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The Miracle of Apple Cider Vinegar

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This is a remedy for sore throats and illness. According to legend, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used to take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day to prolong health. Whenever I get the feeling that I'm about to get sick, or have the first scratchings of a sore throat I do the following: boil a cup of water, and then mix in raw apple cider vinegar. Then gargle and swallow the preparation. Supposedly the enzymes in the raw apple cider vinegar work to kill off the germs that cause illness. The reason I mention this is because I did it this morning because I began to feel ill. I have found that it tends to work, and my throat starts to feel better. Just a warning: this preparation is nasty tasting. I mean REALLY bad. Often I gag trying to swallow down this stuff. I don't have a standard measurement of how much I put in, but I try to make it as strong as I can. Others have suggested gargling with salt water. I've tried that but feel this works better. But it is awful to drink. If you can't force yourself to swallow it, just gargle and spit it out. As for what apple cider vinegar to use, I always buy Braggs, more out of habit than anything else. Here's to good health.



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Paul Bragg.What an interesting guy.He used to come in to Govinda's in Hawaii in 77.He would eat the sugarladen cookies.But he kept pretty strict usually.He liked Prasadam and would take a plate when there was distribution in Waikiki Beach.


When I saw him he was 98 yrs and look 60.He basically lived a life of veggie food and lots of fasting.One day a week without fail.Keep the cells clean and detoxified and the body will be healthy was his approach.He also advocated earning each meal through excercise.


Part of his protocol was Apple Cider Vinegar,aged in wood.He claimed it kept the joints clear of acid crystal build up.


Cool guy that Bragg.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one. I used to think perhaps I was crazy to endure the suffering, and bad breath side effects of this remedy Posted Image I've been using it for over 15 years. Now I know others use it as well. Why is it that only bad things are good for you and good things are bad for you? Why can't the cure for a cold be ice cream with hot fudge Posted Image By the way, thanks Maitreya, for some background info on this Bragg's guy. Now can you tell me anything about this Dr. Bronners character. Have you ever tried that stuff (its toothpaste, shampoo, and probably can even act as an industrial cleanser Posted Image



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I think Bronner is a mystic universalist soap magi.It is hard to get a good read on the guy.I hear he is very suci. I will keep an eye out for pertinet info.None of his products contain rennet, I know that.And one should always dilute[though I never do].



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I like Bronner soaps but I do have to dilute as they are very hard on my skin otherwise.


Originally posted by Maitreya:



I think Bronner is a mystic universalist soap magi.It is hard to get a good read on the guy.I hear he is very suci. I will keep an eye out for pertinet info.None of his products contain rennet, I know that.And one should always dilute[though I never do].




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Ok you've all convinced me. I think. I too always keep Braggs Apple Cider vinegar on hand, meaning to do it daily, but I can't stnad it so I have been using it as a rinse on my hair sometimes. Yesterday I used it to get stuck on decals off my daughter's bedroom windows. But now I think I will gag and bear it. I don't remember finding it so objectionable when I was twenty. Maybe a little honey?


Oh, here is another use. This is what my mom used to make for us, for sore throats and coughs: equal parts of vinegar (or lemon--yum), butter (melted), and honey. Sip it now and then. This even works for chronic coughs.


But isn't there something about vinegar thinning the blood?



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Enzymes do not kill germs. They dissolve oils and bind with certain proteins for digestion, but they do not kill germs. Please don't take this statement of medical advice literally. If you have an infection, your best bet is to use antibiotics under the care of a qualified physician.

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Hi Kebm,


I agree with you. Personally I believe if one is really sick one should use standard healthcare as opposed to Holistic approaches. Its possible these holistic medicines can be good as preventitive medicine, or even in conjunction with traditional medicine. But I do think its important not to go to anti-biotics everytime we feel a tingle in the throat. Alot of germs are becoming immune to antibiotics because of a casual approach to their use. Still theres gotta be a better tasting alternative to apple cider vinegar Posted Image



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Howsit fellow patients, regarding that stuff that turns you inside out. Whenever I went on pilgrimage to India and took a bottle with me I never got any loose bowel syndrome. It definitely worked but doesn't mix too well with dahl, so take many hours apart or you may lose friends. Unfortunately in the west I just look at the bottle every morning, my mind seems to always opt for the choice of something milky to start the day. Just regarding antibiotics I also feel if worse comes to worse, they can be resorted to but not depended on as they do have an extreme affect on the immune system. My feeling in India after experiencing some heavy critter invasions is to knock it on the head and fast when returning to a more stable environment because I feel those little critters just laugh at some of the natural remedies that are used to keep them at bay.

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I agree, avoid antibiotics of the allopathic nature as much as possible. I had pneumonia in January, and was almost unable to move or even breathe, could not eat at all for days, just water and fresh squeezed lemons. Then one day while struggling to my feet I noticed a bottle of grapefruit seed extract and starting sipping water with 15-20 drops. That day I felt relief from fever and some other improvements, and the next day the improvement was even more dramatic. By the third day I knew I had it licked. Took a while to start breathing again though.


I noticed in the BBT (L.A.) catalogue they also sell this stuff, and quote a customer as saying "I wouldn't go to India without it!" You can wash your fruit with it too. It's the best natural antibiotic I know of. Besides goldenseal, which I prefer to use externally.



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  • 9 months later...

Natural Health Tip of the Day

Wednesday February 27, 2002

* * Cider Vinegar

Cider vinegar, made simply by letting apple juice turn to vinegar naturally, has been a basis of folk remedies in northeastern U.S. for a long time, used for everything from washes and baths to upset stomachs and arthritis. While evidence for medicinal uses of cider vinegar is anecdotal, it is widely regarded as a general tonic for good health, usually taken as two teaspoons in glass of water with honey.

To make your own cider vinegar, fill a nonmetal container half-full of chopped apples and top with boiling water. Leave this uncovered until the liquid sours (you will smell the acid), then cover it and let it stand a couple of weeks. Strain thoroughly and store in covered jars.

- Carla Joy

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

I have actually found a way to drink ACV and I love it!! I use a 16-20 oz glass of water and add about 2 tbs of ACV, 7-8 drops of stevia liquid, and 2 drops of ginger (if you like ginger...if you don't, then skip it). This is like lemonade, but with vinegar instead of lemon. Give it a try!!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I just had a second small cup of ACV, trying to aid in digestive -- Do tablets work as well as drinking it? I am trying to drink 2-3 amounts each day.

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