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Mantra Siddhi? What is it?

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I have opened this discussion in Spiritual Discussions because it does not really fit the category of Mantra/Tantra which is full of attaining only Karya Siddhi. That is in plain English, achievement of a particular material objective.


According to the Tantric texts, to attain Mantra Siddhi you have to


1. Repeat the Mantra a specified number of times. Normally the number of letters in the Mantra multiplied by lakhs. For example for Navakshari (Navarna) Mantra it is 9,00,000 times.


2. Perform a Purascharana homa. The number of Ahudhis should be 1/10th of the repetitions. For Navakshari it is 90,000.


3. Tharpana of 1/10th of Ahudhis. Thus for Navakshari it is 9,000.


4. Feed number of Brahmins 1/10th of Tharpana. For Navakshari it is 900.


If you have done all this you will get the Mantra Siddhi.


Mantra Siddhi is important in the case of Krama Deekshas where you have to get the Mantra Siddhi of one Mantra before proceeding to the higher one.


But then let me raise a question which may seem basic, but which is not answered.


There is no book which defines Mantra Siddhi.


1. What do you think is Mantra Siddhi?


2. What do expect when you get Mantra Siddhi?


Fly through Air? Attain Ashtama Siddhi? Have Dharshan of the Mantra Devata? Some might talk about Kundalini reaching the Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra. Then what happens?


Are we aiming for something about which we know nothing?


Is Mantra Siddhi necessary for spiritual advancement?




Note: Some of you may have seen my postings under the name sankarrukku.

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Hi Kali, thx for the questions.


Various siddhis are mentioned in sastra that I have read, but very little mentioned of the siddhi in detail. For example one siddhi is to become smaller than the smallest.

Generally in discussions I have heard the opinion is expressed that a person can become tiny :) It would seem though, that once a particular siddhi is attained, the detail is understood through experience - it is known. Once it is known in specific details, it can thus be applied, through various aspects of the detail.


Maybe details are not discussed because each named siddhi, may vary in detail, due to each persons unique subtle body and its history (cultivation). Through application, the various usages or attainments of a particular siddhi, may depend on the impression of the subtle body?


I think we are aiming for something if we know a little from the words of the realized. If our faith is established in scripture we may seek to find particular aims there. Ofcourse though the written text is also limited by word usage. The aim could appear to us through various means, depending on the nature of the siddhi? The Hare Krsna mantra has an aim? Would a mantra to Earth Mother have a different aim? I think so.... Do we know the detail of siddhi, application and result? Not fully, but we begin practice and deepening also within the subtle body? Through whatever vessel holds our faith (the vessel that we consider bona-fide).


The mantra begins the process, siddhi is attainment? Is an attainment an end, or ongoing? I think mantra siddhi is not the necessity, but instead it is the fulfillment of one's initial desires and aims.


These are just some thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, Bija.


I was expecting a number of replies since there are many posts in this forum which talks about attaining Siddhi.


The Purascharana I was talking about is strenuous, time consuming and expensive. Assuming that it takes 5 to 10 seconds for performing the Ahudhi. That is taking the Ghee reciting the mantra and offering it in the fire. Assuming the short time of 5 seconds it would take 125 hours to perform the Homa. If you do it for 5 hours daily it would take 25 days.


I have taken 5 hours daily because sitting in front of a Fire for more than 5 hours is a problem. Even 5 hours is a tremendous strain. You move your hand from the ghee pot to the fire 3600 times. You can manage 2000 times daily. That would take longer to complete in 45 days. Of course the time for doing Tharpan.


Imagine the physical strain.


Again there is the job of keeping the fire going for days together. And the cost of the Ghee and Firewood.


Add to this the cost of feeding the Brahmins.


Thus Purascharana is very strenuous, time consuming and very expensive.


I know. I have been there.


Still people do Purascharana, though not many. Why?


What is so great about Mantra Siddhi that one is willing to devote so much time, effort and money on that?


Or are we chasing a Mirage?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The main question is if Mantra Siddhi is not defined then why so much of importance is placed on it.


1. For giving Deeksha of a particular Mantra to a disciple or seeker, the Guru should have attained the Mantra Siddhi of that Mantra. That included Purascharana. Mantra Siddhi is what qualifies one to be a Mantra Guru. If the guru does not have this qualification the mantra will not fructify.


2. Mantras give power. The use of this power is called Prayoga. Prayoga or application is a subject which is rarely dealt with in the open. The application or Prayoga has a number of rituals which are kept secret and passed on from Guru to Shishya.


The common prayogas are Snake Bite cure, Curing of other diseases like Jaundice, Dhana Prapthi and Parihara Pujas. The Abhichara Prayogas are Vasikarna, Sthambana, Spodana, Ucchadana and Marana.


Before performing Prayogas the Mantrik has to attain Mantra Siddhi after fulfilling all the requirements of Purascharana.

Some of the Mantras do not require the performance of Purascharana.


Mantra Siddhi is thus the prerequisite for becoming a Mantrik. It is the basic qualification.

There were times when Mantriks were powerful. Some of the communities in India have controlled wealth and were more powerful than even the Kings because of their knowledge of Mantras and their uses. Fortunately those days are long past and no one has any use for Mantriks now. Except for for some love sick youngsters who seek Vasikarana.


And there is no money in it. Most of the procedures have been forgotten and the manuscripts have turned to dust.


Of course we do see some Sadhus and Religious teachers performing elaborate rituals for Mantra Siddhi. They need this to become Tantriks, Astrologers, and Gurus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now where does this leave the Spiritual seekers?


Mantra Siddhi has no relevance to Spiritual seekers.


