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Ananta Vasudeva and Sundarananda Vidyavinoda

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Thats a funny version of the story. What really happened was Ananta Vasudeva was seeing a prostitute in Navadvipa, and fathered an ilegitimate child (while claiming to be the jagat-guru and acharya of the matha). When he was caught, he left the Gaudiya matha (taking his prostitute with him) and joined a babaji in Vrindavana (because that babaji had no problem with him staying with the prostitute). Later the prostitute found another man, and she gave poison to kill the son of Ananta Vasudeva (who was around 10 at the time). After this Ananta Vasudeva committed suicide by consuming poison. This is the great history of this man.


But some babajis like to quote him as though he was a great acharya.


His offense was that he usurped the position of acharya without the authority of his spiritual master, Bhaktisiddhanta. Later he committed countless offenses to pure devotees, such as Srila Sridhara Maharaja and others. The results speak for themselves.



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 05-14-2001).]

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Originally posted by jndas:

Thats a funny version of the story. What really happened was Ananta Vasudeva was seeing a prostitute in Navadvipa, and fathered an ilegitimate child (while claiming to be the jagat-guru and acharya of the matha). When he was caught, he left the Gaudiya matha (taking his prostitute with him) and joined a babaji in Vrindavana (because that babaji had no problem with him staying with the prostitute). Later the prostitute found another man, and she gave poison to kill the son of Ananta Vasudeva (who was around 10 at the time). After this Ananta Vasudeva committed suicide by consuming poison. This is the great history of this man.


But some babajis like to quote him as though he was a great acharya.


His offense was that he usurped the position of acharya without the authority of his spiritual master, Bhaktisiddhanta. Later he committed countless offenses to pure devotees, such as Srila Sridhara Maharaja and others. The results speak for themselves.



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 05-14-2001).]

That is one of the biggest fabricated stories EVER!

The Radha Ramana Gosvamis would attest to the falseness in that, they are the ones who sponsered Ananta Vasudeva when he came to Braja and helped him in the publication of his books. Your story is the standard Gaudiya Math story that was conjured up after the Math was split up to HIDE some of the findings of Ananta Vasudeva and Sundarananda Vidyavinode,it was feed to the ones who stayed behind who were simply without the facts!


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by Jan Brzezinski (Jagadananda dasa)


The Gaudiya Math after Bhaktisiddhanta's death


Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati left a council of three governors to handle the affairs of the Math, Ananta Vasudeva, Paramananda and Kuñjavihari, without designating any of them as acarya. All three were brahmacaris, and with the presence of a sizable contingent of samnyasins, it does not seem that his intention was that this was anything other than an ad hoc group meant to handle the management of the properties and the continued publication of books. Nevertheless, Kuñjavihari (who upon taking samnyasa in 1948 became Bhaktivilasa Tirtha) and Ananta Vasudeva (who in 1943 became Bhaktiprasada Puri) had their individual charisma and each had his own group of dedicated followers. In an election that was held some time after Sarasvati's death in 1937, Ananta Vasudeva was made acarya, but this was considered by Kuñja Vihari's followers to be contrary to the will of Sarasvati who had seemingly given priority to Kuñja in his last statements and was familiarly called guru-prestha ('most dear to the guru'). Lawsuits, etc., followed and the disciples of Sarasvati either fell into the camp of one of these two or left in disgust to strike out independently. Sridhar Maharaja, Kesava Maharaja, Madhava Maharaja, Gosvami Maharaja, Bharati Maharaj, etc., all founded their own maths in the 1940's and 50's.

Puri Maharaja, or Puri Das as he later called himself, and his close associate Sundarananda Vidyavinoda took up a spirited regimen of scholarly criticism of their own movement. They abandoned secondary literature and concentrated on the primary works of the six Gosvamins of Vrndavana. Puri Maharaj was particularly unhappy about the proselytizing work of the Gaudiya Math which he considered to have been overly zealous and ill-informed, offensive and against the true spirit of Vaisnavism. To a great extent these two leaders of the organization were disillusioned by the rapaciousness of Puri Maharaja's opponents in the math succession battles, which they came to attribute to the very nature of the math institution itself. Yukta-vairagya was a difficult discipline, indeed; the vices associated with wealth, reputation and power were not the monopoly of any religious school. Puri Maharaja gradually came to accept the necessity for initiation in an accredited disciplic line and advised all of his disciples to seek diksa from such gurus. The position formulated on the basis of early writings of Caitanya's followers was expounded in Sundarananda's treatise, 'The characteristics of the guru according to Vaisnava theology' (Vaisnava-siddhante Sri-guru-svarupa).


