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The Greatest Commandment

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Generally. there are two kinds of

philosophers. The goal of one is

Nirvana while the goal of the other

is the effulgence of Brahman. Such

philosophers however can`t imagine

beyond Nirvana because they don`t

have any concept or idea of Krishna

loka and the activities done there

in behalf of Govinda Krishna.

Citing evidences from Bhagavad-gita

(8.54), " One who is transcendental

at once realizes the Supreme Brahman.

He never laments nor desires to have

anything; he`s equally disposed to

every living entity. In that state,

he attains pure-devotional service

unto Me." Lord Chaitanya however had

to reject this idea because he thinks

that by renouncing the material(non-

radioactive) results in realizing the

self, one can`t perceive the spirit-

ual(radioactive) and its reactions,

although there`s no contamination as

one attains this stage called " Illu-

mination". This state according to

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is not per-

fect because there`s no positive en-

gagement that requires spirituality

(radioactivity). Since it`s still sit-

uated in the mental stage, it is, in

other words, considered to be material

(non-radioactive). Thus one won`t be

able to liberate himself unless he`s

completely engaged in spiritual(radio-

active) activities.

That`s why philosophers who meditate

on the mental( non-radioactive) plane

are frustrated in their attempts in

creating a vacuum within the mind that

led to failure in illuminating the

self known as self-realization.

The liberation or illumination achieved

by Lord Buddha is not complete and thus

was rejected by Lord Chaitanya. To make

it perfect, Ramananda Raya therefore

cited this information from Srimad Bha-

gavatam(10.14.3), wherein Lord Brahma

tells Govinda Krishna: " My dear Lord,

one should give up monistic speculation

and the cultivation of knowledge altoge-

ther. He should begin his spiritual(ra-

dioactive) life in devotional service by

receiving data of the Lord`s pastimes

from a self-illumined follower of His

Lordship. If one cultivates his spirit-

ual(radioactive)life by following these

principles as well as keeping oneself

on the honest path of life, then even

if Your Lordship is never conquered, You

are conquered by such processes."


In this Kali-yuga age, there`s no possi-

bility of acquiring spiritual knowledge

that is ATOMIC.The best remedy, according

to Lord Chaitanya, is let them remain on

whatever condition they are in and let

them engage in hearing the pastimes of

the Supreme Lord Govinda Krishna which

are well-explained by souls who have

realized the Absolute Truth( ATOMIC).

Thus in the end, one can actually rege-

nerate the Supreme Personality of God,

Govinda Krishna, within himself in just

a matter of time.


Source: Teachings of Lord Chaitanya


[This message has been edited by melvin (edited 10-11-2001).]


[This message has been edited by melvin (edited 10-11-2001).]

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Can anyone name the 10 commandments? Without peaking?

I'll try:

1) Thou shalt love no other demigod.

2) Thou shalt not worship graven images.

3) Thous shalt not take My Name in vain.

4) Honor thy father & mother.

5) Keep the Sabbath.

6) Thou shalt not kill.

7) Thou shalt not steal.

8) Thou shalt not commit adultery.

9) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife nor possessions.

10) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

According to Mel Brooks, there WERE 15.

One his way down from Mt.Sinai, Moses dropped one tablet.

Too much to carry.

One of those missing 5: "Travel Light".

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Here is something interesting I learned from an orthodox Jewish friend at work. First off it is true that the original 'tablets' with the 10 utterances (this is the literal translation from Hebrew) were destroyed. So Moses went back up and carved them.


But they weren't tablets like we are used to seeing (ie. like 2 gravestone shapes). Rather they were two large block squares like 1 foot each (I don't have the exact dimensions, this is a made up number). And the utterances were carved all the way through the stone blocks in the shape of the letters. In other words the writing was there but went through a large stone block so you could see all the way through the 10 commandments.


Just a curious tid bit I thought I'd share.



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Another thing my Jewish friend pointed out is a subtlety in the creation of the world. In Hebrew there are two forms of God. There is God the person and then God within nature. So when the Bible (or Torah) says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, plants, aquatics etc.... the Hebrew word used is the form of God that is nature. Just an interesting twist he explained.



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11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Get Caught

If ignorant public & media ever find out who really downed Manhattan's Twin Towers...

Nah! They won't get caught.

They won't get caught because it's so obvious.

So obvious that everyone (almost everyone)is determined to remain illusioned by it.

Kaliyuga is so so amazing. So amazing.

Duh, maybe we should have a Warren-type Commission to investigate?

