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In search of the Garden of Eden...

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The Learning Channel had a mildly interesting program on tonight trying to locate an historical Garden of Eden. They took various locators from the story, as well as similar stories from other local traditions. One location signal was that the Garden of Eden was to have 4 rivers flowing through it. Other clues came from the name itself. The word 'edin' means a flat plateau, and the word for garden in the Hebrew was a particular type of garden - a walled garden (in this case a flat plateau surrounded by mountains was their guess). Looking at similar stories like The Epic of Gilgamesh, and historical places (like the land of Nod) they claim to have located the area in Iran. One interesting point is that they found a mountain of red clay, from which the ancient people's would perform rituals for the dead. The reason this is interesting is that the name Adam means 'red earth' (something I didn't know). The presentation wasn't entirely convincing but was interesting enough in that they gave a number of unique points to the story.


[This message has been edited by Gauracandra (edited 04-27-2002).]

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Proceed straight ahead till u can't further, then hang a left.

Adam means uncontrolled. a = not, damaH = controlled.

samo damo tapaH saucam... Gita 18.41-4

Hebrews deny Hebrew's derivation from SanskRt.

And that's not all they deny.

So many obvious cognates. eka = echad = one; ramaH = high

SP said Iran was also originally Vedik, "same culture".

Can't wait to see Persia's reception for Sharon in Tehran as he searches for & stakes claim of Eden's Garden along with u.

Keep your camcorder handy.

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Another detail I recall. The phrase "I'm in seventh heaven" comes from the Garden of Eden. In Jewish cosmology there are seven levels to paradise. It was mentioned that the Garden of Eden was said to have 7 gates that one must enter before reaching it. So they found a number of local Sumerian legends that spoke of entering an 'edin' - flat plateau - after going through seven mountain passes. This was another marker for what they said was the historical Eden.

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Seven comes up lot in the Bible it seems.Seven mountain passes before Eden.Seven candles before the throne(Rev.)


As an armchair speculator I wonder if these don't symbolize the opening of the main chakras before God realization.


Flat plateau is a nice image for the non-dual state.



[This message has been edited by theist (edited 04-28-2002).]

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Could you give me some details on these 7 levels to heaven in Vedic scriptures? I'm assuming this means up to Indraloka or Brahmaloka. I always come across little tid bits of striking similarities between various traditions but never record them. I really should write them down. If you have any details it would be appreciated. I could perhaps ask my Jewish friend about this and see what details he has about the 7 levels.

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

Another detail I recall. The phrase "I'm in seventh heaven" comes from the Garden of Eden. In Jewish cosmology there are seven levels to paradise.

It is interesting that Vedic view also has 7 levels of heaven!

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The seven levels of heaven are:










I will post a brief desciption of each when I get time. In summary Bhurloka is the earthly sphere (which also higher dimensions of existence), and Satyaloka is the abode of Lord Brahma. In between are various grades of existence.


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Yes, Maharloka comes before Janaloka. Sorry about that, I was in a hurry and not paying much attention.


Bhagavatam 3.11.30:

tri-lokyam dahyamanayam

shaktya sankarshanagnina

yanty ushmana maharlokaj

janam bhrigv-adayo 'rditah



When the life-spheres of the three worlds are being set afire by the potency of the fire that emanates from the mouth of Lord Sankarshana, then the sage Brighu and others who are agitated by the heat move from the world of the saints (maharloka), to the world of men (janaloka).


Purport by Srila Prabhupada:

The devastation takes place due to the fire emanating from the mouth of Sankarshana, and thus great sages like Bhrgu and other inhabitants of Maharloka transport themselves to Janaloka, being distressed by the warmth of the blazing fire which rages through the three worlds below.

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

Are you sure about that? I'm positive the Garden of Eden was supposed to have existed on earth.

I didn't see the program, but I always thought that Christians believed that there was, at one time, an actual Garden of Eden here on earth. This is from one Christian site, which seems to say they believe it was in the area today known as Iraq: Though the exact location is unknown there are a few descriptions provided that give us an indication. Genesis 2: 10-14 says, Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one, which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there. The name of the second river is Gihon; it is one, which goes around the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Hiddekel, it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria. Today it is identified as the Tigris. The fourth river is the Euphrates.


The location of the Gihon and Pishon Rivers has been the subject of great speculation. It is assumed however they would have been found in the general vicinity of the two other rivers. The Garden of Eden is therefore placed by most Biblical scholars in either the Northern or Southern region of today’s Iraq, which was known as Mesopotamia, which was the most fertile land of the region.




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Yes the program I saw did identify two rivers they said were likely Pishon and Gihon as well as a land of the Kush. I don't recall the details off hand, but many of their statements were based on similar words for areas that local legends or written stories referred to. In these cases, names might have been transformed slightly, but were still identifiable.

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Are you sure about that? I'm positive the Garden of Eden was supposed to have existed on earth.


I was wrong. I read Genesis again. It is written therein:


"...Then the God planted a garden in the East in a placed named Eden. The God put the man He made in that garden. ..."


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The scripture,any scripture has a literal meaning sometimes,and also a metaphorical.

The garden of eden is both,it actually was in the Tabriz city vicinity in Iran,but the story has another meaning,a spiritual one.

It is the explanation of why we are in the material realm,and how karma works.

The decision by adam and eve, to ignore Gods instuction,caused their downfall.

They were unable to live in paradise,if they did not follow the rules.

This is a parable,that was situated in a place, where the people of the time,would appreciate as being relevant to them.

Also Vaikuntha,is a state of being,not simply a place of residence.

For example,Srila Prabhupada stated, the pure devotee is always residing in the spiritual world,wherever he goes.

What is the difference between matter and spirit? Your perception.

The enlightened soul, percieves matter, as being non different from spirit,they are both the energy of the lord.

The perception of a spiritual world manifest in the "material world",is the reality of spiritual vision.

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