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i mean has anybody actually read the korna and found flaws? i found a few but then again i hate doing this. i only do it to prove a point because i feel so weak and useless. opinions dnt work here he is full of quotes and things people like ghandi and neru av sed. it meks me sooo sad. but then i am not strong enuf to ridicule the koran even tho i do not believe it and it is full of terrorism and material desires. i am going deeper and deeper into this big black hole. i think maybe it is best to just leave it and live life as every1 else dus. ii really dont know.

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To accept such a foolish religion ..... when the truth of the matter is that he is very foolish insincere cowardly and evil for accepting the internet's nonsense propaganda about your faith, placing his demonic circle of hate-mongers above such a lovely lady.


You can be content with someone else, but for a while there will be the withdrawal symptoms as you leave the lust relationship - the attachment of kama. That's why we call it attachment - it's difficult to quit.


Know that Krsna is God - it is upon His unique existence that everything else and everyone else exist. Allah is simply Krsna's energy. Do not turn your back on God like all the others who out of envy, worship only His power.


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The man is a fool. He hasn't personally read all of the vedas he read a book by someone who didn't understand the vedas but simply cheated and artificially found faults that didn't exist. For example Krishna killing a sudra for being a sudra, that is not in there. The actual story is in the Srimad Bhagavatam with King Bali who could not give Vamanadeva his third step of land and sent his own devotee king bali to the hellish planets! It is a long story but all pleasurable to his devotees it is very complicated and so these people cannot understand. Anyway abandon this fool and never see him again he just wants to have sex with you and you don't want that. Go to your local temple if you have one and ask to speak to somebody there about all of your doubts. Krishna will protect you. Hare krishna!

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namaste and thankyou. this man does want to marry me and is oing out of his way to make me a muslim. however as much as my material nature loves him, he thinks i am blinded by faith. i cannot explain anything he imposes on me, and simply back things up with weak arguments like it was meant to be! his next claim is hindusim is full of flaws, all the man made books, which to follow? i have been raised with beliefs and prayers all my life so i cannot change. recently tho i think he has given up with me! do u believe our destiny is already written? or we make it?he asks me questions like y dus shiva always engage in sexual activities, i ans with the difference between sex in this world and in the spiritual world. any believer wud understand but then again i cannot agree with 72 virgins allah proposes in heaven. we are bascially going round in circles. but it meks me sad to think nobody accepts people for what they r all because of religion. i mean hindus can marry christians and never ask them to convert. y do muslims have so many restrictions. i think when you come across numerous "black holes" in your life u dnt know where to turn. and material desires definitely make you feel better. but this is not what i want!just contentment. i am ashamed to say i actually doubt sum things in hinduism he proposes.until now i have never questioned my religion and accepted everything as it is. i just pray krishna gives me the strength to never give up my religion.

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to gopidust and gary and really any1


namaste, and thankyou all for pointoing me in the right direction. however i was wondering is there any point in answering all the questions he proposes to me?of course i am not intelligent enuf to know these answers but you(any1)mite be! i would love to have explainations for all his questions he proposes. but then again i suppose it wouldnt really change much. thing is i am never disrespectful towards muslims or allah and he can be and at the moment i cant ans anything. i am very resistant to arguments(and because its him it meks things worse) he quotes and references everything. so if any1 is willing to take this challenge let me know!

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Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.74.29-54:<blockquote>When they saw Lord KRSNa thus honored, nearly all who were present joined their palms reverentially, exclaiming "Obeisances to You! All victory to You!" and then bowed down to Him. Flowers rained down from above.


The intolerant son of DamaghoSa became infuriated upon hearing the glorification of Lord KRSNa's transcendental qualities. He stood up from his seat and, angrily waving his arms, fearlessly spoke to the entire assembly the following harsh words against the Supreme Lord.


[sizupAla said:] The statement of the Vedas that time is the unavoidable controller of all has indeed been proven true, since the intelligence of wise elders has now become diverted by the words of a mere boy.


O leaders of the assembly, you know best who is a fit candidate for being honored. Therefore you should not heed the words of a child when he claims that KRSNa deserves to be worshiped.


How can you pass over the most exalted members of this assembly--topmost sages dedicated to the Absolute Truth endowed with powers of austerity, divine insight and strict adherence to severe vows, sanctified by knowledge and worshiped even by the rulers of the universe? How does this cowherd boy, the disgrace of His family, deserve your worship, any more than a crow deserves to eat the sacred puroDAza rice cake?


How does one who follows no principles of the social and spiritual orders or of family ethics, who has been excluded from all religious duties, who behaves whimsically, and who has no good qualities--how does such a person deserve to be worshiped?


