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Bad haircut pushes one into the abyss

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Haribol, The rastafarians call CLEAD dreadlocks natty dread, the folks who think rastafarianism is about being dirty, polluted, and just wanting to intoxicate themselves "nasty dreads".


NOD describes sadhana bhakti in the Sampradaya of Lord Chaitanya, Gaudiya Vaisnavism. Hoiwever, other cultures of the same ideals, Vaisnavism, hold dreads in the same regard the Gaudiya Vaisnavas hold the sikha. They dont come or cut. Bhagavatam discussed those who take vanaprastha as those who no longer care for the body, nails grow, hair grows, in fact, they look like madmen. Jada Bharat to King Yudhisthira, the avadhutas all die with their dreadlocks intact.


Gaudiyas dont do dreads, but we do not hold ones hair do as an obstacle to performing devotional service. In fact, within our own Brahma Sampradaya, vaisnavas are of two catagories, Bhajananandis and Gosthyanandis. The preachers, the gosthyanandis, keep the sikha, the bhajananandis, babajis, avadhutas, all have the dreadlock as tradition.


In fact, the vedic culture is where the jamaican rastafarians come from. Indians were slaves of the new world as well, and many of the jamaican rastafariansare a blend of Afrika and India, just as if India didnt break off and hurtle itself into the himalayas, leaving madagascar as the first part of sri lanka to break off during the sojourne.


Anyway, rastafarians are not enemies of the vaisnava, in fact, they are fully considered vaisnava in the same sense as Lord Jesus Christ. Their shastra is known as the Kebra Nagast, the great archangel Gabriels acceptance of King Solomon and Mekeda, the queen of Sheeba as disciple.


Any true Rastafarian who is kebra nagast qualified will never deride the vaisnava, I personally have had many conversations with such devotees of the Supreme Lord, the Lion of Judah, the Father of Lord Jesus Christ, and the husband of Israel, the Pearl, Mary of Axium, the mother of Lord Jesus Christ.


Just thought Id pass this along, hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Yes you are right. Hari's devotees sometimes do wear dreads. But I'm a sorta short back and sides with sikha on top sort of guy, as per the tradition I was initiated into. Bathing is also a part of the tradition I follow, and when I cut that guy's matted hair I was feeling he should start being neat and tidy. My big mistake, as I said, for he had totally different ideas. Once, when his Guru came to a program I organized, he turned up with a face painted green. Maybe he thought it was "natural" like spirulina or something. Janardan Maharaj said he was a fruit - like an avocado. And Gurudev ignored....

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I can imagine how much you would have ridiculed others either openly in words or in your mind looking at others who ever is not good looking physcially. This is so clear from your inherent ego about your physical beauty for nothing. May be its a God's given punishment to you to put your ego down so that you can improve and grow up actually.

By the way are you in teen age? thats how you sound like. IN that case, no use replying to you anymore and you will learn only by experience in life.

Hair is not everything, but simply change the last two alphabets and praise Him. Hari instead of hair.....


It reminds me of how Valmiki had his renunciation. After his people told him that he is the sole responsible for his sinful actions, he came back to Narada Muni who told him the rama manthra as "Mara" and asked valmiki to keep chanting constantly and he left. Valmiki started chanting "mara mara mara ma rama rama rama rama rama rama" and finally Rama appeared in front of him.

So keep thinking of hair hair hair hair and at one time you will come to hari hari hari hari. Who knows may be Hari will come in front of you. All this could be for some testing.



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I am also a hindu born and brought up. I am yet to hear of any God for beauty honestly. Do let me know....then many youngsters will go to temple atleast for that sake probably... \

Shree Krishna is embodiment of beauty in all respects primarily to attract all men and woman towards Him for the souls to get renounced. But no body was obsessed with their personal physical beauty when they associated with Shree Krishna. They actually forgot themselves several times.

I do agree that one has to keep their body beautiful, in the sense that one should not indulge their physical body in activities that would spoil the health like drinking alchohol, smoking, drugs, illicit sex etc etc...because the health of the body is essential to maintain the beauty of the soul.