They did such a great job back in Nov'63.

Why not hire'em again?

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Originally posted by Tarun:

11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Get Caught

If ignorant public & media ever find out who really downed Manhattan's Twin Towers...

Nah! They won't get caught.

They won't get caught because it's so obvious.

So obvious that everyone (almost everyone)is determined to remain illusioned by it.

Kaliyuga is so so amazing. So amazing.

Duh, maybe we should have a Warren-type Commission to investigate?

They did such a great job back in Nov'63.

Why not hire'em again?

Oh, man--Oswald did this, too? I would have sworn I saw him get shot to death on TV in '63.



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Originally posted by melvin:

There`s only one commandment I

follow: That is one should sur-

render unto Sri Krishna.

The rest are all NON-SENSE!

If you would care to share exactly what this means to you, prabhu, and how you are practically following it, there might be more encouraging and helpful responses here.


Then again, speaking from personal experience, exposing one's own shortcomings may simply allow others even less realized to attack you incessantly.


Perhaps this forum `billboard` is more useful as a virtual-wall to post graffiti on, expressing our frustrations by taking them out on mostly anonymous others...what a shame!


valaya RR




[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 10-18-2001).]

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Dear Valaya,

I would suggest you read again

Srimad Bhagavad-gita. The whole

gist of this great BOOK is that

Lord Krishna has told Arjuna to

just surrender unto HIM and all

the problems Arjuna`s facing

will be taken care of during the

Battle of Kuruksetra!

Isn`t that what Krishna has told

His disciples to do?

Maybe you are not Lord Hari`s de-

votee. So, I understand your con-

fusion regarding this issue.


Yours truly,


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Dear Valaya,

I would suggest you read again

Srimad Bhagavad-gita. The whole

gist of this great BOOK is that

Lord Krishna has told Arjuna to

just surrender unto HIM and all

the problems Arjuna`s facing

will be taken care of during the

Battle of Kuruksetra!

Isn`t that what Krishna has told

His disciples to do?

Maybe you are not Lord Hari`s de-

votee. So, I understand your con-

fusion regarding this issue.(Melvin)


For certain you known that Gita is a part of Mahabharata. Do you known what happened with Arjuna and his brothers due his surrender to Hari’s instructions in the ‘day after’? At the end he had to face hell! Yes, after his death he went to hell while the Kurus were in haven!


How can you explain this bizarre result? Are you prepared to face hell? Are you surrendered at that point?


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Originally posted by valaya:


Perhaps this forum `billboard` is more useful as a virtual-wall to post grafitti on, expressing our frustrations by taking them out on mostly anonymous others...what a shame!




c. 1969

Famous graffitti on Sydney rail corridors:






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For certain you known that Gita is a part of Mahabharata. Do you known what happened with Arjuna and his brothers due his surrender to Hari’s instructions in the ‘day after’? At the end he had to face hell! Yes, after his death he went to hell while the Kurus were in haven!


How can you explain this bizarre result? Are you prepared to face hell? Are you surrendered at that point?


Yudhisthira was made to see hell due to his delay in carrying out the Lord's instruction to tell the lie that Ashvathama was dead. Smartas generally claim it was for telling the lie that Yudhisthira was made to see hell, but Vaishnavas disagree with this conclusion. Dharma is that which is instructed by the Lord:


dharmam tu sakshad bhagavata pranitam


"Dharma is the direct words of the Lord."


If Lord Krishna tells Yudhishtira to lie, that becomes his dharma. To obey the Lord is the only true dharma of the conditioned souls.


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Dear John,

Thank you for the posts. Thank you

so much for being here with me. I

am sorry for calling you names be-

cause of Jaya Sri Radhey. Hope you

can forgive me. As for Jaya, I hope

she can bury the past, and look to

towards the future. We are all in

these together because we have, in

my own opinion, built this forum

to what it is now. There`s always

these contradictions. But it`s Sri

Krishna`s way to stimulate and

drive us more to accomplish what

has never been done before. Will

you forgive me, my friend?


Sincerely yours,



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  • 4 weeks later...

You don`t have to be sorry for yourself. It

will only hurt more to remember what your father have gone through. Try to take it easy

and hope that things would turn out for the better. It`s not the end of the world. After death, there`s another life. Don`t hold unto the past. Try to do your best in the present for there`s in the future a lot in stored for you and your family. Always believe in yourself that you can do things you thought would be impossible to do. If there`s a will there`s a way if you have the Lord with you.

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