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Coming out on Chakra

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From reading Chakra the last few days it appears the homosexual crowd is ochestrating an attempted coming out party in the mind set of Vaisnava adherents.


What do they want anyway?To be able to hold hands with their "partners" at the Sunday feast?Lavender dhotis?


Lord Caitanya's movement is already open to everyone without qualification.Anyone can begin chanting Hare Krishna from any position.They are seeking only a social acceptance.



Some have come up with the Gay And Lesbian Vaisnava Association[GALVA] to promote their gender confusion.


Truth is they will only find relief in Vaisnava Association which necessitates that we all drop our false identification and act on the spiritual platform.







[This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 08-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by Maitreya:

From reading Chakra the last few days it appears the homosexual crowd is ochestrating an attempted coming out party in the mind set of Vaisnava adherents.


What do they want anyway?To be able to hold hands with their "partners" at the Sunday feast?Lavender dhotis?


Lord Caitanya's movement is already open to everyone without qualification.Anyone can begin chanting Hare Krishna from any position.They are seeking only a social acceptance.



Some have come up with the Gay And Lesbian Vaisnava Association[GALVA] to promote their gender confusion.


Truth is they will only find relief in Vaisnava Association which necessitates that we all drop our false identification and act on the spiritual platform.







[This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 08-08-2001).]

Maybe all they want is for people not to judge them.



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Originally posted by leyh:

Maybe all they want is for people not to judge them.



leyh, From reading your posts I know you have a soft heart.This is not a case of judging someone, but rather a behavior.


I have had an initiated student of Srila Prabhupada of long standing, and a lesbian, tell me she thought there should be homo marriages sanctioned by ISKCON.Meaning with FIRE SACRIFICE! I would suspect there are the same who don't feel that way.


In any case the subject rarely comes up and only when the homos bring it up and make it an issue.


When we attend a temple function at least we need to leave our bad habits at home in the closet.


Isn't that reasonable?



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As I$KCON attempts to establish itself more and more as a legitimate religion, it continues to slide into a somewhat vedic version of the United Church--all things to all people--the bigger the `congregation`, the more `donations` flowing in! Could this be part of the karmic reaction from deceiving the innocent public while `collecting` funds? "Ask not what we can do for God, but what God can do for us!" The religiosity Prabhupada warned us of in the `so-called Christians`?




[This message has been edited by amanpeter (edited 08-09-2001).]

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Originally posted by Maitreya:

leyh, From reading your posts I know you have a soft heart.This is not a case of judging someone, but rather a behavior.


I have had an initiated student of Srila Prabhupada of long standing, and a lesbian, tell me she thought there should be homo marriages sanctioned by ISKCON.Meaning with FIRE SACRIFICE! I would suspect there are the same who don't feel that way.


In any case the subject rarely comes up and only when the homos bring it up and make it an issue.


When we attend a temple function at least we need to leave our bad habits at home in the closet.


Isn't that reasonable?



Dear Maitreya:

I agree with what you say about leaving our bad habits at home in the closet when we attend a temple function.I have so many bad habits and I wouldn't dare to make a mockery of the deities by exhibiting these habits in their presence. I also cannot imagine how Srila Prabhupada would ever sanction a homosexual marriage.


I don't particularly approve of or condone homosexuality, but I don't think it's very compassionate to give them names like "the homosexual crowd" or "the homos".It seems to me that name-calling is equivalent to seperating them from the "normal people" which doesn't seem very constructive at all.This is just my opinion,and I hope it doesn't offend you.Hare Krishna!




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 08-09-2001).]

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Originally posted by leyh:

Dear Maitreya:

I agree with what you say about leaving our bad habits at home in the closet when we attend a temple function.I have so many bad habits and I wouldn't dare to make a mockery of the deities by exhibiting these habits in their presence. I also cannot imagine how Srila Prabhupada would ever sanction a homosexual marriage.


I don't particularly approve of or condone homosexuality, but I don't think it's very compassionate to give them names like "the homosexual crowd" or "the homos".It seems to me that name-calling is equivalent to seperating them from the "normal people" which doesn't seem very constructive at all.This is just my opinion,and I hope it doesn't offend you.Hare Krishna!


Dear leyh,


I am not offended by anything you said.What though would you have me call them other than homosexuals?I refuse to call them 'third gendered', as if it is a legitimate term.


They are the ones that are setting themselves apart with this very very offense name of their organization, galva.Trying to link Vaisnavism with homosex.


The only normal condition is being a Krishna Bhakta.We know that.The soul is only imagining itself to be hetero or homo.


But even within this material nature there are natural laws.Same sex relationships as 'they' practice are not sanctioned on any level.Even if they say they are celibate they are still confused.Men should relate as brothers, women as sisters.


