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Essentials for Mantra Sadhana

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Since ancient time till the present era; Mantras have been used as a remedy for nearly every problem. With the increasing number of TV channels in India, the situation is such that you tell about any issue and one out of ten persons, you will find at least one to come out with a handy Mantra to resolve your issue. The great learned pundits are there on the small screen almost round the clock. Now a question arises, do we really get benefit from those free of cost advice ? I don't think the TV channels will be helpful to you in this respect. They should be more than happy with the increasing TRP and would haradly get time to undertake a survey to find effacasy of such remedial mantras etc.


With a view to verify the effectiveness of mantras, let us try to answer these questions



  • Can one mantra be effective for multiple purposes ?
  • What is the source of power of any mantra ?
  • What is the correct way of using a mantra ?
  • What matters the most - The sound, the tone and rhythm of reciting a mantra, the meaning of the words used in the mantra, or the procedure prescribed?
  • By usage of a Mantra can any one be able to escape from experiencing the fructification of Karma?
  • How does 'offering' of a mantra by a Siddha makes a difference?

One Mantra removes all evil :


One should not need any thing more than mere common sense to reject the notion of 'elixir' kind of a Mantra that can be used to resolve a problem irrespective of nature of problem.


As we accept the low of 'Cause and Effect'; we have to find the likely cause of a problem and then the remedy has to address the cause. In a way, the remedy should be a kind of reversal process of the cause.


We can understand that every problem has to have a particularly related cause and hence, it has to be addressed with a specific process. Thus, a Mantra to increase physical height of a person cannot be accepted as a cure of Cancer.

Hindu mantras like 'Maha Mrintyunjaya Mantra', 'Gayatri Mantra', etc. suffer from the notion of 'One-for-All' remedy and we most humbly do not agree with the belief.


The sanctity of mantras for spiritual upliftment should be maintained and must not be recommended for temporal laukik reasons as trival as 'securing a job transfer ' or 'begetting children' etc. People indulging in such activities are unknowingly doing a grave disservice to the sacred heritage of Vedas.


Prerequisites for Using a Mantra :

The seers who formulated the mantras offered them to their disciples who were well-versed with the prerequisites as a part of the methodology of particular school of spiritual Sadhana. The knowledge of such prerequisites was believed to be so fundamental that its narration, at times, used to be ommitted to avoid repetition.


Most of the mantras have been a part of a Stotra or an Upanishad or a fullfleged Sadhana or an Anushthana and were never intended to be used in isolation. However, over a period of time, some of the Pundits started compiling the mantras and formulated books of such collection. At this stage, the brevity was the call and not only the prerequisites, but even the overall purpose and relevance lost their place.


In the modern age, where education and spirituality has turned into an Industry, Astrology, too, has slipped into the hands of commercial people. In absence of honest custodians and the rightful inheritors; mantras are prescribed in most bizzare manner by the commecial astrologers for meeting their selfish means. Needless to say, mantras have become tools in their hands to exploit the greedy and ignorant people.


The Rishis who formulated the mantras also advocated certain procedures to be followed for its right use. This include a formal commitment in the form of 'Sankalpa', some movements and gestures in form of 'Nyasa', creating protective sheath in form of 'Kavacha' and offerings to the Devata in the form of 'Arghya'.




Let us understand the procedure as well as the parts of mantra.


Sankalpa :

Sankalpa with respect to Mantra Sadhana, means a formal committment about one's plan of the Sadhana. A statement of sankalpa generally contains one's own identification. This is in the vedic manner including one's full name, one's vedic lineage i.e. Veda, Gotra, Shakha etc. Then follows ones desire to chant the Mantra for a particular duration and in particular number or undertake an Anushthana for fulfilment of a particular wish. The sankalpa is addressed to the Devata of the Mantra. Ritualistically, a sankalpa is taken through Sanskrit. However, as we know the significance of Mental vibrations in Mantra Sadhana, it should be OK to undertake the Sankalpa in one's own language.


