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Was Karna the greatest archer?

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First of all, I want 1 thing to be made clear to everyone on this planet. The story given in some versions of the Mahabharata that, during the Pandavas forest exile period,Duryodhana and Karna were defeated in battle & kept prisoners by the Gandharvas, only to be later rescued by Arjuna,is totally wrong.This is not given in the original version of Mahabharata written by Maharishi Ved Vyas.No doubt,Duryodhana,Dushasana & many of the 100 Kauravas went to the forest belonging to the Gandharva king, Chitrasen and took bath in the forest lake against the wishes of the Gandharvas,but at that time , Karna was not present. In the absence of a strong MAHA-RATHI,Duryodhana and the Kauravas were easily defeated by Chitrasen and the other Gandharvas & were taken prisoners.If Karna was present during that time, then would he not easily have killed Chitrasen with his fatal NAGASTRA? How is it possible that Chitrasen could defeat Karna and then lose to Arjuna & later Arjuna could not defeat Karna in a honest manner?The presence of Karna in the incident totally goes against logic. Furthermore ,forget about comparing Karna and Arjuna, I would say Karna was a better warrior than even Gurudev Dronacharya himself. This is concluded from the fact that on the 13th night of Kurukshetra battle when Ghatotkatcha could not be killed by Drona then Karna was summoned to kill Ghatotkatcha with his capability to use lightning as a weapon.Karna succesfully killed Ghatotkatcha using the power of lightning.

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***Karna is said to be peerless because he was blessed with the Kavcha and Kundala at birth, which cannot be pierced by any weapon. Before the kurukshetra battle he was time and again defeated by Arjuna and to say that Arjuna was afraid of Karna is only a wrong and biased opinion. Nowhere in Mahabharata it is mentioned that Arjuna was afraid of Karna? Arjuna is the only one, amongst all the warriors, who have never retreated from the battle field. While Karna, once again not able to win against Arjuna in the battlefield got the Shakti Astra to slay him. The Brahmastra was never used by Arjuna on Karna.



Wronng again. Karna was said to be peerless AFTER he GAVE AWAY his kavach and Kundala, and proved his might.


He was never defeated by Arjuna except when using the sammohanastra (sleep inducing arrow) in Virada, which affected everyone else including Bheeshma, Drona etc.


Yes, it is said at least twice that Arjuna felt fear seeing Karna in full slaughtering form, in the full translation. Not just that, but Krishna himself feared that Karna might kill everyone among them at one point, but he knew that fate decided it was not to be. Such was his might. Krishna was afraid for Arjun yet another time, due to Karna's shakti weapon, for which he used Khadotkaj.


It is no opinion, yet alone biased or unbiased. To say otherwise would be what's your opinion.


Arjuna retreated, or to be technically correct, Krishna retreated the chariot from Karna more than once during the war. Get your facts straight instead of what you see in movies or serials.


Again you show your ignorance by stating blatant lies...Karna was always able to win against Arjuna, even with the multitude of fate's curses upon him...He got shakti astra to prevent Indra's name be shamed due to the shameless act he performed by begging off his armor and earrings. EVEN WITHOUT shakti, he was unbeatable, and it took treachery to kill him, just like how it was for Bheeshma and Drona.


And for your last point, wrong again. Brahmastra was used by both Arjun and Karna, they used it against each other, neutralizing both.


How can Krishna be fearful if he was God incarnate? I can't understand that. Especially if he knew and willed everything to happen the way it did in the Mahabharata?

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Is it true that Karna was the greatest archer of that time followed by Ekalaiva, and that Arjuna was behind them? It seems to make sense, since arjuna never really defeated karna fair and sqaure, and also karna could've killed him on many occasions, had it not been for the Lord himself manipulating teh chariot, sunset etc.


All in all, karna, despite losing his kavaca, making impossible promises et al, still managed to have the upper hand during most of the battle with arjuna. And also, many of astras nearly killed arjuna and without the Lord's help, he could've been a goner. Whereas, arjuna never really troubled karna even once during the whole time, and even when he eventually prevailed, it wasn't a very convincing victory either.


Why then do people say arjuna was the greatest archer, when clearly it was karna? Also, Ekalaiva must've been better than arjuna, otherwise why would Drona ask for his finger? Another thing is, people say Bhima was the strongest, whereas Balarama himself admits that Duryodhana was the best in combat, better than bhima and as strong as balarama himself. Can someone throw some light on this? Was this bias on the part of pro-pandava sources to make all pandavas look good and kauravas weak? Thanks.

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Well , Karna was no doubt better than Arjuna. It is mentioned ,in Mahabharata,that Karna used the NAGASTRA against Arjuna and Arjuna had no reply to it.This Nagastra in reality was the divine snake, ASHWASEN,who was the son of TAKSHAK,the divine serpent around Lord Shiva's neck.When Arjuna helped Lord Agnee in devouring the Khandava forest, then ASHWASEN's mother was burnt alive.Since then, ASHWASEN approached Karna and offered to help him in killing Arjuna. Therefore Karna used him in the Mahabharata war. Regarding Duryodhana, he was definitely more skilful than Bhima in wielding the Mace but not stronger physically than Bhima.