YayAti cursed the dynasty of these YAdavas, and ever since then they have been ostracized by honest men and addicted to liquor. How, then, does KRSNa deserve to be worshiped?


These YAdavas have abandoned the holy lands inhabited by saintly sages and have instead taken shelter of a fortress in the sea, a place where no brahminical principles are observed. There, just like thieves, they harass their subjects.


[sukadeva GosvAmI continued:] Bereft of all good fortune, SizupAla spoke these and other insults. <font color="blue">But the Supreme Lord said nothing, just as a lion ignores a jackal's cry.</font>


Upon hearing such intolerable blasphemy of the Lord, several members of the assembly covered their ears and walked out, angrily cursing the King of Cedi.


<h3>Anyone who fails to immediately leave the place where he hears criticism of the Supreme Lord or His faithful devotee will certainly fall down, bereft of his pious credit.</h3>Then the sons of PANDu became furious, and together with the warriors of the Matsya, Kaikaya and SRJjaya clans, they rose up from their seats with weapons poised, ready to kill SizupAla.


Undaunted, SizupAla then took up his sword and shield in the midst of all the assembled kings, O BhArata, and hurled insults at those who sided with Lord KRSNa.


At that point the Supreme Lord stood up and checked His devotees. He then angrily sent forth His razor-sharp disc and severed the head of His enemy as he was attacking.


When SizupAla was thus killed, a great roar and howl went up from the crowd. Taking advantage of that disturbance, the few kings who were supporters of SizupAla quickly left the assembly out of fear for their lives.


An effulgent light rose from SizupAla's body and, as everyone watched, entered Lord KRSNa just like a meteor falling from the sky to the earth.


Obsessed with hatred of Lord KRSNa throughout three lifetimes, SizupAla attained the Lord's transcendental nature. Indeed, one's consciousness determines one's future birth.


Emperor YudhiSThira gave generous gifts to the sacrificial priests and the members of the assembly, properly honoring them all in the manner prescribed by the Vedas. He then took the avabhRtha bath.


Thus SrI KRSNa, the Lord of all masters of mystic yoga, saw to the successful execution of this great sacrifice on behalf of King YudhiSThira. Afterwards, the Lord stayed with His intimate friends for a few months at their earnest request.


Then the Lord, the son of DevakI, took the reluctant permission of the King and returned to His capital with His wives and ministers.


I have already described to you in detail the history of the two residents of VaikuNTha who had to undergo repeated births in the material world because of being cursed by brAhmaNas.


Purified in the final, avabhRthya ritual, which marked the successful completion of the RAjasUya sacrifice, King YudhiSThira shone among the assembled brAhmaNas and kSatriyas like the King of the demigods himself.


The demigods, humans and residents of intermediate heavens, all properly honored by the King, happily set off for their respective domains while singing the praises of Lord KRSNa and the great sacrifice.


[All were satisfied] except sinful Duryodhana, the personification of the age of quarrel and the disease of the Kuru dynasty. He could not bear to see the flourishing opulence of the son of PANDu.


One who recites these activities of Lord ViSNu, including the killing of SizupAla, the deliverance of the kings and the performance of the RAjasUya sacrifice, is freed from all sins.</blockquote>

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The black eyed virgins promised to muslims in heaven are actually in the material heavenly planets it is true. They are not in the spiritual world goloka vrndavana.

I don't know much about Lord Siva except that he impregnates the material nature(durga devi) because Lord Krishna remains seperated from it so Lord Siva, who is simultaneously different from Krishna yet similar is the one who comes into contact that is his service.

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Take this advise as if from a older brother. Many muslim guys take it as their religious obligation to convert ‘kafirs’ i.e. non-believers like yourself to their faith. They stoop down to any level to achieve their goal – nothing is considered wrong so far as converting kafirs is concerned. I don’t know which country you reside in but in India as well as most of Europe, Denmark ,Holland, England(esp London and other big cities) its very common for Muslim guys (especially Pakistani muslims) to purposely cajole Hindu girls and the more religious the hindu girl – the more zeal they display to entice these girls. Most of the times these stupid Hindu girls are just trophies to be displayed among their Muslim friends. They seldom marry them. And of those who marry by saying that the girl does not have to convert they make their lives LIVING HELL – if not the boy himself and then his relatives. Its always a struggle to stand up for your faith once you are married – In Islam its pretty easy to divorce too just say ‘Talaq’ ‘Talaq’ Talaq’ and he is free bird. And its not really a big deal in their society.


Most girls go after them for ‘looks’ or ‘physique’ i.e mostly lust because beyond that they don’t possess much.


