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Aborting Female Babies in India

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A woman can easily have an abortion in India for even less than $5. There're clinics sponsor by the goverment and advertisements all over the place even in the Railway Stations. I was pregnant in India and even though by law they no supposed to tell you the sex of the fetus when you have the test (to check the development of the baby), for a few rupees the technician tells you what sex the baby is. For me was never important but the guy did offered to tell me.

Abortion is so common, everywhere, villages, cities, poor or rich people. As I said before in another posting, they don't want girls because of the financial burden that brings to the family in the future when they have to get marriage. Many fathers prefer to kill the daughters and themselves when they realize that they can't afford to marriage the girls. We have also the husbands that burn the wives and they can married again and have more dowry. A very bad situation that will bring disaster in the near future.

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Does anyone have any info. on some group that is taking a ship or ships around the world and giving abortions on board?


I just caught the last bit of a news clip on it. Apparently they drop anchor offshore of countries where abortion is illegal or restricted , but in international waters, and have the women ferried out to the ship to murder the unborn.Anyone know the details?


Torpedo party anyone?

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As much as I hate abortion, I can't help wanting to point at feminazis and laugh over this particular unintended consequence:



NEW DELHI, India (AP) - Government officials and religious leaders are meeting in an effort to stem an alarming rise abortions of female fetuses.


The National Religious Leaders Convocation this weekend will bring together the heads of all major religions in India, government ministers, opposition party leaders, demographers, bureaucrats and social workers. The group will attempt to find ways to overcome the country's traditional preference for boys and to end discrimination against girls.


Boys are favored in Indian families and girls viewed as a burden. Parents must often pay a dowry to a groom's family before marriage. Many fetuses are aborted once it is determined that they are female.


Some groups argue that education and employment opportunities for girls would help change societal attitudes.


"The battle is to change people's mindsets," said Erma Manoncourt of UNICEF, one of the

sponsors of the meeting.


But Satish Agnihotri, a professor at Calcutta University, said the female population is lower even in more well-to-do areas.


"What is disturbing is that the drop in the number of girls is sharper in India's prosperous states, like Maharashtra, Punjab and Haryana," he said. "Female infanticide can't be blamed on poverty. The blame rests squarely on how the Indian society undervalues women."


Initial results of the country's 2001 census showed a sharp drop in the number of girls born in most parts of the country. A recent United Nations report on women in India indicated that, statistically, there should be about 1,050 women for every 1,000 men in the population. The census showed there were fewer than 933 females to every 1,000 males.


"This implies that there are some 20-25 million 'missing' women in India. Some were never born. And the rest die because they do not have the opportunity to survive," the U.N. report said.


Prenatal sex determination tests have become a booming business in India, and clinics have sprung up in the smallest of towns. New mobile ultrasound units are extending the technology to remote areas - for a price.


Each test costs $17 and an abortion another $20. Average per capita income in India is $400 a year.


"We've realized that this unholy alliance between technology and tradition has to be broken," said Vibha Parthasarthy, head of India's government-funded National Commission for Women.

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This is going to have serious social implications in the years to come. Women are the basis of civilization. I don't know how this will affect the culture, but with more men than women, the ability to find a suitable mate for a man will become increasingly harder. What this will do to the societal fabric is hard to say.



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Is this continue like that it will be 3 alternatives:

1- Preach from very beginning to the boys to be brahmacharis(that it won't work anyway because is Kali Yuga)

2- Fights for women.

3- Do it like in Tibet, women have several husbands (hellish).

Society will be in total chaos, prostitution and rapes will increase, more unwanted children will be born and everything will be out of control.


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Originally posted by Maitreya:

While searching for Krishna conscious web sites last week, I encountered one out of Hawaii called the Gay vaisnava something or other.


This is gross perversion period.Next they will want to march in the ratha yatra with their own lavender banners.



As much as i try to keep my nose out of these controversies these things really curdle my milk.

Not far from that already Mait. A few years back our infamous B ananda was photographed in the Sydney Gay Mardi Gras parade with a T shirt advertising 'I was once a Guru'.

People feel guilty these days to discriminate, as tho one has no compassion. With all the jilting between opposite sexes these days, it is turning more people to homosex relationships. In a recent poll here in Oz 80% thought it was bad to discriminate between sexual preference, opening the way for a lot of mentally mixed up children to get exploited in the future.

It's hard enough to even educate ones own children in the face of all the barrage of propaganda they campaign with now, they are seriously dedicated to pushing their cause

as much as any religious fundermentalist.


I think this is where Srila Prabhupad, altho being against homosexuality, at the same time was so compassionate that he took everyone under his wing, hoping they would change.The dilemna is that the churches fill up with the very problem they are trying to correct, for all the wrong reasons.

I'm not exactly sure why, but there is an element of the Gay MardiGras that has embraced Ganesh. And it won't be long before the moral Christian groups will link the images of both movements together.

Just a small aside, in Sri Caitanya Saraswat Math if there was even a hint of homosexuality they were gone in a flash. Considering the way they infiltrate into congregations I see that as most reasonable.




