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hindu Mysticism/witchcraft??

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It's been awhile since I've posted here....


I have a question. Is there a branch or form of Hinduism that focuses on the Mystical traditions of India? If so, I would like more information and any possible links if possible.



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I think your looking for the 'left hand' of Hinduism (or some say not Hinduism) - Tantra. Maybe you should look into Raja Yoga and kundalini yoga. By the way Hinduism is not witchcraft!


And another thing, all of Hinduism is mystical, not just Tantra, but many of the paths within Hinduism are mystical.

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I don't know why people use stereotypes. The word mysticism is a misnomer just the word Indian. It has been associated with Hinduism initially by Brits who didn't understand anything about Hinsuism with their superiority tinted glasses. Neither witchcraft is part of Hindusim just as exorcsim is not a part of mainstream Christianity.


People with negative or evil mind set practise witchcraft to find an easy way to self gratification and they exist in every religion.


Under Hindusim any evil practice used to harm others ultimately destroys the practitioners.


This is the rule of Karmas.What you reap is what you sow.


Most foreigners do not understand the intricacies and fineness of Hindu religion and hence associate mysticism, voodoo with Hinduism.


Religion is not an end in itself but a way to enlightenment and realization of God.



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Thanks Guest 2.......I do believe you gave me the answer I was seeking. My research has shown that there are a lot of aspects of Hinduism that have a Witchcraft tone to them (in a good way) although Hinduism as a whole is not Witchcraft. I don't believe witchcraft is necessary bad.


I will explore this issue a bit more.



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Witchcraft and other pagan religions are among the fastests spiritual practices growing in the world - especially in Europe, North America, and Australia. The numbers are not as small as you claim. FYI. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Your title indicates that you equate Mysticism (Hindu variety) and witch craft.


Before telling where to look for, we need to know your definitions.



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First of all both the word have to be saparated. Mysticism is different from Witch craft. On the one hand Mystics (the ones who practice mysticism ) are the ones who are in the world of inquiring the absolute truth and on the other hand witchcraft is being practiced by the fools and rascals who enjoy in harming others. And this can never be a part of any real religion. And I guess this existed in England as well i mean to say wasnt a part of India only


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"anything that is no krishna kraft in essence is not good"


I disagree. In my opinion, your statement implies ignorance on the subject and you sound no better than a radical christian in america.


There are many roads to God and just because you don't agree or "understand" something doesn't make it evil.

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Hari OM:


There is a branch called "Vamacharam-The left Hand Path" in Hinduism based on the "Kulavarna Teachings" of Lord Shiva.


This is based on Meat eating, Wine drinking and Sex.


There is a scientfic proof that the mind and ego shuts down for a fraction of second during Orgasm and this Tantra elognates the period of Orgasm,when ego stops you see the Truth.


The only problem here is unless you practise this under a very expert Tantric then you will be doing only the three "Eating, drinking and Sex" and would never see the Truth.


There is no information about any Tantric now, only some information about a Tantric in Nepal around 1950s seen and recorded by a westener. Based on his books there are some web sites and books written to explain this practice, and i think may be a few members are trying to practice this, however i think most of them are doing just the three and nothing more.


In Kali Yuga, Bhakti is a more safe and appropriate action than Tantra.

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<< There are many roads to God >>


this understand comes from the vedas, and "many roads" there means many vedic paths, not anti vedic paths.


<< and just because you don't agree or "understand" something >>



when a good practicing hindu studies other religon, he understands it more better than one who follows that religion.


<< doesn't make it evil. >>


when a religion says:


"go and convert otheres by all means, even by force. if they refuse to convert, then kill them. destroy their temples, and salughter them"


then how good it is in your eyes please?


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You miss my point. I agree that if a religion says "go and convert otheres by all means, even by force. if they refuse to convert, then kill them. destroy their temples, and salughter them" then that is wrong.


However, this topic deals with Witchcraft. And at least in the West, the pagan religions don't go out of their way to bring people into their fold. And certainly, they don't force anyone to join their faith. Yes, there are books on the subject, but that's as far as it goes. They usually feel that if a person is drawn to their religion, then it's because of their own choice and free will.


I don't see this as evil.


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I was told, atharva vedins are experts in casting spells, breaking poisons, curing diseases, etc...


Probably, you should look for some practitioners of atharva veda.


Also, there is another branch of mystics called Sitthas, who are very different from rishis. While rishis are vedic, sitthas are not essentially vedic. They are chosen by the gods based on their karmas, and follow a radically different path. they tend to discover the god in the self by hard penances, and stuff like that. Some of the famous sitthas are:

1. Agasthya

2. Bogar ( the famous Navapaashana statue in Palani was handcrafted by him and is still there in a meditative state)

3. Kaalaangi Naathar

4. Patanjali ( himself was a sittha)

5. Paambatti sitthar

6. Thirumoola naayanar



There are 18 major sitthas, and 8 sitthis are considered major ( Ashtamaa sitthis).

It might also interest you to know that, some of them were expert alchemists.

The sitthas have a great devotion to Shiva, who is considered the Greatest of all sitthas, just as he is considered, the greatest of all gods.


With regards,


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  • 8 years later...
Guest Kalika

Oh, people. Someone sounds like a Fundie.


Witchcraft isn't bad. That is the first thing you need to know. Witchcraft is just a branch of spirituality that deals with manipulation of spiritual energy, this will affect your karma, so beware of what you do.


Someone said the Atharva Veda is sort of like witchcraft. This is completely true, but nowhere in the Atharva Veda is given a ritual that harms.


Same goes for Yajur Veda, where rituals are described.


The right wing dude who said some crap about "Anti Vedic" paths - NO SUCH THINGS EXIST.


The goal of Witchcraft is manipulation of spiritual energy. This opens you up to god. My patroness is Kali and my patron is Rudra.


And I have found peace. I have read the Vedas, and I use them for my rituals. Guess what? I have felt spiritual energy oozing into me.


Do not believe the creep! Find your own path! The Vedas are a beautiful guide to that! Only you can find your path, no religion will help you.


Hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of life, if you follow Sanarthana Dharma, and not the mordern Hinduism blindly.


~A True Hindu Sorceress who has never harmed anyone.

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