You have to use your GOD given intelligence wisely – don’t be a sentimental fool. Its possible he is a nice guy and really loves you for who you are etc…but very unlikely.


If he has really read the Ramayan – casually ask him – what does he think of Vibhisan’s role or what does he think of Valmiki. Ask him about Shabari. Ofcourse if he is from India - he might know some of it thru TV serials. Show him how the stories of Ramayan are not myth – for example the

Rameswaram bridge - http://www.vnn.org/world/WD0210/WD07-7592.html


Tell your muslim friend – that most of the Temples, Vedas are lost today due to India being attacked by Muslims barbarians and British colonizers. Many of the so called Veda translations available today online or otherwise cannot be relied on since they have been tampered by English missionaries and other ill-informed people – whose main purpose was to undermine Hinduism and convert them to Christanity. Before them the Mughal emperors did similar things.


Convince him that the essence of all the Vedic scripture is contained in the Bhagavad Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam. Tell him that if he really loves you as he claims – ask him to read the most authentic Translation of the Bhagavad Gita – i.e. by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prahupada


The online version is available here - http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/en Ask him to read it thoroughly and find faults in it. Tell him if he has any questions and to get a better understanding of all the things explained in the Bhagavad Gita he will have to read the Srimad Bhagavatam - http://srimadbhagavatam.com/en


If you do not possess a copy of the ‘Bhagavad Gita As It Is’ by Srila Prabhupada – please send me your address by a Private message by clicking on my id and I will glad to mail one to you or for your friend. I hope you are a vegetarian else it will very difficult to develop in your spiritual life. This is a good test of faith for you. It might be a wake-up call for you to pay attention to your spiritual life – which most ‘Hindus’ lack. Most Hindus are just ritualistic and don’t know want to understand the philosophy and thats why become easy targets for these missionaries or mullahs types. It would be better to convice yourself and him that you being Hindu is a just a type of faith and not your true eternal religion. Throw a curved ball or googly tell him you belong to Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion) and that these religions like Hindu, Muslim and Christianity are nothing but faiths and meant for us to progress in our spiritual lives and the Gita is the highest because GOD himself spoke it.




Any questions about the how a person comes into existence or what was God doing before he created Adam and Eve ? What happens to righteous people who never know about Allah ? Why does Allah punish people for eternity if he is that merciful ? – will stump them. If he answers anything ask him for a reference from the Quran. And ofcourse ask him why does allah not kill Satan ? Ask him the difference between dead body and living body - he will say its the soul - next - then ask him that wud mean animals too contain soul ?






REINCARNATION Prove reincarnation to him - http://www.childpastlives.org/stevenson.htm is a good site to visit.


He is not a good muslim Prove to him that he is not even a good muslim – because he does not eat Halal food items. If he eats in a fast food or restaurants – challenge him that his food is 99.99% of the time not halal. Halal animals has to be checked for defects and the kalma has to be chanted while killing it . –Most halal certifications are fakes. Most chicken items sold are pumped with pork fat to make it more tasty and juicy. Convince him that being a vegetarian will make him a better Muslim - http://www.islamicconcerns.com/halalproducts.asp




If he is even more adamant – ask him why they worship the Shiv Ling at the Kabba ? ask him what was the temple at Kabba before Mohammed destroyed ? Show him how the moon is associated with the worship of Lord Shiva and that why Muslims have Moon symbols all over the place. Show him a picture of Lord Shiva with the moon in his matted hair. Refer to this article = http://www.swordoftruth.com/swordoftruth/archives/byauthor/aditichaturvedi/vpopia1.html


Anyway good luck – if you can chat on – I could answer more of your questions and provide you with more information.


You have to yourself read the Bhagavat Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam too – to properly convince him of your beliefs.


Let us know if you need any help !!!


Hare Krsna !!!

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This guy tries to have a fling with her so that he can convert? Oh come on give me a break, Muslim or not, everyone tries to convert one another into something that which they believe is true.


I believe right now that what I say is true, so I am trying to convert you into my "belief" about this issue, with a little paternal instinct attached- and its natural as long as we are in this body.


My advice to priya is , forget talking about things like God with that guy. Just say you dont want to talk about it and pursue some other things that you both enjoy together.


If you pull that off, then he starts to not like you, then you will know that the only reason he is in love with you was your innocence. If however he is still showing the same love, then go ahead do whatever you wish to do after that.


Also, God is something that is of a more subtle nature, it cannot be proven with facts, only experience will tell you what God truly is. I say this because I frankly don't know what He is and I doubt anybody here knows who Krishna truly IS, and we never experienced it ofcourse , maybe some times when we are truly in the devotional mode.