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Arjuna was the greatest archer, but Karna was considered to be the greatest warrior. Thanks to the "kavacha" that was given to him by his father Sun God, which was impregnable. KRSNA was worried that Arjuna would be mentally drained while fighting with Karna since no arrows could penetrate his "kavacha".

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  • 2 weeks later...


Dear guest, again get your facts right.!


Both Arjuna and karna used divine weapons like agni astra and vayu astra. bheesma and Drona betwen them had the same science. Ashvattama used the narayana astra. Arjuna used the pasupata astra to kill Karna.


You speak of Arjuna's concern for the world. Wasn't he the one who burned down the Kandava forest ?

So remove your bias and be objective.

Arjuna used ANJALIKA, a divine weapon which was Indra's 2nd strongest weapon after SHAKTI.This ANJALIKA was used to kill Karna.Arjuna used the PASHUPATASTRA to kill Jayadratha. He also used MAHENDRA weapon to kill Sudakshina and Shrutayu.The irrestible weapon BRAHMASURIVAS was used by Arjuna to kill the divine snake,Ashwasen, who tried to help Karna in his battle against Arjuna.

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There were 4 Athirathas & about 10 Maharathas in Kuruksetra War.

Athirathas were Bhisma,Drona,Karna & Arjuna.

Maharahtas were-Ashwattama,kripacharya,Krithaverma,Duryodhana,Shalya,Yudhistira,Bheema,Sathyaki.

Among these-unbeatables are-Bhishma,Drona,Karna.

Bishma-Even Death had to wait for him.He defeated Parashurama-one of the Avataras of Lord Vishnu.He Made Krishna to break his prathigya of not holding weapon.He made Lord Krishna to invite Sudarshana Chakra and break his prathigya.Even all Gods if Fought with him could not have won over him- leave aside this Arjuna who always used to fight under protection of Lord Krishna.He was killed by sheilding Shikhandi.

Drona-a poor bramhmin who teacher of the pandavas& kauravas.He was unbeatable because he was master of all martial arts.Arjuna could never match him.He was killed during meditation after hearing bad news of death of Ashwattama.Yudhistira told the only lie of his life-for which he was taken to hell for few minutes.

KARNA-He learnt archery from parashurama-the teacher of teacher(Drona) of arjuna.He was unbeatable.Krishnas greatest fear was Karna.He used to take the Arjun's chariot away from Karna to save him from Shakthayudha of Indra.Five people made him weak-Parashuram cursed him so that he dont remember Mantras of weapons at crucial time,a bramhmin who cursed that death come @ time wen he is not ready,Indra stole devine ear-rings and body coverings which were made from Amrutha,Krishna told birth history and compelled him to use Shakthayudha for Ghatodhgaja,and Kunti who asked promise of not killing other Pandavas¬ using the same weapon for more than once.When Karna shot Sarpasthra @ Arjuna-The Maya chariot of Arjuna which was devine and given by Varuna on which Lord Krisna himself was sitting and Lord Hanuman was living bounced back few thousand feet backwards.This shows the power of karna.

Ekalavvya was tragic hero-a tribal prince.But he was better than arjuna.

Ashwattama was chiranjeevi and had very deadly weapons.Arjuna was feared of him.





Out of 40,00,000 warriors only 9 remained-5 Pandavas,Sathyaki on pandava side& Ashwattama,Kripa and Krithuverma on Kaurava side.

This is the first World war Recorded-All Kings On Earth except King Rukmini had participated and died in Holy Kurukshetra-According to The will of God Krishna.














Some people here have very little knowledge about Mahabharat.


Do you know what Krishna himself said about Kara? That not even he himself could've stood against Karna with his Shakti. That not even Indra himself could defeat Karna.


Do you know what Yudhistira, Krishna and Bhishma - all 3 said about Karna? That he was PEERLESS. That there was NO ONE in the world who could match him.


Can you grasp the meaning of that?


Do you know what was the only thing that Yudhistira feared all his life? Kara's superiority to Arjuna. Indra quenched his fear a little by begging for Karna's kavach and Kundala.


Do you know that even Arjuna himself was shown to be afraid of Karna multiple times during the war?


Do you know that Krishna himself feared at one point Karna was going to terminate everything in sight including Arjuna, that he sent Khadolkaja to get rid of Karna's Shakti astra?


Do you know that Krishna and Kunti - mother of all Pandavas knew that none of the Pandavas, including Arjuna, was a match for Karna that Kunti begged Karna for the favor not to use his extremely powerful nagastra more than once?


Do you know that in addition to that boon, Karna gave her the boon of sparing the life of all the Pandavas except Arjun? Do you know that he defeated them all yet spared them to keep the promise?


Do you know that Karna almost killed a desperate Arjuna before Krishna intervened and caused the sun to set?


Do you know that Karna almost killed Arjuna again with the nagastra, where once again Krishna saved his life? And Karna ket his promise that he wouldn't use it again.


Do you know that mighty Arjuna with Krishna at his side, couldn't do any serious harm to Karna even without his kavacha and kundala, shakti and nagastra? It took the one moment where Karna was unarmed, raising the chariot wheel, to Arjuna to triumph over the more powerful and superior Suryaputra, by cheating?