Though Sundarananda's work is exhaustive in its critique of Gaudiya Math deviations from scripture and tradition (without ever once mentioning it or its founder by name), perhaps the most important problem underlined by him in his research is the need for the connection to the guru in order to engage in the service of Radha and Krsna in a spiritual identity. According to Jiva Gosvamin, at the time of initiation, the guru reveals this relationship along with the mantra. This information is given the name of siddha-pranali, or otherwise as ekadasa-bhava. Bhaktivinoda himself wrote about this in several places in his works and there is little doubt that he adhered to this aspect of the tradition. The traditions of the renunciate Gaudiya community in Braj and Radha Kund hold that historically devotees would seek initiation from a family spiritual master from whom they would receive this siddha-pranali. Only then were they eligible to engage in the practice of raganuga bhakti. Legends which confirm the necessity of a bona-fide initiation to enter into the esoteric aspects of the religious life are many, such as the case of Madhusudana Dasa Babaji, who tried to commit suicide because he had not received siddha-pranali from his initiating guru and was thus refused instruction by the leading teachers of Braj, and that of Jayakrsna Dasa Babaji who sent a disciple back to Bengal to seek this data from his spiritual master, etc.

Followers of the Gaudiya Math hold that the siddha-pranali tradition is not to be found in the earliest texts of the school. They have a very different idea of the practice of raganuga bhakti. The spiritual identity is something which comes out of one's inner being as a result of purification through spiritual practice and not through formal instruction. This implication is present in the following statement by Sridhara Maharaja:



To get the mantra from a sad-guru, a genuine guru, means to get the internal good will or real conception about the Lord. The seed of a banyan tree may be a small seed, but the great big banyan tree will come out of that seed. The will with which the particular sound is given by the guru to the disciple is all-important. We may not trace that at present, but in time, if a favorable environment is there, it will express itself and develop into something great.









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Oh yea he was a demon who ran off with a prostitute....sounds like the typical smearing of those who left the fold of the mission.

Isn't it funny that anyone on the outside OR anyone who ever leaves these missions OR disagrees are smeared in this way!

While all the time such incredible crimes are going on inside those institutions that are never mentioned and covered up?



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What I find even more interesting is that several weeks ago, a bunch of outsiders come into these forums and immediately started bashing Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and others. If you want to praise someone go right ahead, but most of what I have seen in the last few weeks has simply been attacks.



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ANY dissagreement with Sarasvata line..is considered ATTACK..!


In reality it's the other way around, meaning that pretty much all other Gaudiya Vaishnavas outside the missions of GM & branches have been BRANDED as sahajiya, mayavadi, whore mongers etc. by them, thus isolating themselves from the greater Gaudiya Vaishnav community in India (which is in the 100's of 1000's. Actually the Missions of Gaudiya Math & it's branches are a minority in the Chaitanya Vaishnava Religion. They would like to claim ALL as members but cannot so instead they brand them as demons, sahajiya's and mayavadi's!

And when we speak up we are ATTACKING? Excuse me but you are demanding a double standard..!

It's like Jehovas Witnesses claiming the rights to ALL of Christianity and demanding all other branches follow their fanatical guidelines or burn in hell.


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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

What I find even more interesting is that several weeks ago, a bunch of outsiders come into these forums and immediately started bashing Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and others. If you want to praise someone go right ahead, but most of what I have seen in the last few weeks has simply been attacks.



Same thing as seen on VNN, same rap.Always they accuse the GM branches of preaching against the poor babjis, when actually they start every converstaion on the subject with an attack against Bhaktisiddhanta.Same routine, same old same old.



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Same OLD with YOU as well MC.....


You come on to forums and claim your just new and lurking and learning etc. Then all of a sudden your emeshed in some debate with someone WAY out of your league like Jagat and anybody else using your fancy fonts like your some big scholar.

