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Intro and Question

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master fraggle


I didn't say it was wrong to have your tubes tied. I was asking the question whether it was an action that could be regretted in years to come if you fell in love with someone who wanted a child.




fer you miss jo, fer you

there are too many lil humans on this lil rock of ours...and i see no reason why its wrong fer someone who wants to get their tubes tied, be it the boi er the gurl...

and on that note, i ungracefully bow out of the subject..i'm not gonna change yer mind(and really, wasn't trying to), and yer not gonna change mine...



-Original Message----- heartwerk Mar 9, 2005 12:07 AM Re: Intro and Question Not the same Fraggle.Jo , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:>

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Hi Fraggle


Some medical people are actually wondering whether later in life it does interfere with testosterone production. This could be good if an older man has prostate cancer, but on the downside may interfere with libido. I think they are expecting to find out in the next decade, as the people who had vasectomies a while ago are getting old.




now..gettin the vasdeferens snipped shouldn't really do much at all...005 7:17 AM Re: Re: Intro and Question


Sterilization has no effect on hormones. They have no effect on sex. The only effect they have is on reproduction.


Further, man has spent much too much time doing more than replacing.


And, people are saying that beef, chicken and so forth should not be raised for food. The only option that realistically leaves is to sterilize all those animals and when they die out they die out. then let nature take its course with the rest.






Wednesday, March 09, 2005 12:13 AM

Re: Intro and Question

Reproducing yourself is not uncontrolled - it is replacing. If each couple has two children, they are merely replacing themselves not having a population boom.I don't think anyone has mentioned going back to nature, so cherry-picking does not come into it, and I think I am not egotistical - but sterilisation is rather extreme. Don't forget that bodies are made with the parts they need and producing the hormones they need. These hormones are not there only to produce offspring but are important to the body. This applies to men as well as women.Jo

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On Wed, March 9, 2005 9:57 am, Jo Cwazy said:

> Second answer to this .... could you say that to someone you love? How

> would they feel about it? Would they have hoped for a say in the matter?


People I spend time with know better than to think they have a say in my

reproductive choices. That said, I listen to the people I love, and if

the one of my partners with whom I would be willing to have a child were

to ask me to have one with him, I might change my mind.


The thing is, for me, that you lose something either way. If you have

children, you lose something. If you don't have children, you lose

something. Sometimes I wish I'd chosen to have children, because I feel a

loss, but I know enough parents (and I spent 5 years being one) that I

know that parents feel a loss, too -- of time, of carefree life, of

freedom, of money. It's not the end of the world if we don't get

everything we want.



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Hi Lynda


> And, people are saying that beef, chicken and so forth should not be raised for food. The only option that

> realistically leaves is to sterilize all those animals and when they die out they die out. then let nature take its

> course with the rest.


Food animals are specifically bred by breeders in order to produce enough for food. A large proportion of food cattle is produced through artificial incemination, and has nothing whatsoever to do with a "natural" process. If they stopped doing this, then the populations would return to a "normal" level within a generation, and there would be no need to sterilise anyone!


And if I might point out the oxymoron in your above statement, you can't "sterilise animals" *and* "let nature take its course" - the two are mutually exclusive!



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I didn't get that either,

The issue of overpopulation is very important. The planet is being

exploited of its resources by people who couldn't give a shit.


There are the yuppies who are over 40, spent all of their young

years climbing up that ladder and now want to have kids, and spend

thousands of dollars on fertility clinics.


Then there are teenage mothers, and people who just live off of the

government and keeps having kid after kid, with no real parenting

responsibility, their kids wind up with no education, no work ethic.


I think that the wrong people keep having Kids, and I think more

Vegans should have kids.

This won't guarantee that your kid will be vegan when they grow up,

but at least the aim is to have more compassionate people in the next



I have two boys, I don't feel guilty about that, they give me joy

and have Forced me to not be selfish, to have more patient,

they have bluntly pointed things out in me that no one else would,

they have made me more aware of the passing of time, and have made me

give up things, that I necesarily wouldn't have if weren't a

parent. In

other words, They have made me grow up.


