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can we trust Krishna?

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Haribol, yes, he is very tricky. Look at his friends, like Guha the jungle warrior (ramayana), hanuman, so many tricky fellows. Krsna has a sense of humor as well. I do like what the one devotee said here. Krsna answers all our prayers, it is our problem, if we do not accept that the answer maybe "NO".


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Hare Krsna, of course we trust KRSNA. My post was simply showing flavors that may not well be understood. Like saying that Krsna is a killer, he causes the bodies to die, because he is the cause of all causes.


I once questioned my siksa guru, basically complaining (whining) about how his followers were all jerksa. I was saying that I did not blame him for this, yet, in his response, he said I blamed him for everything. This lesson was the greatest gift, because he (guru, siksa or diksa does not matter, for guru means one who gives krsna) made it clear that my problems were ultimately placed at krsna's feet, as the cause of all causes. So If I have problems with my peers, my guru, overebearing rules of shastra and sadhu, all blame goes to krsna, and this is not at all bad or wrong, it is called self-realization.


My siksa guru went on to explain that all the anger I have that I place on Krsna and his representatives (gurus and fellow disciples and followers of bonafide gurus) is well taken, because one day, I will see that Krsna does not get angry back at me. His love for me is superior to anything that even the Sun God can Imagine. Causeless and unconditional. And if this realization does not end the anger and get the tears of reciprocal love flowin, well, He dont get angry at that either.


Never be afraid of the anger we have for krsna or his empowered representatives. This is the blood that flows from the boils after they are lanced, this is the blades of the fan spinnin wildly after the plug has been pulled. In anger, chant Hare Krsna, and our lives will be sublime.


hope yall get my sub-rasa meaning here, hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Sometimes I think Krishna intentionally makes you mad at Him to bring you closer to Him. Its like a little kid who gets mad at his parents because they will not give him what he wants but at the end of the day the kid still loves his parents. That is part of the greatness of Krishna everything He does is on the absolute plane so even negative emotions etc. are still pure love for Krishna.

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Here you can get rich. But don't forget where the wealth came from in SB 4.23.33:<blockquote><center><font color=red>triH kRtva idam AkarNya

naro nAry athavAdRtA

aprajaH suprajatamo

nirdhano dhanavattamaH


triH--thrice; kRtvaH--repeating; idam--this; AkarNya--hearing; naraH--man; nArI--woman; athavA--or; AdRtA--in great respect; aprajaH--one who has no children; su-praja-tamaH--surrounded by many children; nirdhanaH--without any money; dhana-vat--rich; tamaH--the greatest.


It does not matter whether one is a man or woman. Anyone who, with great respect, hears this narration of MahArAja PRthu will become the father of many children if he is without children and will become the richest of men if he is without money.



Materialistic persons who are very fond of money and great families worship different demigods to attain their desires, especially goddess DurgA, Lord Siva and Lord BrahmA. Such materialistic persons are called zriyaizvarya-prajepsavaH. SrI means "beauty," aizvarya means "riches," prajA means "children," and IpsavaH means "desiring." As described in the Second Canto of SrImad-BhAgavatam, one has to worship various demigods for different types of benedictions. However, here it is indicated that simply by hearing of the life and character of MahArAja PRthu, one can have both riches and children in enormous quantities. One simply has to read and understand the history, the life and activities of PRthu MahArAja. It is advised that one read them at least three times. Those who are materially afflicted will so benefit by hearing of the Supreme Lord and His devotees that they need not go to any demigod. The word suprajatamaH ("surrounded by many children") is very significant in this verse, for one may have many children but may not have any qualified children. Here, however, it is stated (su-prajatamaH) that all the children thus attained would be qualified in education, wealth, beauty and strength--everything complete.</blockquote>



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Hare Krishna



Thankyou for the post on 'chanting devotees names', i think i may try this suggestion of reading about Maharaja Prithu, i could do with some dough... I mean i hate what money does to ppls, but at the end of the day a nice crisp £20 is lovely. /images/graemlins/grin.gif



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Krsna is noted for his mischief, maybe he cannot be truly trusted. Maybe he is just playing with our lives as the Upanisads suggest. Who knows?

but if you just accept who you are and go with the flow, then it will lead somewhere. The world is maya and we too are part of maya.... accept this and you will realise all is one and one is all. Krsna is just another part of the maya.

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Hare Krishna.

