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Every yuga had its own dharma's and some are even carried forward to the next yuga these Yugas get the yugadharma from the yugapurush

or to say the sat guru of the period say for treda it was sri ram for dwpara it was sri krishna now it is Kali yet there are many a carryforwards that we pratice in kali instead of practising the real dharma of kali which limits to only sat sang and manthra-japa why is this so?!

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Every yuga had its own dharma's and some are even carried forward to the next yuga these Yugas get the yugadharma from the yugapurush

or to say the sat guru of the period say for treda it was sri ram for dwpara it was sri krishna...

Considering Rama came at the end of Treta and Krishna at the end of Dwapara, how can they have been the Sat-Gurus for their Yugas? it would be more approriate to say they were/are Sat-Gurus for subsequent Yugas.


...now it is Kali yet there are many a carryforwards that we pratice in kali instead of practising the real dharma of kali which limits to only sat sang and manthra-japa why is this so?!

Where is it said, the real Dharma of kali-yuga is limited to sat-sangha and mantra japa only? The teachings of Rama are still valid in the kali-yuga and so are Krishna's teachings. They never limited real Dharma in kali-yuga to Sat-sangha and mantra-japa only.




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Considering Rama came at the end of Treta and Krishna at the end of Dwapara, how can they have been the Sat-Gurus for their Yugas?

This is an interesting point. The purpose of the Yuga avatara is to establish the dharma for the age. If they establish the dharma after the age has finished, what was the use?


I believe the yuga-avataras are not those whom are commonly thought of, such as Krishna or Rama. The scriptures generally state the color of the yuga-avataras, but I have not seen them mention the particular names of these avataras.


For example it is mentioned the yuga-avatara for treta-yuga is red. This is not Rama, but likely "yajna-varaha", who established Yajna as the yuga dharma for treta yuga.


Varaha is the predominating deity behind all sacrifices, thus it makes sense that this would be the case.

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Madhudviza SwAmI asked PrabhupAd about Red incarnation.

SP said it was PRznigarbha. White was Kapiladev.

Last night we performed HarinAm at Madison Park (Broadway & 23St) 6-8pm.

We should take every opportunity for sankIrtan.

Group chanting is far better than japa; no comparison.

Something like Pesos vs Dollars.

Generally we hear excuses why someone canNOT show up to chant.

My humble opinion?

Those who continuously avoid public HarinAm are not initiated.

They haven't even begun MahAprabhu's yuga-dharma process.

Maybe next life.

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Madhudviza SwAmI asked PrabhupAd about Red incarnation. SP said it was PRznigarbha.

I can't confirm or deny whether this was actually said, though it is not present in any recorded conversation or book.


Prishnigarbha,also known as Dhruvapriya, is the form of the Lord that was manifested to Dhruva Maharaja. It was a four handed Narayana form, which was blue, not red. Thus it does not fit well with the description.


Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura states: prishnigarbha iti so 'yam treta-yugavataro lakshyate.


Some may take this to mean that he is the yuga-avtara of treta-yuga, but it may also be interpreted as a more general statement describing when he appeared.


InLaghu Bhagavatamrita we find a small description of Prishnigarbha:


53 Lord Dhruvapriya is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7.8):


"Being insulted by sharp words spoken by the co-wife of the king, even in his presence, Prince Dhruva, though only a boy took to severe penances in the forest. And the Lord, being satisfied by his prayer, awarded him the Dhruva planet, which is worshipped by great sages, both upward and downward."*


54 Because this incarnation is described as having appeared in the reign of Svayambhuva Manu, because His name is not specifically given here, and because Lord Yajna and many other incarnations have already been described, by the process of elimination it should be said that this incarnation is Lord Prsnigarbha. This is like Govardhana Hill in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.21.18).

Based on this we can then refer the descriptions of Dhruva's vision in Srimad Bhagavatam.


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JNji: I last spoke with Madhudviza Prabhu in New Dvarka Jan1999.

He's probably still there.

There's another internet Madhudviza: diffrnt persn.

While we're at it:

why Lord RAmcandra is described as green yet depicted blue?

Valji: Yes, Tarunto, oops, Toronto maybe this Spring?

Bhaktimarga SwAmI still in charge?

Toronto was famous for good kIrtan as far back as 1974.

They specially followed Niskincana KRSNadAs Babaji Mhrj's style.

They used to run after him with tape recorders.

Later ('76) half their ecstatic kIrtan crew moved to Chicago.

Vizvakarma still come around?

Why he doesn't take out a Toronto chanting party 1-2/week?

Heard his hair was tinted. Things could be worse.

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why Lord RAmcandra is described as green yet depicted blue?