Yeah, I miss being able to do my own things, with my own time. Like

sitting at the library all day, reading the letters of vicent van

gogh, or the poetry of sylvia plath or photography or magazines.


I have compromised. I also see a phenomena among my friends who

never had kids, They are 35,36, 37 and forever teenagers. Still

playing video games, watching all the latest movies, hanging out in

bars. I envy them a little. But I also see myself as more mature,

because I have to be.


I truly believe that not everyone should have kids, Some people I

know, should Never spread their genes around. I see alot of kids,

suffering and being ignored and ill parented. Sometimes, I think

that the best thing that could happened to this planet, would be for

us humans to disapear, I mean, we are selfishly destroying this planet

at an increadible pace.


But when I see the values, that I am instilling in my kids, I have




, " Jo Cwazy " <heartwork@c...> wrote:

> I never suggested it was solely one person's decision - but you

are. I

> could be mistaken but I think love involves compromise and


> from both partners.


> Jo



> > Dare I suggest that it's not solely that other person's choice to

> > decide if I have a kid, anyway? It is also my choice, and if I

> > decide I don't want to, then it's my decision to make. You can't

> > make every decision in life based on making other people happy or

> > you will go stark raving mad.

> > Just a thought.

> > Sara

> >

> > , " Jo Cwazy " <heartwork@c...>


> > > Hi Fraggle

> > > >*shrug*

> > > >what if you never want kids tho...

> > > >i know you've got at least one youngin Jo, but lotsa ppl


> > want kids..

> > > >and you could always adopt

> > > >lordy knows there are enough unwanted children already

> > > >just my two cents...

> > >

> > > .... but what if you meet someone and fall in love with them


> > they want a child? You really wouldn't want to deprive them of

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two way street..

relationships have to be dealt with as that....

and if i can't have kids(fer wotever reason), is the other going t odump me because of that??? would i want to be with said person?

who knows...

thats wot communication is about

but....its still a choice..and some folks don't want kids, er don't want to breed er...


stop dragging me back into this!!!!

hahahahahahahaha Jo Cwazy Mar 9, 2005 9:57 AM Re: Re: Intro and Question

Second answer to this .... could you say that to someone you love? How would they feel about it? Would they have hoped for a say in the matter?






Tuesday, March 08, 2005 8:33 PM

Re: Re: Intro and Question




get a pet rock...

Jo Cwazy Mar 8, 2005 11:31 AM Re: Re: Intro and Question


Hi Fraggle



>actually..should you be typing to me right now..?

>i'd be careful..





>what if you never want kids tho...

>i know you've got at least one youngin Jo, but lotsa ppl never want kids..

>and you could always adopt

>lordy knows there are enough unwanted children already

>just my two cents....... but what if you meet someone and fall in love with them and they want a child? You really wouldn't want to deprive them of their chance of being a mum/dad if that's what they want.



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Hi Anouk


> Then there are teenage mothers, and people who just live off of the

> government and keeps having kid after kid, with no real parenting

> responsibility, their kids wind up with no education, no work ethic.


I often wonder why the term teenage mother is used as an insult. When one

can marry at sixteen why is it considered so bad to have children?

(Incidentally I my children were born when I was 23 and 26). Or is the term

wrongly used to mean girls who are not in a strong relationship having



> I think that the wrong people keep having Kids, and I think more

> Vegans should have kids.

> This won't guarantee that your kid will be vegan when they grow up,

> but at least the aim is to have more compassionate people in the next

> generation.


I would have thought that a good idea too. It is sad that so many vegans

seem to think that human life is worthless.


> I have two boys, I don't feel guilty about that, they give me joy

> and have Forced me to not be selfish, to have more patient,

> they have bluntly pointed things out in me that no one else would,

> they have made me more aware of the passing of time, and have made me

> give up things, that I necesarily wouldn't have if weren't a

> parent. In

> other words, They have made me grow up.


You certainly shouldn't feel guilty about it. You have every reason to be

proud. I have learned more from my children than I would have without them.