But then you come on here and say "Geee I'm new and just lurking and learning" I laughed my ass off when I read that one Homer!

You don't fool me at all!


Go ahead give it your best shot homeboy! If you want in on this let's keep your ATTACKS with SIDDHANTA (if you can)!


By the way what can you contribute to the thread regarding Ananta Vausudeva or Sundarananda Vidyavinode.


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Show me where we have attacked others in these forums prior to the entrance of some outsiders. I have been here for a while, as have Shvu, Animesh, JNDas, Dasha, Viji, and a few others. We NEVER had any conversations about babajis, sahajiyas, this person said this, that person isn't real. We've had our debates, gotten angry perhaps a few times, but ever since these outsiders have arrived, its like every day its been nothing but attacks against others. Show me where I have attacked any other Vaisnava. Me as an individual. You can't. I like this place because it wasn't VNN. But all of you are just bringing in your own pollution. We'll argue and argue and argue about who has and who doesn't have Bhakti, and when we die we'll go straight to hell.


I don't remember exactly how the story goes but once there was a brahmana who lived in the vicinity of a prostitute. Every day he'd do his puja, and look over at the prostitute and think of how fallen she was and how virtuous he was. The prostitute on the other hand would every day think of how fallen she was and admire the religious virtues of the brahmana. One day the brahmana dies and he is taken straight to hell, because his heart was full of hatred, the prostitute because she only longed to have those virtues was taken upwards. The lesson: Look at your own faults, and try to correct them. Simply attacking will just lead you down the path to hell. This life is too short for such nonsense. Lets develop a little bit of devotion (actual not theoretical).



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No thanks jijaji.I don't want to become drawn in to the guru gossip wars.This debate can have no good outcome.


I really know nothing of the individuals involved.Some may believe this side, some may believe that side.One thing is for sure no minds will be changed,some great souls from both"camps" will be slandered, and the general atmoshere here will be downgraded.I affirmed Gaurachandra's observation as I have seen it played out before with no good result.


I'm off to another thread to lurk and learn.


Hare Krishna


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I have seen the word "VNN" used in this forum quite a few times? What is that? I never participated in that. This is the very first site that I came to know as far as discussion regarding any religion is concerned. From this site I came to know about so many forums in geocities. But it seems that most have you were there in VNN.

Once I got an email in which I was invited to join this forum. I did not know the person who had sent me the email. Perhaps he wanted to send to somebody else and it reached me (such a thing has happened earlier too). But, anyway, it was good for me that I got that mail.

So, is VNN still existing?

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Originally posted by animesh:

I have seen the word "VNN" used in this forum quite a few times? What is that? I never participated in that. This is the very first site that I came to know as far as discussion regarding any religion is concerned. From this site I came to know about so many forums in geocities. But it seems that most have you were there in VNN.

Once I got an email in which I was invited to join this forum. I did not know the person who had sent me the email. Perhaps he wanted to send to somebody else and it reached me (such a thing has happened earlier too). But, anyway, it was good for me that I got that mail.

So, is VNN still existing?

VNN forums have been off for some time, but are supposedly coming back on soon. It will be interesting to see if old battle scars remain or if all will be wiped clean. There is another devotee forum called dharma-mela you may enjoy: www.islandnet.com/krsna/homepage/istagosi/mela/mela.htm although it tends to get contentious, as well. My name there is valaya.






Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Originally posted by Maitreya:

No thanks jijaji.I don't want to become drawn in to the guru gossip wars.This debate can have no good outcome.


Oh yea that's right ...your just LEARNING..I forgot.


I really know nothing of the individuals involved.Some may believe this side, some may believe that side.One thing is for sure no minds will be changed,some great souls from both"camps" will be slandered, and the general atmoshere here will be downgraded.


* Or perhaps OLD wives-tales will finally be put to rest! It is said a repressed truth acts like poision when 1st discovered.


I affirmed Gaurachandra's observation as I have seen it played out before with no good result.


** You have been part of them before as well maitreya christian...don't pretend you are just this watchful moralistic eye, new to all of this.


I'm off to another thread to lurk and learn.


