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different demigods

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I would like to find out more about certain demigods, I know Krishna is the true god, and all of the demigods ascend from krishna...



Who is the demi god of change?

Who is the demigod of karma?

Who is the demigod of happyness?

Who is the demigod of love?

Who is the demigod of friends?

Who is the demigod of ganja (If there is one)

Who is the demigod of desires?

Who is the demigod of healtyness?>

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no one knows.


Anyway you already understand that all of them are descended from Krishna. No need to difuse your intellectual energy too much as that list of your's could literaly be drawn out to no end.


Main demigods are mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam. Try there. Available at the link below.


Hari Krsna

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  • 1 year later...
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Shiva shankara reigns the Ganja, thats why seudo devotees of the Lord smoke bang to adore him in some way..


I have learned much enough from a devotee friend of mine that uses this magical stuffs to indilge a huge intense trippp.

as a benediction from the demigods, but god is one.

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The person asks a reasonable question here.

"I would like to find out more about certain demigods, I know Krishna is the true god, and all of the demigods ascend from krishna..."

mahaksadasa: Ill try to answer the ones I know:

1.Who is the demi god of change?

2.Who is the demigod of karma?

3.Who is the demigod of happyness?

4.Who is the demigod of love?

5.Who is the demigod of friends?

6.Who is the demigod of ganja (If there is one)

7.Who is the demigod of desires?

8.Who is the demigod of healtyness?

Demigods are devotees of Krsna that have specific duties, and fully act in knowledge of these duties. These items listed here are natural human inclinations and paraphenalia, and because we are in this world, asleep to the reality of our real position, acknowledging personality connected with these items is an important step in self realization. These items all have personalities connected to them, some are even greater than demigods, actual incarnations of the Lord of Demigods.

The Christian theology has the idea of patron saints (ie St Anthony, patron of those who have lost something dear to them). The items listed is not really with the same idea, but simply connections can be made. Perhaps our associates on this forum will join in the commentary.

7. Desire, in the krsna book by Srila Prabhupada, is fullfilled by the gopis who have served the Goddess Katyayani. In fact, because desire covers everything there is in human experiance, ALL THE DEMIGODS can satisfy any particular desire. What one desires is the key. If one wants to be intelligent, he renders service to Srimati Saraswati, the consort of Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma granted Hiranyakasipu's request of invulnerability from all sources. Ravana, simply by singing like no other and engaging in self desecration, received similar boon from Lord Siva.

8. The Supreme Personality appears as the Divine Physician, who controls the soma potion. I ask my peers to tell this story. I believe the Aswini Kumara twins also protect health.

mo latah, lets have fun with this topic.

hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


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ganja clouds the mind even more and it makes it even so much harder to reach krishna, we are just adding extra pollutents to our mind, making our own mind even harder to control, we are just adding extra chemicals to our veins, which is already filled with human chemicals like lust anger love , how would this ever make it easier for us, when every 5 mins our mind wanders off to stupid thoughts ?

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I would like to find out more about certain demigods, I know Krishna is the true god, and all of the demigods ascend from krishna...


Who is the demi god of change?

Who is the demigod of karma?

Who is the demigod of happyness?

Who is the demigod of love?

Who is the demigod of friends?

Who is the demigod of ganja (If there is one)

Who is the demigod of desires?

Who is the demigod of healtyness?>


:sleep: CHANGE


This reminds me of time, and Krsna says that of subduers He is time. Without time there is no change, no apparent cause and effect.



:crazy: KARMA


This reminds me of the demigod Durga who manages the material world. It also reminds me of Paramatma, the Supersoul within every living being and within each atom. Here is an overview of karma from the commentary on the Sri Brahma-samhita:


[...] DurgA is possessed of durga, which means a prison house. When jIvas begotten of the marginal potency (taTasthA zakti) forget the service of KRSNa they are confined in the mundane prison house, the citadel of DurgA. The wheel of karma is the instrument of punishment at this place. The work of purifying these penalized jIvas is the duty devolved upon DurgA. She is incessantly engaged in discharging the same by the will of Govinda. When, luckily. the forgetfulness of Govinda on the part of imprisoned jIvas is remarked by them by coming in contact with self-realized souls and their natural aptitude for the loving service of KRSNa is aroused, DurgA herself then becomes the agency of their deliverance by the will of Govinda. [...]


