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Everything posted by melvin

  1. What I know about Durga is that she is a goddess of the underworld. I remember Bharata whom everyone thought was dumb and a fool. And yet, Bharata was a pure devotee of Krsna. When Bharata was offered as human sacrifice by the worshipers of Durga, the goddess herself instead of killing Bharata killed the worshipers. In other words goddess Durga is the protector of Krsna`s pure devotees. Those who try to harm a pure devotee of Krsna like Bharata shall be dealt with accordingly by goddess Durga herself. I think Durga is no other tham Uma, Lord Siva`s wife. ------------------------
  2. Yogananda Paramahamsa`s Plan - 1. To teach Kriya-yoga 2. Convince everyone we`re in the Dvapara age 3. To advocate Krsna/Christ/Buddha are One w/o a difference 4. To show that LOve transcends everything Srila Prabhupada`s Plan -- 1. To teach Bhakti-yoga 2. Convince everyone we`re in the Kaliyuga age 3. To prove Krsna/Christ/Buddha are One but with a difference 4. To show that LOve of God is everything ---
  3. If you have seen the movie War of the Worlds produced by Stephen Spielberg and starred by Tom Cruise then maybe Lord Vamanadeva commandered a tripod spaceship when He made those steps.
  4. Could the word Vimana taken from the Lord`s name Vamana? Lord Vamanadeva is described as Urukrama- one who could step forward immediately. It took Vamana only one step to cover Bali Maharaj`s kingdom. Two steps to circumnavigate the world and three steps to reach the universe. ------------------------------
  5. Dear Kavine das you are truly one of God`s proof of His existence not a pest.
  6. Nara(man)+simha(lion)= Nara(man)+da(guru)= prahlada maharaj`s savior + spiritual teacher.
  7. A smile immediately appears on my face when I happen to mispell the acronym ISKCON with IKSCON. It`s ISKCON when the Krsna devotee has yet to realize that he is not this body but a spirit soul. But when a Krsna devotee realizes he`s an eternal servant/associate of Krsna then he`s an IKSCON. ----------------
  8. Not only God is telling us to do good always through the beats of our hearts but He can also give us an account of what really is troubling us. And this can be revealed through our ECG tracings. If it says, SINUS RYTHM, then it means we are well-oriented to the environment surrounding us. But when it says, SINUS BRADYCARDIA, then it means we are slow to react to God`s musings, etc. On the other hand, when it says SINUS TACHYCARDIA, it means we are too quick to judge others` mistakes. These are just examples how God would communicate to us from the results of these ECG tracings. If you want to know what God has to say about your present life, then take an ECG exam. ----------------------------
  9. Yes, it`s true we never fall down from the spiritual world because we are all spiritual beings but being clothe with a material body, we fall down to the material world when we eat say, a fruit or when we go to the bathroom to urinate and defecate. As spiritual beings, we eat and drink with our eyes and see with our hands. But we fall down when we use our eyes to sleep, our mouths to feed, our urethras to urinate and bowels to defecate.
  10. Wherever there`s Krsna consciousness there you will find God, his abode, asssociates, admirers, as well as His enemies. "Whenever there two or more who are gathered in My name, there I`m also with you," to quote saktyavesa avatar Jesus. Our true form depends on who you were thinking at the time death. That`s why it`s advisable to chant always Hare Krsna for we don`t really know when we are going to die or how we will die since it`s God who will eventually award us correspondingly with a body suitable to what were thinking at the time of death. If by chance we remember to chant God`s name Krsna at the time of death, then that spiritual body He will give us shall be our true form in the next life. Narada Muni was Upabarhana in his past sinful life but in the next life he became a great sage because as Upabarhana, he was able to chant the name Krsna prior to his death even if he was cursed by the Prajapatis to become a sudra in the next life.
  11. Try putting a stethoscope on top of your chest and hear the sounds of your heart. It`s not correct when they said that the heart sounds this way," lub.dub.lub.dub.lub.dub.lub.dub." These heart sounds are actually God`s telling us from the moment we took shape inside our mother`s womb to the time we die to love Him in every beat of our lives. These heart sounds are, " lub.gud.lub.gud.lub.gud.lub.gud.lub.gud." -----
  12. It won`t be funny anymore when you see some of these inmates dance for life:bounce:
  13. Why don`t we all try to look inside us. From the red blood cells flowing through our arteries and veins to a bigger organ called the heart. What we don`t know is that there maybe at this very moment a whole army of hungry white blood cells stationed in each of the heart`s four chambers gobbling up thes defenseless red blood cells. To a cancer cell if it has a mind of its own thinks that maybe this human body is a universe in itself whereas to a human being who has realized everything understands that the universe he sees is in fact God`s gigantic body described in the Srimad Bhagavatam as the virat-rupa.
  14. If arguments don`t reach to an agreement then I think it`s a waste of time arguing with someone who doesn`t really want to agree with you even if you are correct. Why? Because he has already made up his mind that your view in the first place is wrong and he`s correct.
  15. This dancing inmates are part and parcel of Krsna. Should we not show compassion to these poor souls?
  16. I`m the doctor of this institution(www.youtube.com/cpdrc)
  17. If you want to be a gopi. You should know how to massage the tired legs of Krsna. Hehehe
  18. Prahlada Maharaj`s spiritual master is Narada Muni. The boy Prahlad worshipped Krsna because of Narada Muni instead of his father, Hiranyakasipu. Prahlada Maharaj`s granson is Bali Maharaj, a demon. & yet Bali was liberated from the clutches of maya after he awarded Vamanadeva from his kingdom a land only 3 steps in size.
  19. For bad men to thrive the good do nothing. People help those who help themselves. Damn if you do damn if you don`t(Catch 22) Something always goes wrong even though you tried so hard for it not to go wrong( Murphy`s Law) In short, don`t depend too much on the belief Krsna will save you.Even if you think you have already invested so much of your time and resources trying to be Krsna conscious. God knows if your relationship and dealings with him are conditional or unconditional. We can`t cheat God but we can cheat the others.Hahaha!
  20. If you remain passive, Krishnadasa you will not reach your goal. You have a destination. Your name speaks for itself. Krsna loves fighting the demons. So, you should fight! That`s what Krsna said to Arjuna. That the latter should fight even if Arjuna`s adversaries were his relatives. Bhima was even on the side of Duryodhana(Arjuna`s enemy) and yet Bhima was a great devotee of Krsna.
  21. I used to bet on lotto. Not winning anything I thought," Lord God, if you let me win the lotto`s jackpot prize( Man proposes God disposes) I know it would reap a bad return. One of my family maybe kidnapped for ransom or robbers would break into our home and rob and later kill us all!Or I`d get cancer and had to spend my lotto winnings in looking for a cure." After thinking about it. I stopped betting on lotto.
  22. USA and allied countries are at war with nations in the middle east. They have already captured Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. It will be just a matter of time that Pakistan go to war with India(Kashmir issue). The USA and allied countries are waiting what country will win, Pakistan or India. If India wins they sure gonna capture her, too. Why don`t India pre-empt the USA and allied countries instead. So that this One religion issue is resolved once and for all?
  23. Be like Narada Muni who wanted to become a gopi so he could be with Krsna in Govardhana. His wish was granted. Narada Muni stayed there as a gopi during that brief lifetime free from the curse of not being able to stay in one place. Source: www.vaisnava.cz/clanek_en.php3?no=186
  24. If we really want only ONE religion(Bhagavata-dharma) then we have to go to war against nations that support these other religions. Don`t fear. We will be victorious. Krsna has already arranged it just like the Battle at Kuruksetra. War, anyone?
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