And yet, I can't believe there're people here who claim that Arjuna was this and that...The only time when Arjuna had ANY valid ground was when he used a sammohanastra in Virada which produced an intoxicating smell which affected everyone including Bhishma and Drona. During the Gandarva war, Arjuna had nothing to do with Karna because the Gandarva army could do nothing against Karna, not even scratch him, so they covered him by numbers of thousands and thousands that he drew them away to level the battlefield for Duryodhana and company, and hoped they could battle better with most of the army covering and following him - only, they couldn't fare any better. And the summohana at Virada - It's similar to them getting hit on pressure points and fainting during battle, which Arjuna suffered A LOT during the war, from Karna himself nonetheless....


As Bhishma rightfully said, Karna learned more Dharma than Yudhistira with his long life full of sacrifices and promises, and by being the danasheela, and he was more powerful than mighty Bhima, more skilled archer than Arjuna the Kireedi, more handsome than Nakula and Sahadeva, and fully deserved the title of the prime Pandava.


As Krishna rightfully said, Karna alone could've destroyed all hopes of the Pandavas even without his protective shield and immortal kundalas and the shakti and covered with curses. Imagine how mighty and skilled is the son of Surya.


It's not surprising really. Surya blessed Kunti saying that her son would be just as he is. As shown later on in the Mahabharat, Karna was actually 1/2 Surya himself, who divided himself into a portion into the person known as Karna, born with the natural armor and kundala made from amrit by the devamatha Aditi.


Many times when no one, save Krishna, Vidura, Kunti and Bhishma knew the sad secret of Karna, everyone praised Arjuna. But when they acknowledged Karna for what he truly was, the truth was spoken by every one of them - that Karna was PEERLESS, with no equal.

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**- That was Krishna's ability to wheel the chariot well...you should praise him and not praise Karna.....Karna's chairoteer had on numerous occasion helped him in retreating and saving him from the arrows of Arjuna... **


Actually you are totally wrong. Karna's charioteer Shalya, who was Pandavas' uncle had agreed to the pandavas that he'd try to insult Karna whenever possible, and he did exactly that, to lower Karna's morale to help pandavas. In short, while Arjun's charioteer helped Arjun, Karna's charioteer was helping Arjun and co. as well.


And every great man in Mahabharat praised Karna for who he was. Regardless of whether you like him or not, that fact cannot be changed. The whole kingdom was his birthright. Krishna, his mother and Bheeshma offered the whole world at his feet, yet he was respected by them even more because he wasn't tempted, and he kept his loyalty and did his duty.


There is something special about these 3 people - Bheeshma, Drona and Karna.


1. No one in the Pandavas could kill either of the 3, because all 3 of them were greater than them all.

2. All 3 of them were disciples of sage Parashuram.

3. All 3 of them met their end as a result of the Pandavas cheating, because they couldn't win straight on.


Among these, Bheeshma and Karna have even more similarities.

Both were born with blessings that made them virtually immortal. While Bheeshma could die only when he wishes, Karna was immortal and invincible against all celestial weapons with the armor and earrings that were part of his body.


The difference is, Karna gave away that part of his body to Lord Indra of the Gods, knowing he was trying to protect Arjun. He, and if you follow South Indian mythology - Mahabali, are the only 2 characters from whom a Deva begged for something.


In addtion, what seperates Karna from the other 2 great warriors, is that while they were cheated once, he was cheated no less than 6 times for this particular battle.


1. The curse of Parashuram, thinking Karna was a Kshatriya since he was a mortal enemy of kshatriyas. Karna at this time didn't know he was a kshatriya. This curse was a blessing for Arjuna, protecting him.


2. The curse of the brahman, as a result of accidentally killing his cow. Though an accident, he recieved the curse of the chariot sinking in the field, once again, a blessing for Arjuna, protecting him.


3. Indra begging the armor and earrings. Karna had the combined qualities of all 5 Pandavas, being the eldest of them, and was always loyal and gave anyone, anything they asked. Knowing everything, he gave them away.


4. Krishna disarms him by informing him about the pandavas being his brother. This caused his hatred for the pandavas to be destroyed, and it's said that afterwards, his love for the pandavas rivaled that of Bheeshma's to them. Yet he kept fighting just like Bheeshma, to fulfil his duty.


5. Kunti disarms him and safeguards her 4 sons, by the boon given by Karna that he would not kill any of them except Arjun.


6. Using Khadotkaj to steal Karna's shakti gained from Indra to protect Arjuna. Khadotkaj's duty was fulfilled and Arjun was saved.


And at last, even with all the above 6, none of them, even Arjun could kill Karna. Yet Karna with the curses and the knowledge that he's fighting his brothers, was capable of killing all of them. He spared all save Arjun, and Arjun could not defeat him except by cheating somehow.


Krishna knew this, and when the curses took effect, he knew that the only way to kill Karna was when he was unarmed, and the moment was taken advantage of.




And as for the above post -


***If Bheesma was really better, he could have defeated Arjuna, but it never happened, infact it was Arjuna who was always having an upperhand in the battle against him, except for slaying him, which was only to be Sikhandin. ***


You're wrong. All 3 commanders of the Kauravs - Bheeshma, Drona and Karna were better than all Pandavas. Bheeshma didn't defeat Arjun because he took the oath that he would not kill any of the Pandavas. The only times when he seriously fought, Arjun was so helpless, that Krishna was FORCED to break his oath of not taking a weapon - twice.