There are many Mantras which give only spiritual powers. The Taraka Mantram is that which enables its invokers to cross over the ocean of samsara and attain liberation. Then almost all the other Mantras have also ability to take the Sadhaka towards his/her spiritual goal.


The Spirtual seeker has no necessity for Prayogam or application. The Mantra automatically takes you to a higher level. When you chant the name of Krishna or Rama or Devi you are not thinking of Siddhis or powers. You are seeking GOD.


Does it mean that spiritual seekers will not get Siddhi?


NO. The spiritual seeker also gets Siddhis.


The Ashtama Siddhi and its achievement are quite different. Of course there are Siddhis other than Ashtma Siddhi. Things like the body glowing, getting younger, hair growing on bald head and so on. Many of these powers are bestowed without even asking for it. I have heard of a person who had attained a power which ensured that all the flowers he offered the Deity fell on the Deity in the form of a garland. May be years of practice. The other common Siddhis are the power of healing and clairvoyance.


Is getting Siddhis an obstacle to Spirtual Progress?


Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There is always a likelihood of a Sadhaka getting Siddhi or Power forgetting his/her spiritual goals.


That is how we see many Sadhus and Holy men who have stopped pursuing their spiritual goals after attaining Siddhi/Siddhis. We also see Holy men who have Siddhis and who continue in their Spirtual paths without bothering about the Siddhis.


Another feature of Mantra siddhi is that it does have a tendency to make one proud. Pride in achivement. This bloats the EGO. We have all seen many Sadhus and Holymen who are full of SELF IMPORTANCE. This is a big impediment to Spirtual Progress.


Then the Power of Healing and Clairvoyance can lead to the seeker forgetting his/her ultimate goals. They become Heelers and Clairvoyants. Because these powers lead to an increase in popularity (Fame) and also could lead to prosperity, the ultimate goal is forgotten.


None of these fault of the Siddhi but of the Seeker.


It is better for Spiritual Seekers to keep off Mantra Siddhi. Lead us not into temptations, My Lord.

Total and absolute surrender is the only way of achieving the lotus feet of GOD.



शरणागत दीनार्त परित्र्याण परायणे।

सर्वस्यार्तिहरे देवि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते।

तां ढुर्गां दुर्गमां देवीं दुराचारविघातिनीम् ।

नमामि भवभीतोऽहं संसारार्णवतारिणीम् ।

Jai MAA !!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you:


I so much curious to know about Mata Baglamukhi Sadhna. I anyone know how to perform and howmany mantra chants have to be done to get shidhi? If you don't have Guru can you do sadhna without Guru diksha? What is Vam marga and what is Vedic marga? Which marga is without Guru diksha? What is the process or rituals? I read the book extracted from the Bhrama Sutra and i can not understand. Someone plese help me.


Thank you


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  • 1 year later...

Dear Kali Upasak:


Each mantra has its own viniyog where it says the name of the mantra, name of the mantra drasta rishi, mantra devata, chhand in which it should be chanted, then if there is any additional things like, bijam, kilakam, etc. then it says for what purpose this mantra should be chanted or what you can gain or achieve (which is you can call Siddhi). Then you will see nyaas mantras and dhyan mantra. Now it comes the Japa Mantra. When you achieve or fulfill the goal as per the viniyog means you achieved the siddhi.


Or for whatever purpose you chant whatever mantra and you achieve your purpose means you got that siddhi.



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  • 1 month later...



I visited this thread and liked the thoughts of S/shri Kali Upasaka and Bija. In deed, very useful. I think you should together compile the thoughts you have expresed here in a single post and publish it on the Mantra Tantra Forum, too.


I know that you have deliberately not posted this on Mantra-Tantra forum. However, I would reqauest you to do this for it will at least bring in some awareness about essense of procedure etc.for Mantra Sadhana.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 6 months later...

When mantra siddhi is done we know it in dreams ,attitudes are change towards the things, and the wish is complited when we done it to fullfill any particular wish.and we feel some rays coming out from the body. Siddhi is a psychic power, other people says the siddh person is become psychic.

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Guest Ramana Baba (Muz MURRAY)

Namaste Kali ji, 


  Yes, I would say you are 'chasing mirages' if you attempt to follow all the elaborated performances traditionally expounded. All that rigmarole is totally unnecessary for spiritual awakening. 


   Let us consider the word 'siddhi'. Does it not mean 'perfection?' And perfection of what? Not of thaumaturgic powers, but of the quality of being. Mantra (without any counting) is constantly purifying the mind-stuff. 


  I have been teaching mantra for 45 years and many of my students have experienced samadhi as a result, without any of the traditional claptrap associated. Don't get yourself bogged down by what was done in the past.


 Kali is right that healing capacities may be realised as a result of mantric practice, but that is a side effect, not the goal. 


 It is not getting siddhis that is the problem (although as he points out there is a danger of ego-inflation as a result), but the mere wanting siddhis is the major obstacle to emancipation, as all want is produced by the ego-sense to begin with. 



 Says the great sage, Sri Ramana Maharshi: 



 “In order to display siddhis, there must be others to recognise them. That means there is no jñana in the one who displays them. Therefore, siddhis are not worth a thought. Jñana alone is to be aimed at and gained.” 


I rest my case. 



Ramana Baba 

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  • 2 months later...


You mentioned that you have been teaching for 45 years. Can you please tell me the basic rules that a mantra sadhaka should follow to attain Samadhi?

I have been chanting a mantra for a few months. I don't feel any sense of peace or notice anything that makes me feel that I am making progress.

Is the count of number important or focus while reciting the mantra?

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