Nyasa :

Nyasa is an important preperatory stage of Mantra Sadhana. It is in a way a 'warming up' and 'cleansing' session prior to undertaking Mantra chanting. There are different types of Nayasa, e.g.Anga Nyasa, Kara Nyasa, Rishyadi Nyasa, Hridayadi Nyasa, Panchatatwa Nyasa, Varna Nyasa etc. pembody himself for the Mantra he is chanting. This is what called as Nyasa. For that purpose, Though each one has it's special benefits, Rishyadi Nyasa is famous.


Kavacha :

Kavacha' is the imagery sheild to be created for the protection of the Sadhaka during Sadhana. It is very important because, the Sadhaka loses his conscious sense of awareness as he transgress into meditative state or altered state of awareness. During such a state he stands vulnerable and exposed to abnormal frequencies and vibrations. The performing of Kavacha protects the Sadhaka from such vibrations. The Kavacha in a way create hypontic layer of self-confidence and keep him comfortable


Arghya :

Arghya is a symbolic gesture of hospitality offered to the Devata. As we offer some tea and snacks and respect to the guest at our home, simillarly, here during Mantra sadhana, we are invoking the Devata of the Mantra and suitable welcome is essential. The arghya is normally a mixture of water, milk, curd, flower pattles, kumkum, sandal and grains like teel. The mixture is taken in hands in the cavety created by holding two palms together and then poured in the vessle meant for it. The ingredients of Arghya are Devata specific and so is the way of offering it and as such different Mantra Sadhana requires different kind of Arghya. On mental and subtle level, the offering of Arghya signifies surrend of the individual ego at the feet of the Devata.


In addition to the procedure, it is vital to understand the essential parts of a Mantra. Every mantra is suppose to be complete only when it is used with the following six parts, knows as 'Shadanga':


  • Rishi
  • Chhandas
  • Devata
  • Beeja
  • Keelaka and
  • Shakti.



Rishi :

Rishi is the person who originally formulated the Mantra. In vedic culture, Rishi is believed as the seer, a visualizer of Mantra. The prerequisite of naming the Rishi of the mantra before using the same is a humble way of showing gratitude and acknowledgement. This act of acknowledgement is the first step towards delution of personal pride and ego. The feeling of gratitude initiates the altered state of mind leading to internal environment congenial to invocation of the Devata of the Mantra.

Devata :

Devata of the Mantra is the form of the god who is being propitiated. The deveta element engages the visualizing faculty of human mind. Every Devata has its own Shape, Colour, Posture, Gesture, Mudra, Ayudha, and personality. The preceding steps of Rishi and Chhanda prepares the ground for effective visualization of the Devata. The initial utterrance of name of the Devata creates flashes of the visions. Its frequent repetition enables a devotee to contemplate upon the form of the Devata. Ultimately, he forgets his own self and gets unified with the form of the Devata.



Chhandas :

Chhandas denotes to the gramatical formation of words in a particular rhythm. The chhanda sets the pattern of words and number of syllables. The formation guides the recitation of the Mantra in a particular way. The pattern activates different points in human brain and further augment the internal psychic environment. Each chhanda has its own attributes to influence the mood of the person reciting it.


Chhandas are classified into two types (1) Varnik Chhand (alphabetical stanzas) and (2)Matrik Chhand (stanzas containing short vowels). Hindu mantras follow the Chhandas of their respective Vedic Samhita and Shakha. Generally a distinct Matrik Chhanda has been preferred by different Shakha in different Samhitas.

Beeja :

Beeja is a single letter of Sanskrit Alphabet and it represent, again, shortes possible form of the Devata. The shape of the Beeja creates the route for the energy to vibrate. Beejam resembles the basic character (tatva) of the mantra. for example jala tatva(soft), agni tatva (hard) etc.


