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in the kali yug as i have read, kalki avtar will come and put everyone back on the path of god consciousness. yet a muslim later told me the exact description of kalki avtar is the presence of prophet mohammed? but this avtar has not come yet, how can this be? also basically my muslim friend is looking into hinduism and willing to follow providin i can prove krishna to be the absolute truth. to me this is easy as i have faith and part way thru reading the gita. however i see alot of people on this site with alot more knowledge then me. please can u help, please email me i could really do with a one to one conversation to answer the questions my friend asks.

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I am posting way to much again!


This is indeed propaganda by Muslims. I am not quite sure of their motive except. There is one BIG flaw. Like you said Kalki Avatara will come to extablish Dharma and Satya Yuga is to commence. Well you answered your own question.


Also if the arguemnt is that it will 'take some time' doesn't wash. Kalki avatara is not like Krishna, Kalki is with a special mission. He comes in kills the miscreants and then leaves. This all started with a somebody with too much time on thier little mind. And viola! Like Buddists they take from Vedas {reject the rest} Now we have Muslims doing the same. Not unheard of! Jai Sri Nitai!

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Kalki comes riding a white horse with a battle axe and kills each and every human being on earth singlehandedly at various speeds such as the wind, the mind, etc.

Don't know how to preach to your friend though. But there is a group that Lord Caitanya preached to in India who were Muslims i forgot their name and they converted.

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how do u convince a muslim krishna is the absolute truth. apparantly my muslim friend read that shiv bhagvan got cursed by a saint and his srgument was how can shiv being a demi god be cursed by a human? and so we do shivling pooja as now shankar bhagvan became a rock for puting his pleasures with mata parvarti before seeing to this saint.


also who were the people shrila prabhupada preached to? dus any1 know more?



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including those that are already Brahman realized. he was specifically inspired to preach in the West to people like me who may be said somewhat below the human platform in very many ways.


He made many disciples in the western countries and those of us more on the outer circle also have benefited temendously by His casting His glance this way.

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who was mohammed?i read the prediction of him from the bhavishya puran but then i thought he was an abode of lord shiva? how did islam come to be? was it just made up by mohammed. i think i am playing with fire too but i have alot of faith, i really want to become alot more religious n rid of these material desires i have. bascially i want to tell my muslim friend about this wonderful religion and also help him reach god conciousness.

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Ok don't take my word for it, here are some quotes. You'd do well to REMEMBER these next time anybody says Islam is not bona-fide.




When our constitutional position or dharma is deteriorated due to the contaminations of matter, the Lord Himself comes as an incarnation or sends some of His confidential servitors. Lord Jesus Christ called himself the "son of God," and so is a representative of the Supreme. Similarly, Mohammed identified himself as a servant of the Supreme Lord. Thus whenever there is a discrepancy in our constitutional position, the Supreme Lord either comes Himself or sends His representative to inform us of the real position of the living entity.

__On the way to Krsna: The way of chanting and knowing Krsna




... Not in your country. Of course, it was preached in Central Asia, but now Christianism is spread all over. So Lord Jesus Christ, he also preached God consciousness. And Mohammed, Hazrat Mohammed, he also preached God consciousness.

__Initiation of Jayapataka, Montreal, July 24, 1968




Prabhupada: Buddha is saktyavesa-avatara. We accept Lord Jesus Christ also, saktyavesa-avatara; Mohammed, saktyavesa-avatara. saktyavesa-avatara means a living entity especially empowered and he preaches the philosophy on behalf... That is called saktyavesa-avatara. There are different types of avataras. Gunavatara, manvantaravatara, yugavatara, lilavatara, saktyavesavatara, like that. They are described in the Caitanya-caritamrta. About avataras. You find out Teachings of Lord Caitanya, avataras. Innumerable avataras. Come here. Find out this chapter. Avatara sankhyeyah. It is compared, just like in the river, the waves are flowing. You cannot count, or in the... What is that? Avatara. Read, read that chapter.

__Room Conversation with Prof. Regamay, Professor of Sanskrit at the University of Lausanne, June 4, 1974, Geneva

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namaste and thanku for ur reply

but y would mohammed be sent to preach islam? when the teachings of islam are different to those of sanatan dharma? so mohammed was an avatar, to bring people to god conciousness. does that mean if i (hindu) followed the path of islam id still be able to reach god conciousness? this non form of allah, dus it exist? or is it just another name for krishna(wat i think).

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You can ask that same question of EVERY religion after Sanatan Dharma. Why did Jesus preach "Christianity"? Why did Krsna appear as Buddha and why was Buddhism made? Why was Judaism created? Not everybody can accept Sanatan Dharma on a halfway sincere level. People from all religions, believing in God and following some code of ethics, can jump to Vaishnavism.

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You can ask same for any prohfit.


Reasons differ. We are all on different levels. How we choose depends on your devotion. What do you desire?