Honestly one need not be practically physically beautiful to practice hinduism...This is something very much new to me I am hearing for the first time in my 35 years of life. To be a good hindu, you need to be a good person in your words and actions and when truth prevails in your words and actions, you will be praised as a beautiful person. The way you have criticised Mahathma Gandhi, you dont look beautiful. May be you have to clean your mouth. Gandhiji was a selfless soul and for your information, he was a very handsome guy in his twenties. Go to one of the national museums in India where you are living and look for his young age rare photos and you will know his physical handsomeness about which you have commented. At the age of eighty, even you will look bald, with no teeth and look skinny and thin. Gandhiji was totally a spiritual soul and thats why even when he was shot with bullet, he was able to chant the name Hey Ram Hey Ram. One need to be blessed to chant Shree Hari's name at the time of physical death.

Do not criticise Sadhu's, and Mahathmaas and it is not really good for you. Apologise to God and He will make you beautiful in mind.

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When you don't let Krsna take you to His barber, then some evil envious fool makes you look like a chump. How can Krsna protect us when we don't let Him?


When you move your feet without Krsna, you'll only find trouble. That empty world is full of serpents and villains ready to teach you your place.


Krsna "is the beauty in all beautiful" things. In modern jive: Krsna is the cool in all cool things, especially haricuts.


Just try it. Let Krsna move your feet. See just how COOL your life becomes. These aren't just words, it is reality. When the screw is part of the machine it is meaningful purposeful powerful and beautiful, but on the floor the screw is loose disjointed and meaningless.



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I don't think you have the right to judge me. I've never called anyone ugly in my entire life-well, sometimes I have, but I've had enough integrity to regret it later on. I don't normally go around and say nasty things about other people. I am a very sensitive man. Do not judge a person you hardly know. It is not what you think. Just because I am constantly thinking about beauty, it doesn't make me a weirdo.


It is one of the hindu traditions. Goddess Laxmi is usually worshipped by Hindus for wealth and beauty, and the best way to worship is to earn those things and deliver to the Lord. I see nothing unusual about this. If you do, then please stop being a Hindu. At least, stop ridiculing hindus, who have a rich and ancient culture. You have no right to pass judgment. If you can't help, at least dont hurt.


Reg. Ghandi, I meant what I said. Sorry if you are hurt, but I am entitled to my views. He was a very ugly person. Period. There is nothing I can do about it. I cannot tell a lie and declare that he was beautiful, just because you might find that pleasing. Whether he fought for freedom and all that . isn't my concern, he was measurelessly ugly. Case closed. I'd rather take birth as a worm than have a puny body like gandhi or his sallow complexion or his bald head and all that. I am a HIndu, destined to look like a hero.

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Whoever you are, could you please converse with your esteemed 'guest friend' some place else? I am already having a bad hair day and I don't appreciate remarks that are of little use to me or to my depressed hair. If at all you have an 'ounce' of sensitivity, try to understand and post something relevant to the topic. Do not steal my thread. lol.

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Sorry, but the above posts were meant for Raghav. Thanks for your advice, I didn;t know that I had to depend on Krsna even for a haircut. I've never had a problem with it before. Are you suggesting that before I undertake ANYTHING, I need to consult krsna? But then, we are not on a first-name basis. lol. Seriously, I don't know how to ask.


When you say we should let krsna *do* our actions, what does it exactly mean-that we should give up our personal will, desires etc.? But that is so hard, if it were realistic, I would've done that long time ago. I am not sure how to annihilate the self, because that's the only way to let krsna do his thing. Otherwise, we should only mistake our own voice for his, and that's pretty dangerous.

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Frankly speaking, I was somewhat shocked to read your post. You are blaming Lord Krishna, the all-powerful and compassionate God for your bad hair-cut, a most trivial and forgetful event in life. Have you never faced challenging situations in your life so far? like, major or minor accidents, ill health, failures in endevours, financila losses, insults and humiliations etc. etc. Who saved you during those terrible situations? You know the answer. Think deeper and stop blaming Lord for your flippant behaviour. 20 years later, you might be a bald person, are you going to blame Krishna for your bald pate? This human body God has given us is to reach him by devotion and not for decoration!