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The reason why Drona proved unconquerable on the 15th day of the Mahabharata war at Kurukshetra was because he used the BRAHMADANDA for the 1st time ever in his life. Brahmadanda was Brahmarishi Vashistha's best weapon and it contained the spiritual powers of the 7 greatest sages of Hinduism. As Drona had not imparted knowledge of this secret weapon to either Arjuna or Ashwattama, therefore no Pandava, Yadava or Panchala MAHA-RATHI/ATHI-RATHI could handle Drona on the 15th day of battle. Therefore the Pandavas were forced to do cheating to kill Drona.

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I do not remember having read that Drona used Brahmadanad. But then, I am not knowledgeable about everything written in Mahabharata. So, let us assume that Drona did use Brahmadanda. Was it wrong? In a war, everybody has the right to use whatever weapon he is capable of using. Drona was capable of using Brahmadanda and he used it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Regarding ur query on whether it was unfair to use BRAHMADANDA in military battles, well, if u remember this Brahmadanda was the same spiritual staff that was used by BRAHMARISHI VASHISTA against VISHWAMITRA.King Vishwamitra came with an army to destroy Vashista's heritage. Then Vashista used the BRAHMADANDA to negate the super-powerful astras of Vishwamitra,Brahmastra & Pashupatastra.The BRAHMADANDA staff contains the spiritual powers of the 7 greatest sages of Hinduism which includes Drona's father,Bharadwaja, & Parshuram's father,Jamdagni.This BRAHMADANDA was passed on from Vashista to BRAHMARISHI AGNIVESHA, Drona's spiritual & military teacher, who passed the secret of this irresistable weapon to Drona.Drona purposely did not impart knowledge of this BRAHMADANDA to either Arjuna or Ashwatama, as he knew a day might come in his life where he would be forced to fight against either Arjuna or Ashwatama or both.

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  • 2 months later...

Karna was the eldest pandav, therefor he had the powers and strengths of all of the pandavs. The reason he hated arjuna was because drone had rejected karna when karna, than known as rathey, was brought to him as a dasiputra. Since arjuna was drone's favorite student it was logical for karna to go after arjuna's title as the best archer to prove drone wrong. Furthermore Arjuna learned his archery from drone while karan had learned his from drone's teacher parshuram. Arjuna was using gandiva, which very strong bow in itself one of the strongest perhaps but karan was using a bow inherited from parshuram who had achieved it from lord shiva himself, therefor stronger than that of arjuna's. The day karna put fear in arjuna's eye with his nagastra was the day whan karna was most focused and arjuna's was dazed in revenge of his son and hatred against karna. someone posted that lord krishna had used his sudarshan chakra to block of the sun during karna and arjun battle. That is inaccurate cause lord krishna did that but not durin the arjuna and karan bettle but during arjuna's chase of jayadrath the day after slaying of abhimanyu.

Since karna was the eldest brother there is no way arjuna would be allowed to beat him fair and square. Yes karna lived a harshlife but the eldest brother always has to take the path hardest to follow and he did.

He was a great hero of mhabharat and greater archer but when it came to arjuna his anger failed him.

also when his rath broke i remember karna callin for brahmastra but he coundt cause of the curse so he never used.

and who ever said that brhmastra was used by both karna and arjuna against each other and therefore canceled the affects is a moron cause arjuna and ashwathyama used it against eachother and sage vyas intercepted them and told the pandavs and ashwathyama what would happen if the had collided.

Brahmastra is equillent of nuclear bomb two bombs against each other dunt cancel out they make a bigger BANG....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Karn was the only great warrior of Mahabharat. The Hans(Huns- predecessor of white huns Hephthalites) from whom Khan’s might be the descendants of Karna as Mongols were descendants of Hans(Huns). Kha of Khan and Ka of Karna sounds similar.


In an incident which took place during the war between Karna and Arjuna, Arjuna's chariot was hit by Karna's arrows and was displaced a few meters backwards from the impact of the arrows. At that time Lord Krishna, who was driving Arjuna's chartiot, praised Karna for his feat. Arjuna, whose arrows had displaced Karna's chariot by several hundred meters, was shocked at Krishna's praise for Karna and questioned him. Krishna said "Arjuna, I myself who own the whole weight of the entire Universe am sitting on your chariot and your chariot is covered by the blessing of Lord Hanuman. Without these two factors, Karna's arrows would have hurled your chariot off the Earth."


It is further mentioned that Karna was capable of defeating Jarasandha in single combat whereas Bheema defeated Jarasandha with the help of Krishan. Karna was the first one to expose the weakness of Jarasandha. Finally, Parashurama, before cursing him, had mentioned to Karna that he was his (Parashurama's) complete equal.


During his stay in Visnhuavatar Parashurama's hermitage, Karna befriended many Rakshasas,Yakshas,Gandharvas & Nagas. That is the reason why the name Karn was familiar to them has Khan. Han was derived from Karn and later on Khan was derived from Han or directly from Karn.


Karna had conquered many foreign states till Kazakhstan and most of the central asian countries for Duryodhana. This was the reason why most of them sided with Duryondhana as his allies. After the war these states were again splitted. Later on some of them were again merged by Arjuna. But Karna was the first one the bring them under his strength and will power due to which he was praised as the most skillful warrior much better than the Pandavas in the art of fighting. Karn's war skills might be reason why people of central asia adopted his name and formed Han, Hun and Khan.


