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Sai Baba has a fall, cancels darshan

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PN Prasad

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It was so disgusting... I think i am going to delete my first post that said he is a great man! Yuck!.


He might have material powers but even "demons" from Hindu Mythology and bad people have them, its not like he got it because of enlightenment or something!.


Thanks for revealing the truth. ( atleast I think you have) .




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Haribol !


Not for hurting someone , but i heared something bad about Saibaba , some kind of sexual abuse.. from couple of my friends.. but sure thats true...


I could only pity him , He is getting sins doubled up when compared to normal sinner. because he does it in the name of the God.


Radhey Shyam


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  • 2 weeks later...
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verify then speak. you all who want to defame saibaba have never seen him or heard his devotees. he is having millions of followers all around the globe. He has never gone on foreign tours except to uganda in the seventees. he has no ashram residents and he has no wealth and all trust is controlled by trust members who are all high ranking officials. go to http://saibaba.tk to learn more about him.

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Actually i am not coming over here for sometime, but ur post frawn me here , my friend in fact very close friend did his bsc there in bangalore , and was instructed by sai bab to do msc in puttaparthi , he was chosen to serv saibaba , you by how ? , hei professor asked him to take latest copies of pictures to give to saibaba , and then he was approcahed by professor for sexual abuse , with maximum fights and false complaints on him he was able to come out of everything , he has seen and realised whats there , after his studies , i was not able to digest the way he was , he used to be soo cheerful and happy and suddenly gone upside down , now he is fine and for the rest of his life we wont forget what has happened.


Is this the way one wants to preach hinduism , we dont want villians to teach heroism , dont be blind find out whats there , find the truth and believe , i am able to find the truth luckily by my friend . You find for urself.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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In actual fact, Sathya Sai Baba owns enormous properties and finances, since he is the head of the Sathya Sai Central Trust and signs or coutersigns all cheques that pass through it. His billionaire brother, Janaki Ramiah, who arranged for the execution of four intruders in Sai Baba's bedroom, is the acting executive head of this Trust, which is tax free in India. Besides building colleges and hospitals, these funds are used for laundering illegal money, as well as for building hyper-expensive museums to honour Sathya Sai Baba, huge useless statues. The full documentation of all this can be found in thousands of web pages by many defectors from this false deity at three exposé websites.

Thanks, tigret

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The tapes of this person's "miracles" are hilarious. I think a broken down clown at a little kid's birthday party could perform a higher grade of slight of hand tricks than the fellow. Prabhupada said it, the cheater and the cheated, and you can see it playing out by going to the http://home.hetnet.nl/~ex-baba/engels/directlytonews.html link recomemended in the previous post and checking out video.

The cheater and the cheated are truly a match made in Heaven...ah or in hell, depending.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Dump your opinions of hearsay, for you do not know. Me, i dont believe in God, but neither do I disbelieve. But Krsna has always been my Love.

I have seen and been with this Man. He is interesting, incredibly intelligent, complex, and very charming. He is cunning, yet incredibly compassionate; deeply empathizing and involved, yet agonizingly detached. And what you think of him, matters as much as what you think of the North Pole. The North Pole stays on.


Its been years since i saw him, and i hardly think of him.

But he is cool. When I first met him out of the blue, he said "i know you love krsna, though you try so hard not to", a feeling i had not even expressed to my girlfriend.

I am not saying he is clairvoyant, I just think he is incredibly smart.


To this day, i try to "un"think of krsna's intoxicating attraction and have failed - but i'll keep on failing.

Its beautiful, but yet i want break free of him. But the more i try, the harder it gets...


So spend your time in keeping an open mind, devoid of opinions and partisan views. Get drunk in Krsna's sweetness, and may it flow through an unclogged mind..because though i dont want it...its sooo beautiful.

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It is correct that Sai B. is highly intuitive reads minds quite easily. But his is also ignorant of many simple facts and is often caught out (but no one dare point it out to his face). It is not correct that he is like the Pole Star... he has successfully given than impression very often. But he has been shaken. When the murders took place under his nose he ran away and did not use his authority to stop them. When he dropped pellets of vibuti in front of one of his top devotees (Terry Gallagher, who later resigned), he got very nervous. See


Sai B. also beat the table with his fists and railed against his critics in a Christmastime discourse in 2000, calling them demons and threatening them. So much for any Pole Star!

I have met him many times and now know he practices large scale fraud, though he is an extremely clever charlatan with many psychic powers.

So be wary, stay on guard, with everything having to do with Sai B.

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I have met him many times and now know he practices large scale fraud, though he is an extremely clever charlatan with many psychic powers.

So be wary, stay on guard, with everything having to do with Sai B.



Nothing can happen to you if you chant and be with krishna.


No fake psychic guy with crazy powers can defeat the almighty.


Hiranyaskapu tried to do the same thing and he failed miserably.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please do not try to analyse god. We are simply an ants compared to the mighty mountain of Sri Sathya Sai.A drop of water compared to the vast ocean of Sai.


So pls dont even think of getting there!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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  • 4 weeks later...

Another cleverly brain-washed devotee of Sai baba who confuses him with God.

This guest obviously imagines he/she knows all about it and tells us Sai Baba is a "mighty mountain"...

But he is a mighty successful deceiver, that's established...

Sai Baba constantly tells us quite the opposite to "please don't think of getting there". So much for unregistered unwanted guest!

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  • 1 month later...



