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World War 3 Began Today... God Help Us

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Valaya: Might be one way to avoid those awful crowds... Also, would they be entitled to all those virgins on arrival in `heaven`, like the suicide bombers?


Satyaraj: Recently Jagatji has posted an impressive article on pilgrimage to Jagannatha Puri during 19th century. The details were terrible. Actually people would not care to die at that pilgrimage. Famine and cholera were the lethal weapons to kill multitudes of pilgrims every year for centuries. Mainly women and children.


Even in the West no one would refuse to go to Palestine during the Muslim rule over the holy land. Death was certain. But even children would make a crusade of millions to go to Palestine, knowing very well what kind of fate they would face.


Can we call these people ‘suicide bombers’?


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I think I mighta shared this once before but here we go again

Earth water fire an' air

Met together in the garden fair

Put in a basket wrapped in skin

If you answer this riddle

You'll never begin

Well i got the hot air

Jayaradhe provides the earth

Valaya fires us up

now all we needs a waterboy

to make the crazy mix

It's way past all your bedtimes. Say y prayers.

Gotta get up an fight world war 3 again tomorrow. Everyday's a plus at this stage of life, God help us- to be continued.

I think you were somewhere around 40 or was that me?

Id say I lost m'coy somewhere.If i ever had any, maybe I need help finding it again.



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Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

Valaya: Might be one way to avoid those awful crowds... Also, would they be entitled to all those virgins on arrival in `heaven`, like the suicide bombers?


Satyaraj: Recently Jagatji has posted an impressive article on pilgrimage to Jagannatha Puri during 19th century. The details were terrible. Actually people would not care to die at that pilgrimage. Famine and cholera were the lethal weapons to kill multitudes of pilgrims every year for centuries. Mainly women and children.


Even in the West no one would refuse to go to Palestine during the Muslim rule over the holy land. Death was certain. But even children would make a crusade of millions to go to Palestine, knowing very well what kind of fate they would face.


Can we call these people ‘suicide bombers’?

Excellent point, Satyraja prabhu! This is what makes it so difficult to match their strength of committment. Our western materialistic lifestyle is the real suicide! Still, the immediate physical threat must be addressed with everything at our disposal. Then we will surely have to face the consequences of what to a large extent we've brought on ourselves...good time for preaching, if only we can first realize! RR



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Originally posted by atma:

April 11 makes you have the Sun in Piscis in Vedic astrology. More sensitive than an Aries.

Thank you, prabhu. Very interesting because in many ways my involvement with Krsna conciousness, specifically Srimati Radharani, has made me more sensitive in very positive ways. While there is certainly plenty of fire and a lot of Aires influence, I think Pisces tend to be mystically inclined. Is that true about mysticism? Don't have much technical knowledge of these things myself, only personal experience.



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From a bud in Israel:




Guys, you had better study up a little on the culture before you go in shooting. Not an insult, it is coming from the "know your enemies" book of tactics.


For instance, you should have known when the Taliban said Oslama "is our guest" that there is no way they will hand him over. In the desert nomad society that Islam came from, you protect your guests with your life even if you don't like them. Remember the story of the visitors that came to visit Lot in Sodom and Gomorra? Lot offered his daughters to the crowd demanding to sodomize "his guests". You fight to the death to protect someone "under your tent". Our hasty diplomacy trapped the Taliban by their own culture. I am not saying they would hand Bin Laudin over anyway, I am just saying the way we asked they could not.




Another thing you have to understand about Afghanistan is they are already bombed into the stone age. There are not too many buildings left standing now. They have been in a drought for 4 years, and the average TRUE Afghani is starving to death. The Taliban are nothing but your local Terrorist Islamic mafia family that has wrested control of Afghanistan from the true rulers. The Average Afghani most likely do not even know diddly squat about America. They did not dance in the streets when Americans died, they do not have TV's and the only radio most of them hears is tied to a post in the village square.