** Pun taken...


Hare Krishna

** Jai Radhe


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I have seen the word "VNN" used in this forum quite a few times? What is that?

My version of the story. I would suggest that no one takes this personally. But if someone wants to, I have no problems with that either Posted Image


VNN means the forums on the vnn.org website. Thus was a forum for Gaudiya Vaishnavas. As you may know by now, the followers of Chaitanya are split into different groups who disagree with each other. This forum provided an opportunity to the 'humble' devotees to bitch at each other. No consensus was ever reached and never will because both parties are now only intent on abusing the other.


When the river Saraswati dried up long back, the people on the banks moved away to different places, to start different civilizations. Similarly when this great battlefield of VNN went down, some of the mighty warriors moved to this forum to resume the battle. So if one sees the key words of Sahajiya, Siddhanta, Babaji, Gaudiya Math, etc, then one can be sure that it is a VNN veteran at war with another VNN veteran. Perhaps they have a different dictionary which defines the words Humble, Prema, etc in a different way. That would explain such behavior. Why do this? My answer is, some people get their kicks this way. The onlooker will of course, get tired very soon.


This in brief, is the story of the legendary VNN.





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Perhaps you are right, time this old warrior leave the battlefield and take up some serious secluded bhajana.


Problem is ....I'm a radical before my time!


Sorry if I rattled ya all...


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Ananta Vasudeva was also known as Puri Maharaja and was not only learned, but was the man chosen by Bhaktisiddhanta to replace him after his death. Sundarananda Vidyavinoda was one of the leading writers and thinkers of the Gaudiya Math and the editor of the Math's monthly journal for years. A few years after Bhaktisiddhanta's passing, the year 1941 sticks in my memory, Puri Maharaja and Sundarananda Vidyavinoda left the Gaudiya Math, but not alone. A number of followers left with them and settled in various places around Vraja to do bhajana, i.e. hari-nama and lila-smarana. When Puri Maharaja discovered the lack of initiation in the Gaudiya Math lineage, he called all of the leading sannyasi in the Math organization together and informed them of his discovery. He advised them: "You all may as well go home and get married. Continuing this charade is useless". (It has never been clear what charade Puri Maharaj had in mind, the Vaisnava charade or the sannyasa charade. Judging from his later actions he probably meant both) He then took his own advice taking off his saffron robe and heading to Vrindaban where he at first hid from the anger of his former god-brothers. When he arrived in Vrindaban he was given shelter by Vishvambhar Goswami, one of the Radharaman Goswamis. Shortly thereafter he publicly renounced the Gaudiya Math and apologized for all of the offenses he committed as a prominent member and leader of it. He later married and settled in Vrindaban producing over the years one of the finest collections (more than fifty volumes) of Gaudiya scripture ever to be produced.


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[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 05-14-2001).]

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In reality it's the other way around, meaning that pretty much all other Gaudiya Vaishnavas outside the missions of GM & branches have been BRANDED as sahajiya, mayavadi, whore mongers etc.

That's funny, becaue these forums never had anything to do with Gaudiya Vaishnavism until some cyber babas came in from the old VNN forums.


And the first thing they post is a cut and paste article that Bhaktisiddhanta was bogus. And then they complain why their babajis are being attacked.


That's really funny, because I have never seen their babajis get attacked here in these forums, not until after they came with the cut and paste keys.


Where ever these people go, there is argument and fighting. Perhaps it is a sign of their prema? Or maybe they are empowered by their babajis?


Actually, as Shvu said, some people just get kicks arguing on the internet. It makes them feel like somebody. They really have no purpose, they're not interested in convincing anyone - they've been arguing for years. The purpose of their argument is to argue - technically called jalpa. But when they do it repeatedly it becomes "complete", or pra-jalpa.


Their own acharya, Sri Rupa Goswami, advises against this:


atyaharah prayasas ca

prajalpo niyamagrahah

jana-sangas ca laulyam ca

shadbhir bhakti vinasyati


"One's devotional service is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the following six activities: (1) eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required; (2) overendeavouring for mundane things that are dificult to obtain; (3) engaging in pra-jalpa, non-stop argument for the sake of argument; (4)practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for the sake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement; (5) associating with worldly-minded persons; and (6) being greedy for mundane achievements.

