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The Origins of the Satan Myth and impact to global politics

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you asked me to come here from the other thread and now i am here there is nothing to say from you accept i am what i am, stop pretending bhakta, just admit it you will feel much better, your a kanishta right?

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Well yah - he who says he is without sin is a liar - right?


What about you 'oh pure devotee' - is your position spotless? Is this all you can do - say that I am a sinner so I cannot preach what I know? Indeed Books are the basis and purity is the force - and what is the first principle of purity in this connection? It’s unalloyed devotion to Krishna - as in - sincerity. Why do I wonder where you rate in this connection?


Have you ever outright blooped from K.C.? Keep-up like you are and you might one day…


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the answer you gave was not a straight answer bhakta don, you neither said yes i do commit sinful activities or no i do not commit sinful activities.


your answer was trying to say were all sinners which is not true at all, you cannot speak for everybody.


a straight answer bhakta don.

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I asked you to 'come back'here - you've been here before.




stop pretending bhakta, just admit it you will feel much better, your a kanishta right




...The kanistha-adhikari, or the devotee in the lowest stage of Vaisnava life, has firm faith but is not familiar with the conclusions of the Sastras. The devotee in the second stage, the madhyama-adhikari, is completely aware of the Sastric conclusion and has firm faith in his guru and the Lord. He, therefore, avoiding nondevotees, preaches to the innocent... [Adi 7.51, purport]


If one says he is uttama - he isn't. I never claim to be uttama - Srila Prabhupada - He is!


If one is humble he will not designate any higher than kanistha-adhikari - so that is what I am.


However - being 'completely aware of the Sastric conclusion and firm faith in guru and the Lord' - that may be where I am...


So what about you? What are YOU...

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Ok oh Sinless one - here is what I wrote:


Well yah - he who says he is without sin is a liar - right?




your answer was trying to say were all sinners which is not true at all, you cannot speak for everybody




Do you think you are without sin?


...though we may live very carefully, trying to avoid sins and strictly follow the path of nonviolence, still our lives are controlled by the cycle of karmic reactions. Hence, unwittingly we are forced to commit many kinds of sin. We commit so many sins in business transactions, common human dealings, daily chores... [RTW 1.6]


So - are YOU without sin? What are you first second or third 'designation' - does it really matter?

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to admit we are small and not very significant.


oh i am definitely a kanishta adhikari, but not because in the shastra it says we should see ourselves that way but really i am thinking i am something greater, i believe i am a kanishta.


so your a bhakta, not iniated, that still commits sinful activity but chants a bit and reads the shastra, definitely a kanishta.


at least your coming off your high horse a little and maybe you will stop defending your pride every time someone challenges you.


it is ok to be wrong if we admit it.



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your very good at finding shastric quotes to fit your agenda but let me ask the question again and a straight answer is not within boundaries i am sure.


do you commit sinful activities, namely the four regulative principles laid out by srila prabhupada?


meat eating

illicit sex




don't be stupid and turn it around bhakta don, you just look silly.

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I have been a devotee since roughly 1988 - I never said I was something more than ‘that’ and - my pride isn't wounded - it's my sense of fair debate – clearly - when you could not debate properly - you took it to this alternate point – admit ‘that’ is what you did?


Now - if you’re the same guest who has posted about it - let’s talk about the implant as I sense ‘that’ is where your energy is stemming – why are you bothered by my assertion of being such a victim?

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Hey - where are your answers on them sins – are you totally free of the four primary sins? You seem to claim it!


No - I do not follow all four Regs [without fail] – so what! Never said I did.


I don’t eat dead things – I only partake ‘as permitted’ – I don’t gamble – the other two – well - I don’t whore around – I haven’t had sex for over ten years [yes I know where you’ll be going on this so don’t bother] and yes - I do partake of intoxicants – only two – one is tobacco and the other is like that – I hate booze and I hate drugs. So the hell what? Of course you’ll claim to be perfect in this regard – but I know otherwise. I may be a sinner but – I am not a non-devotee…


If this line of questioning - is a ploy for you to try to disqualify my postings – try again!