Karna defeated many foreign countries hence could be possible that he had made many alliances over it could be possible that even Mongolians are his descendants either direct or indirect through Huns.

Karna’s campaign had subjugated many invincible and mighty foes—the Gandharas, the Madrakas, the Matsyas, the Trigartas, the Tanganas, the Khasas, the Pancalas, the Videhas, the Kulindas, the Kasi-kosalas, the Suhmas, the Angas (the other Anga kings), the Nishadhas, the Pundras, the Kichakas, the Vatsas, the Kalingas, the Taralas, the Asmakas, and the Rishikas. Subjugating all these brave races, Radha’s son, had caused all of them to pay tribute to us for the aggrandisement of Duryodhana.


Bheema defeated Jarasandh with the help of Sri Krishna but it was Karna who defeated Jarasandh earlier single handedly. Karna was the first one to expose the weak point of Jarasandh about splitting him into two half.


Arjuna was a good archer but he would not have won the war if there was no Sri Krishna to plan war strategies for the Pandavas. Karna was himself capable of planning many strategies.


Mongol Pagan Genghis khan is also an indirect descendant of Khan that's why Khan and Karna both are words of ears. Genghis means Changa and ganga is called Changa in Tibet. Genghis khan was not a muslim and not a christain. Genghis Khan was a Hindu by religion and mongol by nation.

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It is very true that Karan and Duryodhan were better than Arjun and Bhim but I think we are going away from the true meaning of the whole incident that it was a war of good and bad. Just because of Duryodhan, Karan never got that rechognition what Arjun and Bhim got.

Same thing happened in Ramayana. Ravan and his brothers were far educated and stronger than Ram and his brothers. But again Gods came to help Ram amd their alliance. Because it was a war of good and bad too and Ravan, his brother Kumbhkaran and his son Inderjit never got rechognized.

Inderjit himself has defeated Devas so many times.

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Karan was the incarnation of Sahasra kunchi demon who fought Nar Narayan Rishi. HE was very strong indeed. This wa shis last fight with Nar (Arjun) And Narayan (krishna).

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Agreed it was a war between good and bad but it was an unfortunate incident in which Karna had to fight for Kauravas otherwise his talent could have been used for good. But even Bheesma fought for Kauravas hence even he was siding the bad so then why Bheesma is given respectable position of begin a great warrior and Karna is not given his righteous position, this is because he was considered to be of low origin. If people like Karna were judged on the basis of their skills and not on the basis of their caste, then even all Hindus today would have remained united under one roof no low caste and no high caste. People should have been selected on the basis of their skills just like how romans used to do, they used to recuirt people on the basis of their skills and not just caste.


If incase we would have given equal respect, oppertunity to even low caste people and intermingle them among us just like how Sri Krishna united all people living in this subcontinent as much as he can, then even Hinduism could have been a powerful religion much mightier than the early roman empire was when it was just founded. But No, we discriminate people on the basis of their caste.


Whenever Sri Krishna used to converse with Karna there was mutual understanding and respect for each other because one point of time even Sri Krishna used to be insulted because he hailed from a village. But still Sri Krishna supported Pandavas the reason for that was because Sri Krishna wanted to unite all people living in this subcontinent irrespective of their castes and cultures. This is all because of the efforts of Sri Krishna that today it is not easy to distinguish between pure Aryans and Non Aryans.


Sri Krishna wanted Karna to side with Pandavas but at the same time Sri Krishna knew that Karna was bounded by Duryodhana's one good deed and that was to embrace Karna irrespective of his caste difference. Karna knew that duryodhana was wrong but he could not stop him because karna was obliged to Duryodhana.


Though Duryodhana had one good deed of embracing a low caste person but he was not capable of uplifting entire low caste population. After winning the war Duryodhana would have indulged himself in richesm wealth and pleasures, he would have never paid attention of uplifting all low caste people but Sri Krishna wanted to uplift low caste people as well as intermingle each and every group of people living in this subcontintent which he could have not be able to done if Duryodhana was the king. Only Pandavas would have assisted Sri Krishna to uplift low caste and intermingle each and every group of people living in this subcontinent. But Duryodhana would not have allowed Pandavas to rule peacefully, he would have always tried to create unnecessary hurdle in the social work hence it was necessary to kill Duryodhana.


By Killing Karna from behind Sri Krishna proved to the world that it was impossible for any warrior to defeat Karna, at the same time Sri Krishna freed Karna from Duryodhana's bondage because Karna had owed that until he is alive no one could even hurt Duryodhana, hence Sri Krishna giving respect to Karna's oath had him killed, because if incase Karna did not die and if Duryodhana dies before karna then Karna's oath would have been false, hence to keep the pride of Karna's oath, Sri Krishna asked Arjun to kill Karna.