This is what seems to happen when Christians become Hindu, they want to continue their "crusades" where ever they go.


What is needed is sat-bhava or sadhu-bhava. But that is not something you learn from your books. You cant cut and paste it on top of yourself. Sat-bhava can only come by living and serving sadhus in a traditional manner. But that requires sacrifice, and is therefore not popular - neither in India nor in the west.


What _is_ popular is false pride. The conception that "I am a devotee". When in reality Krishna won't touch any of us with a ten foot stick. Why? Because we are expert at externally showing our devotion, but have no internal detachment from raga and bhaya. As Krishna says in the Gita:



man-maya mam upashritah


Without being free from fear and anger it is not possible to be absorbed in the Lord.


bahavo jnana-tapasa

puta mad-bhavam agatah


Without being purified by knowledge and penance one can not attain sat-bhava, nor love for Krishna.



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 05-15-2001).]

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Thank you for the clear synopsis of all situation, Jndas. Actually some people were defeated in all their absurd thesis in vnn forums and now they what to find a place to a revenge. We don't need to pollute this forum with non-sense of the kind; "my guru is bona fide and your guru is bogus," or "I am a bhavuka-bhakta and you are only a vaidhi-bhakta," or even "I going to Vraja and you are going to Vaikuntha."


It should be better that these cyber-babajis organize a forum and make an orgy with these topics until the end of the kalpa.


Let's discuss on sanatana-dharma with those who have different darsana, let's have vada instead of jalpa and vitanda, let's learn and teach some of what we had heard from our masters without cause any pain to the others.


dasa dasanudasa

Satyaraja dasa



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Originally posted by jndas:

Thats a funny version of the story. What really happened was Ananta Vasudeva was seeing a prostitute in Navadvipa, and fathered an ilegitimate child (while claiming to be the jagat-guru and acharya of the matha). When he was caught, he left the Gaudiya matha (taking his prostitute with him) and joined a babaji in Vrindavana (because that babaji had no problem with him staying with the prostitute). Later the prostitute found another man, and she gave poison to kill the son of Ananta Vasudeva (who was around 10 at the time). After this Ananta Vasudeva committed suicide by consuming poison. This is the great history of this man.


But some babajis like to quote him as though he was a great acharya.


His offense was that he usurped the position of acharya without the authority of his spiritual master, Bhaktisiddhanta. Later he committed countless offenses to pure devotees, such as Srila Sridhara Maharaja and others. The results speak for themselves.



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 05-14-2001).]

You are just one of those gullible persons who believe anything you´re being told by your non-parampara GM "gurus". Have you ever considered that GM is a fountain of gossip and slander? I have associated plenty with those persons, I know what I am talking about. GM is not nice!





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Originally posted by jijaji:

ANY dissagreement with Sarasvata line..is considered ATTACK..!


In reality it's the other way around, meaning that pretty much all other Gaudiya Vaishnavas outside the missions of GM & branches have been BRANDED as sahajiya, mayavadi, whore mongers etc. by them, thus isolating themselves from the greater Gaudiya Vaishnav community in India (which is in the 100's of 1000's. Actually the Missions of Gaudiya Math & it's branches are a minority in the Chaitanya Vaishnava Religion. They would like to claim ALL as members but cannot so instead they brand them as demons, sahajiya's and mayavadi's!

And when we speak up we are ATTACKING? Excuse me but you are demanding a double standard..!

It's like Jehovas Witnesses claiming the rights to ALL of Christianity and demanding all other branches follow their fanatical guidelines or burn in hell.


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Attack and get attacked. GM started the whole fight with other Gaudiya Vaishnavas, authentic Vaishnavas with an authentic parampara.


Now the newer GM devotees get very stirred up by a few guys who happen to know the truth. This evidently feels very uncomfortable and annoying. Could it be that it is FEAR of the TRUTH? It is kinda frightening when somebody tells you what you probably know in your heart, that the Gaudiya Math is in fact not part of the Gaudiya Vaishnava lineage. It is a "protestant" movement in the Gaudiya Vaishnava "catholic" world, without an "apostolic succession". Therefore none of the initiations given in GM/ISKCON are valid. The mantras given are fruitless, without spiritual potency, due to not coming via a disciplic succession.