When I was younger I never imagned myself being a mother, and I am not a

maternal type - cooing over everyone's babies - but parenthood has been

good. We have given our children a loving home and I am proud of the

responsible, loving, caring, intelligent people that they are. In fact - if

I had not had my children this list would not exist :-)


> Yeah, I miss being able to do my own things, with my own time. Like

> sitting at the library all day, reading the letters of vicent van

> gogh, or the poetry of sylvia plath or photography or magazines.


You will be able to do that again when they are older - and you will

appreciate it all the more.




> But when I see the values, that I am instilling in my kids, I have

> hope.





> , " Jo Cwazy " <heartwork@c...> wrote:

> > I never suggested it was solely one person's decision - but you

> are. I

> > could be mistaken but I think love involves compromise and

> consideration,

> > from both partners.

> >

> > Jo

> >

> >

> > > Dare I suggest that it's not solely that other person's choice to

> > > decide if I have a kid, anyway? It is also my choice, and if I

> > > decide I don't want to, then it's my decision to make. You can't

> > > make every decision in life based on making other people happy or

> > > you will go stark raving mad.

> > > Just a thought.

> > > Sara

> > >

> > > , " Jo Cwazy " <heartwork@c...>

> wrote:

> > > > Hi Fraggle

> > > > >*shrug*

> > > > >what if you never want kids tho...

> > > > >i know you've got at least one youngin Jo, but lotsa ppl

> never

> > > want kids..

> > > > >and you could always adopt

> > > > >lordy knows there are enough unwanted children already

> > > > >just my two cents...

> > > >

> > > > .... but what if you meet someone and fall in love with them

> and

> > > they want a child? You really wouldn't want to deprive them of


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sorry - got to drag you back in - whoever heard of a Fraggle not wanting a discussion!


I think in a relationship there is a difference between not being able to have children and refusing to, whichever way round it is. Obviously these things should be discussed when a relationship starts to become serious, but that doesn't always happen. If you have already discussed this with a partner then they are aware of your opinions, but in many cases it is not discussed and quite natural to expect that you will have children.






Wednesday, March 09, 2005 8:16 PM

Re: Re: Intro and Question


two way street..

relationships have to be dealt with as that....

and if i can't have kids(fer wotever reason), is the other going t odump me because of that??? would i want to be with said person?

who knows...

thats wot communication is about

but....its still a choice..and some folks don't want kids, er don't want to breed er...


stop dragging me back into this!!!!

hahahahahahahaha Jo Cwazy Mar 9, 2005 9:57 AM Re: Re: Intro and Question

Second answer to this .... could you say that to someone you love? How would they feel about it? Would they have hoped for a say in the matter?






Tuesday, March 08, 2005 8:33 PM

Re: Re: Intro and Question




get a pet rock...

Jo Cwazy Mar 8, 2005 11:31 AM Re: Re: Intro and Question


Hi Fraggle



>actually..should you be typing to me right now..?

>i'd be careful..





>what if you never want kids tho...

>i know you've got at least one youngin Jo, but lotsa ppl never want kids..

>and you could always adopt

>lordy knows there are enough unwanted children already

>just my two cents....... but what if you meet someone and fall in love with them and they want a child? You really wouldn't want to deprive them of their chance of being a mum/dad if that's what they want.



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u mean vegan network would still be alive and kicking then??!

dang you Jo!




We have given our children a loving home and I am proud of theresponsible, loving, caring, intelligent people that they are. In fact - ifI had not had my children this list would not exist :-)

Til shade is gone, til water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day

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i guess it depends on yer situation/society/culture etc...

90% of my friends don't have kids...

er if they did have kids, had em quite young..


not everyone wants to breed...

and, again, wot's wrong with adopting? sure, you don't get to pass yer gene's on...big deal..my genes are no bloody prize anyways...isn't part of the point is to have a family and raise them to be the best lil beings you can?

if i got snipped, then years from now changed my mind, there are ways around it, and i'm not just talking surgical


not everyone wants kids..and all relationships are different...just all vegans are different and all dogs are different and all kids are different, etc...


for me, the breeder urge(sorry to use that term, but, eh, its wot i always have...) only shows up when i'm lonely and single fer a long length of time..thats not a reaon t ohave kids, that wanting attention...luckily it doesn't last long, and i can g oon with my life

for wot it is

and..in my case...me..kids???!! hahahaha..i can barely take care of myself..have enough problems with the fur kids and scaley kids and green kids...and busy screaming at and trying to save the world....

could you imagine me breeding?

i shudder at the concept



and to think..i was going to be looking at camping locations on my lunch break and reading in the sun...

fraggle Jo Cwazy Mar 9, 2005 12:43 PM Re: Re: Intro and Question

sorry - got to drag you back in - whoever heard of a Fraggle not wanting a discussion!