Sometimes he appears as blue, sometimes as the green color of the parrot. Every Treta yuga Ramachandra appears, and each time he has variations in his lila. Ravana is always there, but sometimes he does different things, sometimes he comes in different forms.




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I've never seen RAm depicted green in any Indian painting;

only in ISKCON paintings.

I heard: "Grass Green"

Does this mean those of us who prefer Navy Blue & Olive Green clothing actually ultimately have KRSNa & RAm in mind?

Right now on WBAI Pacifica (NYC 99.5FM) CUNY's Dr. Mishio Kaku will bridge Modern Science with Ancient Vedik Wisdom.

Stay tuned.

ps - Any mention of Reptilian World Dominance during Kaliyuga?

Many devotees are reading David Icke's books which say so.

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Navadvipa Mahatmya does have that description of "grass green".


"Gauranga was seated on a throne, surrounded by devas waving camaras. Then he saw Ramachandra, green as grass, and beside Him Lakshmana, the abode of Ananta. On the left was Sita, and facing Him was Hanuman. Seeing this, the vipra made his way to Mayapur, and unseen by anyone, feasted his eyes on the form of Gauranga.


"'Blessed am I, blessed indeed! Ramachandra is present before me as Gaurachandra!'


Elsewhere, in the Bhagavatam purports, Prabhupada mentions parrot green.


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Duke University Professor & Psychiatrist Dr Roy J Matthew's new book "The True Path".

Minus sign - developed in India.

No dichotomy between philosophy & science.

He's born Christian in India, schooled in Britain which emphasized science to the almost total abandonment of spirituality.

His spiritual interest rekindled while working with Western drug addicts.

Yogis put hand in ice water

Advanced yogis have no interest in name & fame so documentation is scarce or inconsistent.

These yogis' mental states are far more intriguing than any biological phenomena they nmay display.

They have become truly trancendental.

They're in another realm, another sphere, which science will never know, because its 100% subjective.

Reproducible experiments

Yogis who can stop their heartbeat.

Reptilian brain,

Cerebral cortex most evolved has 2 sides:

1) analytical reductionistic mode

2) wholistic

Brain layers like tree rings

Yogis quiet outer to get to inner rings, layers.

Drug addicts

All drugs produce temporary happiness & are addictive.

I feelings for my dog, my wife, my profession.

I say "I love my dog, I love my wife, I love my job."

One word to describe 3 very distinct feelings.

ERgo, language is inadequate.

Buddha said meditation is not for everyone.

For some it is "good deeds".

Meditation's purpose is to experience something of another realm, unavailable here.

People don't go to Church to lower their choleterol.

But lower blood cholesterol is a spin-off.

Similarly, meditation...

Most people live miserably & die miserably.

Meditation & Yoga offer us alternatives to miserable life.

Hare nAma Harer nAma Harer nAmaiva kevalam

kalau kalau kalau...

Oops! My Victrola needle! No, must be my re-record's scratched.

ps - Afterwards, Kaku answered callers' question:

Einstein believed in 2 God's, including Spinoza's.

Hawking thinks this universe is so vast, we're so insignificant, so tiny;

Even if He exists, how could God spend much time with us?

Weinberg blames Einstein for reintroducing God to Physics.

SSM: It's a jungle out there; HarinAm cuts through it all.

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JNdAsji: Hmm. Parrotgreen, Grassgreen.

Moshet bit = vielleicht = quizAs = peut-etre = perhaps those Indian Painters were influenced beforehand, tinged by Kentucky Bluegrass?

ZrI NavadvIp-dhAm Mahatmyam. We could've guessed.

ZZM: "If all Vedas, PurANas etc. were lost, and all we were left with was ThAkur Bhaktivinod's writings, nothing would be lost. Not even one detail."


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  • 2 months later...

Prishnigarbha,also known as Dhruvapriya, is the form of the Lord that was manifested to Dhruva Maharaja. It was a four handed Narayana form, which was blue, not red. Thus it does not fit well with the description.


Thanks for reviving this thread. Posted Image Isn't it very surprising that an incarnation Who appeared for a very short time, could be yugavatar? It seems more accurate that it might be Treta when He appeared. This is not the same as saying that He was yugavatar for Treta yuga. Moreover, I am not even sure if it was Treta at that time. Wasn't it satya yuga when God appeared before Dhruva?


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Puranas say that Krsna came at the end of dwapara. But, is it mentioned anywhere that Rama came at the end of treta?

According to the version of Ramayana I read, yes. Rama and Lakshmana give up their lives by entering a river and that's when Threta ends. Hanuman sits in meditation and when he wakes up, he finds mountains, trees, people, etc shrunk in size and he realizes Dwapara has set in.






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