Mercy of Krishna



Looking at it they all lead to God. Impersonal/Personal/Merge {spiritual suicide to Vaishnavas}. Brahmajyoti-all different paths. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


Sunshine-Brahmajyoti--Sunglobe-Impersonal aspect-- Core of sun-Krishna.


Now what is the best? What do you desire?


Ghari always says 'what do you want from God?'


Ask that to your Muslim friend. Maybe.



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krishna sends his representatives according to time place and circumstances. in the bhagavatam it says those who murder brahmanas are born in the desert(Iraq, etc.) So Muhammad taught the "muslims" not to kill their daughters and bury them in the desert etc. because that is the level they were on. They are actually lower than Christian is it not? And Christians are lower than Hindus because at least Hindus are in the Vedic system.

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do u know i think the muslim friend is trying to convert me. he printed loadsa stuff about brahmans n how they were, i sed that is not the word of god tho. then as they dont believe in a form of god he quoted something out of the gita that sed god is shapeless and formless. but then this contradicts. to me it doesnt i accept it as it is. then ma muslim mate goes shiv chopped off ganesh head, how can god all knowing and all powerful do sumthing like that? i say it was meant to be(my weak argument!) please help me people.

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Allah sees well whatever you do.

It is He who hears all things.

(for those who sell their souls)Allah will neither speak to them not look at them on the day of judgement, nor will he cleanse them.

That is best for those who seek Allah's face.

What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with my own Hands?

These are all quotes from the koran. Finally proof of his form.It is he(Allah)Who produces creation, then reproducies it and for Him it is most easy. To Him belongs the Sublime Similitude in the heavens and the earth(30.27)

It is he who created the heavens and the earth in six days then mounted on his throne.

There are lots more of verses describing Allah's personal form in the Koran and his features. As for demigods cutting each others heads off and mayavadi translations of the Gita these things are going on.

note:sublime similitude is transcendental form of which we are made in the image of

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I hope I don't act like that when talking to your friend. Do you have the Folio Infobase. Google search? heh. Just kidding though.


First of all Lord Siva is devotee of God.{Krishna}



That verse which your friend mentioned is I think this:

{I am no genious but it's got to be this)


Also this verse is to those who deride Krishna /images/graemlins/wink.gif. Goto vedabase.net and see the rest. On this chapter. Krishna says the famous verse 'Fools deride me...'


read Purport. It explains fully



By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.





The Supreme Personality of Godhead is not perceivable through the gross material senses. It is said,


atah sri-krishna-namadi

na bhaved grahyam indriyaih

sevonmukhe hi jihvadau

svayam eva sphuraty adah

(Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu 1.2.234)


Lord Sri Krishna's name, fame, pastimes, etc., cannot be understood by material senses. Only to one who is engaged in pure devotional service under proper guidance is He revealed. In the Brahma-samhita (5.38) it is stated, premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hridayeshu vilokayanti: one can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, always within himself and outside himself if one has developed the transcendental loving attitude towards Him. Thus for people in general He is not visible. Here it is said that although He is all-pervading, everywhere present, He is not conceivable by the material senses. This is indicated here by the word avyakta-murtina. But actually, although we cannot see Him, everything is resting in Him. As we have discussed in the Seventh Chapter, the entire material cosmic manifestation is only a combination of His two different energies -- the superior, spiritual energy and the inferior, material energy. Just as the sunshine is spread all over the universe, the energy of the Lord is spread all over the creation, and everything is resting in that energy.


Yet one should not conclude that because He is spread all over He has lost His personal existence. To refute such an argument the Lord says, "I am everywhere, and everything is in Me, but still I am aloof." For example, a king heads a government which is but the manifestation of the king's energy; the different governmental departments are nothing but the energies of the king, and each department is resting on the king's power. But still one cannot expect the king to be present in every department personally. That is a crude example. Similarly, all the manifestations that we see and everything that exists, both in this material world and in the spiritual world, are resting on the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The creation takes place by the diffusion of His different energies, and, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita, vishtabhyaham idam kritsnam: He is everywhere present by His personal representation, the diffusion of His different energies.







I am in everyone's heart as the Supersoul. As soon as one desires to worship the demigods, I make his faith steady so that he can devote himself to some particular deity.


about the impersonal form AND Supersoul



Physical nature is known to be endlessly mutable. The universe is the cosmic form of the Supreme Lord, and I am that Lord represented as the Supersoul, dwelling in the heart of every embodied being.



Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and faces, and He hears everything. In this way the Supersoul exists.


Pankaja_dasa thats the supersoul. I used search facility on Folio its good tool to have /images/graemlins/smile.gif




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thankyou for that. i am sooo distressed, now he is teliing me that it is written krishna lila was a game krishna played, it was perverted and he took away women clothes as fun. i thought lila was a dance wid his beloved gopis. he is quoting from the rig vedas which i do not have a copy of. please help.