Not all of them have this militant agenda thank God, as it is a subject that doesn't deserve much dwelling on, just some firm resolve that it is a demonic behavior that has no sanction from the Hare Krishna movement.

Hare Krishna




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What I find interesting is that virtually every religious tradition is in agreement that homosexuality is wrong. Recently I read an article with the Dalai Lama. He was under pressure by his Hollywood contacts to say that homosexuality was ok. But he said he couldn't do that as such conduct is expressly forbidden in the Buddhist scriptures. I am of the opinion that such prohibitions in various religions are due to the factual consequences of such activities. With respect to homosexuality, I believe the sages of years gone by, simply looked at what happens when homosexuality occurs. For instance, because it is separated from procreation there is no consequence from engaging in such sexual activities. Because of this it is sex for sexs sake. What we see from this is a rapid spread of disease (no doubt forseen by the sages of the past). It also works to undermine the productive institutions such as marriage. Men and women already have to compete in the mating game. Now they have to compete to find partners from a group that adds nothing to society by their partnering. Just a few thoughts.





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Yes, they seem to have misunderstood the instruction from the Bible for mankind to be 'fruitful' and multiply.Gen.1.28


Having taken a wrong meaning of the word 'fruitful'they are unable to multiply in the natural way.


What is left to them is to convince the hetero society that homosexuality is just another lifestyle choice, different but on par with theirs.


Recruitment then is their means of procreation.



[This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 08-10-2001).]

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Originally posted by Maitreya:

Dear leyh,


I am not offended by anything you said.What though would you have me call them other than homosexuals?I refuse to call them 'third gendered', as if it is a legitimate term.


They are the ones that are setting themselves apart with this very very offense name of their organization, galva.Trying to link Vaisnavism with homosex.


The only normal condition is being a Krishna Bhakta.We know that.The soul is only imagining itself to be hetero or homo.


But even within this material nature there are natural laws.Same sex relationships as 'they' practice are not sanctioned on any level.Even if they say they are celibate they are still confused.Men should relate as brothers, women as sisters.


Not all of them have this militant agenda thank God, as it is a subject that doesn't deserve much dwelling on, just some firm resolve that it is a demonic behavior that has no sanction from the Hare Krishna movement.

Hare Krishna




Dear Maitreya:

I think I might have misunderstood the spirit of your words.I have heard the word "homo" used in a mocking or derogratory manner before and I assumed you were using it in the same way.I apologize for jumping to conclusions.




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 08-10-2001).]

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Haribol. It does get to be a bit much, all this justification of perversion and amplified "I am the body" philosophy.


This is not about gay rights or the equally disgusting gay bashing, it is about once and for all transcendence of bodily identification.


I would show equal disturbance at "mexicanwomanmacho manblackindian" alliances and blocs given credibility in a movement that requires giving up all this false identification of the body as the "self" as even a pre-requisite to even beginning of Bhagavad Gita study. It is ludicrous to be free on one hand and stitched on another.


Im not anti-gay in the sense that my very best all time devotee friend was from that community, and openly admitted his plight. Sudama told me early on that he was a perverted reflection of the perverted reflection, and this sums it up. I hate the writings of the guy who always says "homosexual guru lineage" and this and that garbage, because my only question to this person who is so enraptured by gay hate that one must wonder (after all, there is insignificant difference in attraction by lust and attraction by anger), would you approve of a "heterosexual guru lineage". This is silly, leave your biological problems out of spiritual discussion and practice. It is garbage and not much different than me talking publically about my fingers journey to the booger up my nose. Its my biological problem, not something to broadcast.


But, there is political agenda in the gay movement as well, this is why AIDS is not called what it was called originally (GRIDS-gay related immunity deficiency syndrome). Gays must be seen as just swell and accepted and will invade all life systems with their propaganda. It has never been about "coming out of the closet", it is all about being manipulated by those who care nothing about either your or my perversions.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Originally posted by leyh:

Dear Maitreya:

I think I might have misunderstood the spirit of your words.I have heard the word "homo" used in a mocking or derogratory manner before and I assumed you were using it in the same way.I apologize for jumping to conclusions.


Dear leyh,


I have in the past often mocked souls caught in that awkward condition.I personally have had many negative experiences with gays in the past.I don't accept the term homophobia either.


I will avoid gay men when ever possible.It is just a strange unworkable dynamic.But I am trying not to feel the attachment of disgust towards them as well.This in an effort to free myself from any connection to them.


At the same time I can't just sit by as they try to condition the vaisnava community to their queer views without saying something.


I guess I am saying you don't owe me any apology.I was trying to be objective but I am really not at that level yet, so what you thought you picked up was probably present.


May we all be pleasing to Lord Krishna and His beloved devotee Srila Prabhupada,especially on these next couple of days.


Hare Krishna leyh



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