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Posts posted by Subala

  1. If you sitting on a nail and praying to Krishna to help you. And you honest in your prayer.


    Krishna may showing you a way to different bench with cushion on it instead of nail.



    PS. on personal note - everytime I had problems before they were blessings 1-2 years later and best thing ever happened to me.

  2. If you sitting on a nail and praying to Krishna to help you. And you honest in your prayer.


    Krishna may showing you a way to different bench with cushion on it instead of nail.



    PS. on personal note - everytime I had problems before they were blessings 1-2 years later and best thing ever happened to me.

  3. Dayal prabhu,


    64% of Americans are overweighted, so solution is not there problem is.


    hi carb diet vs high protein diet.


    Eating meat with high protein will keep your weight down for to digest proteins body needs to burn lots of calories (which if not burned stored as fat in a body)


    if you like send me an email listenevs@bww.com I can give you more information to read about vegetarian protein diet which may be an answer to your situation.




  4. Sorry prabhu if offended anyone - it was not my intent. And sinior/junior devotee is so relative for we do not know who we were in past lives....


    Say right now we do not know why we shold not eat onions/garlic - we may have some ideas why we can or cannot eat it.


    Lets follow the acharya's instruction and do not eat it.


    It is like car insurance. You do not plan to get an into accident, we do not know when we get into accident, you do not want to be in one, but still we buy car insurance (or u must to have it like in USA).


    In similar way, we do now know when we gonna die and how, but we know what we will and we know we have a choice where to go after changing this body - to another body or spiritual body. We may not know exactly. But lets take the insurance coverage for now - 16 rounds, 4 reg principles - with no eggs,fish garlic and onions and once we in spiritual world sitting fanning Krishna or his devotee somewhere on a bank of Vrindavana we can ask this question: by the way Krishna why u said no onions? And Krishna may say - well there was a Demon and he passed some urine and onions grew from where - this is why....


    Or something like that - we will find out later,


    do like I have done - speak like I have spoken.... - SP



  5. ok let me put it this way.


    For last 2 years I have this "dundruff" and tryed about 5 brands of shampoos and dundruff killers....


    I do know about pancharatra rules about oil, never carried about this particular rule because I never used any oil on my skin before. Especially while worshipping. I worship temple deities for last 6 years.


    But situation is I just got sick and tired and I donm;t think it is dundruff problem but may be some kindof jerm or what not.


    So i tried some coconut oil on my head skulp - as much it was not confortable (can't imagine why indian ladies do it) I started using it 3-4 days ago and at least my head doesn;t scratch that much.


    So I expect really this oil to kill the gems and repair the skin so Ic an stop using it in a month or so.


    PS. before going on altar I do wash hair 2-3 times to get all the oil out.

  6. 1st of all it is important to understand what devotees are not under power of material nature, Maya.


    If devotee/es of Krishna externally seen suffering or in trouble it is not material nature who is punishing/rewarding krishna devotees. Krishna Himself is taking charge of the devotee's life. Material nature leaves us to directly under Krishna's control.


    Thats my belief.


    "Ma sucaha" do not be afraid...



  7. I have a question - coconut oil - if applyed on hair - which effect it has? Does it cool body or heats it up?


    I really was looking solution to stop drying up my skin on my head.


    PS. may be I shoudl start shaving my head again /images/graemlins/smile.gif


  8. Krishna doesn't mind. He doesn't smoke Himself, In matter of fact He asked Lord Shiva to drink halahala poison because he could digest it.


    Question is - can you digest it? Most man are go from ganja stright to a gashish. Nobody thinks this way but everyone ends up there.

  9. let me ask a question.


    there is a thread (looong one) on this topic in this forum if you look for it.


    Let me ask common sense question:


    How come I know many people who are so addicted to onions and garlic so they cannot stop eating it?


    Forget about why shastra says why it is not good eat garlic and onions and that Krishna is not accepting this foodstuffs. Question is - why people addicted to onions like to cigarets...?


    In any case, please understand - I'm not trying to condemn anybody and i'm fully agree that onions and garlic are wonderful medicine (according many doctors) and if you eat it - it is not making your any less dear to Krishna then someone who does not eat it.


    But there is other medicine as well besides garlic and onions, how come we not think about them?


    In any case, question about eating onion or not is about how high standart you set for your Krishna Consciousness in you. And becuase somebody does eat it - doesn't mean you can... (like Lord Shiva smokes ganja and garuda eats snakes).

  10. Many devotees troubled by money problems, ever wondered why?



    We all know that originally Krishna was God in previous yugas


    In 1965 Krishna came to the west and Krishna gave Prabhupada all the funds he needed to spread KC in a west.


    But of course as KC society grew Krishna was not able to maintain overwhelming number of devotees, this is why around 1980 I had to get a job to support myself.


    And somewhere in 1990 I really had to start support Krishna’s temples by paying electric bills, because Krishna couldn’t “cut it” financially.


    And everybody knows that near 2000 Krishna filed for bankruptcy and could hardly afford lawyers.


    Right now things still not clear if Krishna has to go beg for donations to support even Himself




    So question raised – what the point of being Krishna if He husband of Goddess of Fortune cannot support few Hare Krishna’s.


    So answer is – never loose faith, that’s doesn’t mean being lazy. Often being lazy for material activities is used by neophyte devotees as excuse “do something wonderful for Krishna”!


    How come you broke and working 2 jobs – simple because you don’t do something wonderful for Krishna!

  11. Tukaram was initiator of sankirtana movement in this age.


    He was initiated by Lord Chaitanya. Thats says it all basicly who he is.


    I followed a link above this to read more about his lifetime, I can' prove athenticity of the stories but some of them little bit "off" from what what we know about pure devotees. But in anycase i'm not a judge to that, I just acustomed to receive confirmation from 3 different sourses to be sure.



  12. Tukaram was initiator of sankirtana movement in this age.


    He was initiated by Lord Chaitanya. Thats says it all basicly who he is.


    I followed a link above this to read more about his lifetime, I can' prove athenticity of the stories but some of them little bit "off" from what what we know about pure devotees. But in anycase i'm not a judge to that, I just acustomed to receive confirmation from 3 different sourses to be sure.



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