Also, Karna had promised Kunti that if, he dies or Arjun dies, she will always have her five children alive. This might be one of the reason why Karna inspite of King Shalya's suggestion to hit Arjuna on his chest, opted to hit Arjun on his head, because even Karna knew very well that Sri Krishna will defend Arjun hence the arrow directed toward the head of the Arjuna could be diverted. Indirectly Karna might be helping Arjuna to escape his arrows. Hence he might be just pretending to attack Arjuna because as per Karna's oath that he would not allow anyone to hurt Duryodhana until he is alive but this oath did not contains a clause that Karna cannot forgive Duryodhana's enemies hence there could be chances that Karna pretended to Kill Arjuna but he would have strictly never allowed Arjuna or any other warrior to kill Duryodhana hence along with being loyal to his friend Duryodhana he could also defend his brothers, indirectly.


Indirectly speaking he sacrificed his life for his friend and for his brother so that there will always be five children of Kunti alive apart from him as it was very well known that he was Dhaanveera so there is no doubt that he can even donate his life for his brother Arjuna. While assuring to Kunti, Karna told that either he or Arjuna will remain, this might be a political statement because Karna who was fighting from Duryodhana's camp cannot directly assure Kunti that he will spare Arjuna hence he might have given her an indication that he will not harm Arjuna because he hinted her that her five childrens will remain alive and at that point of time every one knew that Kunti had only five children, also he rejected her offer to adopt him as her first son because he was obliged to his foster parents to whom he owed the debt of rescuing him and raised him as their own child, also he did not wanted to hurt the dignity of Kunti of bearing a child before marriage hence he asked to remain quiet about his relationship with her like how she was quiet till now. This all indicate that Karna himself accepted death as his future.


Karna was like a lotus among those wicked Kauravas.


Even at the End Karna's life was not leaving is body due to his good deeds this shows that he was not a bad person. Sri Krishna asked Karna to leave his body just like a Doctor who does mercy killing to relieve his patients pain, because even if Karna survived the war he would have to live like a Handicap as he was severely damaged in the war hence it was no use for a great warrior like Karna to live like a handicap and to remain at the mercy of others even for his daily routine, hence Sri Krishna asked Karna to leave his body and then ascend to heaven. Sri Krishna told Karna that you were the only warrior who fought like a warrior without any major weapons and with all curses on head. Sri Krishna told to Karna that you got what you wanted, Karna wanted glory and he got glory in the war and also because of the grace of Sri Krishna it became a history that no one was ever able to defeat Karna face to face because even Arjuna had to shot arrow at Karna from behind.


On the other hand when Karna died he was not a low caste person he was a king of Anga so killing Karna did not meant discrimination against entire low caste community. It might be discrimination against Karna but not on entire low caste community. But still the way Karna fought it proved to the world that irrespective of his caste one can attain highest position by his will and determination. Karna wanted a glorius death and got what he wanted. He was only person on whose death Sri Krishna felt depressed.


Sri Krishna always praised Karna for his skills and even felt Karna's pain. Sri Krishna always treated Karna with respect and so even Karna used to respect Sri Krishna.


Draupadhi had insulted Karna claiming to be of low caste during her Swyamwar this was the reason why Karna returned back her insults during Draupadhi's vastraharan. Karna just asked a logical question to her " If she can have five husband then why can't she accept Duryodhana as her sixth husband" just to emphasize that she felt disgraced if she would have married a low caste person like him then how does she considers herself to be respected when she has married to five people. Also, Karna did not supported Shakunis idea of defeating Pandavas in gambling, Karna wanted to win from Pandavas by fighting them face to face but due to Duryodhana's pressure he had to accept this gambling match.


But according to Sri Krishna a lady whether she is a wife of one person or of five person she should always be looked upon as mother or sister "Parayee stree par nazar dhalna Paap Hai". This was the mistake which Duryodhana had done.


But Karna had just returned back verbal racial abuse back to Draupadhi this was justified. Even Duryodhana should have returned back her verbal abuses with verbal abuses then it would have been justified for this even Sri Krishna would have forgiven him, but he tried to rape her and raping is a sin.


During the war Karna was not in the favour of killing Abhimanyu in Chakrayu but still Duryodhana forced Karna to be part of the chakrayu but inspite of being part of the chakrayu Karna did not killed Abhimanyu it was Duryodhana, Duryodhana's brothers and their childrens killed Abhimanyu.


Sri Krishna was the only one who discouraged the worship of Indra(Zeus of Greek and Jupite of Romans). Sri Krishna wanted to unify Hindus, Jains and Buddhist(Gautam Buddha is considered as 28th buddha as per buddhism. Adi Buddha is considered as the founder of Buddhism).


Karna was a good man defending bad people.


But Karna's glory does not ends here. Later on Han(Huns) his descendants and even the mongols(Khans) roused to glory keep his warrior genes in them. The weapon of Han(huns) and Khans were bow and arrow and they used to ride on horse back much what Karna used to do. Karna's blood runs in their veins.

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If Karna was defeated from Abhimanyu then he himself would not have died in the chakrayu.


There are no references that Abhimanyu defeated Karna. Karna himself opposed the killing of Abhimanyu. The chakrayu was actually created by Dronacharya inorder to trap Yudhistra.


But unfortunately Abhimanyu who only knew to enter into chakrayu was trapped into it. Chakrayu means a strategy where one pretends as if he is about to be defeated and pretends to escape so that opponent follows his rival and inturn lands into the trap.


It is similar to a situation in which a Hunter ties a goat inorder to lure a Tiger which falls into the trap of the Hunter.