Keelaka :


Keelaka means a nail. Now, what is significance of a Nail here with respect to reciting a Mantra ? To understand the significance of Keelaka we have to link it with the nail that stops a rotating wheel slipping out of its excel. We know that the energy of a mantra is generated from the mind of the person and its important to keep it centered at a point to save it getting dissipated. This is done through Keelaka. Some people symbolize it with a key of the lock. Thus, a keelaka is believed to be a Key to open the lock of the source of a Mantra power.


Shakti :


Shakti means Power. Shakti means power or energy of the Mantra. This is the power generated through reciting the mantra.


It has to be noted that every Mantra has its own form of Shakti. However, let us admit that today, except the name denoted to the Shakti, we do not know much about distinct forms of the energy of Mantra. The main reason for this ommission is attributable to the fact that graphical reproduction of the form of energy vibrations visualized during altered state of mind remains difficult. The second reason for the misconception is that we consider the words 'Devi' and 'Shakti' as synomniums.


Due to this ambiguity, it is quite possible that a Sadhaka of a Mantra may contemplate upon a known form of Devi in stead of the energy vibrations of the Mantra.


Now, it should be clear as to why we don't get the much acclaimed results from reciting a mantra. If we ignore the essential 6 parts, how can we expect the desired effects?


The limitation lies on two parts. First is the ignorance of the doer. The person who undertakes Mantra, does not know the essential pre-requisites. Secondly, the limitation lies with the source from where a person receives the mantra. It is quite common now that people take mantra from any source, be it a cheap pocket book being sold at the roadside, any Sadhu or a TV Jyotishi. It is quite possible that the pre-requisites are compromised in offering and receiving the Mantra in this manner.


My Objective Here:

I wish to have valuable contributions from learned people so that this science can be augumented in right direction. I invite suggestions with regard to classification of various kinds of Mantras and its genuine purpose. I wish that we can compile the Shadangas of every Mantra with its dos'n'donts. Let us bring in transparency into this subject. This is the way, we can get back the lost glory to our devine heritage. Let us admit and sensitize as to what can be done and what cannot be done through Mantra.This is the way, we can curb the Cheaters and Thugs who are expoliting the ignorance of poor and needy people.


To be continued and compiled..

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Dear friend;


Thank you for interacting.

You are right. Only reciting of words won't be effective.

If you go through the theme of my article, you would notice that I put emphasize upon the creation of subtle mental and emotional thought vibrations during the whole process of Mantra Sadhana. In a way, during the process, the Mantra, the Devata and the propetiater becomes 'One'.


This is the secret of Mantra Sadhana. Unless you realize this 'One-ness' you cannot attain anything except exagerated Ego for having chanted a Mantra so many times..and having performed so ardent an anushthan...etc.


I welcome other learned friends to add valuable guidance.

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Its all I have learnt on my journey. I was studying astrology extensively and that led me into intuitive ways and the quest pushed me into spirituality.


Theory, yes but not alone. I have used it and got benefited. It changed my life. I have also recommended mantras as remedy to people, but to only those who bear the calibre to realize the essence of Mantras. You must have observed, I am a critical fan of this subject and not a blind follower. I love to go beyond the words and try to find the sensible source of the power of Mantras.


I have a project to create a centre where Mantras and other Hindu Hom-Havans can be performed in genuine way as a remedy for people. It will be in pure participative manner. The person concerned will understand the purpose and create the necessary mental vibrations. Mantras recited by a Pandit on behalf of some one cannot bring in the required results. Thus, the applied phase is yet to florish in a full swing. If you google with the word vibhutiganesh, you will know more about me.


Thanks a lot for interaction and being frank in puting across this question. I have one more thing to share with you, that I am Atharva Vediya brahmin and 'Garga' is my gotra.. so we are related ..!

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Hi VibhutiGanesh


Thanks for taking my question positively and replying. The reason why I asked this question is that over past few months, I was severely disillusioned with a lot of people in my social circle whom I held in extremely high esteem thinking that they are highly evolved beings. They are very nice people, they talk very nice things, are very knowledgeable and have read lot of scriptures also and can converse in sanskirt, write beautiful poems and what not.


