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NASA Images Discover Ancient Bridge between India and SriLanka

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From http://www.harekrishnatemple.com


Space images taken by NASA reveal a mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge currently named as Adam´s Bridge is made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long.


The bridge´s unique curvature and composition by age suggests that it may be man made. The legends as well as Archeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to the primitive age, about 1,750,000 years ago.


This information is a crucial aspect for an insight into the mysterious legend called Ramayana, which was supposed to have taken place in Tredha Yuga (more than 1,700,000 years ago).


In this epic, there is a mentioning about a bridge, which was built between Rameshwaram (India) and Srilankan coast under the supervision of a dynamic and invincible figure called Rama who is supposed to be the incarnation of the supreme.


Here are links to NASA Image Gallery:












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As jndas prabhu put it, even if it is not the same bridge that rama built it should be named after him.


i have a few questions :


1. how do we know it is a picture taken by NASA ? there are many studio edited pictures to prove a point. while these make a good initial impression, they create cynicism over time.


2. how do we know it is a bridge ?


3. how does this compare with the dating of treata yuga ? i was under the impression that the end of treta yuga was atleast 2989000 years ago. also we have to see when in treta yuga rama appeared.

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1. how do we know it is a picture taken by NASA ? there are many studio edited pictures to prove a point. while these make a good initial impression, they create cynicism over time.


As the images are showcased at NASA website, I believe that they are taken by NASA. Yes, I do agree that there are many studio edited pictures. I'm not sure whether NASA really edits the images in order to prove a point. I felt it was better to post them wherever possible, so that all those people who think that Ramayana and Mahabharata are just mythological will atleast find some scientific evidence which will help them understand that Rama and Krishna were historical personalities, incarnations of the Lord, and all the events that happened at that time

are true facts.


2. how do we know it is a bridge ?


The image appears atleast as a link between two ends, though it doesn't appear exactly like a complete bridge. Moreover, as it might have been built many lakhs of years ago, it may not be possible to get a clear image of the bridge(or something similar to a bridge).


3. how does this compare with the dating of treata yuga ? i was under the impression that the end of treta yuga was atleast 2989000 years ago. also we have to see when in treta yuga rama appeared.


Regarding the dating of Treta Yuga, any knowledgable person in the forum should be able to answer as I do not have complete/correct knowledge of the period when Treta Yuga started and ended.


I have also posted URLs from another website which shows the photos from marine excavations at Dwaraka:








Also, the article about the Mahabharata found in this website, provides a very good explanation.



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R K Prasad,


Nice posts. While we can't be sure that the bridge and the submerged site in question belong to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna respectively, it certainly proves that civilizations of great antiquity existed in India. Not much is known about the bridge, but there are several man made structures found in the submerged Dvaraka, a site that is 9,000 years old. This in itself should demolish the common myth that civilization in India is just 5000 years old.


I would be a little cautious about declaring that submerged city as the capital of Krishna. This is for 2 reasons: First, we should let all the facts emerge, so that the truth is known. Second, there are several anti-Hindu forces, who would gleefully attack us, if it turns out to be otherwise.


In any case it disproves the commonly held academic point of view about the age of our civilization. And a revision of our history is due.

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While we can't be sure that the bridge and the submerged site in question belong to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna respectively, it certainly proves that civilizations of great antiquity existed in India.


Yes, these pictures really prove that great civilizations existed in India (and all over the world, almost all of them have disappeared). When I think of those civilizations, I feel that they lived a life full of peace and happiness, much better than the current one. They knew the aim of human life and tried to fulfill it under the expert guidance of their teachers.


I would be a little cautious about declaring that submerged city as the capital of Krishna. This is for 2 reasons: First, we should let all the facts emerge, so that the truth is known. Second, there are several anti-Hindu forces, who would gleefully attack us, if it turns out to be otherwise.


Yes, we should let all the facts emerge. However, I feel that this is going to take a very long time (and many of the archeologists in India being careless about finding the real truth about such discoveries). Maybe, in the process of finding them, they may misguide people by hiding many important facts from the common man (take the Taj Mahal for example - so much confusion about this marvellous structure). I only pray that they take their work more seriously and try to expose the real heritage of the vedic world, that has been lost for long (and has been losing till date). As you have mentioned, there are many anti-Hindu/anti-Vedic groups that can attack us if the facts are proved wrong. I feel that if proper research is conducted and if they try to analyze these facts, then we will be successful in proving and showing the world that a better and much happier civilization existed much before the present civilization which is totally confused and perplexed.


There is also a great need for all the devotees to help each other by encouraging them in their devotional activity, without actually criticizing each other for their mistakes/behaviour. As JNDas prabhu states "Mistakes are a product of the material world. We are all coming out of the gutter and we should try to atleast encourage the person for having tried to get up and come out of the gutter, instead of trying to remain a part of it". If all of us work together in such a mentality, we can be assured that no group can affect us in any way.

