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Abortion and animal slaughter reactions coming back to Earth.Updates: Mayor Guiliani says: ''I have a sense it's a horrendous number of lives lost.''

Bush says military on high-alert status.


Apparent Terrorist Attack Hits NYC, D.C.


.c The Associated Press


NEW YORK (Sept. 11) - In one of the most audacious attacks ever against the United States, terrorists hijacked two airliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center in a coordinated series of blows Tuesday that brought down the twin 110-story towers. A plane also slammed into the Pentagon, bringing the seat of government itself under attack.


Thousands could be dead or injured, a high-ranking city police official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.


Authorities had been trying to evacuate those who work in the twin towers, but many were thought to have been trapped. About 50,000 people work at the Trade Center and tens of thousands of others visit each day.


American Airlines said its two hijacked planes were carrying a total of 156 people. Two United airliners carrying a total of 110 passengers also crashed - one outside Pittsburgh, the other in a location not immediately identified.


''This is perhaps the most audacious terrorist attack that's ever taken place in the world,'' said Chris Yates, an aviation expert at Jane's Transport in London. ''It takes a logistics operation from the terror group involved that is second to none. Only a very small handful of terror groups is on that list. ... I would name at the top of the list Osama bin Laden.''


President Bush ordered a full-scale investigation to ''hunt down the folks who committed this act.''


Within the hour, the Pentagon took a direct, devastating hit from an aircraft. The fiery crash collapsed one side of the five-sided structure.


The White House, the Pentagon and the Capitol were evacuated along with other federal buildings in Washington and New York.


Authorities in Washington immediately began deploying troops, including an infantry regiment. The Situation Room at the White House was in full operation. And authorities went on alert from coast to coast, U.S. and Canadian borders were sealed, all air traffic across the country was halted, and security was tightened at strategic installations.


''This is the second Pearl Harbor. I don't think that I overstate it,'' said Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb.


In June, a U.S. judge had set this Wednesday as the sentencing date for a bin Laden associate for his role in the bombing of a U.S. embassy in Tanzania that killed 213 people. The sentencing had been set for the federal courthouse near the World Trade Center. No one from the U.S. attorney's office could be reached Tuesday to comment on whether the sentencing was still on.


In the West Bank city of Nablus, thousands of Palestinians celebrated Tuesday's attacks, chanting ''God is Great'' and distributing candy to passers-by.


American Airlines identified the planes that crashed into the Trade Center as Flight 11, a Los Angeles-bound jet hijacked after takeoff from Boston with 92 people aboard, and Flight 77, which was seized while carrying 64 people from Washington to Los Angeles.


In Pennsylvania, United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 en route from Newark, N.J., to San Francisco, crashed about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh with 45 people aboard. United said another of its planes, Flight 175, a Boeing 767 bound from Boston to Los Angeles with 65 people on board, also crashed, but it did not say where. The fate of those aboard the two planes was not immediately known.


Evacuations were ordered at the United Nations in New York and at the Sears Tower in Chicago. Los Angeles mobilized its anti-terrorism division, and security was intensified around the naval installations in Hampton Roads, Va. Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., was evacuated.


At the World Trade Center, ''everyone was screaming, crying, running, cops, people, firefighters, everyone,'' said Mike Smith, a fire marshal. ''It's like a war zone.''


''I just saw the building I work in come down,'' said businessman Gabriel Ioan, shaking in shock outside City Hall, a cloud of smoke and ash from the World Trade Center behind him.


Nearby a crowd mobbed a man on a pay phone, screaming at him to get off the phone so that they could call relatives. Dust and dirt flew everywhere. Ash was 2 to 3 inches deep in places. People wandered dazed and terrified.


The planes blasted fiery, gaping holes in the upper floors of the twin towers. A witness said he saw bodies falling and people jumping out. About an hour later, the southern tower collapsed with a roar and a huge cloud of smoke; the other tower fell about a half-hour after that, covering lower Manhattan in heaps of gray rubble and broken glass. Firefighters trapped in the rubble radioed for help.


''I have a sense it's a horrendous number of lives lost,'' Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said. ''Right now we have to focus on saving as many lives as possible.''


''Today we've had a national tragedy,'' Bush said in Sarasota, Fla. ''Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country.'' He said he would be returning immediately to Washington.


The crashes at the World Trade Center happened minutes apart, beginning just before 9 a.m.


Heavy black smoke billowed into the sky above one of New York City's most famous landmarks, and debris rained down on the street, one of the city's busiest work areas. When the second plane hit, a fireball of flame and smoke erupted, leaving a huge hole in the glass and steel tower.


John Axisa, who was getting off a commuter train to the World Trade Center, said he saw ''bodies falling out'' of the building. He said he ran outside, and watched people jump out of the first building. Then there was a second explosion, and he felt heat on the back of neck.


WCBS-TV, citing an FBI agent, said five or six people jumped out of the windows. Witnesses on the street screamed every time another person leaped.


People ran down the stairs in panic and fled the building. Thousands of pieces of what appeared to be office paper drifted over Brooklyn, about three miles away.


Several subway lines were immediately shut down. Trading on Wall Street was suspended. New York's mayoral primary election Tuesday was postponed. All bridges and tunnels into Manhattan were closed.


David Reck was handing out literature for a candidate for public advocate a few blocks away when he saw a jet come in ''very low, and then it made a slight twist and dove into the building.''


Terrorist bombers struck the World Trade Center in February 1993, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000 others.