If you bomb Afghanistan into dust, will it stop wackos with a handful of high-tech knives? A knife IS a stone age tool! Pay attention to the Israeli's who have lived amongst these enemies for years. You do not stop terrorism by bombing villages, you just create more terrorists. You stop terrorism by attack the source of the terrorism. In Afghanistan's case it is the Taliban. There is already a civil war going on as the Afghani's try to free themselves from the Moslem invaders. If we were patient we could do a fly over taking out 50% of their military might (that is about 100% of what you can hope for with a no-ground assault). Then drop a few supplies like food on the freedom fighters, stand back and watch the problem solve itself. Just like Japan and Germany it is not the people in the streets that are the problem, it is the egomaniac's that have wrested control.




However this is going to ignite a far bigger problem, because the problem is not Afghanistan, it is Radical Islam. The reason Afghanistan was chosen to launch the attack from is precisely because there is not much to bomb there. Do not forget that the strings from Oslama are leading back to Syria, Libya, Egypt and most of all Saudi Arabia. You might ask why would Saudi do this, "we saved their asses from Saddam"? If you can not answer that question, you are fighting the shadows and do not understand the war you are in! Fail to know your enemy and you will be setup.




Think, come on what is the answer? All the money for this operation came from Saudi. The pilots came from all over but "follow the money."




The answer is this question, where is the block of rock that all Moslems worship? What nation of all nations controls Mecca, the holy city of Islam? That block of rock is the "Holy of Holies of Islam". All Moslems are required to travel to Mecca and walk around that block. Not just Radical Islamic?s, but ALL Moslems. It is one of their five commandments. The root of their religion.


You guessed it, our war is with Islam. Saudi Arabia is THE core of Islam, Radical or Non-Radical version. Islam teaches a very mild, religious purity type of religion until they get big enough in the host country, then out comes the fire and blood conversion speeches. A civil war is started, and one more empire bites the dust. It may take generations to get a big enough foothold, but desert people are very patient. Is not much to do in the desert but sit in the shade and watch the rocks grow.




When this attack goes down, every Islamic nation in the world is REQUIRED to declare war on America by the Koran. They are however NOT required to do so publicly. They are told by the clerics when the truth does not bring about the result you desire, it is better to lie to an infidel. Sure we made a coalition in the middle east in the Gulf War. They even thanked us, and even Kuwaiti declared war on us, BECAUSE AN INFIDEL RAISED HIS HAND TO SMITE A MOSLEM. Back stabbing your temporary allies is a way of life in the desert, if it had not been for the foundational rule that you protect your guests under your tent with your life, there would be no civilization in the deserts of Arabia. It is the foundation of their society.


You think the Arabs do not know Americans will Rally-Ho to a war? Think again, we are VERY predictable. We do so every time in history. Now we have ourselves landing troops in the only ISLAMIC nation that has nukes to invade its ISLAMIC neighbors. Do not forget that Pakistan is one of ONLY THREE nations to recognize the Taliban Authority as the valid rulers of Afghanistan. They are the Taliban?s BEST BUDDIES. Just think, Pakistan with nukes, and the entire forward arm of the American Army landing in one spot there. One nuclear car bomb and America is defenseless. Think also that China is the only world class nation to align with the Taliban after the Trade Center Bombing. Russia spent 10 years there setting up a puppet government.


I say go get them, but when you see the three greatest historical enemies of America in a huddle, better get your eyes open before you go stumbling in. I personally think this is a trap. If played right, this can set America up for invasion like nothing else ever has.


Show Restraint all right, go into war right before God, with your eyes open and ready for anything. Hunt your enemies down and destroy every one to the last man. But don't get all in a Rage and run off half-cocked trusting in your fancy toys, or you will be predictable and have high losses.




This is going to be a very difficult war, High Tech vs Stone Age. In case you have not noticed this is the arena that High Tech is the least suited and has the least advantage. In this scenario I will trade in a cruise missile with a nuke for a single marine. The marine will get the job done far better. BUT he has little advantage due to high-tech toys.




This strike against the WTC is a setup. We HAVE to respond, but lets think out the opening move well. Keep in mind the the suddenly friendly Russians at the front door are currently probing our air defenses at the back door. These same Russians have signed a mutual treaty against "American Aggression" within the last two years with China.