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R K Prasad,



and many of the archeologists in India being careless about finding the real truth about such discoveries



Fortunately, now we have several distinguished archeologists like S R Rao, Nagaswamy, Bisht and B B Lal who are dedicated experts. Unfortunately, they don't have sufficient funding, which the Marxist combine has. S R Rao had lamented that they often don't even have the basic diving gear for conducting under water surveys. If the Hindus can pool in funds and help set up infrastructure, then the truth would emerge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear friends,

I got a message from a very high beign.

The message was: "This is only the beginning of prood of Great Indian civilizations existed in India ages ago."There IS more to come."

People who doubthed Hindu scriptures will fully come to understand that Rama, Krishna,Sita, Hanuman are not "legends", but real people.


So those of you who have little faith start having faith now and never doubht the scriptures.


You might want to doubt men but never doubt what Krisna's Revelations.


Dharma was always , there was no beginning nor end.

Religion is only man made to gain the largest flock of followers.




Jai Shri Krishna


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Adam Bridge has no relation with Ramayana's bridge between India and Lanka.Ramayana is a Methological story. Adam Bridge is a series of small hills under the sea.

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>>>The dating of primitive life in Sri Lanka is not relevant, as there were countless pralayas that occurred between the time of Ramachandra and the present, thereby destroying and dispersing evidence of prior civilization.



If Lord Ramacandra Yuga avatar then there should not be any pralayas between treta yuga and kali.... isn;t?


just... 2-3 million years ago /images/graemlins/smile.gif




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

"I fail to understand why it was named Adam's Bridge?"


haha, I was thinking the exact same thing the moment i stumbled across your post and nearly died laughing, coincidentally having the same thoughts....


i fail to understand it as well but hey its a white man's world my friend i guess we can't expect anything short of slanderous agendas and fraudulent histories

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  • 1 month later...

1.As the images have been posted in NASA's website,we can be sure that they are indeed taken by NASA.

2.It exactly connects India and Sri lanka which itself is a proof that it should be man made.

3.The age of Kali yuga is 432,000 years.Now it is 5103 Kali year.Dwapara yuga is 864,000 years long and Thretha yuga is 1,296,000 long.Rama avatara took place in the middle of thretha yuga and hence it should have taken place around 17 or 18 lakh years ago.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hare Krishna


SB 1.15.21 Los Angeles December 1, 1973

Just like Ravana. Ravana, Hiranyakasipu, they were demons, godless demons. Ravana was very learned scholar in Vedic knowledge and very powerful materially. He converted his capital with gold, all the buildings and everything. It is supposed that Ravana's brother was a king of..., on the other side of the globe. So it is my suggestion... I do not say it is very scientific proof. So other side of the globe... Ravana was in Ceylon, and the other side of the globe, <font color="red"> if you go by subway </font color> , it comes to Brazil. And Brazil is supposed to have gold mines. And it is said in the Ramayana that Ravana's brother was living on the other side of the globe, and <font color="red"> Ramacandra was taken through the subway. </font color> So taking this into consideration, we can suppose that Ravana imported large quantity of gold from Brazil, and he converted them into big, big houses. So Ravana was so powerful that he made his capital Svarna-lanka, "capital made of gold."



Wow there's a subway form Sri Lanka to Brazil.






<font color="red"> nitai-gauranga, nitai-gauranga </font color>

<font color="red"> jayasacinandana, gaura-hari </font color>


<font color="blue"> All glories to Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya!

</font color> <font color="blue"> the son of Saci-devi, who is Krsna Himself in golden hue.

</font color>




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A year or so before Srila Prabhupad made this conjecture, he suggested to Goursundar, his first GBC representative for South America, that such a tunnel was dug from Lanka to Peru. Goursundar told me this when we discussed his idea for me to go to South America to introduce Krishna consciousness to Peru. I was therefore very interested to hear a few months later from my father that there's an undersater tunnel off the coast of Peru.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have heard several stories about a tunnel starting under the Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro being the tunnel that once led to Lanka. Local legends speak of this tunnel leading to a golden kingdom on the other side of the ocean. Some devotee told me they went into it at one time but the ghosts were so powerful in there they had to turn back. That tunnel could have actually contained a space portal at one time, folding space and making long distance travel easy, just like similar devices mentioned in the Vedic scriptures.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i think the bridge is the same as made by lord rama there should b no discrepancy about it although it has been discovered long time after it is still there such is the greatness of lord rama

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I guess who ever posted this question about the authenticity of the images failed to lok at the image URLS. They refer to the Nasa's web site. They are very much authentic.





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  • 4 weeks later...

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