But then when it came to practical application, direct straight question, they have no answer. All they have is theoretical knowledge with no practical experience. I was left very surprised. Since then, I am searching for some real person with practical experience of things and not just bookish knowledge which just doesnt help

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Its a very nice post for the benefit of all. You very well explained the science behind the mantras. There're two thing I'd like to add on.

1. To practically use this whole information in a sadhana, You just don't need to hear mantra from a source (which is Guru) but you need to take it, as a whole as it is. In addition to all the scientific points you mentioned, There's a lot of cosmic energy involved in the process when a Guru gives mantra to his disciple or I should say shishya. Merely hearing a mantra from Guru does not get the job done. And there's a big reason for that. Because if you get a chance to see someone doing sadhana and achieving success you'll notice there's not much difference between his pronunciation and pronunciation of "just any guy reading a mantra". All the things you mentioned are so subtly involved that its really difficult to tell the difference. So mantra by a Guru is given to his shishya by means of the cosmic flow of energy from Guru to shishya called dikhsha.

2. Second thing important in mantra or any sadhana is your bhav. There's no use of dikhsha, tantra, mantra and all yantras untill you believe in mantra, diety and yourself! Doubt is the genesis of failure. I haven't come across any one who has failed in sadhana, having full samarpan to his Guru. And never will i. If you do sadhana and at the same time doubtful about mantra or diety then you can never achieve success in sadhana. bhav is the heart soul of every sadhana. On the contrary i have met people who doesn't even know how to pronounce mantra and use mala, still managed to achieve success! Just because they really were 100% in love with their Guru.

But you got to have that kind of Guru who is full of Divinity. One who is brahm himself. All you need to do is find that person. And you'll find sadhana were just game of 2-3 days. Finding that person would be just enough. :smile:

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Thanks a lot.

My purpose is served with your valuable input.


Yes, essence of a Genuine Guru can never be denied.

However, they are rare to find in this age. Unfortunately commercial 'Godmen' are in plenty. I wanted that the sadhaka, if he is aware about pre-requisites of Mantra, he can at least verify the competancy of his 'Guru'.


Bhava' is important. Throughout, I have maintained that mental vibration is the essence of Mantra.


Thank U once again.

I would look forward for many more meaningful interactions.






Its a very nice post for the benefit of all. You very well explained the science behind the mantras. There're two thing I'd like to add on.

1. To practically use this whole information in a sadhana, You just don't need to hear mantra from a source (which is Guru) but you need to take it, as a whole as it is. In addition to all the scientific points you mentioned, There's a lot of cosmic energy involved in the process when a Guru gives mantra to his disciple or I should say shishya. Merely hearing a mantra from Guru does not get the job done. And there's a big reason for that. Because if you get a chance to see someone doing sadhana and achieving success you'll notice there's not much difference between his pronunciation and pronunciation of "just any guy reading a mantra". All the things you mentioned are so subtly involved that its really difficult to tell the difference. So mantra by a Guru is given to his shishya by means of the cosmic flow of energy from Guru to shishya called dikhsha.

2. Second thing important in mantra or any sadhana is your bhav. There's no use of dikhsha, tantra, mantra and all yantras untill you believe in mantra, diety and yourself! Doubt is the genesis of failure. I haven't come across any one who has failed in sadhana, having full samarpan to his Guru. And never will i. If you do sadhana and at the same time doubtful about mantra or diety then you can never achieve success in sadhana. bhav is the heart soul of every sadhana. On the contrary i have met people who doesn't even know how to pronounce mantra and use mala, still managed to achieve success! Just because they really were 100% in love with their Guru.

But you got to have that kind of Guru who is full of Divinity. One who is brahm himself. All you need to do is find that person. And you'll find sadhana were just game of 2-3 days. Finding that person would be just enough. :smile:

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Hi Raj Kamal


Thanks for contributing.


My same question to you, do you say what you say from practical experience ?


You mention about seeing people succeed in sadhana, so do you know about such a real siddh Guru. Can you tell us who is he and where can I find him ?