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<font color="blue">PAMHO great souls</font>


hi there handsome guy with cool hair....hope lord krishna's mercy fall upon you!


Please understand first that there is a proper way to approach someone for an answer/solution to your problems...Please do go through your posts again and read them by yourself....Did the Great Arjuna showed the same behaviour/attitude to lord krishna while approaching him for answers to all of his troubles?.... You have read Bhagavad Gita...but do you really understand the essence in it?.....did you sincerely tried to understand?...if yes, how sincere?....if you want to understand Krishna try to be humble....even if you think you know more than others......Please do not let anger or confusion or sentiment control you...First try to understand who we really are, the purpose we are born to this world, why we need to surrender to *KRISHNA*, why all this bad things happening to us, etc:


Please forgive me if any of the words above have hurt your feeling....Hare Krishna

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That is our personal independence: accept God's help to conquer the world and become free. The only alternative is to be conquered by the world on our own. Once we have conquered the world we will find ourselves in our true eternal unique identities relating to and loving God perfectly in a personal embrace.


The soul is riding in the chariot of the body. The chariot of the body is drawn by the horses (senses and mind). The chariot reins steer those horses. Krsna is so kind and so intimate with every living entity that He will act as our chariot driver, sitting in the heart of each being, giving guidance and friendship at every moment. He will guide the mind, steer the senses, and take us to perfection. He is an expert chariot-driver. And just as Arjuna was not annihilated when he gave Krsna the chariot reins, neither is our soul/self annihilated when we offer the reins to Krsna. From this perfect position the soul can do its thing, namely worshiping and loving and pleasing Sri Krsna forever.


That is why when all is said and done in the Gita, Krsna advises: "Just surrender unto Me. I will get you a cool haircut". [BG 18.66]

You ask how we do this. Well, it does get easier as time goes on, but essentially it involves remembering God. As we remember Krsna, eventually our feet will move, our hands will move, animation takes place, as we but watch, continuing our remembrance of God. The easiest and perhaps most powerful method to become adept at always remembering Krsna is to hear and sing His names. One can always practice remembering Krsna anywhere anytime, even during school or work or leisure. This will perfect our lives. Remember Krsna and never forget Him. Krsna promises us in the Bhagavad-gita: "To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me". This is the secret.



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I'd rather take birth as a worm than have a puny body like gandhi or his sallow complexion or his bald head and all that. I am a HIndu, destined to look like a hero.




If you want to LOOK LIKE a hero, a good haircut will help you. If you want to be a REAL hero, then learn from the lives of the Pandavas. Those were some real heroes. And they didn't always have an easy time, and they made some mistakes (ex. Yuddhistira lost his wife in a dice game) but their only qualification was; they trusted in the Lord, they loved the Lord, and for that reason the Lord also stuck with them...


Buddy, if you want to be a real hero, at least be tough enough to weather the occasional bad hair day. That's just the beginning of being able to handle life...

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>>>"I've never called anyone ugly in my entire life-well, sometimes I have, but I've had enough integrity to regret it later on. I don't normally go around and say nasty things about other people. I am a very sensitive man.""


>>>"Reg. Ghandi, I meant what I said. Sorry if you are hurt, but I am entitled to my views. He was a very ugly person. Period. There is nothing I can do about it. I cannot tell a lie and declare that he was beautiful, just because you might find that pleasing. Whether he fought for freedom and all that . isn't my concern, he was measurelessly ugly."""


The above two paragraphs of yours are quite contradictory of what you told about your own nature...In the first you projected as humble while in the second, you have ridiculed a great man. May be people should stop replying to you anymore thinking that your mind will open for higher level of spirituality.


Learn your lessons of beauty in your own hard way


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gHari says:


That is why when all is said and done in the Gita, Krsna advises: "Just surrender unto Me. I will get you a cool haircut". [bG 18.66]


Actually Krsna says: "I will deliver you from all sinful reactions, do not fear." He doesn't mention haircut.


Personally I would suggest an other Gita-verse that is maybe a little more appropiate to Guest's problematic dilemma, including haircuts (and the rest), namely Bg. 9.22:


"But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form—to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have."