I think in a relationship there is a difference between not being able to have children and refusing to, whichever way round it is. Obviously these things should be discussed when a relationship starts to become serious, but that doesn't always happen. If you have already discussed this with a partner then they are aware of your opinions, but in many cases it is not discussed and quite natural to expect that you will have children.






Wednesday, March 09, 2005 8:16 PM

Re: Re: Intro and Question


two way street..

relationships have to be dealt with as that....

and if i can't have kids(fer wotever reason), is the other going t odump me because of that??? would i want to be with said person?

who knows...

thats wot communication is about

but....its still a choice..and some folks don't want kids, er don't want to breed er...


stop dragging me back into this!!!!


Til shade is gone, til water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day

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Hey Fraggke


> stop dragging me back into this!!!!

> hahahahahahahaha


Look at the shiny thing over there....


(There - that should keep him distracted for a while!)




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Hi Fraggle


> u mean vegan network would still be alive and kicking then??!


You mean it's not????.... and it's my fault???? Wow... the power.. maybe world domination isn't just a dream....




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I don't think everyone should want to breed, but I also don't think that people who do should be made to feel as though they have done something wrong.


Maybe you can look at camping locations tomorrow.






Wednesday, March 09, 2005 9:06 PM

Re: Re: Intro and Question



i guess it depends on yer situation/society/culture etc...

90% of my friends don't have kids...

er if they did have kids, had em quite young..


not everyone wants to breed...

and, again, wot's wrong with adopting? sure, you don't get to pass yer gene's on...big deal..my genes are no bloody prize anyways...isn't part of the point is to have a family and raise them to be the best lil beings you can?

if i got snipped, then years from now changed my mind, there are ways around it, and i'm not just talking surgical


not everyone wants kids..and all relationships are different...just all vegans are different and all dogs are different and all kids are different, etc...


for me, the breeder urge(sorry to use that term, but, eh, its wot i always have...) only shows up when i'm lonely and single fer a long length of time..thats not a reaon t ohave kids, that wanting attention...luckily it doesn't last long, and i can g oon with my life

for wot it is

and..in my case...me..kids???!! hahahaha..i can barely take care of myself..have enough problems with the fur kids and scaley kids and green kids...and busy screaming at and trying to save the world....

could you imagine me breeding?

i shudder at the concept



and to think..i was going to be looking at camping locations on my lunch break and reading in the sun...

fraggle Jo Cwazy Mar 9, 2005 12:43 PM Re: Re: Intro and Question

sorry - got to drag you back in - whoever heard of a Fraggle not wanting a discussion!


I think in a relationship there is a difference between not being able to have children and refusing to, whichever way round it is. Obviously these things should be discussed when a relationship starts to become serious, but that doesn't always happen. If you have already discussed this with a partner then they are aware of your opinions, but in many cases it is not discussed and quite natural to expect that you will have children.






Wednesday, March 09, 2005 8:16 PM

Re: Re: Intro and Question


two way street..

relationships have to be dealt with as that....

and if i can't have kids(fer wotever reason), is the other going t odump me because of that??? would i want to be with said person?

who knows...

thats wot communication is about

but....its still a choice..and some folks don't want kids, er don't want to breed er...


stop dragging me back into this!!!!

hahahahahahahahaTo send an email to -

Til shade is gone, til water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day

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ya sayin i made ya feel bad???



mayhaps we should all happily move off this subject, at least until the happy faerie returns----Original Message----- Jo Cwazy Mar 9, 2005 2:57 PM Re: Re: Intro and Question


I don't think everyone should want to breed, but I also don't think that people who do should be made to feel as though they have done something wrong.