If you oh sinless one follow these four Regs [whomever ‘you’ are!] – do ‘you’ do so without fail? Does you mind think about that which you’ve renounced?


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you can't help yourself bhakta don even though your admitting to spiritual defeat you still have to defend your pride why? why not just be humble for a change and accept it whole heartedly without posing a defensive angle every time someone argues with you about your opinions or your spiritual strength, just go with the flow and take it for what it is and stop polishing the facts with nicities, like so what if i break the regs i am still a devotee, by who's standards are you refering to the shastra, i think not.

why can't you just be humble and say ok i am a rascal and leave it at that, no its i am a rascal but i am still a devotee, trying to defend your s[piritual pride, although seemingly a different story.

although admitting your a rascal doesn't mean it's ok i admit it so it's alright, if you know it's wrong.


in all your posts you are never humble and always defending your false ego or pride, a friend will constructively critiscize you when you need it, although i am not your friend none the less i am telling you that you are never humble and always defensive.


so go on bhakta don defend your pride again, old habbits die hard.


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before i was an iniated devotee no i was not following the regs.


as of my iniation i have so far followed the 4 regs and hope to continue as such.


a straight answer.


this does not mean i am free from material desires as i am in the offensive stage of chanting, offensless chanting would be something i would hope to achieve at some stage.


a spade is a spade and nothing else.


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Well if that is the case then why haven't we seen mass critical posting on this thread? I am not deafeated here - you are - instead of posting a clear debate YOU take it outside the context of the discussion by asking personal questions – which I answered and you didn’t – you say that I am posting defensively yet you fail to see you’re posting offensively and - why?




in all your posts you are never humble and always defending your false ego or pride




Which postings are you speaking of – you cannot make blanket judgments - present us with three examples of this - from my postings - just three…can you find just three occasions - where I did that?


So ‘who’ are you? A little about ‘who’ and ‘what’ you are? It’s your turn to share some information – this is the www after all – I’m posting with my real name and what are you posting with dear ‘guest’?

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you will never change bhakta same old speel,


your only a guest and i am posting my real name, same old drum.


still cannot admit your false ego is there posting each thread in defence of itself.

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Well good for you and - don't wear it like a gold badge - like you're now some constable that has to police the preaching of others who don’t wear the badge.


When did you get imitated? Who is your Guru? How long have you been on the path – how long before initiation? Are you going to go through my postings and engage some real debate or - are you just going on and on about this 'other stuff' – because if you cannot do ‘that’ - I think we’re wasting time.


Hari Bol!


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same old speel




Right back at ya!




still cannot admit your false ego is there posting each thread in defence of itself




Damned if I do and damned if I don’t…


I see that – still you cannot admit that you’re here interloping for no good reason which at this point appears quite ‘motivated’ by something – just what is under-pinging your obvious ‘ego postings’ – you’re not giving criticism - you’re lording over…


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before i was being judged by you and other guests (who have some righteousness problems) about my opinions, so i know who was judging me thats why i asked questions to see if you were someone of high regard.


so the judge being you ended up being a pot smoking cigarette smoking (fringe) devotee for some reason has never quite taken it seriously enough to follow 4 regs and get initiated, so its good to know who your being judged by, anyone can qoute a sloka, thats not difficult.


as for the other guest who was casting me to hell, he or she would not answer the moral questions because it would place them in a position of question as to the qualification to judge me, so atleast you had the balls to confront them.

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anyone can qoute a sloka, thats not difficult.




Funny all initiated and all it's odd that you haven't quoted even one - I can see that and so do others...


Not just "anyone can quote" - it goes on all the time and people are often 'off' - so again - where am I off in my postings? You say it's my "ego" - well let's see some of that content exampled that you find so 'off'.


What is going on here is I think you are down on biblical faiths and you have an issue with those of us that aren't...simple for the simple - difficult for the twisted...

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