Please accept my humble obeisances all Vaishnavas and fellow devotees.




by: Guest,

Krsna is just another part of the maya.



why do you say this? maya is Krishna's potency, i believe. Krishna is not a part of maya, but the other way around: maya is a part of Krishna.


another point to note is: Krishna is withing everyone's heart, seated there; the soul, the self-you, are also seated in the heart of the body. so, who else is closer to you than Krishna? what he does is best for you, and you must accept that he, Krishna, is the Supreme enjoyer, so his mischief is for his enjoyment, so to say. if you can't trust him, ask yourself this: "is there really anyone that i can trust, if not Krishna?"


a lot of people don't accept that they are a spirit soul, but think themselves to be the body. so why tell them to accept who you are, if they don't even know who they are?


what do you mean 'go with the flow'? in this age, if you do this, this leads nowhere, but to misconceptions, to confusion, to infamy. i'm sorry if i misunderstand your view.


we are not part of maya, but maya is a part of our lives, and of Krishna. we are really part of nothing but Krishna, as we are part and parcel of Him, but it is due to maya that a lot of living entities have forgotten Krishna, but we can get rid of the shadow of maya by devoting our lives to Krishna, even if it means a little everyday.


so, i am sorry, but, yes, i do trust Krishna, and so should everyone else, it is just that His ways are different than how we want, for he knows best, and just about everyone of us doesn't know the best.


why think: "i can trust Krishna only if he listens to me?"? he is all pervading, and antaryAmI, all knowing, so if you become even a little, like 0.000001% Krishna conscious, he wants that 0.000001% to increase, he wants you to get rid of material attachment, not give you more and more money so the only thing you want to worship Krishna for is money. he wants the love of Krishna to flourish in you, not love for material objects. that is why, to be a pure devotee of Krishna, one has to get rid of material attachment, because material attachment only leads in getting us to a lower state than we are in now.


do not think negative of Krishna just because he doesn't listen to you always, and answer all of your prayers with a 'yes'. he knows what needs to be done in order to increase your love for him. but if you desire, say, money, more than love for Krishna, than he will listen to you, but don' think that you will be happy with money, and not with love for Krishna. why pray to Krishna for money when you can pray for an increase in love for Him? it just doesn't make sense, well it does, but it's dumb. if you have pure love for Krishna, yes, he will make sure that you have enough money to live peacefully, in His service.


He knows what is to be done. so live only in His service, and put complete faith in him, as i have come to have complete faith in Him very recently also, and yes, it does feel good that Krishna is ishavara, the Supreme Controller, because we're just not good enough. we're only minute ishavaras, contollers in extremely small quantity, or power, so we may have the characteristic to control, becausse it is also in Krishna, and we are a part of him.


know your self as this: you are not the body, but the soul that inhabits the body. your dimensions: 1 thousandth the size of the tip of a normal body hair. you live in the heart of the body, and yes, the organ heart that oxidates the blood of the body to transfer it to the whole body, not some imaginary place. you are a part and parcel of Krishna, yet He remains as the complete whole, never losing any part of Himself.


i have tried to explain some aspects, and may have made a mistake here and there, so please forgive me fellow souls.



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Interesting post. Sorry if I caused offence. None was intended.


I am studying the Mahabrahata in detail at the moment. I am curious, can you trust someone who sends his army to fight against you and then takes the post of a charioteer (ie someone in a none combatant role who will not be forced to take life - someone who would have been accused of as a 'spy' in modern society) and who suggests that Arjuna faces ruin in battle when it is clearly stated later in the Santiparvan that although fighting and keeping to his dharma will guarantee him a place in Indra's heaven should he die, it is better to withdraw and protect your life and follow the dharma of another until such a time that you can retake your kingdom with the minimum loss of life.


Whose side is Krsna truly on in the Mahabrahata, and once that is decided is he giving the best advice to Arjuna or is he taking him for a ride? You need to view the Gita as part of the Mahabrahata instead of as a seperate item.

I know that many will find this offensive, and it is not intended to be so, I am simply asking questions to try and understand better.


I believe that krsna is saying that he is one and the same with brahman but because brahman is everything, his form in the Gita is merely a manisfestation that is part of maya. Yes, maya is part of brahman but in this case Krsna in the form of the charioteer of Arjuna is part of maya. But we are all part of maya, therefore in this form we are as Krsna was then, only we don't realise it because of the nature of maya. By realising that we are part of maya then we are able to escape it because our action becomes so with out desire because we know the results of our actions in maya are at best futile but we cannot escape it because we too are part of it. After this realisation it is just a matter of performing our dharma without attachment to maya.


To go with the flow is to follow your instinct (not that of others) and act upon impulse, ie acting without desire. If you think before you act then you are attaching desire to it. For example, if a baby is to fall in the well, our instinct is to rescue it, if we think before acting then we may think 'if i rescue that child I will be a hero' or 'that is the child of my enemy, i should not rescue it' or 'that child has nothing to do with me, why should I waste my time rescuing it', if we stop to think before acting we are no longer acting without desire. Our inate nature which Ramanuja describes as being brahman and Madhva the witness of God, then it will always be good, it is when we stop to think and add desire to actions that we create attachment and evil. So to go with the flow is to follow your instinct without thought. One must first obtain knowledge of their situation in maya, and then seek to forget through blanking the mind. Bhakti yoga in the form of puja is simply an attempt to follow a routine of devotion without actual thought for yourself, to let go of all desire and attachment. If it is performed with the hope of obtaining something then it will not lead to moksa. it may lead to you obtaining your desire or may not but desire and moksa are incompatitable. So jnana yoga is required first to understand the purpose and situation that you seek.