Happiness is associated with the mode of goodness, sattva guna, and therefore reminds me of Visnu. It also reminds me of bliss which is Sri Krsna, Himself.



:eek2: LOVE


There is no higher love than that between Radha and Krsna. The gopis' love is next in purity.



:cool: FRIENDS


This reminds me of Arjuna, and of course Krsna who is everyone's best friend.



:wacko: GANGA


Everyone will agree that Lord Siva is the demigod of the noble weed. Prabhupada said: "In our Vedic literature, there was a poison ocean, so people could not find out what to do with it. Then Lord Siva said, "All right, I'll drink it." So he drank the whole poison ocean and kept it in his throat. Can you drink poison? Not the ocean--just one cup? So how can we imitate Lord Siva? Lord Siva never advised that we drink poison. So you have to abide by the advice, not imitate. These LSD and marijuana people say that Lord Siva used to smoke gaJja. But Lord Siva drank the whole poisoned ocean. Can you do that? Lord Siva's instructions should be taken. He says that the best worship is worship of ViSNu. ViSNor ArAdhanaM param. When he was asked by PArvatI what method of worship is best, then he said, "The best worship is worship of Lord ViSNu [KRSNa]." There are many demigods, but he recommended ViSNu worship as the best.".


:mad2: DESIRES


Kama sounds like the mode of passion, raja guna, and Lord Brahma is the demigod who rules that mode of nature on behalf of Lord Krsna. Romantic desires remind me of Cupid known as Kamadeva and Madana as described here:

Mukunda-Mala Stotra 22 http://vedabase.net/mm/22/en

O Cupid, abandon your residence in my mind, which is now the home of Lord Mukunda's lotus feet. You have already been incinerated by Lord Siva's fiery glance, so why have you forgotten the power of Lord MurAri's disc?


This is a bold challenge to Cupid, who can usually subdue everyone, including aspiring transcendentalists. As Lord Kapila says to His mother, "Just try to understand the mighty strength of My mAyA in the shape of a woman, who by the mere movement of her eyebrows can keep even the greatest conquerors of the world under her grip" (BhAg. 3.31.38).

A devotee can challenge KAmadeva (Cupid) in such a feisty way because devotees constantly meditate on Lord KRSNa, who destroys Cupid's influence. Here King Kulazekhara is giving fair warning to KAmadeva to leave the king's mind or risk destruction for a second time. The reference here is to an incident in which KAmadeva tried to shoot his arrows at Lord Siva to arouse lust in him. Lord Siva retaliated by burning KAmadeva to ashes with his glance. KAmadeva should have learned his lesson from that incident. If not, King Kulazekhara warns that Lord KRSNa will have no trouble destroying KAmadeva with His disc and freeing His devotee's mind of lust.

KAmadeva is also called Madana, a name that means "one who attracts." But Lord KRSNa is known as Madana-mohana, "the bewilderer of Cupid." In other words, KRSNa is so transcendentally attractive that anyone who absorbs his mind in Him will not be troubled by sex desire. Furthermore, Lord KRSNa's consort, SrImatI RAdhArANI, is called Madana-mohana-mohinI because She alone can captivate even KRSNa.

In all the world's religions, ascetics have practiced renunciation, and KAmadeva always tests them and gives them trouble. Often, despite one's best attempts at purification, one thinks of the opposite sex at the time of death. Then one has to come back in the cycle of birth and death, to be again attracted and again suffer the miseries of material life. Even the powerful mystic VizvAmitra became a victim of the beauty of MenakA, united with her, and begot SakuntalA.