So, I frankly suggest to you , with an honest approach , try to seek out God in your personal life- You, while you continue to do seva to others- Both to devotees as well as to non devotees- community service?- Charity? Read a good book of Bhagavatham? - Like helping the elderly? Something? Become a doctor? - Social worker? Something?


Adopt a multiple padasevana, Do your duty well and also if you can serve humanity and seek God in your personal life .


Many people became successful in searching for God in this way, I am trying to do it and my Guru tells me to do it. Many saints who come to USA and go back to India try to do community service all over the world. You should do it too, do it for you, to water the creeper of devotion toward your one and only Lord. like this advice? and then follow it through, don't quit in the middle.




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to harekrishnadas, namaste all

thankyou for all that information u gave me. i am not a vegetarian but i would really like to be, i am so weak willed i cant do it!having a non veg fam doesnt help either.(also i have numerous life threatening allergies that even sum veg can nearly kill me!!) i have tried on numerous occasions but failed. i couldnt get ur email add, but i have msn and hotmail and id love it if u could answer my questions personally. i am part way thru the bhagvat gita, but i am soo depressed. i only feel good when i read it and then back to reality and this gloomy world. i would love to advance on my spiritual knowledge greatly but feel i cant do it alone. the muslim guy has been my rock thru the toughest times ever and that med us closer. now its very hard, he doesnt talk much bt relg now cos he knows it upsets me but i know sum day soon it will crop up again. i would love it if he accepted me for who i am but he wudnt. i really want to become like all these people in the forum. i do seva when i can but nobody in my fam is bothered. they r all ritualistic as u sed. my mother in fact is spiritual and believes and does seva but then again living in this country(i live in england, near manchester) its very difficult. after u hit a whole lot of hardship in ur life, u never seem to feel content and i feel like im taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. and i suppose my muslim friend is the only one who ive had to approach and hes helped me. i know i wont be a muslim but either way i really dont want to be hurt, im still at uni and after uni its going to be me myself and i. i would do anything to feel content alone and know i need nothing but hare krishna. at the moment i feel far from it.

thankyou for taking ur time to give me all this information, i will definitely research and try to defeat this problem. i mean i use to see hindu girls with muslim lads and think god u stupid girl wat r u doin???(as u all probly think!) n neva think that one day i cud feel the same.



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Don't lead him on just don't talk to him. Make him suffer! He might beg you for a relationship but just hold out for one with a devotee of the Lord.

There is one quote that a previous acarya said we could even eat meat if we had to for preaching but please give up the meat eating. Don't eat vegetables exclusively but grains and beans and no meat. Dairy products are wonderful too.

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and don't let anyone make u believe otherwise. By this time most hindus girls wud have gone hook - line and sinker.


There is nothing wrong with Muslim guys per se its just that they use their religious philosophy in a deviant manner.


Don't try to hate ur muslim friend but defeat his poor understanding of GOD and our relationship with GOD.


And try and adopt a vegetarian diet at the earliest and try chanting GOD's name in the form of

'Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Ram Hare Ram

Ram Ram Hare Hare'


This will make your problems vanish and give you the strength and the understanding to take on any challenge.


anyway here is my msn and is - hare_krsna_das@hotmail.com and hare_krsna_das@

(its hare underscore krsna underscore das)


Send me an e-mail - I will delete my email id from this post once you reply to this post.


Take care - once again u r doing great !!!


Hare Krishna !!!

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hey i cant make him suffer!! thats well unfair! he is human! although he is a muslim. today tho i think he decided it best if we remain friends n dats all. its the hardest decision ive ever come across. n its going to get harder! he is a great person, he doesnt preach to people and has many different cultural friends, however i know he only preaches to me cos he wants to marry me. but then he is just a normal person like u n me just the religion thing really comes in the way for him, not so much me as many hindus marry christians for e.g and still keep their religion. the evidence of the bridge built by shree hanuman really took me by surprise that it still exists in some form. i emailed that page to my "mate"!! but talkin like this(cos u people dnt really know me!!) really helps. i am a bit depressive and today i think made things a bit worse. but my muslim friend claims even tho we are not together he will still be my friend(as we were at one time). but i am unsure. thankyou tho to every1 who has given me advice, i have taken it all into consideration and really appreciate those who are helping me. thankyou and ill probly keep postin queries for my thick mind to take in!!


priya x

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  • 2 years later...



Your friend read just a part of Hindu Scriptures and he is agonising you verymuch, he is very much not known that our Puranas, Upanishads, Ithishasas, Vedas... say everything what he wants,he finds his questions to answers in the above mentioned, Quran is the book only to teach a way of life in arabia region, and that too Quran is a copied version of vedic scriptures.

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