Maybe you can look at camping locations tomorrow.



Til shade is gone, til water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day

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it would work better with beer Peter Mar 9, 2005 2:28 PM Re: Re: Intro and Question


Hey Fraggke


> stop dragging me back into this!!!!

> hahahahahahahaha


Look at the shiny thing over there....


(There - that should keep him distracted for a while!)



PeterTo send an email to -





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Why then you get a free pass in the pleasing other people department <g>






Wednesday, March 09, 2005 8:28 AM

Re: Re: Intro and Question


but wot if you already passed stark raving mad awhile ago





You can't make every decision in life based on making other people happy or you will go stark raving mad.Just a thought.SaraTo send an email to -

I’m gonna tell all you fascists you may be surprised

The people in this world are getting organized

You’re bound to lose, you fascists are bound to lose

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One, it isn't ludicrous. For starters, I think far too many women are forced into having children. The whole ego trip of "a son to carry on my name," is ludicrous. Good example is Yates.


Two, what has superiority got to do with this discussion? Although, I would probably say they are more future thinking.





Jo Cwazy

Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:14 AM

Re: Re: Intro and Question


Just because some people have 'spent much too much time doing more than replacing' does not mean that people should not have children at all - what a ludicrous idea.


Do you feel that people who do not have children are superior to those who do?





Further, man has spent much too much time doing more than replacing.To send an email to -

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Ah, we were talking about neutering pets and people (it's not natural, how do you know how pets feel, etc).






Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:11 AM

Re: Re: Intro and Question


Hi Lynda


> Do you use vitamins, supplements, use modern medicine, have your kids vaccinated? Those aren't natural!

> Pets aren't natural. If you want to go back to nature, then go the whole nine yards. And give up the computer,

> cherry picking is egotistical.


You appear to have completely missed the point. As a vegan, I live as far as is possible without harming others - it has nothing to do with wanting to "go back to nature". If we follow the logic that we shouldn't do anything modern, then perhaps we should go back to human sacrifice, slavery and reading of entrails. None of those could be considered "modern", but they certainly cause a lot of harm.


"Cherry picking", as you call it, is essential in the way everyone lives their lives. Some of us "cherry pick" due to our ethical views, others do it because they like to be a sheep and do what the rest of society does - then usually try to criticise those of us who are prepared to "stand out from the crowd" for actually caring. Personally, I'd rather pick and choose how to live sensibly than just be a sheep and continually do harm because otherwise I might get accused of "cherry picking".


PeterTo send an email to -

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Good, compromise and adopt a child.





Jo Cwazy

Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:03 AM

Re: Re: Intro and Question

I never suggested it was solely one person's decision - but you are. Icould be mistaken but I think love involves compromise and consideration,from both partners.Jo

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Human "invented" breeds are not natural. Sterilize them all or keep them seperate until they die out. Then let nature (those that live and have lived in nature and not been manipulated by and for humans) take its course. Not an oxymoron at all.






Wednesday, March 09, 2005 11:15 AM

Re: Re: Intro and Question


Hi Lynda


> And, people are saying that beef, chicken and so forth should not be raised for food. The only option that

> realistically leaves is to sterilize all those animals and when they die out they die out. then let nature take its

> course with the rest.


Food animals are specifically bred by breeders in order to produce enough for food. A large proportion of food cattle is produced through artificial incemination, and has nothing whatsoever to do with a "natural" process. If they stopped doing this, then the populations would return to a "normal" level within a generation, and there would be no need to sterilise anyone!


And if I might point out the oxymoron in your above statement, you can't "sterilise animals" *and* "let nature take its course" - the two are mutually exclusive!


PeterTo send an email to -

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Hmmm... good point. I know I did!



, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> but wot if you already passed stark raving mad awhile ago





You can't

make every decision in life based on making other people happy or

you will go stark raving mad.

Just a thought.


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Well, I prob should have known better than to say anything, but...

