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its me again boring u all with very similar questions! i need help and answers! basically was every book by the sages? except of course the gita, my friend argues that the books written by the rishis cannot be 100% accurate as they r not the word of god. also could any1 tell me then is the muslim religion man made?and not eh word of god?r they just mohammeds interpretations, is there any proof of this?




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"Preaching" to non-believers is simply asking to fall. Their doubts and offenses become your doubts and offenses. First know Krsna, then nothing can undermine your faith.

Failing that, if you slowly read and digest every word in this GARLAND OF VAISNAVA TRUTHS and NONSECTARIAN RELIGION you will understand different religions, why they argue, where the Vedas come from and you will never lose your faith.


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Shrila Prabhupada during a Room Conversation, August 14, 1971, London:


Prabhupada: No. We are recommending "Chant the holy name of God." So if you have got the holy name of God, you can chant that.


Prabhupada: Anyway, if one chants Allah or Jesus Christ, we have no objection. We don't say that you stop it. We say that you chant the holy name of God. If that name is of God, you chant.


Srila Haridas Thakur was born in a Muslim family, and he is known as the Namacharya, when he became a Krsna bhakta and chanted maha mantra day and night. Unfortunately, most religions get tainted over time, and now the most visible form of Islam is the radical wahhabi'ism.

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The ancient Vedic texts were, as I understand it, first passed down by word of mouth. We beleive the original wordds were spoken by Brahma. These words were then textualised by the great Sage Vyas.


So to answer your first question - superficially yes, the scriptures are written by man (though Vyas was actually an Amsavataar of Vishnu).


There is as much (scientific or otherwise) proof of the above as there is proof that the Islamic text is man-made. In the end of the day all this should be comprehended on the spiritual level.


On a more opinionated note - the Gopis of Vrindavan had no knowledge of scripture, yet they were the best of all devotees. It is my opinion that scripture is the first step and then everything else after that is spiritual, beyond any man-made or God-spoken scripture.



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