China has obtained Aircraft carriers. That is a thing they have no use for in invading Taiwan, China is an unsinkable Aircraft Carrier. Aircraft Carriers are for FORWARD force projection. Also interesting China has secured the panama canal and placed bases on the tip of the cape horn. Plug the canal, nuke the shores of America and send all those Costco ships over to the states under Aircraft Carriers air cover, and you got invasion. With the Pac/Lant sea lanes blocked, we have not got enough time to respond.


Thanks to Clintoon, the situation in the States is so bad right now that, if you join the National Guard, you get an overseas billet. We have our army spread out around the world fighting fires, Who might I ask are going to stop an Invasion if our Main Army is cutoff over seas? What better spot on earth to cut off our Army than little land-locked Afghanistan? Do not forget that the Russians are the worlds best Chess Players.




Read Isaiah 14-19. If the scenario I have shown above happens, and America responds with a full nuclear strike on the offending nations, only to be backstabbed in return by China/Russia pact, this prophecy will be fulfilled in its entirety. Many people suspect that Isaiah 18 is the Invasion of America. When is a branch pruned from the vine? When it shows no fruit. When is the shofar blown? In the feast of Trumpets. That time is now, in the next couple of weeks. (Let the reader understand)



Open your eyes boys, this is a setup. Don't step in the trap. I am not saying don't step, just don't step in the trap. Get your hearts right before God, so your eyes will be fully open."




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Originally posted by Maitreya:

randOm, your bud in Israel spreaks with wisdom.


If you liked that, then you will love this from Bhakta Hal:




America is indeed at war. It appears that it will be a long, bloody and costly war. The United States is on a war footing unlike anything seen since the outbreak of the Second World War. Indeed, on Monday, King Abdullah of Jordan, speaking of his nation's support for the United States, described the war on terror in its proposed breadth and scope as being the "Third World War."


But against whom are we at war? Is this a war against Muslims? A war against Islam? That is what the radical Islamists would have us believe. It is not. It is against a particular brand of Islam. Within Islam, there are as many different kinds of Muslims as there are divisions under the banner of Christianity.


To those outside of Christianity, Baptists are no different than Mormons, Episcopalians indistinguishable from Jehovah's Witnesses and Methodists the same as Christian Scientists. In many parts of the world, all these are considered Christians. Some view all of them as elements of Catholicism and subject to papal authority.


Among Muslims, there are as many different sub-groupings as there are sub-groupings under the general heading of "Christian." And they are about as widely dissimilar.


I was troubled at the news of Muslims being murdered ? because they were Muslims ? in various places in America in wake of the attacks in New York and Washington. This is not an issue of all Muslims. It is what is commonly called radical Islam ? which is indeed dedicated to the destruction of the United States. There is no justification for "vigilantes" taking the law into their own hands. If you see something suspicious, report it to the FBI or the local police. They will respond, but within the scope of the Constitution. This is what makes us a different society than the barbarians we are seeking to combat.


Radical Islam teaches that democracy is the Great Satan, since democratic societies are free. Free societies cannot and do not require submission to Islam. Radical Islamists are as horrified that there are Christians and Jews living free in America as they are that there are atheists in America. The fruits of radical Islam are evident in the fact that there are nearly 100 Christians right now awaiting execution in Afghanistan for the crime of "promoting Christianity." Such is radical Islam. That is our enemy.


Now, I have grave theological differences with Islam of all stripes. I vehemently disagree with the notion that the God of the Christians and Jews is the same deity as that worshipped as Allah by the Muslims. But I have grave theological differences with adherents to secular humanism, atheists, Satanists, Mormons, Hindus, Jehovah's witnesses, Buddhists and so on. This does not make me want to kill them, or restrict their right to believe what they want to believe.


Neither are we at war with Arabs. Not all Arabs are Muslims, neither are all Muslims Arabs. Within both groups are radical Islamists. The theocratic regime of Iran is one of radical Islam, even though Iranians are not Arab, but Persians. Iranians share the Islam of Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, the Taleban and a dozen other groups.


The basic meaning of the world Islam is submission. Radical Islam takes this meaning to the ultimate extreme. It says that this submission to Allah and his words is not voluntary. It believes if one does not submit willingly, he must be forced to submission at the point of a sword. That distinction makes radical Islam the enemy of democracy in general, and the United States and Israel in particular. The United States is the Great Satan, as we are viewed as the founders of the democratic principle. Israel is an island of democracy in a sea of radical Islamic sheikdoms.