Krsna preserves "cool haircuts" also. If He likes. But He can also give one the face of a donkey, for no apparent reason. He is "the Transcendental Autocrat." He is only bound by the love of His pure and unalloyed devotee.


If by worshipping and surrendering to Lord Krsna one would be guaranteed to get "cool" haircut, "cool" wife and kids, and a supercool house with an even cooler swimmingpool, I think many more would have surrendered to Krsna by now. Unfortunately this is not the case. It would be all too easy.


Why His name is Keshava? Because He has the coolest haircut. Why His name is Govinda, Acyuta, Padma Lochana etc? Because He is the Most Attractive Guy imaginable, who will never fall down. Moreover His name is Gopinatha, because He has the most attractive girlfriends imaginable who are completely devoted to Him in all respects. Basically we are just cooking with envy, until we reverse the whole situation and engage in loving devotional service to Him. No more "bad-hair-days"......

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Guest Kid: Oh Goddess Laxmi, please make me beautiful


Laxmi Devi: (In a confused mode) Swami (addressing Lord) I thought you created me to remove the ignorance of mind whoever prays to me so that the souls can come back to you when I bless them.


Lord Hari: Yeah..what happend honey?


Laxmi Devi: People misunderstood largely and they started praying me for money and material wealth forgetting the spiritual wealth and now.......


Lord Hari: Yeah go on, I am listening.


Laxmi Devi: One kid is praying to me to become beautiful..I dont know what to do. Please help me.


Lord Hari: Oh Dont bother I will take care.


Scene ends and begins after a while


Laxmi Devi: Swami that kid is crying now, against you especially..what did you do?


Lord Hari: Oh just dont bother, he has a long way to go and he will understand one day and realise.


Enjoy yourself kid..........

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>>>>I'd rather take birth as a worm than have a puny body like gandhi or his sallow complexion or his bald head and all that. I am a HIndu, destined to look like a hero"""


How worms measure the beauty among themselves with other woms as there are several category of worms...



"""I am a HIndu, destined to look like a hero"""

Hero of worms

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Krishna is so beautiful. Why? Is it because of His lotus eyes, His beautiful long hair... oh yes, but it is much more than that... His expression is so sweet, His actions are so sweet, His words are sweet, His heart is so SWEET, His overflowing love is so sweeeeet!


Ravana was a good looking guy; ten heads full of ego, with ten beautiful haircuts! Does that make him as good as Lord Rama? If you are too attached to appearances you may think so! So learn to see the difference between Rama and Ravana, and a real hero from a guy wearing sunglasses in a movie. If you surrender to Krishna, He will provide for you. But if He doesn't, that doesn't mean you stop having faith in Him. Learn that having Krishna means having everything; then you will never feel a lack of anything. When you go to tirupati and get tonsured, you are losing your hair; but Krishna will see you with long, beautiful black hair... people in the world will see your faults, but Krishna, seeing through the eyes of love, will look for the beauty in your heart...


*sigh* I don't know how to explain it any more than this... I will pray for you now and hope you can come back from the "abyss" of your bad haircut!




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Old age guy here. Prabhu, I've had long hair, short hair, medium hair, no hair, and now I'm getting gray hair. You know what? I'm still the same me inside. Yes, people on the outside generally think and behave differently towards you according to your hair and non-hair. But in the end, it really doesn't matter because your hair will grow back and you can try again. When one is younger, hair is often quite important; but as one ages, priorities change. For 20 years my father called us the "Hair Krishnas," thinking that Hare was pronounced that way. When I joined the temple, my hair was so long and thick that even devotees were saying, "don't cut your hair." It's all relative. Those days are long gone (and so is the hair), but the soul is eternal. You'll get over it.

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THanks, darling, for trying to cheer me up. I understand why Rama is always greater than Ravan, but I also believe I have so much in common with Krsna-long hair, beauty, knowledge, mischief, roving eyes, the desire to fight for people who cannot fight for themselves. It seems as if he's created me in his own image. This is sooo cool. I am happy. I am me again!

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