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he(muslim mate) is taking things out of the vedas so he ses and flaws left right nd centre. i mean the brutal code of manu for example. dus any1 know of any flaws in the koran? he has been talkin to a hindu convert. he is my friend dnt get me worng he isnt a bad person at all(quite the opp!) but i am hindu and shud stick up for the dharma i believe. however the offensive stuff written is mekin me cry!!!! help and i really appreciate what u have told me sooo far. sorry to be such a nuiscience(cant spel1!)

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Please study the earlier thread

"Monotheism vs Polytheism: Islam vs Hinduism "


which today is the last thread on this the thread list page. Many topics are discussed there. That thread should give you enough information to understand this topic


Below is the link to the last page of this thread:


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Mohammed was an impostor pretending to be a prophet from God, who used religion as a means to attain worldly power. Mohammed never saw God, never knew God, never realized God.


Mohammed was in fact a terrorist, a criminal and murderer whose entire life was based on victimizing innocents and indulging in mindless violence, carnage and massacre. He was a man who destroyed peace wherever he went, and in its place brought terror, carnage and death. In this day and age we would even consider Mohammed a pedophile. Even "Sahih Al-Bukhari" says Muhammad was married to a 6 year old Jewish girl, while he was 51, and he slept with his 11 wives in one night. Safiyah, the 6 year old Jewish girl whose family members were slaughtered by Mohammed, was made to undergo this legalized rape on the day her family was killed. In the first year of Mohammed's residence at Yathrib (now Medina) the "Prophet" who never prophesized, celebrated his marriage to Ayisha. Ayisha was then only a 9-years old girl according to his early biographers Abu Dawud and Tabari.

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The gopis wanted to become Lord Krishna's wives. The story is there in Krishna book based on the tenth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. So since Krishna could not marry them all(they were already married)he fulfilled their desire by seeing them naked which only a husband can do. It was not immoral it was purely spiritual since any desire in relation to Krishna is pure.

Anyway at this point I would personally stop preaching to your Muslim friend and leave him to himself he doesn't seem to be 100% receptive anymore. The highest realisation is to save oneself. First become fixed up in the philosophy now and worry about him later. Sometimes people become pure just by meditating on their friend who became a devotee.

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jai shree krishna.

thanku every1 who has given me info. thing is i think sadly im am going to have to give up. my friend is taking flaws left right and centre out of the vedas, puranas, upanishads. for i have only read the gita and these anti hindu sites do not help. i cant disrespect his religion its not me i feel rude and nasty. although i dtn believe it i dnt question it. he claims krishna killed a shudra purely becasue he wa s shudra. he has lots of things like this, dus any1 wish to tackle every situation he gives me? he claims he Can give me a mass of info veryfy it and then the choice is mine. to me its a great loss because he is such a gud person but conflict arises.(i think he wants to marry me!) but i am not sum1 to prove a religion wrong. i am distressed! i dnt believe krishna was perveted by what he did, but then thats because maybe i am blinded by faith. can any1 answer every question he poses? itd be great if one could. im not debateful and cannot argue esp not with him! so please if any1 is knowledgeable or knows what i shud do then help me!!!!!xxxxxxxx

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God, please, never marry such an unfortunate wretch. Your life will be hell. Sounds like it is already.


You should not tolerate such abuse against Lord Krishna. This man should be abandoned by you. If he disrespects you so much now, just imagine what will happen when he is not being driven crazy by his hormones? He will disrespect you like this all your life. Better to marry a tiger.


Just tell him: "Only an evil man would say these things against Krsna. And only a stupid man will claim to be an expert about things he knows nothing about. Please leave me in peace. My life is too important to be wasted by you". It is maybe only psychological abuse now, but who knows what evil such a person will be capable of doing to you the rest of your life?


The Vedas say you must leave the presence of such blasphemy, otherwise you disrespect Sri Krsna. Are you a shameless prostitute willing to sell your God in return for mere marital comfort? You sound like a woman of higher character to me.


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As you have written, your friend is finding various flaws in the scriptures. Let us assume that he says something about the scriptures, which is not true. How will you know that it is not true? As you say, you have read only Gita. Therefore, even if he says something wrong, you may not be able to know it. Even if you do not believe in what he says immediately, you will at least start having thoughts that he may be right. Therefore, it is better to read the sacred books yourself rather than going by what he says.

It may seem that he has read Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads etc. to give all these information to you. But I do not think so. There are many anti-Hindu web sites from which one can collect all these information that can mislead people.

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i cant marry him anyway, he ses only if i convert. its a shame because he is everything i suppose. but then that is wrong and a material desire. i am soo confused and definitely not content. only feel content when i am with him. he ridicules hinduism, and these man made laws dont help.neither dus science. the deeper i go into this the more difficulties i find.y is that?i am sooo depressed, i suppose this is a test of faith. but i seem to be going into a world where no god exists.hes taken things out of books like ayodha kandam?ive never even heard of that, apparantly it ridicules the way ram treated sita. i hope the one above can give me strength to get thru this. all i want is to feel contentness. so far i have not achieved. i am ashamed to say i actually ackwoledge what he ses and it meks me think as he has quotes. priya x

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