''It's just sick. It just shows how vulnerable we really are,'' Keith Meyers, 39, said in Columbus, Ohio. ''It kind of makes you want to go home and spend time with your family. It puts everything in perspective,'' Meyers said. He said he called to check in with his wife. They have two young children.


In New York, ''we heard a large boom and then we saw all this debris just falling,'' said Harriet Grimm, who was inside a bookstore on the World Trade Center's first floor when the first explosion rocked the building.


''The plane was coming in low and ... it looked like it hit at a slight angle,'' said Sean Murtagh, a CNN vice president, the network reported.


In 1945, an Army Air Corps B-25, a twin-engine bomber, crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building in dense fog.


In Florida, Bush was reading to children in a classroom at 9:05 a.m. when his chief of staff, Andrew Card, whispered into his ear. The president briefly turned somber before he resumed reading. He addressed the tragedy about a half-hour later.


AP-NY-09-11-01 1250EDT




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Vegetarian Hitler told our cow-killing League of Nations and Kosher-killing Jewish leader to set up Israel in Madagascar, definitely NOT, not, NOT in the Mid-East.

Our so-called Jews don't know one word of their own Hebrew Torah nor Tenach.

Our so-called Amerikan leaders know nothing at all about anything.

Empty-headed MAYA-SUKHAYA fagots at best.

Rommel knew more about Islam/Arab Culture than all our USA University professors combined.

PrabhupAd dealt with all these topics 30 yrs ago.

Instead of listening to HDG, they assisted in SP's poisoning.

What you're seeing today is nothing.

Nothing at all. N-O-T-H-I-N-G.


All you movie-goers: consider this "Coming Attractions"


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Here in LA they evacuated all the Government buildings. They sent people home. Early they were saying on the local TV that one missing hickjacked plane was coming to LA. I did not send my kids to school, instead I send them to the temple for darshan and Guru Puja.


All this makes you realized how dangerous this material world is and our only shelter are Sri Sri Radha Krisna. Any moment we may die.


Those scenes from the Trade World Center were you see people asking for help from the windows and one man climbing out are really sad. You know that they didn't make it.


Terrible, this terrorists won't stop at nothing, and they are doing it in name of religion.


I have one Iranian friend and her mother was planning a tour to Europe but already her friends are calling her to cancel it because she is Iranian. Innocent muslims over here will pay a heavy price.







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That's why we didn't take Zrila BhaktivedAnta Narayan Mhrj there in 1996; we gave'em 5 extra years, extra rope for the cow-eaters to hang themselves.

That's why we didn't take Zrila Bhaktivallabha Tirtha Mhrj there in 1997, 1999, 2000. Same reason.

Zrila Bhaktivaibhava Puri Mhrj, being senior to both, did the honors.

The CIA can't understand what we're talking about.

Denser dopey morons have never been born.

If they want lessons in security, they'll have to first atone for what they did at 340 West 55 Street and then some.


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One has to take birth according to one’s activities of life. And after finishing one term of activities, one has to die to take birth for the next. In this way one is going through one cycle of birth and death after another without liberation. This cycle of birth and death does not, however, support unnecessary murder, slaughter and war. But at the same time, violence and war are inevitable factors in human society for keeping law and order.Bg 2.27 purport


So retaliation is both certain and necessary,but modern warfare is so cowardly.The big brains sit far far away in safety and place the commands that result in the deaths of civilians as well as military targets on the far side of the world.


All the big time military strategists study Sun Tzu's The Art of War.Wouldn't it be nice if Bhagavad-gita As It Is was required reading at West Point as well?


Maybe some stalwart book distributor will take up station at the front gate of West Point Military Academy with some Gita's in his/her bag.


Hare Krishna



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briefed some major players this morning under the most intense security ever seen at the Trident base. We talked the piety of war for just cause, and how Krsna clearly describes who should get killed. This idea of muslims or fundamentalists doing this is just as absurd as saying Jim Jones was a Christian. There is no god to the one at the controls going into those buildings, because there is absolute abuse of god's property.


Sure, we are not these bodies, but these bodies are not our property either. To stop terrorism, we must purge the terror from our own hearts, the terror we want to inflict on those of different ideology, our aggressive behavior toward all those we consider "offenders". I have seen traces of this attitude in our own school, and have seen folks act quite fearless in regard to taking of lives and offering the own body to do such a thing, so this is how it is.


The response will be direct and complete, but we must be able to stomach the obvious reprocussions. Freedom of travel is history, our economy is completely different, what happened in NY is universal. it may well have been next door for the price each of us may have to pay in terms of personal freedom.


I had a gun shoved in my face this morning, and will have many loaded weapons in my face every day until the rubble cools. Our property is no longer our dominion, our cars are open to any authority. My trip to Canada's Coast is my last "vacation". When the US gets branded as "terrorist" for the coming retaliation, the world's silos may well open, and there may well be mushrooms on the horizon.


Walkin through the rubble may not just be in lower Manhattan, rubble will be in every town and village, and we know what goes with the miserable state of human condition.


SURRENDER, the final will to understand that this is our only option, that we have life outside the realm of Death.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Maitreyaji: yes, PrabhupAd said modern day xatriya means young boys go off to war while the politicians who send them there smoke in the parlor.

I agree with Bush's former anti-abortion stance which Bush backed down from when Falwell reiterated infanticide as a partial reason for Tuesday morning.

But Gorgeous George's initial Nebraska bunker move doesn't quite bring to mind xatriya spirit.

Mahakji: SURRENDER to Transcendence. No chance here. Thanks for the reminder.

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