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Lord Jagannath's image on saree irks Hindus

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<h3>Lord Jagannath's image on saree irks Hindus</h3>


Imran Khan in Bhubaneswar


The temple administrator of the world famous Jagannath temple, H S Samantray, has threatened to take legal action against a Calcutta based company for using the images of Lord Jagannath on sarees.


The move comes after right-wing Hindu outfits associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh had threatened action against the manufacturer.


The use of the image of Lord Jagannath and other two deities on sarees has sparked resentment among hundreds of priests of the Puri Temple.


Samantray has asked the company to withdraw the saree brand immediately or face legal action.


"We will not take it, the company will have to face the legal consequences if it failed to withdraw the sarees from the market all over the country," he said.


The company had launched Swatika Butia brand of sarees with images of Hindu Gods and Goddesses, particularly lord Jagannath, the main deity of the Puri temple.


Samantray told rediff.com, "Lord Jagannath, the most revered deity and a symbol of Hindu faith, has been projected in a saree in a derogatory manner. This is shocking," he added.


Earlier, several Hindu organisations like Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, Hindu Jagran Sammukhya had protested against the company for misusing the image of Hindu Gods.



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I have often wondered if it is proper to wear images on T-shirts, as one would inevitably be wearing them in the bathroom. I have asked several devotees for their opinions on this but have drawn a large blank from all. Until I know for sure, I also draw a large blank on having Deities on my clothing.

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I was just coming back in to express the same concern. Also, with the issue of images on sarees - at some point in the wearing the images will either touch the floor, be sat on or witness offensive actions ie the bathroom or whatever else might be going on in around us. I too will not wear these type of garments.


Originally posted by JRdd:

I have often wondered if it is proper to wear images on T-shirts, as one would inevitably be wearing them in the bathroom. I have asked several devotees for their opinions on this but have drawn a large blank from all. Until I know for sure, I also draw a large blank on having Deities on my clothing.


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Yes I too was thinking the same thing about the images on sarees getting sat on, etc.


As for the T-shirts, is it better to advertise those Divine Forms for the benefit of others, or better not to wear them in the bathroom?


Until I have absolute conviction otherwise, I am sticking with avoiding the offense.

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Originally posted by JRdd:

Yes I too was thinking the same thing about the images on sarees getting sat on, etc.


As for the T-shirts, is it better to advertise those Divine Forms for the benefit of others, or better not to wear them in the bathroom?


Until I have absolute conviction otherwise, I am sticking with avoiding the offense.

I argued about this for two decades with the "authorities". That is why I never wore those t-shirts with Srila Prabhupada or the Lord's images. I got into a few arguments in the stool rooms with "authority" devotees who brought the images in there with them. I finally decided to ignore them, and realise they were not authorities, only idiots.

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I recently received as a present a Ratha Yatra t-shirt 2000 from one of the managers at new Jagannatha Temple.I really like wearing it, but take it off when I enter the bathroom.I still don't know if that is necessary or just my compulsiveness.


I also feel compelled to wash it with shirts only.No socks other underwear etc.


I love seeing some of the pictures on the shirts some devotees wear at kirtanas though.


I don't know.And then there are tattoos.I have wanted a KC tattoo for twenty years or more,but feel it might be an offense or something somehow.


What is the scoop on tats?

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Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

ya really wanna know?

Yeah, I'm serious.Full back Narasimha.Done nice, like a yakuza.


Or maybe something simple like tilak permanetly tattooed on my forehead and nose.Okay that one is a joke.


Maybe the Pacha-tattva mantra in sanskrit or something.


Vaisnavas maked their bodies with God's names.But then ink ain't chandan or could it be as it becomes the name?I don't know, that's why I'm askin'.


Anyway what's the scoop randOM.





[This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 09-03-2001).]

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hey livingentity,


This clerk at this herb shop I shop at has these two tattoo's on his forhead.They are kind of beige, off white in color.I said oh you have conch shells on your head.He said no they are horns.Sure enough a couple of curly ram horns.


Preparing for his next birth? I hope not.Gosh that must have hurt!No flesh there, just bone.OW!


Ok I'm going to start using spell check.


[This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 09-03-2001).]

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Originally posted by Maitreya:

Anyway what's the scoop randOM.



Give me a few days to properly submit what my siksa guru maharaja says about this subject.


It is not simple.


I have tacs that Srila Prabhupada said "hmmmmm....."

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Okay a couple of days, but don't forget and leave us hangin'.


I seem to remember hearing of some devotee leaving his body in India and Sridhar Maharaja saying his body should not be burned but set a drift in the Ganga.


Please note how I am not sure of this story.I don't want to commit a 'Sridhar said'.

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Originally posted by Maitreya:

Okay a couple of days, but don't forget and leave us hangin'.


I seem to remember hearing of some devotee leaving his body in India and Sridhar Maharaja saying his body should not be burned but set a drift in the Ganga.