Similarly the one who lures the opponent pretending to be defeated is like a Goat whereas the opponent who is a Tiger without thinking tries to attack the Goat and while doing so the opponent(Tiger) falls prey to the Hunter's strategy.


In the war it is the duty of the soldier to follow the orders of the commander in Chakrayu formation Dronacharya was the commander hence whoever he oppoints whether a brave warrior Karna or a coward to act like a Goat inorder to lure the opponent into the trap is supposed to follow the orders leaving aside his personal ego.


Rules are rules.


Incase Dronacharya sends a brave warrior and asks him to pretend as if he is loosing from the opponent. Now, when the opponent sees that a bravest warrior of all is being defeated then it is obvious that he is bound to feel proud of himself of this achievment and thus he tries to overpower his opponent without thinking about the consequences of the trap laying ahead for him.


Sri Krishna was a smart person he would have very well understood about this strategy because when he sees a brave warrior getting defeated easily that too without offering much resistance then he is quick enough to understand that there is something fishy (The thing that appears infornt may not be real. It can be maya just like the golden Deer in Ramayana where Shri Ram understood that it is a maya but because Sita Devi insisted Shri Ram went to behind it. Similarly the palace of Indraprastha)


There is no person as Intelligent and Smarter than Sri Krishna because he was the avatar of Vishnua and Vishnu himself was Intelligent and Smart. He might not be a warrior but he has proved that if a common man is Intelligent and smarter enough then he can bring down entire corrupt empire. This is the lesson that Sri Krishna indirectly teaches that if incase there are many corrupt politicians and they are ruling in Kalyuga then there is no need to worry a smartest and intelligent comman man can bring those corrupt people into Justice.


Akal Badi yaa Baish. Man is powerful not because he has money, not because he has power but because he has brain, but the sadest part is that he don't uses it.


Sri Krishna never broke any rules he used the flaws and loopholes of a rule or a system inorder to end the corrupt empire. Sri Krishna used strategies for Good, for the welfare of society. Whereas today's politicians use the flaws and loopholes of any system for their personal needs, for Bad reason.


Karna's character teaches how to rise high in life even if you belong to low origin it also teaches the negative effect of having friendship with bad people even if you are a good person. It also teaches society that even people of low origin can also have great talents hence society could utilize the talent of such people for the welfare of entire society but society always tries to ignore them and evil people take advantages of such situation for their selfish needs. This is how Naxalite and Terrorist lure underprivilege people, these underprivilege people who could have also become a pride of nation but now they are serving Naxalite and Terrorists. Instead of defending the nation they are working against it. Instead of Joining Army and becoming the soldier of the country hence they die like a Maytr and be remembered forever, they are joining Naxalite and Terrorist groups and are acting against the country hence die they like a traitor and forgotten soon after death.


It should be noted that Sri Krishna himself praised Karna for being a better warrior. Sri Krishna always tried to bring Karna to Pandavas side but still Karna owed to Duryodhana the respect that he had got from him and not from Pandavas.


There is no references anywhere where you can say that Sri Krishna and Karna disrespected each other.

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Also, Karna did not kept hatred in his heart against the high caste people. Even if a Brahmin came to Karna he treated with respect to that Brahmin and also donated to that Brahmin. Because he knew that some individuals of some section of society might have treated him with disrespect but everyone did not treat him with disrespect the why should he hate everyone. He knew that each one is responsible for his/her deed, entire society is not supposed to be blamed for the deeds of few Individual. He agreed that few people insulted him but he also agrees that there were many who did not knew him at all that means everyone did not insult him then why should he keep hatred against each and every single individual to whichever caste they belongs.


Karna proved that even a person from low origin can gain high status by hardwork and determination. Hence keeping hatred towards others is of no use rather than wasting time and effort in hating others they should contribute their time and effort in developing themselves. Karna conquered many countries and merged it with India making it Akanda Bharat instead of splitting it.


Karna's life is a teaching for those Naxalite and Terrorist, that one should not keep hatred. A person can attain high status with his deeds and hardwork hence instead of hating other section of the society they can develop themselves by hardwork and determination and help in strengthening the country.


Instead of dividing the country they should help in strengthening the country.


I am proud of Sri Krishna and Karna because at first place they themselves were Indians and on the other hand they helped in Strengthening India. Sri Krishna strengthened India by uniting all tribes inhabitating in India whereas Karna strengthened India by conquering other Lands and merging it with India hence both tried in making it Maha Bharat(Greater India).


Sri Krishna and Karna inspite of being a Prince they lead a humble childhood so it is obvious that what ever they acheived in their lifetime was by their hardwork and determination. Their story teaches that with Hardwork, Determination and Sincerity towards his/her work one can become big.


Even in the dice game Karna was not aware that Duryodhana and Shakuni will do cheating to win the match. Most of the secrets and plan that Shakuni told to Duryodhana was never revealed in detail to Karna because Duryodhana knew that Karna's rules and regulations(Adarsh and Osul) will not allow Karna to support such evil plan. Hence Duryodhana used to hide most of the modlus operandi of their plan from Karna.


There was one incident where when Karna and Duryodhana's wife were playing dice at that time Duryodhana's wife's part of a dress came down but Karna still did not looked at her with bad intentions. Later on when Duryodhana noticed it he quietly came and made his wife's dress proper and did not questioned Karna because he trusted Karna's character and loyalty towards Duryodhana.