Yeah, love involves compromise. But compromise doesn't simply mean

one person does what the other person wants all the time. And

consideration doesn't mean you need to think of every possible " what

if " in the far future of your life to make every decision. Maybe

what I said sounded wrong from what I meant.

OK, I, like fraggle am stepping out of this conversation.



, " Jo Cwazy " <heartwork@c...> wrote:

> I never suggested it was solely one person's decision - but you

are. I

> could be mistaken but I think love involves compromise and


> from both partners.


> Jo

> > Dare I suggest that it's not solely that other person's choice to

> > decide if I have a kid, anyway? It is also my choice, and if I

> > decide I don't want to, then it's my decision to make. You can't

> > make every decision in life based on making other people happy or

> > you will go stark raving mad.

> > Just a thought.

> > Sara

> >

> > , " Jo Cwazy " <heartwork@c...>


> > > Hi Fraggle

> > > >*shrug*

> > > >what if you never want kids tho...

> > > >i know you've got at least one youngin Jo, but lotsa ppl


> > want kids..

> > > >and you could always adopt

> > > >lordy knows there are enough unwanted children already

> > > >just my two cents...

> > >

> > > .... but what if you meet someone and fall in love with them


> > they want a child? You really wouldn't want to deprive them of

> > their chance of being a mum/dad if that's what they want.

> > >

> > > Jo

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No. The general conversation from a few people gave the impression that having children was something that was not good. I just feel it necessary to counter that. I don't feel bad at all.


Who's kidnapped the happy faerie then?






Wednesday, March 09, 2005 11:51 PM

Re: Re: Intro and Question


ya sayin i made ya feel bad???



mayhaps we should all happily move off this subject, at least until the happy faerie returns----Original Message----- Jo Cwazy Mar 9, 2005 2:57 PM Re: Re: Intro and Question


I don't think everyone should want to breed, but I also don't think that people who do should be made to feel as though they have done something wrong.


Maybe you can look at camping locations tomorrow.


JoTo send an email to -

Til shade is gone, til water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day

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Hi Lynda


> Human " invented " breeds are not natural. Sterilize them all or keep them

> seperate until they die out. Then let nature (those that live and have

> lived in nature and not been manipulated by and for humans) take its

> course. Not an oxymoron at all.


So, on that basis, you would argue that the most unnatural breeds should

all be neutered and their species left to die out? Wouldn't you agree that

the most unnatural species of the lot is humans? I guess that sterilising

all humans would solve the vast majority of the world's problems! So,

let's take out the humans, and let nature take it's course with the rest

of the species.


I guess looking at it from a purely objective point of view, it's a great

plan, but speaking as a human, not one I'm particularly happy to go along

with! I'd prefer to not try to make decisions for nature, and let it do

it's own work. We've already messed up enough in the last 50 years by

trying to decide what is best for nature. Sometime it's got to strike

people that maybe nature can work without further interference from us.



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I don't - and neither do you.




, " Lynda " <lurine@s...> wrote:

> Ah, we were talking about neutering pets and people (it's not

natural, how do you know how pets feel, etc).


> Lynda

> -

> Peter


> Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:11 AM

> Re: Re: Intro and Question



> Hi Lynda


> > Do you use vitamins, supplements, use modern medicine, have

your kids vaccinated? Those aren't natural!

> > Pets aren't natural. If you want to go back to nature, then go

the whole nine yards. And give up the computer,

> > cherry picking is egotistical.


> You appear to have completely missed the point. As a vegan, I

live as far as is possible without harming others - it has nothing to

do with wanting to " go back to nature " . If we follow the logic that

we shouldn't do anything modern, then perhaps we should go back to

human sacrifice, slavery and reading of entrails. None of those could

be considered " modern " , but they certainly cause a lot of harm.


> " Cherry picking " , as you call it, is essential in the way

everyone lives their lives. Some of us " cherry pick " due to our

ethical views, others do it because they like to be a sheep and do

what the rest of society does - then usually try to criticise those

of us who are prepared to " stand out from the crowd " for actually

caring. Personally, I'd rather pick and choose how to live sensibly

than just be a sheep and continually do harm because otherwise I

might get accused of " cherry picking " .


> Peter



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