It isn't only America, or Israel that radical Islam hates, it is our political system and the culture that system spawns. They really do not like the advances of modern inventions, except for the weapons. Islam is wrapped around the culture of the Arabian Desert tribes with a benevolent but all powerful sheik in control. It feels most at home there. The more fundamental a Muslim becomes, the more he moves in his heart back to the 7th-century desert.


The Shah led Iran into the modern culture of the 20th century. The people had a good life and nearly all were prosperous. But they still embraced the Ayatollah Khameini who promptly plunged them headlong back to the 7th-century culture of radical Islam. Economic prosperity does not have the same appeal to these fanatics as it does to others.


The world is, by and large, not made up of representative republics, but of dictatorships. America makes up less than 4 percent of the world's population. Apart from us there are only a handful of European nations that are functional democracies. None of those systems are any older than we are. France, among the first Europeans to become democratic republics, did so in 1789 ? after America did. And the functional democracies are the richest and most successful in the world. Why?


Are we just smarter than they are and therefore more successful than those nations? Or is it free democratic society that is based on Protestant Christian principles? African and Middle Eastern societies are thousands of years old. Even the Catholic based societies of Latin America have not achieved our level of success and freedom. Most nations that do not live in freedom live in squalor. America is less than 300 years old. Judge for yourself which system works better.


America is not the one responsible for beginning World War III. It was begun on Tuesday, September 11, in exactly the same way World War II was begun on December 7, 1941.


To do other than the course already chartered by our government would be tantamount to permitting our foreign policy be dictated by these ruthless fanatics.


If we do nothing, we may as well take down our flag ourselves and send it to those who attacked us to save them the inconvenience. History proves beyond doubt what happens when a nation appeases aggressors ? it only stalls a war. It has never in history, ever ? not once ? prevented one. Not even one time.


Many well-meaning Christians are advocating a Christian solution to a political problem. I've heard from many who say I should be advocating a policy of "turning the other cheek." This was written for interpersonal relationships, not for relations between nations.


We are at war, but not with all Muslims. We are at war with an ideology that claims Islam as its spiritual father. An ideology that permits any crime, any injustice, any atrocity ? provided it claims as its ultimate end the forcing of the "infidels" to submit to Islam as they define it.


God did not ordain theocracies for the gentile nations. God established the authority of secular governments. When the Apostle Paul penned the following, he was himself a subject of Imperial Rome under Caesar.




Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.


Romans 13:1-4




Today this means the government does not bear the M16 in vain. Governments are commanded of God to punish evildoers with deadly force. And it is hard to imagine evildoers worse than those responsible for the murder of the thousands of innocent civilians on September 11, 2001. If we do not act wisely and decisively now, the next strike may kill hundreds of thousands, because these religiously motivated fanatics have weapons of mass destruction




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The Crusades have never stopped. Only the black plague stopped it enough to save the Spanish Armada and the England Naval powers. Then, only ruthless leaders like Napoleon, Stalin, Tito, etc, kept the march against the euros in check. Now it is only america that is holding the wave back.


Whatta long war, eh. Us euros ought to return the stolen booty from our invasions, but it is the backing of our way of life, and we cannot go back.


The crown jewels are the eyes of the deities, the great palaces and cathedrals of europe are financed from the tribute to Solomon.


Follow the money, ya say? Are the Templars doing this as well? If one silo is opened, they all will fly, can the cabal exist if there is only cavemen to control?


Damn ringknockers, Malcolm X knew, he was the only true follower of the Compassionate Allah. Black on black? My ass.


mad mahax

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Interesting scenario indeed. Speaking as one with nothing to lose, I'd just as soon get it all over with right now. One American boomer submarine is quite capable of pretty well destroying life on this planet and there are many! All are nearly impossible to find, let alone stop.


If the United States is attacked in such a massive way, it's good-bye world, folks. Perhaps those who are so critical here might want to take a closer look at their own personal lifestyles, not to mention their actual physical existence, and try to appreciate what/who that depends on. RR


P.S. Put together my favourite set of japa beads with duct tape! May not be bonafide, but this is an emergency!!!