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Your appreciation is much welcomed. :)



Yes, I'm always in contact of people who perform sadhanas and are getting benefited with it. I, myself have performed many sadhanas and benefited. Gurdev have been very gracious to me.

Yes every word of mine is from my practicall experience. I am an engineer cum rishi after all... LOL .. I've mentioned i've seen people succeed in sadhana coz i've seen many and myself succeed. Trust me its not very difficult. :)

My guru is Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwarand also called Sadgurudev dr.Narayan Dutt Shrimali ji. I hve taken guru diksha from his son and shishya Gurudev Arvind shrimali ji

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Thanks for replying.


Can you pls elaborate on the success that you have experienced yourself or have seen others. I ask this because sometime back, I would attribute events which in retrospect were normal coincidences to divine experience and be very happy. But when there was an actual problem and when an actual....lets call it chamatkar.... was required, i was told all sorts of gyan and it clearly showed how hollow the person was.


On browsing through the siddhashram website, I came across Dhoomavati Diksha which had this sentence:


Any ailment or physical problem that may have afflicted the individual gets removed forever through the power of the Dhoomavati Diksha.

Is this true ? Does it include any physical problem for which medical science has also said no ??


If yes, then can you pls guide me through the process of getting this diksha ? I really need it. I dont have much time.


I would be very thankful to you.

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Though this is not addressed to me;

I reproduce few lines from the last para of my initial post :



Let us admit and sensitize as to what can be done and what cannot be done through Mantra.This is the way, we can curb the Cheaters and Thugs who are expoliting the ignorance of poor and needy people."


In my personal opinion, we need to understand the process of creation : from subtle into physical. "Accumulation of Tremendus amount of Vaasanas - strong desires which can only be fulfilled through a physical body" is the row material by which the body is made up of. As water gets converted into steam and again if steam gets cool, it condenses and converted into water. Simillarly, thoughts vibrations turns into gross form and thats our body. So, mantra can have influence upon gross body. However, it requires very very huge volume of subtle vibrations of genuine mantra recited in genuine manner. It will first bring in change into our emotional body, aura body and then there would be changes in physical body.





Thanks for replying.


Can you pls elaborate on the success that you have experienced yourself or have seen others. I ask this because sometime back, I would attribute events which in retrospect were normal coincidences to divine experience and be very happy. But when there was an actual problem and when an actual....lets call it chamatkar.... was required, i was told all sorts of gyan and it clearly showed how hollow the person was.


On browsing through the siddhashram website, I came across Dhoomavati Diksha which had this sentence:


Any ailment or physical problem that may have afflicted the individual gets removed forever through the power of the Dhoomavati Diksha.

Is this true ? Does it include any physical problem for which medical science has also said no ??


If yes, then can you pls guide me through the process of getting this diksha ? I really need it. I dont have much time.


I would be very thankful to you.

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Yes, its very true. After getting diksha you need to perform sadhana. But if diksha involves shakti pat then you dont. If you are thinking all this is a peice of cake then sorry to disappoint you but you'll find sadhaks have come out of mouth of death during sadhanas.

Secondly, if you google for getting rid of physical ailments you'll find thousands of devees and devtas helpful. Now which one to go for is a question. VibhutiGanesh have elaborated it very well. Only a true Guru would know what medicine to give and when?

Medical science has limitations. But in path of path of sadhana nothing is impossible. I've seen people coming out of various problems in a very short period of time. On the hand I've also heard people die of various small problems. So definately a true divine person is needed.

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Hi VibhutiGanesh and Raj_Kamal


Thanks for replying. Let me share what I am feeling honestly.


VibhutiGanesh, when I read your post, I find it very scientific and I find my head nodding in yes. I feel that all this mantra sadhana is science, logic and things work according to the rules and laws just like physics and chemistry and your post also appear to say the same so i completely agree. However, I dont know where and how to begin my research to find out the right mantra(procedure) to cure my problem and then execute that procedure. Can you help me ?


