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flickering eye

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i have been told that if your left eye flickers this is considered good luck, and if the right eye flickers this is bad luck.


has anybody heard about this before?


my right eye seems to be flickering for the past week, does anybody know the medical reason for this, could it be due to tiredness perhaps?

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I had always heard that if the left eye flickers for a man, that is inauspicious. For the woman, right eye flickering is inauspicious. Right eye for man, left for woman means auspiciousness. Sorry, I have no quotes to back this up, just going by what I've heard from other devotees.


Interestingly, whenever one of my eyes flicker, it is usually the left one. I don't know if this indicates material inauspiciousness or spiritual inauspiciousness. Sometimes I take it as a warning sign, that something inauspicious is about to happen, but that it can be prevented if I make intelligent decisions.

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in 'subduing kaliya' it is said:

'the earth trembled,meteors fell from the sky snd the left side of men's bodies shivered. All these are indications of great immediate danger'


it seems that not only when the left eye of males but the left side of their bodies as well shivers, it's inauspicious

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Something funny happened to me like 2 weeks ago. I was at work serving some customers and I step outside to take something for them when a nice bird decided to go to the toilet at that moment and I got the stool on my hair and t-shirt. Fuming and remembering my mother's tongue I tried to washed off all the fertilizer from my head and cloth when suddenly I remembered what a dear friend of mine always told me about birds using you as toilet:" it was good luck". Something good was coming. I always thought that was the tolerance mantra in Calcutta to not to kill the crows that not only pass stool on you, they drop everything that they carry on their beaks and sometimes it is really nasty.


Trying to be peaceful I kept saying to myself,"good luck, good luck" whatever. Withing 15 minutes, I found a dollar bill all crumpled

up on the floor and I picked up, you know, because you don't leave Laksmi on the floor, etc. After 4 hours or so, I left work and when I was changing cloth at home and I took the laksmi out of my pockets, the dollar bill came out too and to my surprise when I unfolded it was a $100!!


Nobody was looking for the money at work and who knows to whom it belonged for so many people walk in and out of there and out of all those people I was the one who saw the really wrinkled up bill. That bird brought me good luck. So there you have an omen and when next time a bird uses you as a toilet, don't get mad, be glad, because good luck is coming your way! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


To purify the whole thing, I gave a donation to the deities.


And no,I won't go and sit on purpose under trees to get fertilizer on my hair thinking I'm going to make my fortune that way just in case one of you smart guys will suggest that. OK, good luck in 2003 to all of you.

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I don't want any in my hair, what about on my car? Does this count for good luck? If so, I'm going out and buying me a lottery ticket, because I'll be the luckiest person in the world /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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  • 6 months later...
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Flickering of the eye is usually caused by tiredness, infact sometimes you have the flickering even after you wake up from sleep, excessive or too less of sleep can cause your eye to flicker based on neurosensual stimulations and retinal impulses (lookup in an excyclopedia) being controlled by the brain, as for the good or the bad omen dunno if it comes true or not...I've personally faced both the eyes flicker simultaneously but never came across any instance of good or bad luck....may be it got neutralised ;-)


To summarise - Everything in the world has a scientific explaination...dont go by beliefes or myth as


"one who lives in hopes...dies in disappointment..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hare Krishna


Here is my take on flickering eyes/body spasms, I have practical experience although still confusing at times-




Left eye flickers a lot at same time- means something bad will probably happen within the hour

Left eye flickers slowly with on/off means something bad will happen either on the day, or most likely next day(this one is very hard to figure out) or something will happen but it won't be too bad


Right eye flickers means something good will happen or is happening (maybe sometimes material or spiritual) applies for both eyes


wow now for the rest of body according to the Ramayana and my own experience


left arm twitches a lot, it means you will go on some sort of journey and something bad will happen (depend on how much it twitches as well) could be small journey of just downstairs (maybe having argument with somebody)


right arm means the opposite and something good will happen


left leg twitches means usually a warning (not so bad as rest) to not go somewhere


right leg means it will be ok


sometimes if you ignore all the above then you can have a violent twitch on other parts of your body to warn you Not to do something


I THINK the more you get used to the above the more it can be beneficial to you, especially in spiritual life (like when I chant and I'm not doing it properly, my left eye or arm (journey to Krishna) twitches so I correct my self.


I doubt people will believe what am saying but this is my own personal experience


Also for women it is all reversed


ps I'm Not crazy!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I never believed in flickering of eyes. I remember my husband telling me once that it's said for ladies if right eye flicker it's not good but left is good.

I had a continous right eye flicker for 2-3days. I also told him my right eye is flickering when ever I open or close it and it's doing it continously. He told me to pray and not to worry. I also took it lightly but after continous flickering for 2-3 days I got a call around 4:00 in night. I was half asleep and was very restless since my eye was going crazy so immd when call came I got up but phone got disconnected. I was as if sensing something worse would happen. Something that you know and sense is not right but don't know what. I immd logged on computer to see if my dad is online. I got worried and then phone rang again I picked and heard my brother crying and asking us to come immd because dad had a heartattack and he was just crying. I immd lit diya booked tickets but when I reached home he had left this world forever. Since then I somehow get scared whenever my right eye flickers and I am on this post 'cause again for past 2-3 days continously my right eye is flickering. Wonder if someone has some suggestion why it happens and how to stop it

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Hare Krishna


I am very sad to hear about your father passing,


your right eye (for women) flickering can be a warning that something bad is about to happen/or it can be a warning to change something,


it can be scary when your bad eye flickers non-stop, esp 2 days!, my record is one day (I had big argument with mother)


theres nothing you can do to stop it, but you can try to figure out what might be about to happen, and pray to Radha.


I must assume that your good eye (left) flickers as well /images/graemlins/smile.gif

You maybe be little thankful that you have this gift /images/graemlins/confused.gif, but you must not think that everytime your bad eye (right) flickers then something really bads going to happen, like somebody dying. Hope you are OK, Haribol /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your post was very useful, Thanks.

I had similar experience in past, and I have noticed that whenever something bad is about to happen my right eye flicker and for good left eye....

Today my left arm was flikering and I was wondering what its indicating ... so was searching on net and found your post..





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