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This thread became sidetracked, but since faggots were brought up I'll quote the Pope:


"Homosexuality is a sin so vile, that the angels of hell are repulsed by it." --Pope Leo XIII


A good KC viewpoint on faggots is called Homosexuality & Spirituality from an interview with Siddhasvarupa Prabhu.

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I have to say that I know many gays that are really nice and caring people, somehow, mostly because of abuse during childhood they turn out homosexuals. I have gays and lesbians friends and they're really there for you when you need support. On the contrary many male 'devotees' are very cold and rude against women because they don't want to be branded as 'attached' to the opposite sex. They became very impersonal and cold hearted even with their own families just to cover up their own desires. From my experience in the few months, 'karmis' and complete strangers are been nicer to me than the so called devotees.

I'm talking in general here, I'm not branding everyone together, but is been quite disappointing theresponse from the 'religious' people and the'irreligious' are the ones giving moral support. Posted Image

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Originally posted by atma:

I have to say that I know many gays that are really nice and caring people, somehow, mostly because of abuse during childhood they turn out homosexuals. I have gays and lesbians friends and they're really there for you when you need support. On the contrary many male 'devotees' are very cold and rude against women because they don't want to be branded as 'attached' to the opposite sex. They became very impersonal and cold hearted even with their own families just to cover up their own desires. From my experience in the few months, 'karmis' and complete strangers are been nicer to me than the so called devotees.

I'm talking in general here, I'm not branding everyone together, but is been quite disappointing theresponse from the 'religious' people and the'irreligious' are the ones giving moral support. Posted Image

Too true, prabhu!

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

Yes, lets not turn this into a gay bashing thread. No good will come of such discussion.



Prabhu one can still stand for principle and not become a gay basher.

My first introduction to Theosophical life in my teens was thru an older practicing homosexual who so kindly (sarcasm)lured me to his retreat with the bait of some suedo spiritual knowledge. Untill he got me to a point in private where he made his move on me, but fortunately I was strong enough mentally and physically to hold him off. He then tried to convince me that I had latent tendencies towards homosexuality from my past life and that I was'nt fully aware of it at this point in my spiritual development. What he did'nt take into account was that even then Krsna was there in my heart giving me more merciful instuction and intuition than this predators exploitative spiel, saving me from a very embarrassing destiny.

I'm by no means on a witch hunt but i will stand and protect possibly weaker willed children from this sort of intrusion.

If there were stronger devotees doing this in Iskcon in the earlier days they may not have such a massacre on their plate now, that is a shame and an embarrassment to the the dignity of this noble gift Prabhupad gave us. I have maybe half a dozen experiences with these people in my life and none of them have been positive, that does'nt mean to say I haven't experienced similar with heterosexuals.

I just don't see where homosexuality can be used in the service of Krsna, but I'm sure someone could find something. Even while I'm writing this I'm thinking of something I won't mention.

I do understand how women tend to feel safe around male homosexuals tho. No one wants to be exploited or be a victim in this world but it seems we all end up being so, in one form or another.


In the service of the sincere



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  • 1 year later...

You see, with male babies, the guy stays at the house to take care of his old parents when he gets older, but the girl leaves.-the truth.


It is also a sad truth that girls are "expensive". You might laugh , but the truth is the family has to pay alot of money to find a guy to take care of the girl in the future- this is just sick in my view, women need independence and the only way a person will get it is through having jobs and everything, but in india, there are not enough jobs for men, so who will give women any jobs. The whole situation stinks on ice. The discrimination against women has got to end, there should be a way to stop the dowries and the early marriages...


An example:


My neighbors are from India and the husband works and the wife just sits there all day at home and she has no one to talk to . She is like 23 and she is newly wed and she is practically "mechanical Engineer".


She didn't have much choice in her marriage either, her parents looked for an indian guy in america and when they found one, they invited him over to their house and they got married like after 2 weeks. She only new him for two weeks and she decided to marry him and come here to america by leaving all her family /friends in India....

and when she finally comes here she basically gets the part of the house wife...

Engineer becomes a house wife? thats not fair!




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SP said 2 apparently contradictory (though no so) statements:

1) "This planet can support 10 times it's present population (~1976 census)"

2) "Krishna's land is overpopulated; India & China r overpopulated (same ~1976)"

True that Chinese & Indians live so effectively & efficiently they could easily turn this planet greener & smarter than anytime in recent history.

No abortion means that like Rsabhadev, our sons would have to be divided by Gurukul into 4 tendencies.

All girls would be married by 16 & pregnant before 20, very healthy.

Such unaborted Vedik warriors would/could/should revamp all 7 continents with Vedik VaiSNav Culture.

Conceptual consciousness -- very important.

By DayAl Nitai everyone can be conquered sans bloodshed.

Sans DayAl Nitai vikarma-viphalam goes on relentlessly...

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sorry, but i don't understand the whole paragraph when people start to use sanskrit in between. Anyway, why would prabhupada say that the girls should get married while they still teenagers? ----"All girls would be married by 16 & pregnant before 20, very healthy." whats with that, i mean, didn't he know that teenage pregnancies are very dangerous for the mother and the child? The child could have mental problems and the mother could like die...





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