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(on the subject of trusting krsna)

it seems like i'm being punished the more i go toward krsna. does this mean i should choose some easier religion. is krsna saying, 'go away'?

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i worry that because when i was younger i craved bacon and hamburgers, krsna will want to incarnate me into pigs and cows for lifetimes. i cant handle it. i dont eat meat anymore, and i understand i shouldnt cause suffering, so why would he cause this to happen if i have already learned not to do it?

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is he causing animals to be killed so they can learn to not take for granted, one of the only things to be taken away is their life, and since krsna is taking things away, so he takes their lives away?


where does independence fit in if it does at all? parents eventually want their children to exist independently of them, but krsna makes it seem impossible to have even a thought of my own. what kind of existence! is this the ideal, to lose all identity, all sense of self; how boring it must be for krnsa when people become empty in this way, should we not be unique, this seems like it would be more interesting to krsna

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it seems almost psychotic to try and get a being's attention by torturing them. it's illogical even. how much better it would be for krsna to jump out from behind a bush and say ' ha ha i made that tree not you'. or, being all-powerful, cause the animals to have the intelligence to acknowledge him; why the process of torture to get the attention?

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he seems to be saying 'ha ha i torture you and you love me anyway'. when this happens in relationships it is called abuse. is only krsna allowed to have this kind of ego? should we not strive to attain krsna's qualities?

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arent we all? but ignoring is exactly what i'm not doing. i'm trying to figure things out. i dont just accept because someone says so. i know krsna better than that! how can we know when to trust krsna, when he takes everything away? i dont claim not to be in the mode of ignorance, but i dont know anyone, ive never met anyone, who wasnt also in the mode of ignorance!

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First of all, please feel free to register to make it easier for us to converse. (It won't cost you a penny maybe time, but time is not ours its krishna's, so spend as much as you want)


Secondly, I think this quote might help...


"How does a devotee receive dangers? There must be dangers because this material world is full of dangers. But foolish people who do not know this try to avoid the dangers. Thus they struggle for existence. Everyone is trying to become happy and avoid danger. This is our material business. Everyone is trying for &#257;tyantikam&#803; sukham, ultimate happiness. A working man thinks, "Let me work very hard now and put money in the bank, so that when I get old I shall enjoy life without working." This is the inner intention of everyone. No one wants to work; as soon as one gets some money, he wants to retire from work and become happy. But that is not possible. One cannot become happy in that way.


Here Kunt&#299;dev&#299; speaks of apunar bhava-dar&#347;anam. The prefix a means "not," and punar bhava means "repetition of birth and death." The real danger is the repetition of birth and death. That must be stopped.


The material world is full of dangers (padam&#803; padam&#803; yad vipad&#257;m). For example, if one is on the ocean one may have a very strong ship, but that ship can never be safe; because one is at sea, at any time there may be dangers. The Titanic was safe, but on its first voyage it sank, and many important men lost their lives. So danger there must be, because we are in a dangerous position. This material world itself is dangerous. Therefore, our business now should be to cross over this sea of danger as soon as possible. As long as we are at sea, we are in a dangerous position, however strong our ship may be. That's a fact. But we should not be disturbed by the sea waves; instead, we should just try to cross over the sea and get to the other side. That should be our business.


As long as we are in this material world, there must be calamities because this is the place of calamity. But even with calamities our business should be to develop our Kr&#803;s&#803;n&#803;a consciousness, so that after giving up this body we may go back home, back to Kr&#803;s&#803;n&#803;a."


The above quote is from Srila Prabhupada's book "Teachings of Queen Kunti" . It is full of great devotion and bhakti- you can read it here : www.vedabase.net

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Yes, of course, for sure you can trust Krishna: as far as you can throw a city bus.

Have you lifted a city bus lately? Country dweller?How 'bout a Greyhound? Try it. Maybe you can do it. Be patient. Wait till they unload. Then give it your best shot. I had a tough time myself. But maybe you'll have better luck. Inform us of your heroic results. We'll be here patiently awaiting your divine results.

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If I remember correctly Prabhupada said the living entities are in exactly the positions they want to be in. People creating disturbances in Krishna's creation are themselves disturbed. Krishna is all merciful because he says ok you can stay here and suffer if you want but if you are tired of the suffering call out to me and I will save you. Most people are so unintelligent that they are choosing torture over Krishna.

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Krishna's mercy is so limitless that just by chanting his name once you can be saved from more sins than you can ever commit. His mercy is so limitless that he can save you from any kind of torture imposed by the material world but there is one exception to the rule. If a person offends a Vaisnava not even Krishna can save them.

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