During the dice Match Karna did insult Draupadhi but he never tried to undress her, the reason was that he returned her back those caste comments which she had made on him during her Swyamwar. Whoever it is whether a man or a women they should not take the liberty of their gender as granted, they should watch before passing such comments on others phsyical apperances(handicap or ugly), caste, race, way of worship and economical condition because this might hurt ones sentiments. The verbal abuses which she gave to him at that time he returned it back verbally to her but he did not raised his hands on her, he did not tried to rape her, he did not did not returned it back with violence. Verbal abuses returned with verbal abuses and not with phsyical abuse. Thing which is wrong is wrong whoever does it.


Also, on top of this Sri Krishna himself quoted that "Karna was the great warrior than Arjuna" then I definitely believe in what Sri Krishna said because Sri Krishna never told anything without any reason.

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During the dice Match Karna did insult Draupadhi but he never tried to undress her, the reason was that he returned her back those caste comments which she had made on him during her Swyamwar.



The caste comments and her comments to Duryodhana being blind "like father, like son", is one of the reasons I really dislike the character of Draupadi. I suppose her bad karma was one of the reasons she had to suffer being humilated.

Karna was a better warrior than Arjuna and Eklavya was more skilled than Anjuna.

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karna lied to parashuram about being a brahmin and that is why he became such a great archer. but if he didnt lie then he would have been nowhere near arjuns skill in archery.and because he lied he was cursed. and he had a teacher like parashuram so obviously he would probably be better than arjun.

but when he was cursed, that is when we got to know the fairer bit, who was better arjun or karna. see when karna tried getting that astra in the battle against arjun , but he could not because he forgot his powers. so this showed us that arjun was better than karna anyway as he could have used his pasupata weapon or all the other thousands of weapons he had.and because karna was also a part in the abhimanyu killing, arjun got really angry and thus killed him unarmed.

Also that sunset leela that krishna bhagwan did was just maya.

also all the people on the kauravas side knew that they could only win the war if they can kill arjun.but they didnt.

but finally don forget that the powers we get, only come from god, without god we are nothing. people were saying that arjun was nothing wthout krishna bhagwan (which is true), but the same goes to everyone in the world, for e.g karna or arjun, bhim and other mighty warriors would not even be able to pick up even a small leaf if bhagwan did not want them to, and the same also goes to us.

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the main thing is,karnas battle with arjun was crucial because in their past life

arjun was nar and krishna narayan, they took avtar to kill sahastrakunchi (karna). the story is that sahastrakunchi had got a boon from (i think) brahma that he would have a 1000 shields,and during war, just to break 1 shield you had to do meditation for 1000 years, and at the same time fight for 1000 years. that is why god took the avtar of nar-narayan (two twins)

while nar fighted the demon, narayan did meditation for 1000 years and then they would swap roles, and sahastrakunchi would not know that their were two of them. finally they fighted until sahastrakunchi had only 1 shield left.

so he got scared and ran to the refuge of the sun god. after the sun god said to nar-narayan that he would not let them fight karna, as he come to his refuge it was the suns duty to protect him. so then in their next avtaar indra asked for that kunchi, which then finally ended the story of nar-narayan devs mission to kill this demon (karna) who was then killed by arjun (nar) with the presence of krishna (narayan). so karna was destined to be killed anyway as he was a demon in his past life and harrassing people, god had to do something

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the main thing is,karnas battle with arjun was crucial because in their past life

arjun was nar and krishna narayan, they took avtar to kill sahastrakunchi (karna). the story is that sahastrakunchi had got a boon from (i think) brahma that he would have a 1000 shields,and during war, just to break 1 shield you had to do meditation for 1000 years, and at the same time fight for 1000 years. that is why god took the avtar of nar-narayan (two twins)

while nar fighted the demon, narayan did meditation for 1000 years and then they would swap roles, and sahastrakunchi would not know that their were two of them. finally they fighted until sahastrakunchi had only 1 shield left.

so he got scared and ran to the refuge of the sun god. after the sun god said to nar-narayan that he would not let them fight karna, as he come to his refuge it was the suns duty to protect him. so then in their next avtaar indra asked for that kunchi, which then finally ended the story of nar-narayan devs mission to kill this demon (karna) who was then killed by arjun (nar) with the presence of krishna (narayan). so karna was destined to be killed anyway as he was a demon in his past life and harrassing people, god had to do something


Lord Krishna and Karna got along great and they had great respected for each other. Krishna was never incarnated to kill him. You should do some research of Narayan- Arjun is not Nar.

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Lord Krishna and Karna got along great and they had great respected for each other. Krishna was never incarnated to kill him. You should do some research of Narayan- Arjun is not Nar.


karna was a demon in his past life, this is not just some made up story

it says in vedas. and okay maybe arjun is not really part of narnarayan

but it says in the vedas that nar was the form of arjun and narayan,krishna.

maybe type in sahasra-kunchi in google and see what comes up but maybe not alot, but try other search engines, but other than that i surely do know that it is written in vedas, so Guest443r rsd is actually right. by the way the demon got its name ''sahasrakunchi'' after he got the boon from brahma. sahasra, meaning thousand, and kunchi meaning shield or armour (whatever), so 1000 shields is the translation for its name

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