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Does Krishna know future?

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I would venture to say that He is time.


From this perspective: In the Bhagavad Gita when Krishna appears to Arjuna as the destructive aspect of God. Arjuna sees all the warriors of the battlefield being sucked into Krishna's mouth during a profound divine mystical experience. Krishna speaks that He is time itself engaged for infinity in the process of destroying the world.


He tells Arjuna that even without Arjuna's action all persons meet ultimately with death, that all the warriors in the opposing armies shall not survive.


"They have already been slain by me."


I do not know due to the dependently arising nature of this creation and the gift of free will if he would know the future. I do not know if the future is a reality at all rather than an illusion or a perception. Again going back to the Bhagavad Gita where Krishna indicates that the warriors are already dead.

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Originally posted by animesh:

What are your answers? Is future known to Krishna? If yes, is everything that is going to happen in future known to him or only some things are known?

"They have already been slain by me."



What does krishna mean by this statement ?

Does it mean that he is going to kill them ( bheeshma ,drona ,jayadrada ,karna etc ) even if arjuna can not . or rather it means he has done all the preparation for enimies deaths .?






[This message has been edited by s_dilipk (edited 06-13-2001).]

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Is future known to Krishna or is future under His control? The two are different things. If future is known to him, this means that everything is predetermined and we don't have any free will because if Krishna knows that something is going to happen, then that has to happen. If future is in His control, then He may decide to let things run their own course and interfere only when it is necessary, e.g., when sin increases a lot.

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Originally posted by s_dilipk:

"They have already been slain by me."



What does krishna mean by this statement ?

Does it mean that he is going to kill them ( bheeshma ,drona ,jayadrada ,karna etc ) even if arjuna can not . or rather it means he has done all the preparation for enimies deaths .?




[This message has been edited by s_dilipk (edited 06-13-2001).]

Mrtyuh sarva-harascaham udbhavas ca bhavisyatam

"I am all devouring death"

We can't possibly conceive Krsna's energies nor should we truly wish to, as He is eternal and states how He remembers all those previous incarnations he has had, but we can barely remember what we did yesterday. We may be able to understand a little like this. If you see a movie in 1970 and then there is a remake of it then you are somewhat familiar with the plot and the outcome. Maybe different actors are playing the various roles, but the story line is already known to the director. Simularly the director can steer and shape the movie in any way He wishes.If He favours one hero to be victorious at the expence of so many villains that is in His power.

So many different pralayas have come and gone in eternal time, and we may well have played in many of them, but due to Krsnas kindness He wipes the slate clean, and things appear as thru the eyes of a child evernew, everfresh.

Whatsmore Krsna doesn't desire for us to see Him in such awe and reverence rather as a simple friend or companion. This benediction comes thru the process of Bhakti. Krsna is truly the friend of all friends to have as ones mate.





[This message has been edited by dasanudas (edited 06-13-2001).]

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Is future known to Krishna or is future under His control? The two are different things.

The above verse from the BG says, the future is known to Krishna. In the BG, he instructs Arjuna to do his duty [better than not doing it]. After many chapters of instructions, towards the end he says "I am in the hearts of all, making them act..." which directly contradicts all the instructions given before. If Krishna is making people act all the time, where is the meaning to Karma as he taught earlier? If someone says Krishna was an idiot, even he is being made to say so by Krishna [in the heart] and so he should not get any bad Karma, for Karma can happen ony when there is free-will and choice.


This is why, many scholars are of the opinion that the BG was interpolated to take on contradicting verses from the Anu-Gita, Sankhya and other sources. Which is quite likely.



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Many feel that God can not be considered as omniscient if He does not know future. But I disagree with this. Let me ask a few questions. Does God know the size of a frog's tail? Does He know the shape of a donkey's horns? Does He know the colour of a snake's legs?

We can not say that God must know answers to these questions in order to be considered as omniscient because these things do not exist. Only if these things exist, He should know the answers to above questions. Similarly, only if future is predetermined, He should know what is going to happen. But it is possible that future is not predetermined. In another thread I made a post which says that some people get vision about future. That shows that some things that are going to happen in future are fixed. But it does not mean that everything is fixed.

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If it is specifically Krishna that we are talking about, the verse from BG above says he knows the future.


That shows that some things that are going to happen in future are fixed. But it does not mean that everything is fixed.

It may also mean that although all things are predetermined, only some of them are seen by some people.




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<Quote>It may also mean that although all things are predetermined, only some of them are seen by some people.</Quote>


Quite possible. So, is there any free will? Or, was it predetermined trillions of years back (or may be even before) that I will be posting this message?



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Quite possible. So, is there any free will? Or, was it predetermined trillions of years back (or may be even before) that I will be posting this message?

According to some verse of the BG, the answer is yes. According to some other verses, the answer is no.


So is there free-will or not?


No idea and we can never know. But irrespective of whether it is free or controlled, it makes no difference to us. To us, it appears that we have a choice. Even if the choice that we make is pre-determined by someone, it makes no difference.




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"If the moon, in the act of completing its eternal path round the earth, were gifted with self-consciousness, it would feel

thoroughly convinced that it would travel its path on its own, in accordance with a resolution taken once and for all.

So would a Being, endowed with higher insight and more perfect intelligence, watching man and his doings, smile about

this illusion of his that he was acting according to his own free will.

This is my belief, although I know well that it is not fully demonstrable. If one thinks out to the very last consequence

what one exactly knows and understands, there would hardly be any human being who could be impervious to this view,

provided his self-love did not rub up against it. Man defends himself from being regarded as an impotent object in the

course of the Universe. But should the lawfulness of happenings, such as unveils itself more and more clearly in inorganic

nature, cease to function in the activities in our brain?"


--- Albert Einstein

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The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O son of Pandu, he who does not hate illumination, attachment and delusion when they are present or long for them when they disappear; who is unwavering and undisturbed through all these reactions of the material qualities, remaining neutral and transcendental, knowing that the modes alone are active; who is situated in the self and regards alike happiness and distress; who looks upon a lump of earth, a stone and a piece of gold with an equal eye; who is equal toward the desirable and the undesirable; who is steady, situated equally well in praise and blame, honor and dishonor; who treats alike both friend and enemy; and who has renounced all material activities—such a person is said to have transcended the modes of nature.Bhagavad-Gita 14.22-24

So Einstein is correct, in that our problem is identifying with the actions and reactions of our material forms.


I wonder how clear he was on the nature of the one who is falsley identifying.

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Originally posted by animesh:

What are your answers? Is future known to Krishna? If yes, is everything that is going to happen in future known to him or only some things are known?

My Dear Animesh

In the future

if you come to know Krishna

Will you ask Him this?



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No, he can continue doing His work. When I go to Him, then He can answer my questions. I don't think it should be difficult for Him because He can take many forms at the same time. So, in one form He can answer my questions. I wish I could take a tape recorder with me to Him.

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Originally posted by animesh:

No, he can continue doing His work. When I go to Him, then He can answer my questions. I don't think it should be difficult for Him because He can take many forms at the same time. So, in one form He can answer my questions. I wish I could take a tape recorder with me to Him.

Perhaps you might need to ask Him whether He works.

Your tape recorder will not get past the Gopas......

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> I don't think it should be difficult for Him


Precisely as well as to know all without exception. Certainly material world is operated by(with) supersoul, but devoted nevertheless answers Krisna.


> I wish I could take a tape recorder with me to Him.


Will tell a fake. By the way in some temples milk saw also images Ganesa, in what capillaries, the milk there disappeared? And how could in capillaries leave till some litres of milk? And why it suddenly has ceased now in them to leave? The scientists.

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