graemlins/smile.gif then Nrisimhadeva tore him up.
If you read Chaitanya charitamrita there is a story of astrologer visiting Nimai in His house.
There is a vedic system jotish sastra which astrologers get trained by their guru astrologer.
Is it possible, answer is Yes.
Can you become one. answer is Yes
Can you go consult astrologer. answer is why not if you have money. (especially if you getting married starting travel or business enterprise)
Can you consult astrologer to find out then you go back to Krishna? Anster is; CAPITAL LETTERS NO.
If he real astrologer he will tell you upfront this things is out of his leak.
The bugus bhrigu will tell you, yah yah you can go back to Goadhead in 7 lifetimes because in this lifetime you ate a buffolo and for 7 more lifetimes you will be born and in each life time come back to pay some more paisa to me.
In any case it is bona fide system and as everything bonafide in this world it is very rarely seen.
PS. Reg forefather in Pitriloka. This is 1st time I hear about this that they have influence on your going back to godhead or not. I guess if your forefather was pure devotee (like prahlada maharaja) whom nrsimhadeva promissed you and <so many> generations before and after you will be liberated because you were born in this family. I think Nrisimhadeva answered on Prahlada's request to liberate his father from hell /images/graemlins/smile.gif then Nrisimhadeva tore him up.
eah - i'm also starting my own commentary. Anyone interested to pre-purchase before i start writing?
Mukunda Goswami
And i know he can levitate also.
I just saw it myself - he flew from from DC to NZ.
Mukunda Goswami
And i know he can levitate also.
I just saw it myself - he flew from from DC to NZ.
What mp3 player you would recommend?
in The Friendly Marketplace
It is pretty amazing... you have at your finger tip all SP tapes, Mahabharata, SB CC book on tapes (SB my favorite)
playing all night while I sleep and even while i'm not home jsut sabda brahman going on all the time.
I thinking to buy one just for my car. My car is university on a wheels.