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Urine Therapy (Shivambu)

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I personally don't. Though I know someone who told me his own experiences. He was having severe kidney malfunction due to some kind of disease (don't recall what it was) and he was instructed by an Ayurvedic doctor to capture the urine of a new born calf and drink it. It sounds very gross. But he was on a farm and was able to get some. He drank it down, which he said was very difficult. He described it as like making your teeth very course, or grainy. He said for the rest of the day his teeth felt very grainy. But he swears that overnight, just like that, all of his kidney problems went away, and he has never had them since. Personally I don't think I could do it, but he swears by it.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I know a lady that cured breast cancer with urine therapy. The doctors in the West after she came back from India couldn't believe it. She went to one of these Ayur Vedic clinics in South India where they take nice care of the patients. As JNDas said you should drink lots of water and have a very simple diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Became a fashion for the devotees in Vrindavan to start drinking their own urine. Emphasis in the early morning one.

I may do it only if I'm desesperate.


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I'm not sure if I could get that desperate. I'd rather drink cow urine. Long ago I did time in New Vrindaban for six months, and one Sunday we found out (later) the drink had been made with cow urine. I remember it as a lemon drink. It's kind of wierd that they kept it unknown to us so we would drink it.


I know a woman here in town who swears by urine therapy and has been doing it for years. She says it has cured a lot of things for her. I met her on the bus when I was going to college and she would talk very loudly about it, across the aisle to me. I was familiar with the idea but everyone else thought she was really wierd. The thing to remember, if you are going to try this at home, is to catch the first morning midstream. We have books on it at our little herb store.


I know a devotee who had a cancerous lump below her throat area. she could find nothing to help it, and did not want the radical Western type of treatment. While in India she heard about this and so holed herself up in a hootel room and did it. The lump went away pretty fast.

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  • 2 years later...
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I have bben practising this UT for the past 6 years and can state with cofidence that it really works! It depends on the age when you start it - the countdown or rather the youthfulness is freezed from teh age you start, viz., you begin practising UT from the age of 35, then even after 10 years or 20 years you would be young and have the appearance that of a 35 year old! No joking!

UT is to be taken in moderation- the first morning urine is recommended for ingestion as it contain all the necessary ingredients, minerals, hormones of your body and helps in rejuvenation of your body's system, metabolism ,etc. There are many sites on UT. You may visit the site Shirley's Wellness Cafe.com site which is very exhaustive and gives all the required information and many testimonials or visit teh web site of the Bihar Institute of Yoga.




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All who read Mahabharata or Srimad Bhagavatam, are invited to contact me for some secret commentaries I learned from reading Sastra for many years. There are different Sadhanas and Dharmas for different Yugas. Mantra is for Kali, and Tantra is for Satya. Allow me to present my case. If you have a address, to my newsletter at: urinetantrasalvation@. Or email me (Sw. Tantrasangha) at geneticrejuvenation@ I am preparing to put my book of Tantric scriptural quotes online for free. RadhaKrisna RasaMisra. Jai Om!

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  • 1 month later...
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Do you think it could reverse damage from aging if you fasted on it for 30 to 45 days like John Armstrong? I read his book and am truly facinated by it. I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 10 years and feel like if I followed his regimen it would rid the disease and also maybe reversome damage (like sagging skin) from this illness of allergies. I was just wondering what you thought. Please let me know.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I understand that there are probably great physical benefits from UT, but how does this practice promote Krishna Consciousness? Would it help to increase devotion to Krishna? Or, would it just increase our material attachements (i.e. to a healthy, youthful body)? Do any devotees practice UT? I would like to have these questions answered because I am interested.

Hare Krishna!

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{quote]something like that - you can use this therapy if your ahar (food) is very pure. But if you eat onions and amlets - all you get is a blood cancer...



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  • 1 month later...

This is from the book entitled "Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers". From this, it can be concluded that Shivambu is not to be practiced by the devotee of Krishna. Haribol!


