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Why are spiritual people made fun of?

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its not just one way, it goes both ways... I don't reveal my spirituality before my friends because of that.


I have some friends who talk about spirituality, the society has the same affect on them too.


Consider them ignorant. They think that we are spiritual because we want to be special or we want to do it because of some superstitious beliefs...


but in reality, we become spiritual by nature because of curiosity, because we want to know who we are, what we are.


We are pure spirit souls who are under the control of the supreme. Whatever I do, or you do ... whatever any one does, happens due to the karma established by the supreme or the supreme will.


We are trying to find that higher self in us, that better person... we are trying to find bliss and happiness and satisfaction.


I think it is better to not pay attention to them and focus on the matters that really matter... like finding out who you really are, or where you are from ?


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because they (those who make fun) are not spiritual but of asuric nature.


if however it bothers you, then you need to become enough spiritual when it would not bother you at all.


in the kingdom of suras, asuras are fought with.

in the kingdom of asuras, suras are killed or made fun of.


krishna tells in gita that some asuras really enjoy riduculing and insulting othres. they have special talent of insult easily and still severely.


jai sri krishna!


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Try going to a gym,get involved with quiz,debates anything better at college, or join a evening program for any computer course ,improve your career skills just get better ...in life.


Going to the pub , having a girlfriend are temporary fascinations of every youth.


Concentrate on career development and talk less about spiritual topics.Keep krishna conscious books at home.If friends drop by they will read . Invite them to a sunday feast.Its fun for them.


But dont force your thoughts on them just be a positive personality and they will understand you stand on higher ground.Keep yourself busy with other activities and they will know you are too busy with career development.


I have been through that stage.As u get older you will find they will respect you and wonder if they too had worked hard in their free time.



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good point srinivas, that's my view also ! i live in the world, go to college, and also know people who drink, smoke, . girls...

i really think people can respect you if you're spiritual. The 1st thing to do is to be friends wiht intelligent people. it's true that some guys are so stupid they can't understand anything. but if you are with sensitive and smart people, everything will be fine.

for me Krsna Consciousness was always "cool". i was introduced to it by the hardcore band Shelter which was very popular... and cool. i agree that you have to be a good example. only when people respect you they can hear your message. personnaly i dress like a normal kid, normal haircut, i'm wearing "cool" trademarks, i do skateboard, i go to shows... but i don't drink or smoke or . around. i can see i influence some of my friends, they know i'm a devotee. i take it as my service to be an example for my friends. i go to college, i'm doing some artwork... i really think we can have an influence on people. after all, KC is really cool !! putting on some dresses, chanting like crazy guys, eating good and natural food, wearing some cool necklaces... all my friends want the same necklaces... i was attracted because of the outlook and the feeling of respect and tolerance i saw from the devotees.

stay cool /images/graemlins/wink.gif;);)

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.. i was attracted because of the outlook and the feeling of respect and tolerance i saw from the devotees.



This is real preaching /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif

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People have a tendency lower others for their own agrandisement. You must be the only one in your group of friends who is spiritually inclined.


This is normal, sheeps always prefer being together feeling secure in their so-called societies, family, groups of friends, habits, whatever.


Ultimately everyone dies even sheeps that seem so strong in their little groups.


Don't worry, make Krishna the goal of your life and you will be undisturbed by such insignificant laughs at you. This is Krishna's mercy drawing you to Him by making your 'friends' laugh at you, find shelter in Krishna's names:


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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because very often we (neophytes) are fanatics and hypocrites


the true devotees have not these problems.. the six goswamis were "dira, adhira janat pyiau".. dear to devotees and non devotees


we have to became humble and happy, in this way we will demonstrate that there is much more fun in spirit than in matter

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Are they your friends really? Or just some living entities that you have met in the ordinary course of time while being herded along down the path to the slaughterhouse? Death awaits us all. Where are you friends from your last birth and death? And the one before that? You don't know and they don't know you anymore either.


Brought together and then separated by the waves of time.


In one sense you may be able to hear your True Friends' voice behind their ridicule. Perhaps He is telling you to separate yourself from them in the name of true friendship for Him. Not reject them so much as to increase your attachment to always hearing about and moving closer to Krsna.


When you are with them is that time being used in a way that draws you closer to the Lord or do you find you are being pulled away from Him? We have to evaluate like this. There is no neutral ground. We will have to make up the ground we lose for every second spent in activities not conducive to our progress in spiritual life.