[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-19-2001).]

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Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

That is really an interesting world indeed!


Do you know too that Bush gave 53 million dollars in aid to Taliban? Even after Taliban’s rules on to pursue Hindus and Buddhists?


Bush Gift of 43 Million in May to Taliban Was in Defiance of Congress



Afghan People Captive to Taliban? | Op-Ed By Tamim Ansary



The Dalai Lama | Addresses, His Excellency Mr. George W. Bush The President



Getting Behind Mr. Bush? | Op-Ed By, Marc Ash


Thankyou for getting more of the truth out about the hypocritical american foreign policy. This is of course a very serious issue; this morning the president of Pakistan gave a long 'sermon' on why his government has decided to allow american bases to operate in Pakistan, choosing 'the lesser of 2 evils', as he said. He referred to a treaty that the prophet Mohammed had entered into with the jews and another 'enemy' that lasted for 6 years, after which time Islam defeated their enemies. Personally, I fear that Mr. Bush is leading the pack into a trap. Then again, it won't be his life or his children who will be 'sacrificed' on war's bloody altar.



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War is undoubtedly HELL! It's a tough nasty business, but sometimes someone has to do it. Of everyone on this forum, Bhuta Bhavana das seems to be the only one in that difficult position. Does anyone here besides myself have any idea what that entails? Right now he's puking from the anthrax vaccine pumped into his bloodstream!


Armchair pseudo-generals, diplomats, philosophers and unrealized scripture spouting `gurus`, who haven't the stomach to FACE that which has been forced upon us, let alone actually FIGHT with anything other than their usual cheap words; could at least express their personal fears honestly and refrain from lashing out against those that have to muster up the courage to do the necessary in defense of us all and indeed freedom itself.


Just sign me disgusted!

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Originally posted by JRdd:

Well I hope my confusion doesn't confuse others, but I am beginning to think I don't know what to think. I am just trying to be honest here with this moment of doubt I have. My daughter, who has been living in the woods for a few months, has been having prayer meetings and light focuses with other rainbow kids who arrived in the past few days. That, and the strongly pacifist leanings of most people I know around here, takes little to restimulate similar sentiments strong within me, and then I think: Is it better to pray it away?


Hm, even as I wrote that the answer came: both are necessary. Right? Or can it be done without the violence? I mean after all, we're talking miracles here anyway, as far as i am concerned, tryng to ferret out 10,000 people willing to do the suicide thing, and countless thousands of others willing to do all they can to support the terrorism.


Then, too, if chivalry is dead, what is it all for anyway? simply gross aggressions and counteraggressions?


Not meaning to demoralise, prabhu (or anyone else), just giving you an opportunity to defeat this doubt. Come on, you can do it.




Dear JRdd, Isn't Mt.Shasta supposedly a `spiritual` energy covergence of some sort? Obviously you are a sensitive soul. Just living in beautiful natural surroundings tends to situate one in the mode of goodness, I'm sure, and the whole rainbow healthfood vegan conciousness provides further reinforcement. Still, it's just another mode, isn't it, though it can appear very attractive and cause us to become subtly yet strongly attached.


As Mr.D said, you and I are not about to be called into active duty, so it's more a case of the war within which is the same struggle all devotees face every moment involving our identification with the material energy.


All I ask is that we don't allow ourselves to surrender to fear and try to maintain a united stand. Something like this should join us in supporting each other emotionally and otherwise, or so I would expect. To do otherwise would be surrendering to terror-ism and it's by-product, disunity.


What I cannot tolerate is a similar situation to the Vietnam war, where America was disarmed from within and those who served made to feel guilt for sacrifices in service to their country. I'm not a hippie anymore and I recognize well the negative effects of psychedelic drugs! As if `expanding` our minds brought higher awareness and made us somehow superior to those hard-working `straight` folks that we constantly mocked!


The young must learn from their own experiences. Let them focus `light` or enter into trances or whatever. We have Srila Prabhupada, Radha-Krsna and the Holy Names.