Please note how I am not sure of this story.I don't want to commit a 'Sridhar said'.

Ummm, what's this got to do with tattoes?

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Srila Sridhara Maharaja is always correct when he says to let Mata Ganga take care of our worthless bodies.


Gimme a couple days, then remind me about tacs!



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A couple of years ago a man moved in next door to where I used to live - he had a wild mustang (horse) tattooed on half of his face! This guy was 60 or so years old and it looked like it had been there a while. The art work work was nice but....eew - the pain!! Also, I knew this woman that her whole body was tattooed - all except her face, hands and feet - I mean solid tattoos like printed fabric. Again, nice art but why? Posted Image


Originally posted by Maitreya:

hey livingentity,


This clerk at this herb shop I shop at has these two tattoo's on his forhead.They are kind of beige, off white in color.I said oh you have conch shells on your head.He said no they are horns.Sure enough a couple of curly ram horns.


Preparing for his next birth? I hope not.Gosh that must have hurt!No flesh there, just bone.OW!


Ok I'm going to start using spell check.


[This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 09-03-2001).]


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Yes to Maitreya, JR et al,

Zrila Zridhardev stated that this bhaktas tattoos were like Deities on his skin; therefore his body should not be burned.

VaikunthanAth dAs KavirAj knows the case better than I do.

I'll email him this thread.

There's no photo of PrabhupAd or any other authentic vaisnav wearing clothing with Deity Pictures printed or sewn on.

Your notions not to wear/avoid or to at least take Them off when entering toilets, etc. is right on, 100% zAstrik.

Holy Names can be taken into toilets, but not Holy Forms.

Zriman MahAprabhu's example with GopAl Guru GosvAmI.

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In this Ratha Yatra I met my friend from Mayapur (remember the one that had to jump in the Jalangi running away from a mob?). He got the coolest tatoo! Full back Nrisimhadeva. We took photos of it. He got another one on his chest, really thick. I bet that was painful.

One gurukuli girl has this tatoo around her shoulder and half of her upper back of Lord Krsna playing the flute. I'm not a tattoo person but that is really beautiful! The colors and expression are really amazing.

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Originally posted by atma:

In this Ratha Yatra I met my friend from Mayapur (remember the one that had to jump in the Jalangi running away from a mob?). He got the coolest tatoo! Full back Nrisimhadeva. We took photos of it. He got another one on his chest, really thick. I bet that was painful.

One gurukuli girl has this tatoo around her shoulder and half of her upper back of Lord Krsna playing the flute. I'm not a tattoo person but that is really beautiful! The colors and expression are really amazing.

Full back Nrisimhadeva? Alright!Great minds think alike.Was that before or after he was chased by the mob? Posted Image


Tarun, why is fire not acceptable?It seems so clean.I know there must be authorized methods for Deities in these situations, I just have no idea what they are.



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After the mob. I guess that he got such a fright that from now on he only feel safe with the Lord on his back!

He always gets in trouble. Now his current girlfriend is so jeaulous that he was kind of jumpy talking to us and showing his tattoos. He is afraid of the girl. If he read this, he'll kill me Posted Image

I hope that you MC, don't get into trouble while in India. Full body tattoo may help!

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Coolest thing just happened.I have the TV on tuned to MSNBC and they are doing now a story on tattoos.


All of a sudden I heard a Kirtan coming from the TV and when I look it showed the inside of a temple with a kirtan going and then the picture went to a murti of Srila Prabhupada.Then to this devotee who has all these devotional tattoos.Showed a young bhaktin with some on her arm also.Three or four different bhaktas showing their Krishna body art.I think it was filmed in New York.


This is a direct message from Supersoul telling me to go tattoo my full body just as atma suggested.No doubt about it.My life now has a mission. Posted Image


It was cool though.



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I would like to see at least that part of the show - when will it be on again?

Originally posted by Maitreya:

Coolest thing just happened.I have the TV on tuned to MSNBC and they are doing now a story on tattoos.


All of a sudden I heard a Kirtan coming from the TV and when I look it showed the inside of a temple with a kirtan going and then the picture went to a murti of Srila Prabhupada.Then to this devotee who has all these devotional tattoos.Showed a young bhaktin with some on her arm also.Three or four different bhaktas showing their Krishna body art.I think it was filmed in New York.


This is a direct message from Supersoul telling me to go tattoo my full body just as atma suggested.No doubt about it.My life now has a mission. Posted Image


It was cool though.




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I see tattoos as extreme vanity at the expense of desecrating a body that is not ours to begin with. Allegiance and fidelity are not so cheaply expressed, but have to come from inside. The same goes for overt displays on T-shirts, etc. Realized actions must speak for themselves. Cool and/or hip we may appear, but what's actually inside the so carefully displayed package? Anyone remember what Prabhupada said about `decorating dead bodies`?.... signed, worm-in-stool




[This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 09-04-2001).]

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