If you think this is an attack you are gravely mistaken. You should thank me instead, for telling you the truth so you can become a Gaudiya Vaishnava first of all. The first step in this direction is to receive mantra diksha from a true Guru, who always comes in a guruparampara which is documented since the time of Sri Caitanya Deva. The Gaudiya Vaishnava Guru will inform you about the external and internal aspects of the diksa guruparampara, including his own spiritual personality. It´s not like in ISKCON, "Well, I don´t know who I am, nor do I know who my guru is. But hey, don´t worry, I am sure you will find out some day."


It´s not a guessing game. When you receive diksa you also receive knowledge about the guru pranali. The names, services, etc., they have in Gaura-lila as well as in Krishna-lila. This is the true Gaudiya method.


Sundarananda Vidyavinod and Ananta Vasudeva Prabhu found out these things and immediately left the whole GM institution, despite having very high positions in the movement. Worldy name and fame means nothing in comparison to the spiritual wealth.




[This message has been edited by premananda (edited 05-15-2001).]

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jnda says;


That's funny, becaue these forums never had anything to do with Gaudiya Vaishnavism until some cyber babas came in from the old VNN forums



> You never had ANYTHING to do with Gaudiya Vaishnavism?

Sir that is the proper name of followers of Sri Chaitanya..what do you call youself a 'Hare Krishna'..?

Also so sorry we have pointed out that Gaudiya Math and it's branches belong to NO authentic Guru-paramparaa within Sri Chaitanyas religion, but it's the TRUTH.


Hare Krishna






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>>Have you ever considered that GM is a fountain of gossip and slander? I have

associated plenty with those persons, I know what I am talking about. GM is not



Dear Premananda:


It is said that birds of the same plumage fly together. Therefore you got an association suitable for you. You are now following a very ancient apa-sampradaya called Gaura-nagari. Now you known that Gaura is Krsna and He is relishing so many gopis

including yourself. You got a nice gurudeva, who has long blonde hairs but he tinges them

black to give him a gopi's aspect. As a gopi he also plays rasa-lila with some boyfriends,

just to enter in the mood of parakya-rasa; that's to say, Gaura is his paramour but he also should have some husbands. These perversions are not permitted in GM, and therefore you had opted to find a place suitable to live according your own tendencies. That's fine, and now as your heart is paining due remorse, you believe that is better to justify your sins with some non-sense arguments.


Nice sex religion. Drugs are welcome! 3rd class of people, 3rd class of behavior, 3rd class of instructions!



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Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

>>Have you ever considered that GM is a fountain of gossip and slander? I have

associated plenty with those persons, I know what I am talking about. GM is not



Dear Premananda:


It is said that birds of the same plumage fly together. Therefore you got an association suitable for you. You are now following a very ancient apa-sampradaya called Gaura-nagari. Now you known that Gaura is Krsna and He is relishing so many gopis

including yourself. You got a nice gurudeva, who has long blonde hairs but he tinges them

black to give him a gopi's aspect. As a gopi he also plays rasa-lila with some boyfriends,

just to enter in the mood of parakya-rasa; that's to say, Gaura is his paramour but he also should have some husbands. These perversions are not permitted in GM, and therefore you had opted to find a place suitable to live according your own tendencies. That's fine, and now as your heart is paining due remorse, you believe that is better to justify your sins with some non-sense arguments.


Nice sex religion. Drugs are welcome! 3rd class of people, 3rd class of behavior, 3rd class of instructions!




I bet you wish that was true so you have something to dream about.


Fortunately what you wrote about "perversions" is just a fabrication of your twisted imagination.


It is true that my Guru dyes his hair black. There is no prohibition against it. And the hair style and color has nothing to do with his form as a manjari. You don´t have a clue.


Your comments show that you are seeing things in a very superficial way. This includes your conception of guru-parampara.




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>> It is true that my Guru dyes his hair black. There is no prohibition against it. And the hair style and color has nothing to do with his form as a manjari.


Yes, for certain some of his boyfriends' preferences. Nothing to do with something that he does not have such a mañjari form.


A blind follower is a blind follower, what can be done?


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