Sathya Sai Baba's refusal to explain anything other than what pleases himself makes it difficult to have confidence in many of the statements he makes on whatever subject, quite apart from what concerns the 'unseen' world of spiritual realities. SSB's demand is that the devotee has implicit and wholly unquestioning trust in him, all his works and anything he utters. If it fails to make sense or is not in accordance with observable fact or other statements of his, this has to be put down to our human ignorance. It is therefore not entirely wrong to say we cannot properly understand him! He holds that virtually everyone alive today is ego-laden, sense-attached and impure who really knows nothing about anything! But we do know with demonstrable certainty that SSB gets his facts wrong time and again, laughably so! And he was, by all appearances, unaware what a storm the world would raise against pedophilia, probably because it is common and yet is not talked about openly in the region where he grew up. A long-standing suspicion seems justified, namely that this kind of homosexual exploitation of boys in India is very widespread and is tacitly accepted in many segments of society- such as in backward parts like the Andhra Pradesh villages of the Puttaparthi region. This is the result of the wall-to-wall culture of repressive censorship against such sexual deviance in most of India.


SSB's imperious and down-looking attitude does not exactly make for a feeling of overflowing divine acceptance and love, which he is always talking about as being his entire nature etc. He can smile and be charming, but love is shown only in action. What does he mostly do? Stroll about looking distant and often as strict as a headmaster who will never abide to be gainsaid or crossed in the least way? This is a manner which invites private anxiety and even fear. He certainly sets up considerable barriers to knowing him and so also to loving him, for how can anyone love what they do not know? This feeling is not confined to relatively peripheral persons such as I, for it is quite evident at times even between Baba and some of his most trusted office-bearers. He scared the wits out of Prof. Kasturi with a raging lion-like expression without any explicable ground other than to cow him totally, it certainly appears.


It is evident that many close followers of SSB hold him in awe, but - more than that - fear him personally. There is plenty of written evidence by followers showing this. And the murders of 1993 have increased this fear without any shadow of a doubt. The fear is seldom talked about but can at times be seen in faces of those often in contact with SSB. One can simply imagine the effect on those under his control, especially his students. SSB has told that his close servitors have three chances of obeying him when he tells them something. If not, terrible consequences can follow. As in the case of Baba's driver for two decades, who burned himself to death in the Hillview Stadium after failing to follow SSB's warning to drive more slowly! One does not have to circulate for long among Sai devotees to know the general paranoia or come across the aura of unexpressed fear around questions of what one can and cannot say and do.


All this sets standards and examples. In the Sai movement, both foreign and Indian VIPs appear seriously po-faced much of the time and are unduly tight-lipped about all remotely sensitive matters having to do with Baba, his organisation or other works. They always have to be in the right, one cannot question anything that is decided by whoever decides. Members are even sometimes expelled without any explanation, as in the case of the Moscow centre's president, who allowed discussion of the sexual allegations against SSB. The personal qualities of most top leaders in the Sai movement make for a social and mental-emotional gap between Sai officials and 'ordinary' hard-working followers, with few exceptions. This has had the effect of consolidating an inner circle who are subservient to the International Chairman and the Central Trust - a kind of international jet-set elite who invite one another around the world to hold forth - often mainly to regurgitate or repackage Sai Baba aphorisms - and who evidently confer to hush up anything they can which might affect their own positions in Baba's favour and within the organisation that bears his name.


All this is the basis for the many cover-ups. The 1993 murders and the many pedophile accounts involving Sai Baba (some going back decades), have been kept from the main body of devotees for so long through this organised deception. However, the growing recognition in the world for the duty of mandatory reporting of known cases of sexual interference or abuse - a legal requirement in many countries - will surely eventually bring forth court actions and large compensation claims against leading Sai office-bearers who can be demonstrated to have failed in this reporting duty, as it has already at last done in the Catholic Church in so many countries. All Sai officials would be very well advised to "sweep their hearths and keep their houses clean" on this count from now on, for the information is presently freely available to every one of them.


When fear is felt but cannot be expressed it is all the more effective. Once the fears can be confronted without the possibility of retribution - such as by removing oneself from their source both physically, socially and emotionally - it becomes evident that, as F.D. Rooseveldt put it "there is nothing to fear but fear itself".

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Guru Sai Baba exposed

The Indian Science and Rationalists' Association works to expose charlatan gurus. Its latest claim is that the guru Sai Baba's 'miracles', which so impress his devotees, are simply magic tricks. (Summarised from an article entitled 'Guru Busters' by Tim McGirk in the Independent, March 2nd '94.)


Sai Baba, 68, resides in a palatial ashram in Andhra Pradesh state. His reputation as a miraculous healer, one who conjures up gold watches and holy ash from the air, has won him millions of devotees, including Narasimha Rao. An Indian state television team last year recorded Mr Rao's last visit to Sai Baba's ashram, in which the guru made a gold watch materialise from nowhere.


'When the film was played back, slow-motion, in the editing room, it revealed that the guru's 'miracle' was a tawdry sleight-of-hand'

The prime minister was understandably impressed. But when the film was played back, slow-motion, in the editing room, it revealed that the guru's 'miracle' was a tawdry sleight-of-hand.



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  • 5 months later...
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It is simply a gross error to believe that Sai Baba produces or gives away diamonds... none have ever been proven by any documentation to be genuine by recognised expert. All those opened up so far have been fakes stones.. anything from zircon to synthetic sapphires etc. These fakes are worn by all kinds of pompous Ministers and personalities, believing them to be genuine and great signs of 'grace'. One has to chuckle. As Julius Caesar said "Men willingly believe what they wish." [from 'De Bello Gallico']

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