I've tried to share my own personal experiences here concerning Swamini-Kisori, although discouraged at every turn. Really, I have little else to offer than what has already been said. At least it was all from my heart, impure as it still is.


Please keep faith in your real self, prabhu...valaya RR


[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-20-2001).]


[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 09-20-2001).]

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Originally posted by valaya:

Dear JRdd, Isn't Mt.Shasta supposedly a `spiritual` energy covergence of some sort? Obviously you are a sensitive soul. Just living in beautiful natural surroundings tends to situate one in the mode of goodness, I'm sure, and the whole rainbow healthfood vegan conciousness provides further reinforcement. Still, it's just another mode, isn't it, though it can appear very attractive and cause us to become subtly yet strongly attached.


Nope. Not attached to it at all. Though I am grateful while I'm here to have fresh air, water you can actually drink without filtering it first, trees and all that, I would trade it in a moment if I could, for direct sangha. Believe me. It all pales.


As Mr.D said, you and I are not about to be called into active duty, so it's more a case of the war within which is the same struggle all devotees face every moment involving our identification with the material energy.


All I ask is that we don't allow ourselves to surrender to fear and try to maintain a united stand.]

I agree with the spirit of your words. But I do not agree that I am afraid. I often wish I could leave this body, and would not mind at all if I died tomorrow, so long as it didn't hurt too much, and I could have devotees there if possible, reminding me to chant if I couldn't remind myself. Even then I feel that Krsna would make a lot of allowances for me. I just don't like pain. Or being alone all the time. This world does not enchant me, thanks to Krsna continually taking everything away from me, one after the other. I am clinging by the thread of your association and that which I managing to get through my needle after squinting for half an hour so I can sew beads on a skirt for Her boyfriend. All the rest of it seems like a mirage to me.


Something like this should join us in supporting each other emotionally and otherwise, or so I would expect. To do otherwise would be surrendering to terror-ism and it's by-product, disunity.

I agree with that now and always, in any circumstance. That is the hope that keeps the blood coursing through my veins. Just about. Though it's wearing thin (the blood I mean. Literally.)


What I cannot tolerate is a similar situation to the Vietnam war, where America was disarmed from within and those who served made to feel guilt for sacrifices in service to their country.

No one should be made to feel guilty. Not the warriors, nor those who perform the highest welfare work of spreading harinam on the streets of the world. So no one should be made to feel arrogant either. Just everybody together, trying their best to do the needful, and counting on Krsna carrying what they lack and preserving what they have, for we all here make mistakes. Why be angry at those who are not soldiers? That is not how society works, everyone being soldiers. I am not ashamed that I am not cut out to be a fighter.


I'm not a hippie anymore and I recognize well the negative effects of psychedelic drugs! As if `expanding` our minds brought higher awareness and made us somehow superior to those hard-working `straight` folks that we constantly mocked!



The young must learn from their own experiences. Let them focus `light` or enter into trances or whatever. We have Srila Prabhupada, Radha-Krsna and the Holy Names.

God thing is, many many Rainbow kids have been exposed to harinam and so these also often become part of their prayers.


I've tried to share my own personal experiences here concerning Swamini-Kisori, although discouraged at every turn.

Who is discouraging? Who doesn't want to hear nectar? And why do you think we don't also have some understanding about Srimate Radharani? Posted Image


Really, I have little else to offer than what has already been said. At least it was all from my heart, impure as it still is.

What do you mean "was". Keep it coming, bro! I look forward to it!


Please keep faith in your real self, prabhu...valaya RR

Thank you!!! One of the better advices I have ever received. Today I was challenged to see that in myself, and had some teeny tiny breakthrough. Where I saw I was beautiful and not someone else's devaluing of me.


And I wish more and more of the same for you, sweet soul!


ys, Jayaradhe

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Originally posted by JRdd:

Thank you!!! One of the better advices I have ever received. Today I was challenged to see that in myself, and had some teeny tiny breakthrough. Where I saw I was beautiful and not someone else's devaluing of me.


And I wish more and more of the same for you, sweet soul!


ys, Jayaradhe

If only there was more of this attitude there wouldn't be terrorists in the first place.We can all turn quite terrible when we don't recognise the beauty within.

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