Srila Prabhupada:


You are not Jesus Christ; you cannot imitate him. He has sacrificed his life for God. Can you do that? So why shall you imitate Jesus Christ? You are imitating Jesus Christ by eating meat. Why not imitate Jesus Christ and sacrifice your life for spreading God consciousness? What do you think? Yes, when you preach you can say what you think. They are so-called Christians--but what are they doing for God? Just consider the sun. The sun is absorbing urine. Can you drink urine? If you want to imitate the sun--"Oh, here is the sun absorbing urine. Let me drink urine"--can you? Jesus Christ is powerful; he can do everything. But we cannot imitate; we have to simply abide by his order. That is real Christianity. We cannot imitate a powerful man. That is wrong. In our Vedic literature, there was a poison ocean, so people could not find out what to do with it. Then Lord Siva said, "All right, I'll drink it." So he drank the whole poison ocean and kept it in his throat. Can you drink poison? Not the ocean--just one cup? So how can we imitate Lord Siva? Lord Siva never advised that we drink poison. So you have to abide by the advice, not imitate. These LSD and marijuana people say that Lord Siva used to smoke ganja. But Lord Siva drank the whole poisoned ocean. Can you do that? Lord Siva's instructions should be taken. He says that the best worship is worship of Visnu. Visnor aradhanam param. When he was asked by Parvati what method of worship is best, then he said, "The best worship is worship of Lord Visnu [Krsna]." There are many demigods, but he recommended Visnu worship as the best. And better than Visnu worship is worship of a Vaisnava. Tadiyanam--His servants, or those who are in relation to Him. For instance, we are worshiping this plant, tulasi. We are not worshiping all plants, but because this tulasi has a very intimate connection with Krsna, Visnu, we are therefore worshiping her. Similarly, if anything is intimately related with Krsna, worship of that thing is better than worship of Visnu.


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The above is a classic case of disrorting the sayings and preachings. Shivambu is a therapautic and one's customised pharmacopia, by means of which one can correct one's ills and deficiencies. It is not an intoxitant or addiction drug but nature's purest form of fluid.It does not come in the way of one's religious beliefs ...





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  • 2 weeks later...

isn't urine something that comes out of our bodies? So, if it is something that is to be thrown away due to its metabollic waste content, then wouldn't it do more harm for the body than it does good , if you take it back in?


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this therapy is currently recommended for very specific ailments only and is considered to be tamasic (in the mode of ignorance) to begin with. There are some toxic compounds in urine but many types of medicinal drugs are toxic too. Also, you will drink other liquids during this therapy so the posibility of uremia (poisoning by the urea toxins) is very remote.

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I think it is completely gross and disgusting and I think it tastes bad too.


And, it is not natural, so no matter how 'harmless' it proves to be to drink your own urine or a mixture of something with your urine in it is gross and disgusting!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I am from Toronto but am now in India studying yoga therapy, and have started my own self-urine therapy. I'll also be studying this as part of my program, and then plan to continue my studies in this feild at a naturopath clinic in Bangalore, India. We use this thereapy often with our patients and I will be keeping records of results...


how about you?

Please reply only to 2shirts@interlog.com


Thanks! Jennie

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  • 1 month later...

You will have to stop taking allopathic drugs.

I don't know about bendaryl, but most of the drugs (or at least their by-products) are excreted by the body into to the urine. So you end up taking multiple doses of the drug when drinking the urine.

I would suggest you stop taking all drugs and try instead urine therapy. It really does work very well, but you will have to try it by yourself, and see if it works for you.

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It all depends on what you try to treat.

Just run a search on the web, and get a few books on the subject.

I saw claims that even homeopatic concetrations, or a single drop works, but I have my doubts.

To mentain general health I suggest one glass in the morning.

To treat some serious condition, you may need to take a long fast on all the urine you pass and water only.

Once you get used to it, you will come to treat urine as a precious medicine, and even like it. You will then not ask about the minimum to take. You can't take too much.

Just go ahead and try it. In many cases it works like magic.


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