But the bhaktas have discovered an infallible shelter from Cupid--absorption in the beauty of KRSNa. One who is captivated by the beauty of KRSNa is not victimized by lust. As SrI YAmunAcArya sings,

yad-avadhi mama cetaH kRSNa-pAdAravinde

nava-nava-rasa-dhAmany udyataM rantum AsIt

tad-avadhi bata nArI-saGgame smaryamAne

bhavati mukha-vikAraH suSThu niSThIvanaM ca

"Since my mind has been engaged in the service of the lotus feet of Lord KRSNa and I have been enjoying ever-new transcendental pleasure in that service, whenever I think of sex with a woman my face at once turns from it, and I spit at the thought."




Krsna's 12th incarnation of Dhanvantari appeared after the godly and ungodly joined forces to churn the Ocean of Milk. He carried a golden jug of nectar produced by the churning and it is He who provides devotees of Krsna with health.






Some quotes:

PrabhupAda: That is already there. We have to make little research. It, already there. There are books, Ayurvedic books. They are very nice. Everything can be done. Dhanvantari. It is given by Dhanvantari avatAra, incarnation of KRSNa.


PrabhupAda: We do not approve anything which is not actually beneficial. Otherwise it doesn't matter, homeopathic or allopathic. But there is standard medicine given by Dhanvantari.


The whole exciting story of how the demigods and demons declared a truce and churned the Ocean of Milk together, and how Lord Siva drank an ocean of poison, and how eventually Lord Krsna was so pleased as a slumbering tortoise by the churning activity that He appeared as Dhanvantari, that whole story starts here in the Srimad-Bhagavatam http://vedabase.net/sb/8/6/summary/en


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  • 2 years later...

What absolute idiocy to refer to durga as demigod !!


leaving aside all other scriptures if i go by gaudiya vaishnav philosophy,then durga is the bahiranga shakti of krishna. now you are calling her a demigod.then it also implies that a certain portion of krishna's energy becomes demigod. As we know demegods are not perfect it also implies then that krishna is not perfect(having durga as his shakti).




do you know what srila prabhupad said about durga?he said that durga is the supreme enrgy(shakti) while krishna is the supreme powerfull(shaktimaan)and that there is no strict difference between the two(refer krishna book).


how can purusa and prakriti be differentiated?calling durga demigod,my friend you stand a chance of offending krishna himself(she is his own shakti)


Are you aware of the different forms of durga?? here are a few:


naarasinghi(half lady half lion,shakti of nrisimhadev)

vaaraahi(shakti of varaha avatar)

narayani(seated on garuda,shakti of narayan)

subhadra(sister of krishna himself whom all vaishnavs worship)


and you calll her a demigod!!!!


did you know that nityananda prabhu's father worshipped durga in his home(the deity is still there in bengal) ?


moreover i have objections with this word 'demigod'. yes,everyone wants to see his chosen diety as highest but why derogate others??? demigod originally means divine beings like yakshas,kuveras,gandharvas,apsaras etc.the word 'deva' never means 'demigod'.if you at all have to use such concepts then why not use terms like 'lessor god' ?

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Demigod originally means Lord Brahma's Children --Who then themselves proceeded to be the prajapatis [progenitors] of the family tree of Brahma's Descendents.


Durga, Shiva, Kali, Brahma are all related and are the most empowered beings alive in the Mahatattva [Creation exuded by Mahavishnu's Sleeping Breath].


These Cosmos emanating from Mahavishnu's Breathing are all temporary.


The Demigods are very very big & important people with better things to do than revel in the worship by small insignificant mortals such as our selves.


We know which Deva deals with which department of cosmic affairs --but we ain't telling ya.


PS: Kardarpa is a cheeky little upstart.

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durga is an exception to this mahat tattva law.for durga in her form as yogamaya is the cause of lord vishnu's sleep,called yoganidra.that is why in markendaya puran we find that brahma is invoking the goddess and requesting her to leave vishnu's body so that he might be able to fight off the demon brothers-madhu and kaitav.it's obvious that one whose existence is merely within the sleep of vishnu cannot be influential enough to cause that sleep itself.

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