Raj_Kamal, your post is quite interesting and I feel quite surprised that what he is saying, is it really true. True or not, I am ready to try it because if the possibility of success is even 0.01% and chances of fraud are 99.99%, then also the outcome of 0.01% is much more beneficial to me and I want to try it. Can you pls tell me, what would I need to do to get the required diksha, shakti pat or any other that will cure my physical problem?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Sir,


Sri Gurubyo Namah!


You said it is not very difficult to succeed in sadhana! Please tell me how you manage being a rishi and an engineer. I have heard about him some twenty years ago when I came across his book "Mantra Rahasya" from my sanskrit teacher. At that time it was published by vikas publications(hindi pustak bhandar) and now the publisher's name is Hindi Pustak Mahal. At that time, I was too young but was fond of the "A tha Ka Ha" Chakra and his book had it.


Sri Mathra Namah!




S. Sreemahalakshmi

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  • 3 months later...

Hello Vibhuti Ganesh & RajKamal,


Looking at your experience in this field, please could you advise me on the next steps to be taken? Due to pressures in my daily life ranging from instability in career, financial limitations, problems with spouse in married life along with various responsibilities mounting; I decided to go inwards to seek some solution and post reading from various websites,I embarked upon praying everyday for 48 days.


Hence, everyday, at sharp 6.30am, I lit a ghee lamp, placed the deity in front and offered my prayers 108 times for each deity (mantras), Starting with Om Gam Ganapataya Namah, Aum vigna nashanaya namah, om namah sivaya, om hrim dum durgayai namah, om shri saraswatyai namah,

hrim shreem krim mahalakshmayai namah, om hanumate namah & om narayanaya namah.


I have now completed 52 days and want to know, seek advise on what should be the next step? How should my prayers continue? Is there any method or guidance that anyone can provide.

I am quite genuine in my prayers and try not to lose concentration by focusing even more on the mantra.


I will certainly appreciate any guidance received plus do tell me if I need to anything more, less, or if what I am doing is correct.



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Please could you advise me on the next steps to be taken? Due to pressures in my daily life ranging from instability in career, financial limitations, problems with spouse in married life along with various responsibilities mounting; I decided to go inwards to seek some solution and post reading from various websites embarked upon praying everyday for 48 days.



Hence, everyday, at sharp 6.30am, I lit a ghee lamp, placed the deity in front and offered my prayers 108 times for each deity (mantras), Starting with Om Gam Ganapataya Namah, Aum vigna nashanaya namah, om namah sivaya, om hrim dum durgayai namah, om shri saraswatyai namah,

hrim shreem krim mahalakshmayai namah, om hanumate namah & om narayanaya namah.



I have now completed 50 days and want to know, seek advise on what should be the next step? How should my prayers continue? Is there any method or guidance that you could provide/recommend?



I will certainly appreciate any guidance received.




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  • 4 months later...


Its all I have learnt on my journey. I was studying astrology extensively and that led me into intuitive ways and the quest pushed me into spirituality.


Theory, yes but not alone. I have used it and got benefited. It changed my life. I have also recommended mantras as remedy to people, but to only those who bear the calibre to realize the essence of Mantras. You must have observed, I am a critical fan of this subject and not a blind follower. I love to go beyond the words and try to find the sensible source of the power of Mantras.


I have a project to create a centre where Mantras and other Hindu Hom-Havans can be performed in genuine way as a remedy for people. It will be in pure participative manner. The person concerned will understand the purpose and create the necessary mental vibrations. Mantras recited by a Pandit on behalf of some one cannot bring in the required results. Thus, the applied phase is yet to florish in a full swing. If you google with the word vibhutiganesh, you will know more about me.


Thanks a lot for interaction and being frank in puting across this question. I have one more thing to share with you, that I am Atharva Vediya brahmin and 'Garga' is my gotra.. so we are related ..!


Hi VibhutiGanesh


Can u help me to start sadhan . what is the process and how i start , what will it impact on my life


can u share your mail id . or cell number




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  • 9 months later...

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