Time is short. You may be kicked out of your body today. Do you have a written guaruntee from Krsna or Yamaraja that states otherwise? Which of these friends will take your place at your appointed moment of death?


It is somewhat uncomfortable living on the edge, like everyday may be our last but it is true nonetheless. We ARE on the edge, it is just a case of acknowledging that.


Time doesn't stop when we shut our eyes.


Again I am not saying reject them. I am saying accept Krsna and those that help you remember Him.


You are not alone in facing these problems of life. We have never really been alone, only asleep.


Hare Krsna



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Hare Krishna


You are like a piece of straw floating, with some of your straw friends, sometimes you float into the ocean and are seperated from your friends, and sometimes you make new ones, perpetually you are floating all over the place, until somebody pulls you out ( Not one of your straw friends), but only a Big straw (with hands) can pull you up, so what use are these so-called friends (this is a very crude example of friendship in the material world)


Hope it helps, can't remember where I got it from or maybe I just made it up with my straw friends /images/graemlins/grin.gif


Haribol! /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

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it is a different state of mind....


I still cannot comprehend how one can enjoy 5 min sex with a girlfriend and pay for next 16 years alimony, drink beer and feel happy for the evening, then vomit it all up and have headache in a morning...


your friends? may be you should call them co-workers or co- soemthing becuase if I had such friends very soon I will be doing what they do.


Tell me who is your friends and I will tell you who you are...


(Tell me how much your friends make money and I will tell you how much you making. - works in a same way)



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I remember reading a conversation between George Harrison and Srila Prabhupada. George was explaining how whenever he gets deeper into Krsna Consciousness, so many of his friends get more and more distant. Its like he can no longer relate to them the same way.


This is the reason. Its like oil and water. Materialistic people and spiritualitic people don't mix all that well.

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Narrating the transcendental madness that frequently afflicts Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu due to intense feelings of divine separation from Sri Krsna in 'Sri Caitanya Bhagavata' (Madhya:2:85 to 122), the author Sri Vrndavan Das Thakura says that those who could not understand or appreciate the true nature of his madness, would laugh at Him or minimise Him by saying that He be bound up in confinement for His own safety, for he'd often endanger Himself, like when He climbed and fell off trees in His uncontrolled state.


His worried mother, Srimati SaciDevi, confused over her son's insanity, conveyed her anxiety to the Vaisnavas headed by Srivasa Pandit Prabhu. One day, visiting and witnessing Mahaprabhu's state, Srivasa could understand that He was in fact in the highest state of devotional ecstasy, and wished he too could attain that state. Praising and comforting Mahaprabhu, he said that even Brahma, Siva and Sanaka desired to taste such "BHOGA" (which means enjoying either the disease of madness in love of Krsna, or the pangs of love due to separation from Him).


Srivasa encouraged Mahaprabhu, saying (Text 119), "We will gather together and chant the names of Krsna. Let the sinful atheists say whatever they want!"


In the purport to this text 119, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Thakura quotes the following verse:


Parivadatu jano yatha tatha va / nanu mukharo na vayam vicarayamah / Hari-rasa-madira-madati-matta / bhuvi viluthamo natamo nirvisamah


"Let the garrulous populace say whatever they like; we shall pay them no regard. Thoroughly maddened by the ecstasy of the intoxicating beverage of love for Krsna, we shall enjoy life running about, rolling on the ground, and dancing in ecstasy!"


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sorry dear prabhus.. but i am a little surprised not hearing even a little bit of autocritic..


people make fun of spiritualists also because in this world the 99% of who claim to be a spiritualist is a fanatic and a hypocrite... more or less


one of the features of an authentic pure devotee is that he's dear to everyone.... if people is making fun of us, it is also krsna saying to us that we have to be more coherent with the things we are preaching and more pure and detached.


prabhupada, in his tremendous work of spreading krsna consciousness, now has relatively few critics


if you go to an "antisect/antihare krsna" site or something like that, it is very easy to hear critics and offences to the organizations, successors etc. but it is very hard to find direct attacks to srila prabhupada.. his coherence (=tapasya) is out of discussion even for the worst materialists




apologies for my bad english

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So Mr Yashodananda....what do u call people who dont show off or speak anything related to spirituality to others except that they read some books like Gita, Bhagavata , say some prayers, who do not like enjoyement, but still are ridiculed because they dont go to parties or freak around or go to night clubs or discos only reason being that they would forget Lord Vishnu as they havent yet reached the spiritual perfection and desire to reach that perfection....what do u call them?????


Are they Hypocrates or Fanatics???????

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